Don't miss the thrilling season finale of The Summit on CBS! Hosted by the dynamic Manu Bennett, this high-stakes adventure reaches its dramatic conclusion in the breathtaking yet unforgiving New Zealand Alps. Sixteen brave competitors have battled extreme conditions, grueling challenges, and fierce rivalries, pushing their limits in resilience, strategy, and determination. Now, it all comes down to this—a pulse-pounding final showdown where every decision could mean victory or defeat. Tune in for the adrenaline-charged climax of an epic journey, only on CBS!
The Summit Hosted by:
Manu Bennett
Stream The Summit Season 1 now on Paramount+!
The Summit Hosted by:
Manu Bennett
Stream The Summit Season 1 now on Paramount+!
00:00Oh, God. People do that for fun?
00:07It's slippery.
00:09Don't fall.
00:18Oh my gosh.
00:20Get me up this thing.
00:27Nick, come on up, baby.
00:31It's so pretty up here.
00:47We made it!
00:49Congrats, man. Congrats.
00:5314 days later, man.
00:5514 days.
01:01Y'all ready?
01:05We made it.