• last year
Experience this pivotal moment on CBS' The Summit! Hosted by the charismatic Manu Bennett, this high-stakes competition unfolds amidst the stunning yet perilous New Zealand Alps. Sixteen competitors have faced unforgiving conditions, grueling challenges, and intense rivalries, testing their resilience, strategy, and sheer determination. Every choice has led to this electrifying moment—a heart-pounding quest for triumph in the face of relentless adversity. Don’t miss the adrenaline-fueled journey on CBS!

The Summit Hosted by:

Manu Bennett

Stream The Summit Season 1 now on Paramount+!


00:00I hope it's something to help us you got it
00:09all right come on between you and the summit is an impassable chasm the only
00:18way to cross is on a long line attached to a helicopter what the first person
00:24you choose will cross with all of the money hold on tight it's a hell of a
00:28ride the mountains keeper oh my god I say let's you want Nick to do it or I
00:34would like to do it the mountain keepers kind of a little bit of a wild card so I
00:40want to go first but if I challenge pumpkin too much and she still goes she
00:45could be questioning my loyalty to her so I have to be very careful how much I
00:50push because it could cost me my game I would like to lead if y'all trust me
00:56enough to so one person holds the money yeah I mean you guys trust me of course
01:05yeah I'm good with whatever y'all want to do all right we all got to reach the
01:09summit we have a small window to do it okay my military background means that I
01:16am able to be mentally resilient and doing all these obstacles it's almost
01:20like my mission and it's just something that we have to do in order to reach the
01:24summit in time
01:26hold on to you
01:28pumpkin you got this
01:30you can do this
01:32hold me tight please
01:38oh my god
01:40oh this is crazy
01:44what is happening
01:48well there goes our money
01:53oh my god
02:09oh my gosh
02:16testing one two three pumpkin how we doing over there
02:22are you landing
02:24this girl is not answering
02:26she's probably still getting her backpack
02:34I just landed safely
02:36you got the money
02:38give me a second
02:40thank you pumpkin
02:42enjoy your ride
02:44it comes at a cost
02:48use the radio
02:50to choose who will cross next
02:52after crossing
02:54that person will choose who is next
02:56when there is one person left
03:08when there is one person left
03:10cancel the helicopter
03:12leaving them behind
03:14as payment
03:16for this crossing
03:19let us know who is coming over next
03:21in the end
03:23they may be gone
03:25but their money stays with the group
03:27the mountains keeper
03:33pumpkin can you hear me
