• last year
La Habana se llena de zombies en ‘Juan de los Muertos’, una película cubana que establece un inquietante paralelismo con la vida cotidiana en la isla. Edificios en ruinas, hambre, apagones, migración… ¿Qué le falta a Cuba para vivir su propio apocalipsis zombie?
Desde el Festival de Cine en Miami, con la participación online de su director, esta comedia negra, ganadora de un premio Goya, sigue impactando por su vigencia y su retrato de la decadente realidad cubana.
Reportaje exclusivo para ADN Cuba por Nitsy Grau.
#JuanDeLosMuertos #CineCubano #Cuba #FestivalDeCineMiami #RealidadCubana #ApocalipsisZombie 🎬🧟‍♂️🇨🇺💥🌊🍴🔌


00:00Havana is full of zombies, buildings fall, streets are full of garbage and misery, elevators don't work, looking for food is a odyssey.
00:10In the background, the signs of father or death remain in the middle of dust and rot. The exit is in the dangerous sea.
00:19But no, it's not reality.
00:21We are talking about the Cuban film Juan de los Muertos, a comedy that, unfortunately, is becoming more and more like life on the island.
00:30A carefully detailed caricature of the decadent daily life of the Cuban.
00:35Well, the story of Juan de los Muertos, as Bruguero recently told Sara Moreno in the new Herald,
00:47it turns out that he was walking through Havana with his producer after making Person of Belonging, which is a fairly interesting film, in 2006.
00:55And then suddenly, I don't know if it was the producer who told him, look at the people walking through Havana, they look like zombies.
01:03And he stayed meditating and said, that's the pressure of the film.
01:06Juan de los Muertos, we kill your loved ones, what can I do for you?
01:08Incredible, it was a challenge, because this is a genre that needs many special effects, and I think they are achieved.
01:15We are talking about the fact that at that time there was no artificial intelligence, much less Cuba had a digital industry that could face a film like the one that was being proposed.
01:27And I've seen it several times, and I've seen it again, and it seems to me that in addition to the whole factory itself, the validity of this film.
01:36Juan de los Muertos, a Cuban film that won a Goya Award, is presented in Miami as part of the film festival of this city, with the online presence of its director,
01:46and receives the applause of an audience that never ceases to be amazed at its sad parallelism with reality.
01:54Juan de los Muertos is still a revelatory film, revelatory for Cubans, although sadly very current, right?
02:02He himself says, and I quote him again, that he never thought, because he is not a pessimist, says Bruez, that he never thought that the film would have validity.
02:12He would think no, he would not have wanted it to have validity, but every time a person sees it for the first time,
02:20he says, my God, that looks like a Havana right now.
02:25Especially that, with the ruins, the deterioration, people walking down the street looking for their food, with habitats that look like zombies.
02:35Everything that was spoken, that I can add, has a lot of validity, it is very good, it is very good 15 years later.
02:42And what a beautiful night, right? To be able to talk to the director and everything.
02:45Obviously it is a criticism, as they said, as a metaphor for Cuban society, but said in a very intelligent and very nice way.
02:54But the message is there.
02:56Do you think the film is current?
02:59Of course, of course, a lot, unfortunately.
03:03Migration, hunger and invention.
03:06Flee, take advantage of the situation, resist.
03:10What is missing in Cuba besides blackouts, hunger, violence and repression?
03:15A zombie apocalypse?
