• 2 months ago
Congresistas reaccionan a decisión de sacar a Cuba de la lista de países terroristas.
Los congresistas cubanoamericanos María Elvira Salazar, Mario Díaz Balart y Carlos A. Giménez reaccionaron a la decisión de la administración Biden de sacar a Cuba de la lista de países terroristas.


00:00This is only the last betrayal to the national security of the United States, to the cause of the freedom of the Cuban people, of President Biden and the Biden-Harris administration.
00:12We are not surprised. This is a president who has done everything possible, President Biden and his administration, to help the tyranny in Havana, as well as the tyranny in Managua and the tyranny in Caracas.
00:23We are not surprised that this president betrays the United States, betraying also the cause of the freedom of the Cuban people.
00:31And what he does is basically give economic oxygen to the repressive apparatus of the Castro regime so that it continues to repress people.
00:38That's basically what he does. He gives them a bucket of money so that they can continue in power.
00:44And even so, Blinken, in the Foreign Relations Committee, told me very clearly that they were not thinking of removing Cuba from the list.
00:52But they called my office a few hours ago saying that the White House had said, had sent the directive, or had sent the order to remove Cuba from the list of terrorist countries.
01:04Why didn't Blinken resign at that time? And why did he say, no, I'm not going to do that? We are talking about a single week.
01:12As I have always said, during the four years of President Biden, never listen to what he is saying, you have to look at what he is doing.
01:20And this is a final act. Well, it may not be final, because he still has five days to damage the interests of the United States,
01:27but also to damage the interests of the Cuban people, the Cubans who deserve freedom.
01:32He is crushing again, rejecting all those dreams. So it doesn't surprise me because this president has always made the wrong decision.
01:43That's why we are in the situation we are in today. And President Trump can't get there fast enough.
01:50So please, in five days, don't do anything worse than this. But this president has been a disaster.
01:57But thank God, President Trump comes, the best friend who has had the cause of freedom in the world, but particularly in this hemisphere.
02:04And all this damage that Biden and Blinken and Harris are doing, and all their gang of crypto communists and socialists.
02:15All this, President Trump will be able to reverse it, thanks to the electorate, thanks to President Trump.
02:22So this is just a momentary thing that hurts, but President Trump will be able to crush and put in the dumpster of history,
02:32the administration of Biden and Harris.
02:35And the three of us will be remembering President Trump from next Monday, which is when he takes office.
02:42So it may be a very short party in the Castro regime.
