• last year
Prepare to be captivated by The Santa Class, a heartwarming holiday drama directed by the talented Lucie Guest. Premiering on Hallmark on December 14, 2024, this enchanting film blends love, laughter, and adventure into a festive story that’s sure to become a seasonal favorite. Featuring standout performances by Kimberley Sustad and Benjamin Ayres, The Santa Class promises to charm viewers with its heartfelt moments and holiday magic. Mark your calendars for an unforgettable premiere that will fill your heart with joy and your season with cheer!

The Santa Class Cast:

Kimberley Sustad, Benjamin Ayres, Trevor Lerner, Eric Pollins, Alessandro Miro, Ryan Biel, Carmel Amit and Gary Jones

Stream The Santa Class December 14, 2024 on Hallmark!


00:00It takes many things to be a great Santa.
00:08Knowledge, theatricality, emotional intelligence,
00:11but it also takes strength.
00:14A weak Santa is no Santa at all,
00:17which is why we have the obstacle course.
00:21You will walk across the rooftop,
00:23you will tiptoe through the living room,
00:25you will duck under the Christmas tree lights,
00:27you will fill your Santa sack full of presents.
00:30Are you ready?
00:32Whoo! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
00:34I can't hear you. Are you ready?
00:37Ah! Coming through!
00:39Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
00:45Take my hand!
00:51Is this what it's always like on the first pass?
00:53Kind of.
00:54So they get better?
00:56Kind of.
00:57Is it around my neck?
00:58The Santa Class, part of Countdown to Christmas,
01:01only on Hallmark Channel.
