• last year
Prepare to be captivated by Christmas on Call, a heartwarming romantic drama directed by the acclaimed Jeff Beesley. Set to premiere on Hallmark on November 22, 2024, this enchanting film tells a tale of love, laughter, and unexpected adventures. Featuring stellar performances by Sara Canning and Ser'Darius Blain, the movie is poised to deliver a magical viewing experience that will tug at your heartstrings and light up your holiday season. Mark your calendars for this unforgettable premiere—you won’t want to miss it!

Christmas on Call Cast:

Sara Canning, Ser'Darius Blain, Erik Athavale, Reena Jolly, Tamara Almeida, Alec Carlos, Lauren Cochrane, Paul Essiembre, John B Lowe, Anjali Sandhu, Isla Verot and Chase Winnicky

Stream Christmas on Call November 22, 2024 on Hallmark!


00:00All right, all right, let's move it, people.
00:09The clock is ticking.
00:11Who's got that inflatable Santa?
00:13Yeah, he needs to be up on the roof.
00:16Hey, glad you could make it.
00:18Well, thanks for inviting me.
00:19This is such a nice thing to do.
00:21Yeah, well, my kindness is currently reaching its limit.
00:25Isn't there some sort of phrase about how
00:27you can judge somebody by how they deal with rainy days
00:29lost luggage?
00:30Tingle's Christmas lights, yeah.
00:32So much for first impressions, because I am losing my mind.
00:35Let me help.
00:36Kind of a knot-knot.
00:38Like tying them or untying them?
00:40Sutures are my favorite, though.
00:42The most satisfying thing in the world,
00:44except for taking them out.
00:48Hey, I love the ugly Christmas sweater.
00:57Kind of a Christmas nut, too.
00:59Christmas On Call, only on Hallmark Channel.
