• last year
Prepare to be charmed by Believe in Christmas, a heartwarming holiday romantic comedy directed by the acclaimed Christie Will Wolf. Premiering on Hallmark on November 30, 2024, this enchanting film delivers a perfect blend of love, laughter, and festive spirit. Starring the talented duo Meghan Ory and John Reardon, their captivating performances promise to make this story an unforgettable holiday treat. Don’t miss the magic—mark your calendars for a feel-good experience that will brighten your season!

Believe in Christmas Cast:

Meghan Ory, John Reardon, Lindura, Kevin Hanchard, Kirstin Howell, Cathy Jones and Hank White

Stream Believe in Christmas November 30, 2024 on Hallmark!


00:00So everyone in this town just really loves Christmas.
00:08Yeah, something like that.
00:09Book the ultimate romantic destination, Christmasland, where all your holiday dreams come true.
00:16Believe in Christmas.
00:17Only on Hallmark Channel.
