• last year
(Adnkronos) - "Occorre che a Bruxelles qualcuno si svegli da questo suicidio chiamato ‘Green deal’. Servono più tempo, risorse e buon senso per mettere al bando i motori a benzina e diesel entro pochi anni. È una follia che avvantaggerebbe solo la Cina”. Sono le parole del Ministro dei trasporti e delle infrastrutture, Matteo Salvini, intervenendo a Roma all'Assemblea generale di Alis - Associazione logistica dell'intermodalità sostenibile.


00:00It is one of the most productive, innovative, green but with the head, not green ideological
00:15to the European Union with closures and licensing, so as Minister of Transport and Infrastructure
00:20we bring investments on roads, highways, railways, sea bonus, railroad bonus, vouchers for patents
00:27to find drivers who drive a truck that brings what is needed in houses and supermarkets
00:34so in two years of road we have done a lot together.
00:39In the last tax decree we found other money to guarantee at least a thousand patents for more drivers
00:46and then on the renewal of the fleets we are working.
00:49Obviously it is necessary, I will be Thursday in Brussels at the European Transport Council,
00:54someone wakes up and stops, from this suicide called Green Deal that would put us on our knees
01:05because it takes more time, more resources and good sense,
01:09put aside the gasoline and diesel engines in a few years, it is madness that only China will advance.
01:16Since two-thirds of Italian goods travel on rubber, I can invest billions of euros
01:21that we are doing on highways, third, fourth, fifth lane,
01:24but if they block my vehicles and put me out of law the engines, it is a problem.
01:30The ETS tax on transport, on the air, on the sea is madness,
01:36it means losing traffic and work in Europe to advantage the extra-European ports,
01:41so I count that in Brussels they wake up and I count that the victory of Trump helps this awakening
01:47because they have already said that these ecophilias that are an economic suicide will be suspended.
