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“أسرار غامضة وراء عطسة الشمس.. هل هي مجرد صدفة أم هناك تفسير خفي؟ اكتشف الرابط العجيب بين الضوء والعطس في تجربة لن تراها بنفس الطريقة مرة أخرى!”

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00:00It happens to you when you're walking down the street or you just woke up
00:03and you suddenly look at the sun
00:05and you start to feel a bit dizzy
00:08Don't worry, you're not alone
00:10A lot of people have the same problem
00:13But what's the secret?
00:16This phenomenon is called light dizziness
00:19In principle, it's all about the nerves
00:22and here we're specifically talking about the optic nerve and the trigeminal nerve
00:27When your eye is exposed to the bright sunlight
00:29the optic nerve sends signals to the brain
00:32to interact with the light
00:34But for some people, the signals of the eye
00:36are mixed with the signals of the trigeminal nerve
00:39which is responsible for everything in your face
00:42such as the feeling of heat and cold
00:44Therefore, the brain thinks that something wants to get out of the nose
00:48so you get dizziness
00:49And some scientists say that this phenomenon is genetically inherited
00:53So if anyone in the family has the same problem
00:56you can find it with you
00:57Scientists have found that about 25% of people
01:00get dizziness when they look at the sun
01:02and this is often a genetic thing from generation to generation
01:05It's not a big deal
01:07But if you're driving a car or working in a place full of bright light
01:11dizziness can disturb you a little
01:13That's why if you're one of those people who get dizziness because of the sun
01:17you can use glasses to protect your eyes from direct light
01:24Sorry, dizziness is a disease
01:26And now, we'll tell you about it in the next video
