• 2 months ago
إزاي تزود ثقتك بنفسك خطوة بخطوة؟

لو بتدور على طريقة تزود بيها ثقتك في نفسك وتواجه الحياة بقوة، الفيديو ده ليك! خطوات بسيطة وفعالة هتساعدك تبني ثقة حقيقية وتواجه أي تحدي بكل شجاعة. متفوتش الفرصة دي وابدأ رحلتك للتغيير دلوقتي!

المزيد من التفاصيل والفيديوهات اشترك في قناتنا علي اليوتيوب وتابعونا على الصفحات الرسميه مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي ↓↓↓↓

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#ElConsolto #الثقة_بالنفس


00:00What is self-confidence?
00:07Many people fail in their lives despite having all the elements of success.
00:11Many people are not able to make decisions in their lives despite knowing what is right.
00:15Many people are not able to get out of toxic relationships despite knowing that these relationships hurt them.
00:20All of this is because of a lack of self-confidence.
00:23So, what is self-confidence?
00:25Self-confidence is knowing when you are.
00:27Self-confidence is not waiting for someone to tell you what you are.
00:30Self-confidence is knowing your strengths and weaknesses.
00:32Because some people understand that self-confidence is knowing only your strengths.
00:36No, you know everything about yourself.
00:38You know your strengths and how to use them.
00:40You know your weaknesses and how to get rid of them.
00:42Or at least you don't hurt anyone with your weaknesses.
00:44You know what you like and what you hate.
00:47You know everything about yourself.
00:49Some people understand that self-confidence is arrogance.
00:53There is a big difference between being confident and being arrogant.
00:56Self-confidence is knowing that you are good, but knowing that there is something better than you.
01:00Arrogance is understanding that you are the only good person in this world.
01:04This is wrong and not what you are supposed to do.
01:06So, what makes you not be confident?
01:08First of all, comparison.
01:10You make a comparison between other people's strengths and your weaknesses.
01:13This is very unfair to yourself.
01:15If other people have strengths, you also have strengths.
01:17If you have weaknesses, others also have weaknesses.
01:20If others are successful in one field, you can be successful in another.
01:23Don't judge yourself.
01:25Let your self-evaluation come from yourself.
01:28This comparison will always be like this.
01:30Your circumstances are different from other people's circumstances.
01:32Your life is different from other people's lives.
01:34This is one thing.
01:35The second thing is that you respond to negative comments.
01:38What you say to yourself and what you hear from others about you.
01:41Anyone who says something to you is his opinion.
01:43These are his thoughts and convictions.
01:45This is not you.
01:46You are the best creature.
01:48You are the God who loves you.
01:50You are not the opinion of the person who is talking about you.
01:53Negative comments destroy you.
01:55What do you do to change this?
01:57First, separate your personality from your behavior.
02:00This means that you have misbehaved.
02:02Talk about this behavior and how to improve it.
02:05But not you at all.
02:07Learn how to set boundaries for others.
02:10Don't let them cross your boundaries.
02:12Keep your psychological boundaries.
02:14It is the right of others to comment on your behavior, but with good manners.
02:18But it is not their right to evaluate you.
02:20You are the one who gives others a chance to destroy you.
02:22Try once, twice, and three times.
02:24Trust yourself.
02:26Suppose you don't know certain skills.
02:28It is normal to learn them and gain skills.
02:30Try once, twice, and three times.
02:32Your self-confidence will decrease.
02:34This is one thing.
02:35The second thing is that you have very high expectations.
02:37For example, you expect that if you do anything, you will achieve the highest levels of success.
02:42This will not happen.
02:44You start success step by step.
02:46Even if you succeed with a small percentage,
02:48with time and training, this percentage will increase.
02:50So, increase your self-confidence.
02:52Taha Hussein was blind.
02:54He lost his sight when he was four years old.
02:56I think this way, he should say,
02:58No, I am not confident in myself.
03:00I don't have any resistance to success.
03:02But no, Taha Hussein worked on himself
03:04until he became an Arabic literature teacher.
03:07Taha Hussein wrote a lot of works.
03:09He challenged himself and his responsibilities.
03:11Why are you not confident in yourself?
03:13Find the reason and increase your self-confidence.
