• l’année dernière
00:00Go! Go! Go! First watch'em! Go! Go! Go!
00:03Two little Indians, no others near!
00:07Colonel, he vows these two soon disappear!
00:11Fighting the army, blue soldiers galore!
00:14What can two Indians do?
00:18Go! Go! Go! First watch'em! Go! Go! Go!
00:21Go! Go! Go! First watch'em! Go! Go! Go!
00:25Here comes the colonel with his sergeant,
00:27Both a-roarin' and a-chargin'!
00:29Go! Go! Go! First watch'em! Go! Go! Go!
00:32Go! Go! Go! First watch'em! Go! Go! Go!
00:59Including the gopher Indian teepee!
01:05Uh-oh! Colonel got no weapon!
01:08What it do?
01:18Weapon roll over anything!
01:20That bad!
01:22You got'em planned!
01:29We have fun!
01:32All right, sergeant!
01:35Let's get those gopher Indians!
01:50It must be a forest fire!
01:53Halt! Stop the tank!
02:16A nasty Indian trick, sergeant!
02:19But it won't happen again!
02:21This time I'll keep my head outside the tank!
02:24But the tank looks in bad shape, colonel.
02:26Nonsense, sergeant!
02:28It would take a catastrophe to stop an army tank!
02:33We dig hole on this side of road and we dig hole on other side of road.
02:38Now what we do?
02:43Cover up both holes good!
02:45Then put branches and straw in middle of road!
02:49Me understand!
02:51Oopy-doopy! We have fun!
02:55Hold on, sergeant!
02:58Something strange up ahead!
03:01What is it, sir?
03:03An obvious Indian trick, sergeant!
03:06They've dug a hole right in the middle of the road
03:10and covered it with branches and straw!
03:13We'll show those ignorant savages a thing or two!
03:17How's that, colonel?
03:19Go around it, sergeant! We'll go around it!
03:25Bully! They'll never fool the U.S. Army!
03:36Begging the colonel's pardon, this tank looks in real bad shape.
03:41Nonsense, sergeant!
03:44It would take a catastrophe to stop an army tank!
03:50This time we're attacking up the mountain trail.
03:53They'll never expect us that way!
03:55And we'll drive right over their teepee!
03:59Full speed ahead, sergeant!
04:07Up there, sergeant! The teepee!
04:10We've won at last!
04:13Bully! Drive right over their teepee, sergeant!
04:17Ah, this is a great day for the army!
04:23Well, I reckon the colonel finally got his catastrophe.
04:27You'll be around for our next adventure, yeah?
04:30It ought to be a catastrophe, too.
04:36Uh, tanks, sergeant! Tanks!
04:40You're welcome, colonel.
