• last year
Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) Erick Thohir dan Menteri Perumahan dan Kawasan Permukiman (PKP) Maruarar Sirait (Ara) meninjau sejumlah aset milik perusahaan pelat merah. Langkah ini untuk mendukung program 3 juta rumah bagi masyarakat berpenghasilan rendah (MBR).

Rencananya, program 3 juta rumah yang dibangun pemerintah di atas aset BUMN akan berkonsep Transit Oriented Development (TOD) alias perumahaan yang terintegrasi dengan sistem transportasi.


00:00BWMN Erick Thohir and the Minister of Housing and Residential Area, Maru Arar Siraik,
00:10are investigating a number of transit-oriented development projects
00:13that are integrated with other commuter stations.
00:16The visit was conducted to evaluate a vertical housing project
00:20that focuses on the development of urban areas.
00:23BWMN Erick Thohir and the Minister of Housing and Residential Area, Maru Arar Siraik,
00:32are investigating a number of vertical housing projects
00:35that focus on transit-oriented development, or TOD,
00:38in a number of train stations, such as Pondok Cina and Tanjung Barat.
00:42To test the availability of facilities,
00:44the two ministers of the Red and White Cabinet
00:46are investigating directly into the housing unit
00:48and using KRL Jabodebek through the station adjacent to the housing unit.
00:53The Minister of Housing and Residential Area, Erick Thohir, said
00:56that BWMN has nine TODs.
00:59However, it is still not enough
01:02because the number of housing backlog is still high.
01:05The parties will continue to collaborate,
01:07especially with the Ministry of Housing and Residential Area,
01:10in providing housing for the community.
01:13Thank you for your support.
01:15We already have nine TODs like this.
01:20I know it's not enough,
01:22but at least the initial intention has been carried out.
01:25There needs to be improvisation,
01:27but I am sure that if the regulations are simplified,
01:30this will greatly facilitate the dreams of the President and Mr. Arar,
01:35who are tasked today to make a breakthrough in housing for the people.
01:40Meanwhile, the Minister of Housing and Residential Area, Maru Arar Siraik,
01:44said that this investigation is carried out
01:46in order to find out the problems in the housing area that has been built,
01:50until finding a solution so that the people can easily and comfortably have housing.
01:55So there are some points we want to see.
01:57We will highlight the opportunities, problems, and preparedness.
02:02Because many ideal countries have not been maximized
02:06and not regulated all this time.
02:08And many have been emigrated,
02:11and even emigrated.
02:13Of course, we have to find a solution to solve the existing problems.
02:18The two ministers of the Red and White Cabinet
02:20are also investing in a number of land assets owned by PTKAI,
02:23which may be beneficial for the people around Jabodebeng.
02:27Jakarta Hari, Kian Wargi, ADEXJ.
