• last year
Kerja sama Indonesia-Jepang terus dimaksimalkan. Menteri Perhubungan (Menhub) Budi Karya Sumadi melakukan komitmen kerja sama dengan Pemerintahan Jepang di bidang transportasi proyek MRT Jakarta lintas Timur-Barat (East-West), hingga Pelabuhan Patimban.


00:00 The Japanese-Indonesian cooperation is continuing to be maximized.
00:03 The latest, the Minister of Trade and Industry, Sumadi,
00:06 has made a cooperation commitment with the Japanese government in the field of transportation.
00:10 The MRT project is going to Jakarta, East-West, and to the Port of Patimpan.
00:15 The Minister of Trade and Industry, Sumadi, has visited Tokyo, Japan.
00:24 During the visit,
00:25 the Minister met with Japanese officials to discuss cooperation commitments in the field of transportation.
00:30 The official Japanese-Indonesian ally produced a memorandum of cooperation,
00:35 which strengthens the commitment of both countries to increase cooperation in various fields of transportation,
00:41 starting from the North-South Jakarta MRT project,
00:45 to the construction of the Port of Patimpan, West Java.
00:48 The Japanese client was involved in the signing of the CP205 package contract
00:53 between MRT Jakarta and Solgis Corporation.
00:56 Meanwhile, for the progress of the construction of the Port of Patimban, phase 1 and 2 have now entered,
01:01 including the expansion of terminal cars targeted to be completed by 2025,
01:05 the expansion of terminal containers, as well as the construction of services for design and software.
01:09 The Minister of Trade and Industry also hopes to strengthen cooperation between the Ministry of Trade and Industry
01:14 with the Japan Transport and Tourism Research Institute or JTTRI
01:18 in the field of rail, transportation policy and development of the DHTM.
01:22 Scheduled for August, the construction of the latest Jakarta MRT project
01:28 will be completed in September 2024,
01:30 and soft openings will be held for testing in several facilities related to the Bekasi drone proffering project,
01:36 various sources for IDX Juno.
01:39 [Music]
