Art et designTranscription
00:00🎵 Papparapaparaparaparara 🎵
00:03🎵 Riri riri riri riri riri ripipaou 🎵
00:07🎵 Pa-pa-pa-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra 🎵
00:11🎵 Pa-pa-poo-pili-pum-papara 🎵
00:13** équerre qui s'ouvre **
00:14Heru, écoutez les trois règles du Ninja.
00:17Oui, maître.
00:18Règle numéro 1,
00:19un Ninja doit toujours protéger les autres de danger.
00:23** sonnerie de téléphone **
00:24Bonjour, je suis...
00:25Aïe ça craque !
00:26** cri **
00:28Héro, quelle est la deuxième règle du ninja?
00:31La règle numéro deux est...
00:33Un ninja doit servir son collègue.
00:36Oh, maman a oublié de couper mon sandwich aujourd'hui.
00:39Je vais couper ton sandwich à la main.
00:43Mmm! Moustard et pomme d'eau. Pas mal.
00:47Vous êtes bienvenue.
00:51Quelle est la troisième règle du ninja?
00:53La troisième règle du ninja est...
00:56Un ninja doit accepter toutes les missions dangereuses.
00:59Le déjeuner est prêt.
01:00J'en ai besoin.
01:01Qui veut envoyer ces cups de poudre aux enfants de l'extérieur?
01:04J'accepte cette mission!
01:07Je vais!
01:08Chef! Chef!
01:11Ok, Héro, mais promets-moi que tu porteras ça comme un enfant normal.
01:15Pas de nonsense ninja.
01:17Je ne t'arrêterai pas sur cette mission dangereuse.
01:19Tu le fais encore!
01:20Tu fais le ninja.
01:22Il faut arrêter.
01:23Tu as mon ordre.
01:24Très bien. Mettez les snacks.
01:33Super! Il a le gong de nouveau.
01:36Attention! Je, votre classe ninja, ai voyagé de longs pas pour vous apporter ce snack d'aujourd'hui.
01:42Qu'est-ce que c'est? Qu'est-ce que c'est? Qu'est-ce que c'est?
01:44Les cups de poudre!
01:50Pouvons-nous les avoir?
01:53Au son du gong, l'heure du snack commence.
01:57Oh non!
02:00Avez-vous envie d'un peu plus de thé?
02:03Les cups de poudre!
02:05Je les sauverai!
02:12Des mouvements incroyables, Beth! Tu es comme un ninja!
02:16Beth ne peut pas être un ninja. Je suis le ninja de la classe!
02:21Nous devons vous appeler Ninja Beth!
02:24Ouais, Ninja Beth!
02:26Hurray! Hurray!
02:29Attends! Je suis le ninja! Je suis Ninja Harold!
02:32C'est un peu comme le nom de Ninja Beth.
02:36Si je ne suis pas un ninja, pourquoi j'ai ce ribbon ninja?
02:41Parce qu'il est gratuit dans chaque boîte de cereal.
02:44Je suis sûre qu'on en a tous un.
02:46Oui! Regardez! J'en ai un.
02:48J'en ai trois!
02:54Ninja Beth! Ninja Beth! Ninja Beth!
02:58Peut-être qu'ils ont raison. Je n'ai même pas fini ma mission.
03:01Tout ma vie, j'ai voulu être un ninja.
03:04Si je ne suis pas un ninja, qui suis-je?
03:07Qui suis-je?
03:38Un fournisseur?
03:40Si je ne suis pas un ninja, peut-être que je suis un fournisseur!
03:45Qui a ordonné le burger à la crème?
03:48Hi, I'd like to apply for the dishwasher job and...
03:59Wow, kid, you're no dishwasher, you're some kind of ninja!
04:03Ninja! Ninja!
04:06You're right! I am a ninja!
04:11Ninja back! Ninja back! Ninja back! Ninja back!
04:17Hmm, she's a food ninja too!
04:21Here, Beth, catch this!
04:26Boy, Harold, you were in the bathroom for a long time!
04:30Beth, I challenge you to an ultimate skills battle!
04:37The winner gets to be class ninja and the loser doesn't!
04:41It's okay, Harold, you can be the...
04:42Why can't there just be two ninjas?
04:44Because the ninja rules say so and everyone knows that real ninjas don't wear silly bee costumes!
04:55Oh, snap!
04:57What did you just say?
05:00He shouldn't have said that!
05:02I was just gonna let him be the class ninja, but now...
05:07Challenge accepted!
05:11Yes! This is gonna get so ugly!
05:15Welcome to the first...
05:17And probably last...
05:18Class Ninja Battle Challenge Royale!
05:21Let's meet the competitors.
05:23First up is Beth, 46 pounds, nicknamed Ninja Beth.
05:27She's about to try karate chopping through three ice pop sticks.
05:32Three ice pop sticks! Wow! Can her challenger chop through four?
05:36We'll have to wait and see.
05:38Beth's challenger is Harold.
05:4053 pounds and once lost a fight to a chicken.
05:43We are just waiting on his four ice pop sticks.
05:46Oh, here they come now.
05:51Ow! Brain free!
05:59Oh, I guess Ninja Beth took that one.
06:02Now we go to the mousetrap minefield.
06:05You need to cross the minefield of traps.
06:07Piece of cake!
06:10While dodging dodgeballs.
06:18Wow! He's not missing a single trap, is he?
06:21No, he is not.
06:23Thanks for clearing a path, Harold.
06:25You're not welcome.
06:27It's another victory for Beth.
06:29I kind of feel bad for Harold. Maybe I should just...
06:32Beth, I will defeat you because I am better than you
06:36in every single way!
06:40Not feeling so bad about it now.
06:42Time for the final event in the Class Ninja Battle Challenge Royale.
06:46And the title's still up for grabs because no one has been keeping count.
06:50And we haven't learned math.
06:52Yep. Whoever wins this event will be named Class Ninja.
06:56It starts with a race down the slide full of fire ants.
06:59Why do they call them fire ants?
07:02Then, across the monkey bars with real monkeys.
07:06And they look pretty surly.
07:07No problem.
07:08I thought this was going to be hard.
07:11Gotta make it across the snapping crab sandbox
07:14before crossing the tofu-greased teeter-totter.
07:17But it doesn't end there.
07:19Next, we test the would-be ninja swimming skills
07:21with a splash pad dash through piranha territory.
07:26Then finally, take a leap of faith over the pit of sharp objects.
07:31And break through the winner's ribbon.
07:33Harold, you're up first.
07:38On your mark...
07:39A real ninja can do anything he puts his mind to.
07:43Get set...
07:45Time to show them I'm the greatest ninja that ever lived!
07:50I can't! I can't do it!
07:51It's just too scary! I'm scared! I'm not looking!
07:53Harold's given up.
07:55Best remains Class Ninja.
07:59You won! Fair and square.
08:03About that...
08:04I don't really want to be a ninja.
08:08I only took the challenge because you said my bee outfit was silly.
08:11I didn't mean that.
08:13I think bees are cool.
08:15You do?
08:16Oh, yeah!
08:17Did you know that a honeybee can fly...
08:1960 miles per hour!
08:22Harold, if I become Class Ninja, who will be the Class Bee?
08:26Le travail de ninja est à toi.
08:28Always has been, always will be.
08:31High five!
08:33Feu! Feu bruyant!
08:35Dibs on his cubby.
08:44Maybe he says no!
08:48Way to go, Ninja Harold!
08:52Hey guys, look what I made!
08:54Je l'appelle le Piranha Launcher!
09:09Mauvais poisson, mauvais!
09:15Bridgette, tu étais comme...
09:17Oh non!
09:18Un ninja!