• last year
There's always a new miracle beauty product that someone will tell you can fix all of your skincare problems, but it's important to really take a look at those ingredients on the label. Our skin might be able to put up with a lot, but there are some things that should never touch our skin, especially on our face. A lot of things that companies claim are good for your face will really only lead to more dry skin, so it's always important to do some research. Let's take a look at nine items that should never touch your face.


00:00There are some great skincare DIYs and hacks out there, but according to the experts, there
00:05are also a lot of things that should never go anywhere near your face.
00:09How many times have you run out of facial moisturizer and decided to just use some body
00:14In a pinch, it's fine, right?
00:16Well, probably, but routinely lathering your face with lotion that's designed for your
00:20body is a big fat nope because it can lead to blocked pores.
00:25If you've been relying on body lotion for your whole body, you should look for moisturizers
00:29specifically designed for your face.
00:31A good moisturizer will give you the key ingredients your skin needs to feel clean and hydrated.
00:37Just what should you be using to wash your face?
00:39As a kid, you may have used a handy-dandy bar of soap.
00:42As an adult, however, that's not the best idea.
00:46Zoe DiDreilos, a clinical associate professor of dermatology in North Carolina, explained
00:51to Fox News,
00:52"...cleansing the skin is a fine balance between balancing the skin's hygiene and leaving substances
00:57that are integral for the functioning of the skin."
01:00According to dermatologist Ellen Marmer, bar soap utilizes chemicals that are both tough
01:04on the skin and unnatural.
01:06The result is, quote,
01:08"...rough, dry, and itchy skin."
01:10How hot do you take your showers?
01:12Chances are, probably too hot.
01:15Sejal Shah, a dermatologist in New York City, explained to Women's Health that the best
01:20shower temperature for your skin is around lukewarm.
01:24Most experts agree that water below a temperature of 110 degrees is best.
01:28Shah explained,
01:29"...hot water strips the skin of its natural oils, leading to dry, itchy skin and, eventually,
01:36The internet abounds with egg white mask concoctions.
01:39There's so many that you could make the assumption that they're completely safe.
01:44Not so.
01:45New York dermatologist Doris Day told CNN,
01:47"...you have to be careful with the egg white mask because egg whites sometimes have salmonella."
01:52Although you cannot get salmonella from just putting egg whites on your skin, the chances
01:57of you accidentally ingesting egg whites exists.
02:00Consequently, your chance of getting salmonella is increased.
02:04Skincare and beauty companies can get out of listing their products' ingredients by
02:08claiming they contain trade secrets, and they can also sell the secrecy to you via miracle
02:14Nevertheless, you shouldn't buy into the scheme.
02:18Dermatologist Jeffrey Fromowitz explained to Reader's Digest,
02:20"...never use products that do not list out their ingredients.
02:24You must know what you are putting on your skin."
02:27You could be lathering your face with an ingredient you shouldn't even be putting on your face.
02:31That's why it's best to speak with your dermatologist, who can give you suggestions that are, quote,
02:36"...specifically tailored for your skin type and problem."
02:39When's the last time you cleaned your eyeglasses?
02:42You wash your face every day, but your glasses?
02:45That seems a bit much.
02:46As it turns out, that's exactly what you should be doing.
02:49Dirty eyeglasses hanging around on your face are a big no-no.
02:53Karen Gladstone, an optometrist in Lawrence, Massachusetts, explained her reasons to Oprah
02:59Much like your phone, your glasses are a breeding ground for bacteria, not to mention oil and
03:05The nose piece is especially susceptible because it makes the most contact with your skin.
03:10If you've ever had a breakout along the bridge of your nose, your glasses were likely the
03:15Gladstone recommends rinsing your glasses every day under warm running water with a
03:19little bit of dish soap.
03:21To preserve your lenses, dry your glasses with a microfiber of soft cotton cloth.
03:26Chemical peels used to be something you could only receive from professionals.
03:30The name may sound harsh, but chemical peels in and of themselves are not actually bad.
03:35In fact, they're really good for your skin.
03:37It's the at-home variety you need to watch out for.
03:41Dermatologist Angela Lamb told Health that people sometimes end up purchasing medical-grade
03:45chemical peels, which are way too strong for a DIY peel.
03:49The results can lead to, quote, "...long-term scarring and discoloration."
03:54Raise your hand if you get your eyebrows waxed on a regular basis.
03:58You're not alone.
03:59There's just nothing quite like having perfect brows.
04:03That said, wax is not the recommended method to achieving them.
04:07Jennifer McGregor, a dermatologist at Union Square Laser Dermatology, explained to Insider,
04:12the hot wax adheres to your skin and pulls off a layer along with the hair.
04:17If you use retinoids or exfoliants regularly, it could even cause you to blister, burn,
04:22scab, or scar.
04:25Thankfully, there is an abundance of other options to get your ideal eyebrows, including
04:29laser hair removal, threading, and good old-fashioned tweezing.
04:34You probably wouldn't dare to drink an expired glass of milk, but would you use expired makeup?
04:39Well, there's good reason to toss your old skincare products and cosmetics.
04:43Jeremy Brower, a clinical assistant professor, explained to Reader's Digest that when products
04:48expire, the active ingredients within them become inactive, which means the product will
04:53no longer work the way it was intended.
04:55Even if your expired products look and seem fine, they could still cause skin irritation.
05:00If you find products with an expiration date in the very near future, that means they've
05:04already been sitting around and aging on the store shelves, and definitely among the things
05:09you should never put on your face.
05:11Brower also recommends setting up calendar reminders on your phone to alert you when
05:15your products are near expiration.
05:18So if you can't remember the last time you wore that Barbie pink lipstick, you may want
05:22to take a peek in your makeup bag and get tossing.
