• last year
Lupin (Richard Gutierrez) will come up with a plan to save Castor (Boy2 Quizon) from Mayor Santiago's (Roy Alvarez) clutches and continue to get the latter's trust.


01:05Wake up!
01:11Avril, wake up!
01:14The last one is already effecting.
01:17Now, Avril.
01:19You will be the one to die.
01:38Are you sure that you are dead?
01:42Mayor, you are mistaken.
01:46You are still here?
01:48Call me if you find the target.
01:52Who's the target? Me?
01:54You know I love you.
01:56And you won't leave me, right?
02:00Just like now, I'm alone.
02:02Who am I with?
02:04Just you.
02:05That's why...
02:09You want a kiss?
02:12Just one.
02:19What's this? I'm getting ticklish.
02:21Why are you...
02:24My phone is vibrating.
02:27Answer me!
02:34You're amazing!
02:36I just had one kiss.
02:38I mean, I just had one kiss.
02:42Answer me! Drink!
02:45I'm still dreaming.
02:47I can't do anything.
02:49They're taking too long.
02:51So now,
02:52my target is...
02:54your bomb.
02:55Wait, Mayor.
02:57That's my boss, Mayor.
02:59That's what we call our customers, Mayor.
03:03That's how we talk, Mayor.
03:06my gun is your target.
03:08Oh, God.
03:09Oh, God, Mayor.
03:10Please, please, please, Mayor.
03:12Oh, God, oh, God, oh, God, oh, God, Mayor!
03:15Something happened to Castor.
03:17We'll change our plan.
03:19What happened to Castor?
03:23Stop drinking and listen carefully.
03:38Thank you, God!
03:39God, thank you!
03:40Love you, Lord!
03:43Let's pray.
03:44Let's see if your prayer will answer 45.
03:51There's our window.
03:52Let's go.
03:53Put that on.
03:59Brother, I have a mask.
04:00Do you want to buy one?
04:02No, thank you.
04:05Let's look at the others.
04:16We just talked earlier, Castor.
04:19Did you get the target?
04:20Open your mouth.
04:21Don't call me.
04:23I'll kill him.
04:25And you'll be next.
04:27Wait, wait, wait.
04:28Who is this?
04:30Mayor Santiago?
04:33Don't call me, Mayor.
04:35I'll kill him.
04:36I'll kill him.
04:37I'll kill him.
04:38I'll kill him.
04:39I'll kill him.
04:40I'll kill him.
04:41I'll kill him.
04:42Don't kill Castor.
04:45He's just a horse agent.
04:46He's just trying to sell you.
04:49Who are you fooling?
04:51Why are you calling me a target?
04:56just relax.
04:58I'm Castor's boss and we're horse agents.
05:03we call our customers targets.
05:07Don't kill him.
05:08I trust him.
05:10I don't care.
05:11I don't trust you.
05:15Mayor, Mayor, Mayor.
05:16Have mercy.
05:18He's the best horse agent.
05:22I'm not a horse.
05:23I'm a target.
05:31That's Lupin.
05:33He's pretending.
05:35He wants to tell me something.
05:37I'll get his brain.
05:40And just like his horses,
05:43I'll make him smell.
05:47I'll do everything
05:49to make him trust me.
06:07This is it.
06:09It's over.
06:40Who's there?
06:42If you're caught, you're dead.
06:48Let's go, Ia.
06:49Let's go.
06:55You'll be caught red-handed.
07:14Don't, don't!
07:21I'm just helping.
07:22You can shoot me.
07:23Don't go!
07:27He's an escapist.
07:40I'll catch your trust,
07:49You saved me.
07:52I told you, Mayor.
07:54I'm not a bad person.
07:57Come on, let's go home.
08:00I can make it up to you.
08:02You don't have to, Mayor.
08:04Just let me go home.
08:05No, Mayor.
08:06No, no, no.
08:07I got you injured.
08:09Let me treat you.
08:11I'll get you a doctor.
08:12Come on.
08:15I'm a security guard, Arthur.
08:17Arturo Pastor Mangahas.
08:22I'm a security guard.
08:28This is for you.
08:31I'm sorry
08:33that I got you in trouble.
08:35I got you in trouble.
08:37I should have
08:38put my anger
08:40on my enemy.
08:45Go home.
09:01We're hidden again.
09:04I can smell it.
09:06That pig is here.
09:09Let's go.
09:13Wait, wait.
09:14I'll call the police.
09:20Come on.
09:21Let's go home.
09:22The Mayor is waiting for us.
09:25You're funny.
09:27You always call the police.
09:29Let's go.
09:34You guys are crazy.
09:36This is my life.
09:38I'm a drunkard.
09:39I'm not drunk.
09:43It's Lupin.
09:54I did what you asked me to do.
09:57Phase 1 complete.
09:59Now, we're going to phase 2.
10:01I'll take care of this.
10:02Pass it in.
10:06are you okay?
10:12can't you see
10:13that I'm fainting?
10:17Oh my God, Avril.
10:20The maid was right.
10:22What happened to you?
10:24It's none of your business, auntie.
10:27Aunt Nelia got sick.
10:30Do you want me to take you to the doctor?
10:32No need, auntie.
10:34She's probably just stressed
10:35because of the gunshot wound.
10:40I brought some medicine
10:41for headaches.
10:43I don't want to.
10:47I'm just helping you.
10:48Come on, have some medicine.
10:56we're just going to be together for a while.
10:59Don't contradict me like that.
11:03I'm almost like your mother.
11:06Whenever you're sick,
11:08I take care of you.
11:11I get hurt
11:14when you treat me like that.
11:16When you think ill of me.
11:30let me take care of you.
11:32Like before.
11:37Come on.
11:38Let's go.
12:02Gastor, you're alive!
12:04You're right.
12:06I shouldn't have doubted you.
12:08Gastor is not a bad person.
12:12he saved me from an assassination attempt
12:15in the life of my enemies.
12:18It's a good thing that Heaven answered my prayer.
12:22You'd think that I joined your prayer.
12:25Heaven noticed me.
12:27Thanks, God.
12:30stay here
12:31until I make sure that you're safe.
12:36No, Mayor.
12:37I'll go ahead.
12:38Stay here.
12:41I told you to stay here.
12:43Stay here.
12:44I don't want to contradict you.
12:49In the meantime,
12:51call the doctor to come to our visit.
12:54Okay, Dad.
12:57Wait for me.
13:09where are you?
13:12I can't move.
13:14Lupit, please save me.
13:19Handsome, buy us a souvenir.
13:22For our mascara party.
13:25Just choose one.
13:26How much is it?
13:27It's only 50 pesos.
13:30Yes, it's cheap.
13:32Give me four.
13:34Just choose a nice one.
13:35Which one do you want?
13:36This one.
13:37This one.
13:47Let's exchange it.
13:48The color is not nice.
13:49This one.
13:52Here's the white one.
14:08You're still alive?
14:13You're smart.
14:14We fooled the Mayor.
14:16Why are you still there?
14:17Run away.
14:18Let's make a new plan.
14:19I'm locked up here.
14:21I'm injured.
14:24But the doctor called me to check on me.
14:27That can be our way to escape from here
14:29and get rid of the Mayor.
14:32Can you do it, Doctor Lupit?
14:36You're challenging me?
14:51Here's the arsenic powder you asked for.
14:54Are the others finished?
14:59Here's the payment.
15:05I don't want to continue with Avril.
15:06Isn't she the only obstacle to the wealth you want?
15:12it's hard for you kids.
15:14You get too full.
15:17You don't know
15:18how much patience and patience you need.
15:24If Avril dies
15:27because of the arsenic,
15:31she won't be able to trace her blood
15:33to the right spot.
15:37I won't be able to do anything.
15:41You're so smart, Ren.
15:43Don't forget what we agreed on.
15:46You're rich now.
15:49Of course, Jomar.
15:52Just wait.
15:55We'll be rich too.
15:59Avril will die too.
16:19Oh, my guest is here.
16:22can you take a look at my guest?
16:25Sure, Mayor.
16:26It's for you.
16:33Doc is here?
16:35This is Doc.
16:43I know you.
16:47I can't make a mistake.
16:50It's you.
16:51It's me.
16:53It's me, your childhood friend, Domingo.
16:55How are you?
16:56I haven't seen you for a long time.
17:04How are you?
17:08He's dead.
17:09Just help my son.
17:11He's dead.
17:12Just help my son.
17:15He's dead.
17:18We need to take him to his room.
17:21Help me.
17:24Be careful.
17:25Be careful.
17:38There's an emergency here at the Mayor's house.
17:41Send an ambulance.
17:43It's probably on Highway 22.
17:45Just radio it.
17:49Don't worry, Mayor.
17:50The ambulance is on its way.
17:51We'll save your son.
17:53I'll ask for a big debt of gratitude.
17:56Don't, Mayor.
17:58My debt of gratitude is to serve your family.
18:10We ran away from the rebels.
18:12They're coming because of what happened to Dado.
18:15Let's just talk about that.
18:18Can you check up on my guest?
18:21He's my rival.
18:24Just a moment, Mayor.
18:26I'm your friend, Mayor.
18:29Just kidding.
18:36That's a lot of money.
18:37I thought we'd be able to escape from here.
18:41You can easily get a doctor.
18:43Where did you get that costume?
18:46It's easy.
18:48Just follow me.
18:49Let's go.
19:19Hey! Stop right there!
19:20I got a call.
19:21There's an emergency for you, Mayor.
19:23I was on my way there too.
19:25I'm Dr. Domingo Suarez.
19:29The Mayor called me too.
19:30Our clinic is new here.
19:32That's why I really need this.
19:35We need to be clients to Mayor Santiago.
19:38No problem, Doc.
19:41We work at a public hospital.
19:44I just don't have enough salary.
19:46The Mayor just gave me a tip.
19:49Is that so?
19:50No problem.
19:51If that's what you need, I'll double it.
19:56This is all for you.
19:57I just need your clothes and your stuff.
20:00I forgot mine. I'm in a hurry.
20:17You're a doctor now.
20:19You met the Mayor's son.
20:22What's this?
20:23Is that your chick?
20:25It's broken.
20:27That's Sister Anna Nicole Sweet.
20:31I met her on Isla Muerte.
20:34She helped us escape Miguel La Paz.
20:38But she fooled us.
20:40She's not a real mother.
20:43She's the leader of the Isla Muerte gang.
20:46It's a fanatic cult.
20:48They want to clean up the evil in the world
20:50by using dirty methods.
20:53Anna Nicole is hiding something from Cecilia.
20:56She wants me to use it to get revenge.
20:59But I managed to escape.
21:01Miguel died.
21:02And I became Cedric.
21:05I never thought
21:07Sister Anna Nicole and I would meet again.
21:10It's a good thing you let her sleep.
21:13I used her sleep to get rid of Miguel.
21:16But it only lasts for a while.
21:18She'll wake up soon.
21:22We need to think of a new plan before she wakes up.
21:25If not, we're dead.
21:47I'm sorry.
21:49I'm sorry.
21:52I'm sorry.
22:16I'm sorry.
22:32I've been waiting for you, Bridget.
22:47Don't come near me.
23:02She'll run away when she sees you're still alive.
23:06She'll put on the mask again.
23:08And this is where I'll enter the fourth and final phase of my plan.
23:12You should've reached her.
23:14But you put your hands on her.
23:16That's why I have to catch you again, Bridget.
23:20You think you're fast?
23:22I'm faster than you.
23:23Oh, I'm not.
23:24I got hit.
23:46Let's go.
24:16Let's go.
24:47I'm sorry.
24:48I'm sorry.
24:49I'm sorry.
24:50I'm sorry.
24:51I'm sorry.
24:52I'm sorry.
24:53I'm sorry.
24:54I'm sorry.
24:55I'm sorry.
24:56I'm sorry.
24:57I'm sorry.
24:58I'm sorry.
24:59I'm sorry.
25:00I'm sorry.
25:01I'm sorry.
25:02I'm sorry.
25:03I'm sorry.
25:04I'm sorry.
25:05I'm sorry.
25:06I'm sorry.
25:07I'm sorry.
25:08I'm sorry.
25:09I'm sorry.
25:10I'm sorry.
25:11I'm sorry.
25:12I'm sorry.
25:13I'm sorry.
25:14I'm sorry.
25:15I'm sorry.
25:16I'm sorry.
25:17I'm sorry.
25:18I'm sorry.
25:19I'm sorry.
25:20I'm sorry.
25:21I'm sorry.
25:22I'm sorry.
25:23I'm sorry.
25:24I'm sorry.
25:25I'm sorry.
25:26I'm sorry.
25:27I'm sorry.
25:28I'm sorry.
25:29I'm sorry.
25:30I'm sorry.
25:31I'm sorry.
25:32I'm sorry.
25:33I'm sorry.
25:34I'm sorry.
25:35I'm sorry.
25:36I'm sorry.
25:37I'm sorry.
25:38I'm sorry.
25:39I'm sorry.
25:40I'm sorry.
25:41I'm sorry.
25:42I'm sorry.
25:43I'm sorry.