• last year
Un médico del hospital Misericordia atacó violentamente el auto de una enfermera debido a un conflicto por el estacionamiento. La enfermera, que había dejado su auto mal estacionado durante su turno nocturno, encontró su vehículo con daños significativos al finalizar su jornada. El incidente ha sido denunciado y se espera que tenga consecuencias judiciales para el agresor.


00:00The car of a nurse, because of a problem in the parking lot, this happened in the hospital,
00:08the man discovered that he could not move his car and as he could not move his car,
00:13he decided to attack the vehicle of his colleague at work, a madness.
00:17Yes, we have been seeing it in recent weeks, Guille, the issue of parking
00:22seems to be the perfect excuse to unload anger and violence, gender violence in this case,
00:27because the woman approached and the man continued to insult and attack.
00:31This happens in the hospital of Mercy, as you said, a public hospital.
00:34And this man did not have much mercy.
00:36There is also the issue of power, because here we are seeing a superior
00:40who is somehow destroying the car, the vehicle of a nurse.
00:46Let's see, he says he could not leave, this happened during the night shift,
00:50these very long shifts, there is no place in the parking lot,
00:55that's why he had warned the security personnel that he was leaving it badly parked,
00:58that if he needed someone to move the car, please let him know.
01:02Well, the shifts ended at 6 in the morning, when the doctor comes out,
01:07he intempestively grabbed the stone, threw it against the windshield of the vehicle,
01:12destroyed it and even began to try to move it by force with the car stopped.
01:18The woman comes out and the woman cannot do anything.
01:21There we have Viviana, who is going to talk to us.
01:24Viviana, how are you? Good morning.
01:26Good morning. How are you?
01:30Seeing this wrong and seeing your face that you are very angry, say what you want to say.
01:35Start, we can't believe it, but well, how does all this start?
01:40It all started, I was in the first shift last night.
01:44The hospital Mercy provides us for the moment,
01:48the big parking lot is closed because they told us that they were going to open tents for the dengue in that place.
01:58So they closed the big one and it is a red zone,
02:03therefore no one dares to leave the cars or whatever outside,
02:08because the next day you know that you are not going to be there or you are going to be raped,
02:15because there is no police either.
02:18So, well, that happened, we left it inside in that very small parking lot.
02:24We are a lot of employees, day and night.
02:27We leave it parked in a double row, one in front of the other.
02:34And this is all, even the same police leave it like this.
02:38Why? Because there are no very small places.
02:41It is the only way you can park the car.
02:45But I warn those who take care of it.
02:51And I tell them, look, leave the car there, please call my service if you need to take it out.
02:57Viviana, are they caregivers from the hospital Mercy?
03:00Are they rags?
03:02No, no, no, no, they are from the hospital Mercy.
03:07Okay, they are hospital employees.
03:09You told him, let me know if he comes.
03:11Did you know that the owner of the car was a doctor who was working there?
03:14No, no, no.
03:16Actually, I told him, let me know if anyone needs to take the car out to run it.
03:22Not just that car, but any car that needs it.
03:26If I'm interrupting him, let me know.
03:28Yes, I ask you, is there no way to leave it with the key?
03:31There is no trust?
03:33No, no, no.
03:35They steal it from you.
03:36No, not anymore.
03:37Well, okay.
03:38Go ahead.
03:39And then?
03:40When, at 6, I leave at 6.30, at 6.18, they tell me, a message, a colleague, saying,
03:49Viviana, please come down because there is a person, a doctor, screaming in the hall of the central guard
03:57that if they don't take the car out, he's going to break it.
04:00I always take it like, well, sometimes you talk that way, but I never believed in my life
04:08that I would have been able to.
04:09So I go down, I tell my colleagues who come to receive me at the guard, I tell them,
04:14wait for me in two minutes, I'll be back, I'm going down.
04:17I go down without a cell phone, without anything, with the car key to run it.
04:22When I go down, I find my car already run, with the broken glass, with the broken rearview mirror,
04:32and my colleague who had left the car next to my car,
04:37the only way you can leave the cars that are in a double row, crossed,
04:43screaming because he was also afraid that he would break his car,
04:49because he was moving it in a way.
04:52So rough.
04:53Who is this doctor? You knew him, you had a deal with him. Who is he?
04:58I don't know him. In fact, later they told me he was a pediatrician.
05:06I always worked in adults, I know very few doctors in pediatrics.
05:10He is a pediatric ICU doctor.
05:13But do you have a name and last name? Do you know who he is?
05:17Yes, I know who he is. The complaint is made.
05:23I have never named him because, well, I prefer that to stay in the justice.
05:28Do you want to protect yourself? Okay.
05:31I have the obligation to ask you, but it's okay that you take care of yourself.
05:36Now, does he have violent background with the people he works with?
05:41Did you find out about this from this incomprehensible attack?
05:45Because one can understand that the doctor finishes, I don't know, he's on duty.
05:49What time was this? Six in the morning?
05:51Of course, six in the morning.
05:52Six in the morning, he finishes his shift.
05:54But, old man, let me know. Are they a community? Nurses, doctors?
06:01Yes, I work there. It's not that I leave the car and go to my house.
06:07Let me clarify, Viviana.
06:09It's not that he asked and you were having a two-block coffee.
06:15No, no, no, I was working.
06:18How was it? Did he directly attack your car?
06:21Didn't he give a chance that the man you also told him,
06:24hey, if he comes to ask to be fired, I fire him?
06:29I asked the service they take care of there,
06:33if the man had asked for the car, who owns it.
06:39And he tells me, I was on the 22nd and 10th, and here no one asked about any car.
06:44That's what they told me.
06:46Viviana, and beyond the complaint and trying to pay you, obviously, all the arrangements,
06:51did the hospital take any measures with the doctor?
06:54Because such a violent reaction to a vehicle can be with a patient, with a partner.
07:01No, I don't know.
07:02The truth is, I don't know, because they haven't told me anything at all.
07:08If they have done something, nothing.
07:11I know that my supervisors in the infirmary area have communicated and have given me their support,
07:16but they haven't told me anything about the management, about the Ministry of Health, they haven't told me anything.
07:22Besides, I made the complaint for the verbal assault that he has done to my person,
07:30because when he left, I couldn't believe it.
07:32What did he say to you?
07:34What did he say to you?
07:35He was getting in his truck, and I said to him, did you break my car?
07:42And he said yes.
07:43I say, the only way I thought was, well, let's fix this, give me ...
07:52Because sometimes when you have, he must have problems, I have problems.
07:58So, to minimize things, I say, give me the papers of your car,
08:01we do it through the insurance, we leave it there.
08:04And he told me, you are crazy, you are a crazy shit.
08:07Had there been previous confrontations at work with this man?
08:13No, no, no, because he had never crossed paths with him.
08:15And there I saw that the board said something, but let's say, the direction of the hospital,
08:22which is also the board that represents the doctors,
08:26because this case already exceeds a traffic discussion, a situation.
08:30Here we are seeing a matter of gender violence or intralaboral.
08:34What answers did you have from the prosecution?
08:38Because surely this already has a judicial review.
08:42Yes, they only asked me for the photos.
08:47Imagine that we couldn't record anything at all,
08:52because both my colleagues and I were shocked by the violent way
08:57that he was yelling at me, that this has happened.
09:00No one has, Viviana, an image of the attack?
09:03And in such a case, tell us, because we see a stone inside.
09:06With what did he attack? With a stick?
09:08With the stone.
09:09With the stone. And what broke you? What broke the car?
09:12He broke the glass, the windshield of the glass, the rearview mirror.
09:22He loosened everything, the handbrake, he scratched the inside of the car.
09:30You can see that with the impact of the stone, the part where he hit the stone inside is all peeled off.
09:40And that's what he did.
09:43No one stopped him? Are we talking about a person?
09:46It's okay, it has nothing to do with having studied for so long,
09:49with having a violent gene, right?
09:51Because who acts like that, obviously ...
09:53Now, let's hope there is no spirit of the body, that they don't want to cover it.
09:58Someone has to ... I'm not talking about insurance.
10:01Here you have to apologize, here you have to put your face.
10:04Is he a young doctor? Is he a big doctor?
10:06I mean, he's been working there for a long time.
10:09I don't know.
10:11I only saw him in photos and he's not that big.
10:15He must be between 45 and 50 years old.
10:17The truth is, I don't know.
10:19But have your colleagues told you that he is a violent man?
10:22Attitudes he has had.
10:24That has to have been talked about, obviously.
10:26What have they told you?
10:28I try not to talk about things like that with my colleagues,
10:35because it was also a bad time with them.
10:39And I try not to get involved with my colleagues at work.
10:44It's okay.
10:46Mandina, you just listed the damage to the car.
10:49Could you quote in silver, you know, how much the repair would be?
10:53No, no.
10:54No, no, I haven't been able to go.
10:56I have to go to Briza to fix all that.
11:04I haven't been able to go yet,
11:06but I only sent a message to someone who can fix it.
11:14And he told me to think about more than half a million pesos to fix the car.
11:18Sure, sure.
11:19Let's see.
11:20You're going to have to deal with this man.
11:22I say, a fact that is not minor.
11:24He is a pediatrician.
11:26He treats children.
11:27I say, because of this issue of violence.
11:30And another thing.
11:31You, Viviana, now you are at home,
11:34I'm going to zoom in.
11:35Not from the hospital.
11:36No, no, no.
11:38But at some point, and I ask you,
11:40you're going to have to come back.
11:41They told you to take some time.
11:44Because you're going to cross it, obviously.
11:46Because this was for a matter of having the same time between crossings.
11:50And you had put the car there, covering the exit.
11:54But please let the person in charge know
11:59that I told you if the owner of the truck showed up.
12:03I say, you're going to have to see it.
12:05You're going to cross it.
12:07Did you think about that?
12:11It's my workplace.
12:13They didn't give me ...
12:14I'm not ...
12:16I'm not licensed at all.
12:18I keep going to work.
12:23And crossing it, the truth is, I'm afraid.
12:26I'm afraid because I don't know him.
12:28And the first time I met him,
12:30he attacked me in such a violent way.
12:33And this had repercussions.
12:36So, the truth is, I'm afraid to go to work and cross it.
12:40No, no.
12:41Viviana, count on us.
12:44We want to continue the case.
12:46And, of course, help you.
12:48And I tell the doctor, if he's watching TV,
12:50if he's watching our news,
12:52we'll be there until 12.
12:54So he can talk and we'll call you back.
12:56Viviana, this deserves an apology first of all.
