• last year
(Adnkronos) - “Oggi presentiamo il programma Africa Champion Program, un programma di formazione e di incontri con il player che le imprese italiane possono incontrare in Africa. Nell’ambito del Piano Mattei, da gennaio 2024, abbiamo già investito 1.4 miliardi in iniziative. Il punto di partenza per favorire uno slancio maggiore per le piccole e medie imprese che vogliono entrare in Africa”. Parole dell’amministratore delegato di Sace, il gruppo assicurativo-finanziario italiano controllato dal Ministero dell’Economia e delle Finanze, che ha presentato a Roma il programma che gode del patrocinio del Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale e ha il sostegno della Struttura di Missione del Piano Mattei della Presidenza del Consiglio.


00:00We have presented this training program, which is not just a training program, because it is a training program and above all meetings with those who can be the new players with whom Italian companies can compete in Africa.
00:18So, next to those who are our toolbox, like all the world of Italian institutions, so there is not only SACE, there are the other actors of the system, MAECI, the Presidency of the Council, there are ICE, there is CIMEST, there is CTP, there is ASSO Camere Estero, there is Confindustria Africa.
00:36So, we are all here to accompany Italian companies to this approach to Africa and we can do it because we start from what is our knowledge of that territory.
00:48We remember that SACE is the first European export credit agency in terms of exposure to Africa and from the beginning of the Mattei plan, which we take from January 2024, we have already made 1.4 billion of initiatives, which is the starting point from which we are starting to make sure that there is an even greater momentum for small and medium-sized enterprises to enter Africa.
