• last year
(Adnkronos) - Oltre un milione di persone in Italia soffrono di depressione, una patologia di cui si parla ancora troppo poco, spesso sottovalutata che travolge chi la vive e chi è accanto. Per fare luce su questa complessa malattia e sensibilizzare l’opinione pubblica, Johnson & Johnson lancia la campagna "Out of the maze – Oltre il labirinto della depressione", con il patrocinio di Fondazione progetto Itaca Ets e di Cittadinanzattiva Aps. La campagna vuole diffondere un messaggio preciso: con una diagnosi tempestiva e trattamenti adeguati, è possibile trovare una via d’uscita dal labirinto della depressione maggiore. Supporter dell’iniziativa è l’ex calciatore Gianluigi Buffon.


00:00More than a million people in Italy suffer from depression, a pathology often underestimated, which literally changes the life of those who live it and those who are close to it, but of which there is still too little talk.
00:17To shed light on this complex disease, Johnson & Johnson Innovative Medicine hosted at its Milanese headquarters the event In the Labyrinth of Depression, it's time to make it clear, which saw the participation of experts in the clinical sector and representatives of patient associations.
00:35For major depression we mean a systemic disease, a multi-organ disease that can affect all organs of the human body and is determined by different factors, genetic, environmental, biological, psychological, also important is the basic temperament of the person who can develop depression.
00:55The psychiatrist is the right person to make a diagnosis and set up the therapy, which can then be done by the various professional figures involved, clearly the psychotherapist, the psychiatric rehabilitation technician and other figures who can help.
01:10During the event organized by Johnson & Johnson Innovative Medicine, the Out of the Maze awareness campaign was presented, in addition to the Labyrinth of Depression promoted by Johnson & Johnson, with the sponsorship of the Itaca ETS Foundation and APS Active Citizenship.
01:30The aim of this campaign is not only to raise public opinion on a mental health issue, but also to raise awareness that today it is possible to get out of the Labyrinth of Depression with a temporary diagnosis, an adequate intervention in specialized centers and therefore also a personalized diagnostic-therapeutic path.
01:58Supporters of the campaign, the former footballer Gigi Buffon.
02:02The figure I have in this case is a figure of great responsibility that can solicit in some cases, can help in others, can suggest in others still to all people who have certain pathologies that there is nothing wrong with having them.
02:26In all serenity, in all simplicity, to be able to report them and immediately find help that can help you and accompany you on this path of healing.
