• l’année dernière
Leo is a 2023 animated musical comedy film directed by Robert Marianetti, Robert Smigel, and David Wachtenheim, featuring the voice of Adam Sandler as the titular character, a 74-year-old tuatara. The film tells the story of Leo, who has spent his entire life as a class pet in a fifth-grade classroom in Florida. As Leo learns that he only has one year left to live, he decides to escape his terrarium and experience life outside, leading to unexpected adventures and heartfelt moments.
The plot unfolds during a school year filled with challenges for both Leo and the students. When the strict substitute teacher, Virginia Malkin (voiced by Cecily Strong), takes over the class, Leo overhears discussions about his age and realizes he has not fulfilled his dreams. Determined to make the most of his remaining time, he helps the students navigate their own problems while hiding his ability to speak from them. As the school year progresses, Leo becomes a source of wisdom and support for the kids, ultimately leading them on a journey to the Everglades.
Leo combines humor with touching life lessons about friendship, growth, and seizing opportunities. The film features an ensemble cast that includes Bill Burr, Jason Alexander, and Sadie Sandler, contributing to its comedic charm. With vibrant animation and catchy musical numbers, Leo appeals to both children and adults alike.
The film premiered at the Annecy International Animation Film Festival on June 14, 2023, before its release on Netflix on November 21, 2023. It has received positive reviews for its engaging storytelling and relatable themes.

