• last year
Seeing is no longer believing when it comes to the online world. Scammers using artificial intelligence can take your voice or image and create a deepfake in a matter of minutes. The results can be convincing enough to fool even your family. Cyber safety experts say a healthy dose of scepticism can provide some protection.


00:00These students are learning to be less trusting and to listen to their gut feeling when something
00:15doesn't seem right.
00:16AI is getting more intelligent and it can mimic people.
00:21My grandpa once got scammed of like a thousand dollars because he doesn't know really much
00:27about technology.
00:28This generation will need to be more savvy.
00:32Friendships are online, relationships are online, shopping's online, banking's online
00:36and that's where criminals are.
00:38A video game using real life scams is teaching students to be on their guard.
00:44Wherever that attempt to scam or contact a young person happens that they are critically
00:51thinking and just asking one question, is it dodgy or not?
00:56Artificial intelligence is making it harder and harder to tell.
01:00Why? Because it's...
01:03We have generative AI, we have deepfakes, they're increasing.
01:07Can we trust film? Can we trust text? Can we trust the digital world in which we live?
01:12What we're discovering is no.
01:15It means we can no longer take anything at face value.
01:18I'm not who you think I am.
01:20I'm actually a digital avatar.
01:22This is a deepfake of me and it's putting words into my mouth.
01:26In this case, I've given my permission.
01:29Each video that we created took what, 60 seconds to process?
01:34The deepfake me can be programmed to speak in different languages.
01:38This means that we can no longer take anything at face value.
01:50Or perhaps Danish.
01:51You've just seen how easy it is for me to deepfake you.
01:55So how do you watch a news report online and know whether that's true or not?
02:00A lesson in critical thinking that's now being taught alongside maths and English.
02:06Kids like our age and a bit older, they know more about the internet and all this type of online stuff,
02:11whilst the older people, they might not have the same amount of knowledge as the internet than younger kids.
02:17A necessary loss of innocence in an increasingly hostile online world.
