• last year
मुंबई: यूपी के झांसी के मेडिकल कॉलेज में आग लगने से 10 से अधिक बच्चों की मौत पर प्रतिक्रिया देते हुए शिवसेना यूबीटी की नेता प्रियंका चतुर्वेदी ने कहा कि दुखद घटना हुई है कहीं ना कहीं जो पूरा प्रशासन है और शासन है मैं उसकी जिम्मेदारी इसमें मानती हूं। एक तरफ वहां के जो मुख्यमंत्री हैं पूरे देशभर में बंटेंगे तो कटेंगे का माहौल बनाते हैं। इसके अलावा राहुल गांधी का बैग चेक किए जाने पर प्रियंका चतुर्वेदी ने कहा कि लगातार तीन दिन उद्धव जी के बैग चेक हुए उसके बाद फिर हमने देखा कि इस तरीके का कॉम्पिटिशन हुआ सारे जो सत्ता पक्ष के नेता हैं वहां इंडी गठबंधन के अलायंस पार्टनर हैं सबने वीडियो रिलीज किए कि कैसे उनकी भी चेकिंग हुई है। आज राहुल गांधी का हुआ कल खड़गे जी का हुआ था। कुछ दिन पहले अमित शाह का हुआ था। हम उसका स्वागत करते हैं और अगर एक तरफ चेकिंग हो और दूसरी तरफ आप लोग बाइज्जत बरी कर दें तो यह कहीं से भी समानता नहीं होती है।

#Jhansi #medicalcollegefire #shivsenaubt #PriyankaChaturvedi #amitshah #rahulgandhi #yogiadityanath


00:00It has been a sad incident. I say, seeing those videos, such a heart-wrenching incident
00:04that no one should not see in the future, the kind of videos that are coming.
00:09And somewhere, the entire administration and the government, I accept its responsibility.
00:14That on one side, the Chief Ministers there,
00:17if they are distributed across the country, they tell the environment of cutting.
00:20I will tell them only one thing,
00:22that if the government can run, only then will they be able to save the children.
00:26The government is less focused on running, more focused on distributing people.
00:30Today, the entire election rallies are going on, the election assemblies are going on.
00:35Not once have they said that I will go to the hospital and not let the families of the children rest in peace.
00:41So this is very sad.
00:42I would like to express my condolences to all the families whose young children have been pulled out of their lives due to this unfortunate incident.
00:52And I hope that God gives them the strength to bear this kind of adversity and give them the strength to overcome it.
01:00It is very clear where this carelessness is coming from, who is responsible for it.
01:04First of all, it is sad that even today, the health facilities that should be provided to the common man, the common people,
01:13are not being provided to them.
01:16All kinds of propaganda is going on, all kinds of distribution, cutting, joining, winning is going on.
01:22But no one is ready to understand the problems of the public.
01:26The entire health infrastructure has been shattered.
01:29If COVID had taught us anything, it would have given us to restore our health infrastructure.
01:33But even today, our children are dying.
01:36Young children who are taking their first breath in life, their breath is about to end because our administration and administration have failed.
01:44It all started when Mr. Uddhav released his videos.
01:48Mr. Uddhav's back was checked for three consecutive days.
01:51After that, we saw what kind of competition there was.
01:55All the leaders of the ruling party, there are fake alliance partners.
01:59Everyone has released videos of how they have also been checked.
02:03Today, Mr. Rahul Gandhi has been checked, yesterday, Mr. Khargay was checked, a few days ago, Mr. Amit Shah has also been checked.
02:08So, let's welcome him.
02:10But if there is only one side of the checking and on the other side, you release the visor, then there is no equality anywhere.
02:17Our election commission was hoping for equality and to bring equality in this entire election.
02:23Because it is a high volatile election, so equality has to be a free and fair election.
02:29And it is important to show the public that your vote is valuable and your vote is acceptable.
02:34I don't know what Mr. Uddhav has to do with the fact that his welcome committee of the election commission was coming in front of his helicopter again and again.
02:42Sometimes I feel that maybe he liked Mr. Uddhav's bag that he is taking.
02:46Now it has been three days, I don't know how many times there will be a check-in in the last two days of the election.
02:52Or maybe finally the election commission has decided to show equality, everyone's bag should be checked.
02:58But the bag checking should have been done in those big canisters from where the money is being collected.
03:06It should have been done in those police vehicles that have been given to these politicians for security.
03:10But in that itself, there was chaos.
03:13And I am not saying this, there are a lot of such reports that are showing that safe bans have been used to misuse power.
