Caroline Stanbury Dishes on the Which Dubai Housewife Throws the Worst Parties | Happy Hour With Us: Sip or Spill
00:00Everyone it's Christina, and I am with the one and only Caroline Sanbury from the Real Housewives of Dubai
00:05Welcome to sip or spill with us
00:08So I'm going to give you a series of questions if you don't want to answer them
00:14Who throws the best and worst parties
00:17The worst parties is Brooks and the best parties is me
00:26Who turns it on the most for the cameras
00:31Turns it on the most I am yeah, yeah, she shows up
00:36Whose closet would you not want to read I am
00:40How come because it suits her right? I mean, you know put that red hat the flowers on top of me
00:46Like I mean, I can't wear it. She looks incredible in it, but it's definitely her. It's definitely her
00:54Yeah, there's only like one person that could ever pull that off. Yes. I can't go to the cinema and picture darling
00:58I cannot
01:00biggest regret from season one
01:02Entertaining those girls. Mm-hmm. Yeah, that's what kind of your mindset going into season two like absolutely not yet
01:08Now I'm just gonna be me like it or lump it
01:10I think I just tried to fit in and it wasn't going just that well
01:13Is there anything from your marriage that you just wish you didn't show in season one?
01:17No, I think even the bad bits, you know
01:20It's it's very normal when you're going through a wedding and I think you know
01:24I think the only thing is you didn't get to see is how strong Sergio is, you know
01:28He looked a little bit weak in situations and he's not weak
01:31It's you know, you're not married to me if you're weak
01:33That's for sure
01:34Did anything go up wrong at your wedding that we didn't say?
01:37Lots of things went wrong at my wedding that didn't see my singer got kovat my father collapsed after taking me down the aisle
01:45Yes, it was a it was a kovat super spreader. I think in the end. Oh, no. Oh, no
01:49Well, glad everybody's okay. Did you miss Nina this season? I always miss Nina. Yeah, I want Nina Ali to come back desperately
01:57Yes, I think she's the most
01:59Undervalued housewife ever and she needs to come back. It takes a good season to get into a show like this
02:04You know, we always say season one is very hard for any show and Nina wasn't used to it
02:08Yeah, and she's a brilliant housewife. Yeah use this. So I take it from your response. You're still pretty close with her besties
02:15That's not one day goes by where I don't speak to that woman at 545 a.m. Really? Yeah, I love that
02:20Yes, she disappointed
02:23No, I think the way it was it was the right decision for her
02:26But I think I think now and you know, obviously we're doing it again and you know, we speak every day
02:32I mean, I don't think she misses drama
02:35But you know the comrades, you know the the friendship and the fun that we have like, you know
02:40I'm like, oh, I wish she was here. Yeah, you said that she is an underrated housewife. Who's the most overrated housewife?
02:46In our show it'd be any Oh any show overrated. Oh gosh
02:51I had to get I had to ask you one to get you to Sam. I figured you would
02:57Which lady do you trust the least?
03:02Over Brooks, I mean, it's it's a tie. I mean do I have to choose?
03:07I mean the next thing is they'll be besties. Yeah, I mean, right
03:11If you could trade one of your housewives for another housewives and another franchise who would it be and why?
03:17I'll take lots of Pippin
03:19Just because she's really good fun. We have a laugh together and she's a real girls go
03:24yeah, I think a lot of people don't understand who laughter is and I do I spent a lot of time with her and
03:29I would trade her for Brooks or Lisa
03:32Which other franchise would you want to go on? I'll go to Miami with them because I like Lisa Hutchinstein
03:37I like last or I'd have a really good laugh and they actually are really girly and fun
03:41Yeah, they're really supportive. You know, I ask them to do something. They do it, you know, not like oh
03:47That's kind of, you know elevate you and not me with girls go. Yeah, definitely. Well you
03:51Pretty much answered all my questions. So thank you someone we can still sip