• last year
RHODubai Star Lesa Slams Caroline Stanbury After Reunion Drama


00:00I mean, was there anything coming off of the reunion that you really wanted to settle going into season two, that you wanted to explore more?
00:07See, for me, I don't really like conflict. I know, I know, I know, that sounds crazy, but I genuinely don't like conflict.
00:15So when, after reunion, I felt like conversation between Stemmer and I needed to happen, and she did apologize to me.
00:24And so I went in initially like, okay, if you say you're sorry, I'm going to take it for what it is until you prove otherwise.
00:32And so that's pretty much what happened.
00:35Did she prove otherwise?
00:37What do you think?
00:40A snake may change your skin, but there will always be a snake.
00:44There will always be a snake, but it does seem like she and Chanel, Caroline and Chanel, did put their past in the past.
00:51It seems like they are really good friends now.
00:54You probably know more than I do.
00:56We'll get to it, but did that take you, it seems like it kind of took you by surprise.
01:00It did take me by surprise, in some ways more than others.
01:05But I think overall, I think I'm not buying into it, you know?
01:12That's the only thing, but I'm here to tune in just like the rest of you guys, because I feel like there were a lot of things that I didn't see.
01:18You know, because I'm not in all the scenes, I'm not always with them.
01:21And so I'm looking forward to see how this whole thing plays out.
01:24Sure. What surprised you over the course of these past few episodes?
01:28Well, not these early episodes.
01:30I think things that come on later, which you guys are going to have to tune in to see, because I promise you, the things I know that transpired, mind-blowing.
01:41But there are things that I didn't see that I'm trying to piece all the puzzles together to see the bigger picture.
