• last year
(Adnkronos) - “L’impatto del settore agricolo sull’ambiente sta migliorando secondo i dati del settore. Abbiamo analizzato l’evoluzione delle vendite degli agrofarmaci che segna una diminuzione dei volumi dei prodotti venduti ma raddoppiano i principi attivi negli ultimi dieci anni dei prodotti di tipo biologico – dichiara Enrica Gentile, CEO & Founder Areté Srl, società indipendente di ricerca responsabile scientifica del report sugli agrofarmaci presentato oggi dall’Osservatorio Agrofarma a Roma presso Palazzo Ripetta – In realtà all’interno del mercato degli agrofarmaci che è in contrazione, in risposta alla domanda di sostenibilità, abbiamo un aumento dei principi attivi biologici che salgono. Bisogna sottolineare la contrazione delle grandi colture italiane, spicca tantissimo quella del mais, con un -32%, penalizzato dagli andamenti produttivi degli ultimi anni che ha lasciato spazio alla soia e ad altre colture sostitutive".


00:00We have done in this third wave to update a good part of the data that were also presented in the first, starting from a series of agro-environmental indicators to see how the impact of the agricultural sector on the environment is varying.
00:23The agro-environmental indicators show the improvement of these impacts and continue to mark data on improvement.
00:32We have analyzed the evolution of the sales of agro-pharmaceuticals, which continue to mark a reduction in the volume of products sold,
00:41but be careful because the volumes of products sold are reduced, the number of active principles is also reduced, but the active biological principles increase, almost doubling over the course of 10 years.
00:56So, in reality, within a market of agro-pharmaceuticals that is in contraction, naturally also in response to the question of sustainability that is asked of the agricultural sector, we have the principles used in biological agriculture with less impact that rise.
01:14In this wave, we have also taken a look at the evolution of the so-called large cultures. In the previous one, we looked at the minor cultures, here we have looked at the evolution of the main cultures to understand how Italian agriculture is also varying compared to the large cultures.
01:33We have some important contractions, certainly the one of corn is very noticeable, let's say penalized by the bad productive trends of recent years, which has therefore left a little space for soy, but also for other cultures.
01:47The appearance and exploitation of hazelnuts is also clear for these data, certainly linked to the investments of some large companies that are strengthening their supply chain, so the possibility of supplying directly on land in Italy.
02:04A data to point out, let's say, in the report this decline in yields appears, very marked for hazelnuts, but in reality, attention, because it is a decline due to the fact that the invested areas have increased a lot and many of these areas are not yet in full production, so in reality it is only an apparent decline in the yields of this culture.
02:30Finally, we have taken a look at the weather indicators to see how much we are talking about this topic at the moment. It is clear that the weather impacts directly on agriculture and also on the defense, let's say, of the products that are distributed in agriculture.
02:48Obviously, the values, let's say, of the increase in temperatures, the increase, above all, of the very hot days in the last ten years, constantly above the average of the last thirtieth, and also the strong variability, let's say, in terms of rain, between strongly dry years and very rainy years. Another factor that naturally impacts on agronomic techniques and also on the techniques of defense of crops.
