Roña Castro distribuye alimentos a comedores locales, fue víctima de robo y vandalismo a su vehículo durante el fin de semana.
00:00What happened? They stole your car, they broke it, what happened?
00:03Hello, good morning. Yes, on Saturday I had food for the eaters,
00:09so the car was full, and they stole my food.
00:15But I said, people need it, no problem.
00:19Let them take the food, nothing happens.
00:21But on Sunday, I left the car outside my house,
00:25and they stole my battery, the Bendy, the donkey,
00:30they stole a click, the wheel,
00:33and they left me damaged, because to get the stereo out,
00:38they broke the whole torpedo.
00:40And they didn't take the stereo.
00:42The stereo was in place, but they broke everything.
00:45They broke the whole torpedo.
00:48And that makes me angry, because I help, I help people.
00:53Today I give my number, and on Friday I distribute the merchandise.
00:58Today, if you come at noon, there is an endless line.
01:04What about the car, Ronnie?
01:06Because you need it to distribute,
01:08to do the different tasks of the eatery,
01:10in addition to the personal ones.
01:12What happens, where is the car now?
01:14The car is with the mechanic,
01:16we bought the Bendy, we bought the donkey,
01:20we bought it, we also put it,
01:22but nothing, that's why I think people can help me.
01:25I have an alien, which is locomotora.castro22,
01:32who can help me, little by little,
01:34we get almost two and a half million,
01:37to be able to fix the car.
01:39Nowadays, two and a half million is 250,000 pesos before,
01:45but hey, it seems a lot, but it's not a lot.
01:48That's what we need, if you can give us a hand.
01:51But hey, I have inside, I have all the food.
01:54Can we see Ronnie inside?
01:56Do you want to come in?
01:58What I don't understand is that the food is stolen from the car.
02:02Yes, because he loaded a part of the food in the car
02:06to make a delivery,
02:08and the food was there and they stole it,
02:11but he collects it here, you see?
02:13Let's go in, I don't know how we will be of signal,
02:15but you tell me.
02:17Let's see, locomotora.castro22, I think he said.
02:23Yes, let's see, confirm here.
02:25locomotora.castro22, locomotora.castro22, yes, yes.
02:28Jorge Fernando Castro.
02:29Here are the food, you see, guys?
02:31Of course.
02:34Here you have, today you are going to distribute this on Friday,
02:37a part.
02:38No, yes, here you have everything.
02:40Look, here you have milk, sugar, herbs, polenta, oil,
02:45you have everything.
02:46All this is given to people on Friday.
02:49You have sweets, flour, you have lentils, beef.
02:53You have your mayor, Ronnie, there.
02:57But this is because people need it,
02:59so this is what we try to collect,
03:02to buy.
03:03The Ministry of Social Development helps me a lot with the goods.
03:09Do they still give you goods?
03:11You see that there was a lot of discussion,
03:13since Castumio Millet, who gives him goods that he does not.
03:15No, no, no.
03:16Amila Petrovello does not give me anything.
03:19I am helped by Minister Andrés Larroque, the crow,
03:23who gives me a hand.
03:25That is, nothing from the nation, everything that comes from the province.
03:28No, the nation does not give me anything.
03:31On the contrary, we discussed there,
03:34and they never let me in to talk to the minister.
03:37And how is your work, Ronnie?
03:39Gym, gym and food distribution,
03:44or do you use the gym to bring the kids of the family who are screwed?
03:49No, no.
03:50Here we have 14 diners and 9 snack bars.
03:55We distribute to the diners on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
04:01Tuesday and Thursday we distribute to the snack bars.
04:04Because here, this is a milk, I give him the cookie,
04:09I give him the dough, I give him the tea.
04:1414 diners and 9 snack bars, how many people eat those foods?
04:19There were, in the previous government, there were 2,100 kids.
04:24Now it has doubled, there are 6,400.
04:28It's terrible how it doubled, but hey,
04:32there are a lot of retired people,
04:35there are a lot of old people who are hungry,
04:39and I know what will happen to me.
04:41Ronnie, wait a minute, wait a minute,
04:44Marcelo Padovani, wait a minute,
04:46because we have urgent information.
04:47Let's go back to July 9th Avenue.
04:49Fabián Rubino, what's going on?
04:51They are still taking injured people, after the accident.
04:55They are taking the last of the injured,
04:57and now Dr. Crescenti is going to speak,
04:59the head of the SAME,
05:01after this task that they are doing here,
05:04to help all the passengers.
05:06Let's see what Dr. Crescenti tells us then.
05:12You know, Rolando, that it is incredible, right?
05:14Because they have already gone to another emergency.
05:16Let's see what he says.
05:18There has been a collision of 59 and 67,
05:22product of which we have transferred 16 patients
05:25with various polytraumas,
05:29some with cranial trauma,
05:30others with lateral paralysis,
05:31others with hip,
05:32luckily none serious,
05:34and 10 more patients that we have observed in the place,
05:37which are green patients,
05:38who have no injuries,
05:39and that we are going to transfer.
05:41What was the cause of this?
05:42No, we don't know, we don't know.
05:44There are 26 assisted,
05:47there are in total,
05:49between yellow and red,
05:51there must be half and half of the 16,
05:54and also the hospitals where we derive them are
05:57Durán, Argerich, Ramón Mejía,
06:01Rivadavia and Fernández.
06:04The yellow and red, what kind of seriousness does it have?
06:06The yellow has to be studied for cranial traumas,
06:09the red, sorry, for cranial traumas and lateral paralysis,
06:12and the yellow has various blows to the upper and lower limbs.
06:15Where are they?
06:17And something happened because there is a traffic light here.
06:19What is the diversity of pathologies?
06:22Traumatism of the upper and lower limbs,
06:25falling on the floor of the seats.
06:28Any seriousness?
06:29No, no, for now, no seriousness,
06:31but the red ones have to be studied.
06:33The 16 drivers, Alberto.
06:35One of the drivers, we transfer him to the ambulance,
06:38the other one too, they will stay in the hospital.
06:41Are there minors?
06:42No, I have not seen minors.
06:43Ages of the damaged in red?
06:44More or less 35, 45 years,
06:47but they are all adults.
06:49The other 10, with their houses?
06:50The other 10 we have already checked,
06:52we have taken the data,
06:54with the police of the city,
06:56and they will return to their houses,
06:57because they have, they practically have a blow.
06:59Do you know if you are going to lift your operation?
07:00Yes, we are going to lift the operation.
07:02What is left to do?
07:03No, now it's just a medical examination, nothing else.
07:06To understand the speed with which they worked,
07:09how many minutes did it take to blind you?
07:11Calculate the three minutes in the place,
07:14the first mobile, and well,
07:15then comes all the saturation of the system.
07:18How many people worked in the place?
07:20The truth is that I did not count them,
07:21but more than 20 for sure,
07:23between trucks, motorcycles,
07:26and medical patrols.
07:28Can you repeat the number of attendants, please?
07:30There are 26.
07:31And what time was the crash?
07:32Seven thirty in the morning.
07:34Twenty-six, he said.
07:38and ten.
07:39Thank you, doctor.
07:40Well, let's go back a little bit,
07:42basically the information is already there.
07:44Rolando, dear, the doctor wants to feel.
07:47Look, I'll tell you one thing,
07:49the exam is amazing.
07:50Two more ambulances have just left
07:52for another scene where there is a wounded man
07:54with a white gun.
07:56How do these people work
07:58at the edge of the emergency?
08:03Well, let's go back then.
08:05Yes, of course.
08:06Yes, yes, yes, yes, but it impacts you,
08:08the way they work, how they move.
08:11Let's go back then.
08:12Here we have the collectives,
08:14the protagonists of this impact.
08:17Yes, there we were just watching a video
08:19recorded from inside the collective,
08:21still with the injured people.
08:28You have to see if those who were sitting
08:30were also hit, right?
08:31Because with such a blow
08:32you can have hit the face
08:33against the front seat.
08:34Yes, there are people falling over.
08:35And those who were in the first seat.
08:37It's always dangerous.
08:39Well, there were several traumas,
08:41let's say, of the skull, of the hip.
08:43The code red is skull trauma.
08:47Of course, exactly.
08:48They are the most dangerous.
08:50Sixteen, sixteen,
08:53those who entered the hospitals
08:55and of these sixteen, half,
08:57half then with skull trauma.
09:01Obviously they will be attended to
09:04and they will be studied with greater patience
09:08to try to limit then
09:10the degree of gravity of this impact.
09:12Thank you, Fabi.
09:13And let's go back a little more,
09:14Rolando, guys,
09:15forgive me for interrupting you,
09:17to the transit,
09:18because from now on the subject is transit.
09:20Santa Fe and the entrance to the Federal Capital.
09:23And when they withdraw the collectives
09:24it will normalize.
09:26There it is seen from above,
09:28see the difference, right?
09:30The column that comes from the north
09:33and the transit a little more fluid
09:36than those that come from the south.
09:38Thank you, Fabi.
09:40And now if we go back to Temperley,
09:41there is Marcelo Padovani
09:42and we were telling you the story of the robbery.
09:45They stole food from Roña Castro's car.
09:49Roña distributes food for fourteen diners,
09:54nine snacks.
09:56He told us that they are eating
09:58from those foods,
10:01they are eating 6,400 people.
10:04And not only do they steal the food one day,
10:06but the next day they destroy the car.
10:08What do you think, Roña,
10:09what is behind all this?
10:10Is it a political issue?
10:13I don't think so.
10:15I don't think it's political.
10:16They are people who do drugs,
10:20who are looking to be able to consume something.
10:25But nothing.
10:27I thank the gentleman,
10:29Masi Caballero, who is the head here
10:31of the Temperley district.
10:38They have it almost in sight,
10:40but you have to wait.
10:43Now, how fucked up is it
10:45if they steal food from your car
10:48and then disarm your car
10:49to blow it up to buy falopa?
10:53No, surely yes.
10:55Now we only ask for help.
10:58That's why I wanted to leave the alien I gave you
11:01to see if there is any possibility
11:05of being able to fix it.
11:08Because that's what we have to distribute
11:10to the dining rooms, to the snack bars.
11:13The car that my employees use here
11:16to go out to be able to distribute the merchandise.
11:20We are spreading it there,
11:23for those who can help.
11:24The loss of value, right?
11:26I imagine it also worries you,
11:28because people who steal,
11:30the one who helps, the one who has the least.
11:32Maybe one of them went to eat at your dining room.
11:34Yes, probably.
11:35I think he has some suspicions.
11:37No, but sign it,
11:40because here we have
11:42the party of the most loving.
11:45Anyway, Roña, don't get angry.
11:47If you know him,
11:48don't put a hand on him.
11:51No, no, it happened to me once.
11:54I already found one that had stolen from me,
11:56I grabbed it,
11:57and then I almost go to jail
11:59for hitting him, for hurting him.
12:01So nowadays,
12:03I have to grab it,
12:06take off my pants,
12:07and put my finger in it.
12:08It's not like that.
12:09One is a man.
12:11Look, a little boy from the gym,
12:15here around Caguazú,
12:17they stabbed him,
12:18they stabbed him in the lung,
12:20they punctured his bone.
12:21His name is Aquiles.
12:23So that's why we have problems.
12:27So, you see, people are devastated.
12:30I think the authorities know.
12:33So, this gentleman,
12:36Masi Caballero,
12:37told me that they had grabbed the boy.
12:40But it can't be that this is happening
12:42every day on the street, you know?
12:45People are desperate.
12:46They are afraid.
12:47They are afraid to go out on the street
12:48because of what is happening.
12:50No, it's just that among the needs
12:52and addictions,
12:54it becomes unbearable.
12:56Yes, but, you see,
12:58this is happening all the time,
13:01not just here in Temperley.
13:05It's happening all over the world,
13:07all over Argentina, actually.
13:10Because, well,
13:11today we have a lot of needs.
13:13There is a lack of food,
13:15not just here in Temperley,
13:17but in the whole country.
13:19Things are going to hell.
13:21Everything is increasing.
13:22Salaries are still the same.
13:24You see, it's very hard for people
13:27who don't have anything.
13:28I have, thank God.
13:29I can eat,
13:31I can buy a kilo of meat,
13:32but there are people who don't have anything.
13:34It's hard, it's hard, it's hard.
13:35Roña, thank you for your testimony.
13:37And, well, good luck, my friend.
13:40No, thank you for being here.
13:41I appreciate it.
13:42And, well,
13:43whenever you want,
13:44I distribute merchandise on Fridays.
13:45When you want to come and cover it,
13:47you can come and do it,
13:48because I have no problem
13:49showing what one does
13:51to the people who have the least.
13:53Of course.