• l’année dernière
00:00J'espère que c'est presque l'heure d'ouvrir mes cadeaux de birthday.
00:03Oh, moi aussi.
00:06Tu penses que tu vas recevoir ce... hum...
00:09Super Squishy Putty Paint Set.
00:12Oui, c'est ça.
00:13Il possède Squishy Putty et plein de couleurs
00:16et tu peux faire des choses vraiment, vraiment cool avec ça.
00:20J'espère que je vais le recevoir, Goliath.
00:22Les enfants, c'est l'heure des cadeaux.
00:24Ils sont dans l'arrière-plan.
00:27Vous ne saurez jamais ce que nous avons.
00:29Non, non, non!
00:30C'est le meilleur cadeau de birthday jamais!
00:32Oui, oui, oui!
00:33Allons-y, allons-y dehors!
00:38Oh, Yuri!
00:40Il doit y avoir plein de Squishy Putty là-bas!
00:44Tout le monde à la cornere.
00:53Tu ne t'es pas supposé, non?
00:55Je t'ai dit que tu ne t'es jamais supposé!
00:57Tu ne t'es jamais supposé dans un million d'années!
00:59Jamais, jamais, jamais!
01:00Qu'est-ce que c'est?
01:01C'est ta propre maison d'arbres.
01:04Seulement, c'est sur le sol.
01:06Parce qu'on ne pouvait pas l'amener tout le long de l'arbre.
01:08Mais on l'a fait tout seul, avec la boîte de mon nouveau réfrigérateur.
01:12Et des feuilles du parc.
01:14Et mes crayons.
01:15Et on lui a donné un couteau de course.
01:17C'était mon idée.
01:18C'est une sorte de maison d'arbres dans la jungle.
01:20N'est-ce pas génial?
01:22Ça a l'air cool, hein, Yuri?
01:26Ce n'est pas ce que je voulais.
01:30J'ai voulu un set de peinture super liquide.
01:33Ça vient avec tout ce truc liquide.
01:36Et tu peux le peindre de couleurs différentes.
01:38Et faire des choses avec ça qui sont vraiment...
01:40Oh, c'est génial!
01:42C'est comme un castle de jungle ici!
01:45Mais Goliath...
01:46Et tu devrais être le roi, Yuri.
01:48Parce que c'est ton anniversaire!
01:50Non, ce n'est pas ça.
01:51Si c'était mon anniversaire,
01:52alors j'aurais reçu le cadeau que je voulais.
01:55Donc, tu ne veux pas être le roi de la jungle?
01:58Non, non, non, merci.
02:01Oui, d'accord.
02:02Quelqu'un d'autre peut être le roi de la jungle.
02:04Oh, oh, alors me pêche, me pêche, me pêche.
02:06Est-ce que je peux, Yuri? Est-ce que je peux être le roi?
02:08Je suppose, si tu le veux vraiment.
02:10Oh, oui, je veux vraiment, je veux vraiment, vraiment.
02:16Allez, tout le monde!
02:25Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah.
02:34C'est génial!
02:36Euh, que devrions-nous faire d'abord, Yuri?
02:39Tu es le roi Goliath,
02:41et les rois ont tous les règles.
02:43Oui, tout le monde salue le roi Goliath!
02:46Hé, hé, hé!
02:47Que devrions-nous faire, Votre Hôtesse?
02:50Oh, oui, je suis un roi.
02:53Le roi de la chambre d'arbre de la jungle, c'est moi,
02:57aimerait, hum, fêter une fête royale !
03:00Oui ! Une fête avec beaucoup de nourriture !
03:02Ouais, faisons-le !
03:03J'ai faim.
03:04Ouais, moi aussi !
03:05Ça te semble amusant, Yuri ?
03:07Je pense que oui.
03:09Génial ! A la cuisine !
03:11Wow, wow, wow ! Les rois ne devraient pas cuisiner.
03:14Ils ne le font pas ?
03:15Oh non ! Lily a raison !
03:17Les rois doivent faire des trucs rois !
03:19Des trucs rois ?
03:21Comme demander des choses, et s'assoir dans des chaussures.
03:24Oh, d'accord.
03:25Allez, Yuri ! Faisons des trucs rois !
03:28Oh non, non, non !
03:30Yuri doit cuisiner, comme tout le monde.
03:32Il ne voulait pas être roi, tu te souviens ?
03:35Oh, ouais.
03:36Yuri ?
03:37Ça va.
03:41Je suis contente de ne pas être roi.
03:45Fais en sûr que tu reçois exactement ce que tu veux.
03:48Comme les rois sont censés.
03:50Oh, d'accord.
03:52Des trucs rois ? Des trucs rois ?
03:59Alors, qu'est-ce que nous devons faire ?
04:01Nous devons faire quelque chose que Goliath aimerait vraiment.
04:05Yuri ?
04:06Oh, hum...
04:08Bon, Goliath aime la pizza.
04:10Qu'est-ce que tu fais avec la pizza ?
04:12Nous pouvons la faire avec tout !
04:14Allons chercher des trucs.
04:21Oh !
04:25Goliath, tu n'es pas censé être là.
04:27Parce que nous faisons une surprise pour toi.
04:29Oh, j'adore les surprises !
04:31Ok, je veux juste être comme un roi et demander des trucs comme je suis censé.
04:35Ok, qu'est-ce que tu veux ?
04:37Hum, j'aimerais quelque chose de froid pour ma surprise.
04:41C'est un peu chaud dans la jungle, tu sais ?
04:44Froid ? Hum, ok.
04:47Oh, bien ! J'aime ce truc de roi.
04:52Qu'est-ce qu'il y a, Yuri ?
04:54Goliath veut quelque chose de froid pour manger à sa fête royale.
04:57Mais la pizza n'est pas froide, n'est-ce pas ?
05:00Je suppose qu'on ne peut plus faire de pizza.
05:02Hey, la pizza pourrait être froide si on la fait avec de l'ice-crème.
05:07Oui, de l'ice-crème à goût de bananes.
05:10Goliath aime l'ice-crème à goût de bananes.
05:13Bonne idée !
05:16Hum, Lily, sais-tu comment on fait de l'ice-crème à goût de bananes ?
05:21Avec du lait et des bananes.
05:23Oh, bien !
05:24Ouais, faisons-le !
05:26Ouais !
05:32Yuri, je ne regarde pas.
05:34Hum, je voulais juste faire un autre souhait de roi.
05:37Hum, quelque chose de croustillant.
05:39Quelque chose de croustillant ? Mais je pensais que tu voulais quelque chose de froid.
05:42Oui, quelque chose de froid et croustillant.
05:45Oh, hum, d'accord.
05:48Oh, bien !
05:50Et on va mélanger le lait plus vite maintenant.
05:56Hey !
05:58Hey, tout le monde !
06:02Je pense que Goliath aimerait quelque chose de froid et croustillant.
06:06Froid et croustillant ?
06:08Mais l'ice-crème n'est pas croustillante, n'est-ce pas ?
06:12Qu'est-ce qu'on va faire maintenant ?
06:14C'est trop dur.
06:16Écoute, si on ajoute quelque chose de croustillant à notre pizza à l'ice-crème,
06:19alors notre pizza sera froide et croustillante.
06:23Hey !
06:24Qu'est-ce qu'il y a des pommes ?
06:25Oh, Goliath aime la pomme croustillante.
06:28Pouvons-nous la faire ?
06:30Bien, nous avons des pommes.
06:31Et nous avons de la pomme.
06:32Bonne idée !
06:33La pomme croustillante et la pizza à l'ice-crème.
06:37Goliath va l'aimer.
06:42Demandez-moi quelque chose d'autre.
06:45Je veux que vous soyez sûr que j'obtienne ce que je veux car je suis le roi.
06:50Vous avez dit ça, n'est-ce pas ?
06:52Et vous voulez quoi maintenant ?
06:54Je veux quelque chose de vert.
06:55Vert ?
06:57Quelque chose de froid, croustillant et vert vient tout de suite.
07:02Oh, bon, bon, bon.
07:03crunchy and green coming right up!
07:06Oh! Goodie, goodie, goodie!
07:12Hey, everybody!
07:14Now, King Goliath wants something cold,
07:17crunchy and green to eat.
07:20Cold, crunchy and green?
07:22Well, ice cream isn't green.
07:24Peanut butter isn't green either.
07:26There must be something green
07:28we can put on Goliath's pizza.
07:32I've got it!
07:34The bestest pizza topping ever!
07:37Come on!
07:38Goliath is going to love this!
07:42King Goliath!
07:44Your Highness!
07:46We'd like to present you with...
07:48The biggest...
07:49The yummiest...
07:50The bestest pizza ever!
07:56No, no, no, nope!
07:58This won't do!
07:59It isn't exactly what I wanted!
08:03But you said you wanted something cold,
08:05crunchy and green.
08:07The banana ice cream is cold,
08:09the peanut butter is crunchy,
08:11and the lime jelly is green!
08:13It's delicious!
08:15And we worked really, really hard to make it.
08:18Yeah, but what I really wanted was a pickle.
08:21A pickle?
08:23A cold, crunchy, green pickle!
08:27But we all worked so hard to make a special
08:30cold, crunchy, green pizza,
08:32just for you!
08:33I thought you would love it!
08:35But you said I'm supposed to get exactly what I want, remember?
08:38Isn't that what you said, Yuri?
08:41Maybe that part's not so important.
08:44Maybe it's just really nice
08:46that your friends wanted to make you something special.
08:50It sure is!
08:53Are kings allowed to change their minds?
08:55Because now I really want to taste that pizza!
08:57It looks yummy!
09:00Let's eat!
09:06Time for birthday cake!
09:14can we eat my birthday cake inside the best tree house ever?
09:18I'm glad you like your gift, honey.
09:22because my friends made it
09:24just for me.
09:27Happy birthday, Yuri!
09:35Follow the leader!
09:41I need a push!
09:43I'm pushing!
09:44I'm pushing!
09:49Here comes Bongo!
09:53Should've waited!
09:54Should've waited!
10:07Come on!
10:08What's wrong with Matt?
10:09He looks kind of sad.
10:11Why would he be sad?
10:12Because he wants a puppy!
10:14A puppy?
10:15Yeah! You know...
10:17A puppy puppy!
10:19Get down here!
10:22You really want a puppy?
10:24Really, really!
10:26I would be the best puppy owner ever!
10:28So, why don't you ask your parents?
10:31I have!
10:32Lots of times!
10:33Lots and lots of times!
10:35And they said no!
10:36Lots and lots of times!
10:37Maybe they think you aren't old enough to look after a puppy.
10:40Yeah, that's what they say.
10:42But I can do it!
10:43It's easy!
10:44You just have to play with the puppy
10:46and teach it lots of fun things.
10:48But what about all the other stuff you have to do with a puppy?
10:51The stuff that's not fun.
10:53There's stuff that's not fun?
10:55How do you know, Lily?
10:57I know because I have little brothers.
10:59And having little brothers is just like having little puppies.
11:02It is!
11:03Babies go...
11:05And puppies go...
11:07Very noisy!
11:09And both need lots of baths because, well...
11:14And they both bite sometimes,
11:16which is a big no-no.
11:18A big, big no-no!
11:20And the worst thing?
11:21Baby brothers and puppies are really, really messy.
11:25That's even worse than the
11:30Oh, one more thing.
11:31You also have to take puppies for walks,
11:34even if it rains.
11:35Did you think of that?
11:37No problem!
11:38Me and Bongo can walk them quick
11:40because we're both so fast!
11:42You said it! We're fast!
11:43Come on!
11:44Let's go get a puppy!
11:47Là-bas, Bongo!
11:50Hey! Attends-moi!
12:09Aren't you a cutie?
12:12remember about the
12:14Oh, yeah!
12:19Looking good, biting no-no!
12:23Which one are you going to choose?
12:25I don't know.
12:33That one's making me dizzy!
12:36That's the one!
12:37I want a puppy that never gets tired,
12:39like me!
12:43Stop it!
12:44Good boy!
12:46Maybe you should give him a name.
12:50I'm going to call him Bushy!
12:51Do you like Bushy, Bushy?
12:54I think he likes it!
12:58Hey, watch it!
13:00Matt, this puppy's got to be trained.
13:02No problem!
13:04Come on, Bongo!
13:05Come on, Bushy!
13:07Matt's going to need our help.
13:10OK, Bushy,
13:11are you ready to play fetch?
13:19Let's try that again!
13:21He'll get it this time.
13:22Of course he will, the cutie!
13:24For sure!
13:25No way!
13:26Maybe he needs someone to show him.
13:28Great idea!
13:29Watch Bongo, OK?
13:31Bongo, fetch!
13:37Good boy!
13:40OK, Bushy, your turn!
13:42Ready, boy, and fetch!
13:45Did you see that?
13:46You listened to him!
13:51Bushy, come back!
13:54Well, he nearly got it right.
13:56Should we go and find him?
13:57Nah, he's my dog.
13:59He'll come back.
14:00Of course you have to go find him.
14:02A pet can't just run around a park
14:04without supler vision.
14:07Supler vision.
14:08You know, the owner has to be there all the time.
14:11It's a rule.
14:13Because he's your puppy,
14:15and you have to look after him.
14:18Come on, Bongo.
14:19I think Matt should go to the puppy owner school.
14:22Bushy, where are you?
14:24Here, Bushy, Bushy, Bushy, Bushy!
14:27Bushy, where are you?
14:30Hey, Matt, I found a puppy!
14:32Bushy, stop!
14:35Bushy, you can't dig up the flowers.
14:38You'll get in trouble.
14:40Good boy.
14:41Good boy, Bushy.
14:43Except for the flowers.
14:45And all the other things.
14:46What other things?
14:51Oh, no!
14:52Look at the mess.
14:54Did Bushy do it?
14:56Poor little puppy didn't mean to.
14:59That's why they need supler vision.
15:01You're going to have to put everything back the way it was.
15:04But I didn't do it.
15:06Bushy did.
15:07Maybe Bushy can put it all back.
15:10Bushy's very sorry.
15:12So, maybe you guys want to help us?
15:16We don't want to, but we will.
15:18Because you're our friend.
15:19And Bushy's so cute.
15:22Aren't you, you little cutie pie?
15:24But you've got to look after him better.
15:27Let's do it!
15:29Let's do it!
15:51I said sit!
15:54Thanks for your help, everyone.
15:56How did you get him to sit?
15:58Lots of practice with my brothers.
16:00Can you teach him a trick?
16:04Bushy, roll over.
16:07Roll over!
16:10Bongo, roll over.
16:14See? That's how you...
16:20No wonder he won't roll over.
16:24Oh, no!
16:25Oh, no!
16:28I told you dogs were messy.
16:30And now you have to clean it up.
16:33You're going to need this.
16:35Maybe you guys want to help again?
16:38No way!
16:39He's not that cute.
16:41Oh, I don't think so.
16:43He's your puppy, remember?
16:45Well, she's Bongo's puppy, too.
16:56I can't even play my favorite game
16:59because I have to watch Bushy.
17:01Yeah, but you have the puppy you've always wanted.
17:04I know.
17:05But maybe I don't want him now.
17:07Maybe I could want him when I'm a little bit older
17:10and I can take care of him better.
17:12You think we should take him back?
17:14I don't know.
17:15It's just...
17:16Maybe I'm not ready to have a puppy.
17:18Matt, get the ball!
17:25Bushy, come back!
17:27Bushy, no!
17:29Bushy, it's not your ball.
17:32Doggy throw! Yuck!
17:35Matt, we can't play if Bushy is going to chase the ball all the time.
17:39Yeah, maybe you should hold on to him
17:41or go play somewhere else.
17:43It's okay. Matt's taking him back.
17:46Where he came from?
17:48Don't you want him anymore?
17:49Sure, I want him.
17:51But I'm not ready to take care of him yet.
17:54Come on, Bushy.
17:56I knew it!
18:00I'm going to miss you, Bushy.
18:03Bye, Bushy.
18:05Take care, Bushy.
18:07Bye, you little cutie pie.
18:11Hey, Bushy!
18:12You rolled over.
18:14Bye, you good little puppy.
18:17Bye, Bushy.
18:19I'm sorry I can't take care of you yet.
18:24Forget him, Bushy.
18:25Go on!
18:45Are you okay, Matt?
18:46Yeah, I really want a puppy.
18:49But now I know that taking care of a puppy is a lot of work.
18:52A lot of work!
18:54And some of it's not much fun.
18:56You know, I bet we could visit Bushy anytime we wanted to.
19:00You're right!
19:01And when you're ready, he'll be there waiting for you.
19:04Well, I did learn one thing.
