• l’année dernière
"Isang Gabi" (2024) is a compelling Filipino drama that intricately weaves the lives of two strangers who meet serendipitously in a bar. The film stars Coleen Garcia as Karla, a woman mourning the loss of her abusive marriage, and Diego Loyzaga as Dindo, a man preparing for incarceration. Their unexpected encounter leads to the unearthing of a shared truth that intertwines their fates, compelling them to confront long-suppressed turmoil.
With a runtime of 1 hour and 30 minutes, "Isang Gabi" explores themes of grief, redemption, and the complexities of human connection. The film's narrative unfolds like a one-act play, focusing on the intense interactions between Karla and Dindo, reminiscent of Richard Linklater's "Before Trilogy." Critics have praised the performances of Garcia and Loyzaga, highlighting their chemistry and emotional depth throughout the film.
As Karla and Dindo navigate their respective struggles, "Isang Gabi" challenges audiences to reflect on the impact of past traumas and the possibility of healing through unexpected relationships. Directed by Mac Alejandre and written by the renowned Ricky Lee, this film promises to be one of the standout Filipino films of 2024, offering a blend of drama and emotional resonance that will leave viewers captivated.
Don't miss "Isang Gabi," a poignant exploration of love and loss that showcases the power of connection in the face of adversity.


