A fishy kick, a spicy jolt, and a smoky sweetness... these unassuming foods will take your scrambled eggs to the next level.
00:00A fishy kick, a spicy jolt, and a smoky sweetness, these unassuming foods will take your scrambled
00:07eggs to the next level.
00:09Almost as ubiquitous on scrambled eggs as salt and pepper, hot sauce should still be
00:15touted as one of the best additions if you want a little extra kick in the morning. While
00:19a splash of hot sauce on morning eggs isn't anything new for some of us, Tabasco sauce
00:23in particular has the right balance of red pepper and vinegar that cuts right into the
00:28egg's flavor and knocks out any sort of blandness. While there is a veritable library of hot
00:33sauces out there, it might be safe to say that Tabasco seems to be made for scrambled
00:38How about some egg beaters and Tabasco?
00:40That's fine.
00:42Even among the most devout hot sauce aficionados, Tabasco is still a popular addition for those
00:49who want their breakfast to come with a touch of heat. And though hot, Tabasco isn't usually
00:54an eye-watering, throat-scolding kind of hot sauce, depending, of course, on your spice
01:00The makers of Tabasco have been using the same recipe for more than 150 years, and we're
01:04willing to bet scrambled eggs were probably one of the first things they tried it on.
01:09As avid breakfast eaters, we've been enjoying the eternally classic combo of bacon and eggs
01:14so long that it's hardwired into our brains. But this perfect pairing is actually the result
01:19of a public relations push in the 1920s to sell more bacon. But who can argue with the
01:25salty, often crunchy strips of bacon that just pair naturally with a plate of steaming,
01:30fluffy eggs?
01:31Throw in a side of toast and some orange juice and you've got a full breakfast. But if these
01:35two early morning staples go well next to each other, how do they measure up, mixed
01:40Quite well, we must say. It's not uncommon to see bacon crumbled onto a fresh plate of
01:46scrambled eggs or even mixed in while cooking them on the stove. Just be careful with the
01:50amount of bacon grease that gets mixed with the eggs. Too much leaves you with something
01:55more oily and less appetizing.
01:57The best method involves cooking the bacon ahead of time, almost to the point of drying
02:01it out. This will not only lessen the amount of grease, but also make the bacon crispy
02:06and easy to crumble so you can add the bits into or onto your eggs.
02:11I can't think of anything more noble to go to war over than bacon and eggs.
02:15Whether you call them scallions or green onions, these beauties go great with scrambled eggs.
02:20Though they're part of the onion family, green onions aren't packing nearly as onion-y a
02:25flavor when compared to their more bulbous cousins. That's not to say green onions aren't
02:30packing any flavor, much to the contrary.
02:33What makes green onions such an ideal addition to scrambled eggs is that their flavor can
02:37change in subtle ways depending on how you use them. Chopped and sprinkled raw onto a
02:41plate of eggs, green onions maintain their slight onion flavor and even add a fresh crunch
02:47when compared to the soft scramble.
02:49When green onions are cooked, however, an interesting transformation takes place. Allowing
02:53green onions to saute at a lower heat with butter lets them caramelize and brings out
02:58an earthier sweetness. The sweetness isn't too overwhelming, though. Instead, it adds
03:03a totally new dimension to the more savory scrambled eggs.
03:07The colors of bell peppers are more than just for show. It turns out that each shade of
03:11bell pepper brings a different set of flavors to the table, something to note when pairing
03:15them with scrambled eggs. Each color also represents a different level of a pepper's
03:20brightness, which is something to consider when preparing your egg dish.
03:24Green peppers are the most common and the most bitter. However, green peppers can be
03:28paired well with sweeter onions, especially when sautéed and caramelized, before you
03:33add them to your eggs. Yellow peppers are known for their sweetness, and while they
03:37can be cooked, they can also be served raw. Orange peppers are not as sweet as yellow
03:42peppers, but they do look better mixed into eggs.
03:45Finally, if there's one pepper that should be highly recommended, it's the red pepper.
03:50At its ripest, a red pepper is not only high in flavor but also high in nutrition, and
03:55it adds a strong splash of color to your breakfast.
03:59Salting eggs is often a highly debatable topic. Do you put salt in the batter while cooking,
04:04or just salt to taste after the eggs are done? Do you risk making your eggs bland or creating
04:09a watery egg island because salt pushes out the eggs' moisture?
04:13Cooks and chefs, pros and homemakers may all have their own methods when it comes to salting
04:18scrambled eggs, but apparently the true masters reach for the soy sauce before the salt shaker.
04:26Possibly one of the most common ingredients in a professional chef's repertoire, soy sauce
04:30offers up all the flavor enhancements of salt without as high of a sodium content.
04:36Soy! Soy! Soy!
04:40Not only that, but soy sauce is also able to fully spread itself out in scrambled eggs
04:44in a way that salt just can't.
04:46As granules, even in high numbers, salt always leaves gaps where your scrambled eggs go unseasoned
04:52and maybe become lackluster for flavor. As a liquid, however, soy sauce can fully coat
04:57the eggs, giving every bite a well-seasoned taste.
05:02Speaking of salty sauces to add to your eggs, if you want a more British kick to your scramble
05:06and a bit more complexity, consider using Worcestershire sauce. This long-celebrated
05:11English import is made for more savory, hardier foods like steaks, burgers, and vegetables,
05:17such as tomatoes and eggplant.
05:19It's also a key ingredient in many Caesar salad dressings, but Worcestershire can add
05:23a lot of inner umami to eggs, too. Unlike soy sauce, Worcestershire is more than just
05:29fermented soy. While each version of Worcestershire is different, the majority of key ingredients
05:34include onion, garlic, sugar, molasses, malt vinegar, and anchovies.
05:39With added spices and different levels of sugar and salt, the concoction makes for a
05:42tangy, spicy, and savory taste. If you feel the need to experiment with your eggs, then
05:48Worcestershire is a place to start.
05:51While some may see parsley as mere decoration for an entree, this herb is another classic
05:56scrambled egg addition used either as a topping or in the mix. What makes parsley in particular
06:02such a popular herb for eggs is its ability to lend a brighter, earthier, yet light taste
06:08to more savory eggs.
06:10Parsley adds its own flavors and aromas to the dish without overpowering the entire palate.
06:15Not only that, but parsley is considered a soft herb, meaning that you can eat the
06:18entire plant, stem and all. You don't have to worry about picking off the leaves, either,
06:23as you can chop up the entire plant as an ingredient.
06:27Note that parsley is one of those herbs that is a bit too light for the frying pan. Too
06:31much heat can pull out parsley's appealing color and light flavor. Even worse, the heat
06:36risks completely drying out the parsley, making it brittle and unflavorful to your eggs.
06:41When it comes to the best way to add parsley to your scrambled egg dish, consider a simple
06:45chop and a garnish just before your eggs are served.
06:49"'Tis parsley!"
06:54Several vegetables go well with scrambled eggs, as does a kick of spice. But what if
06:59you want that whole medley all at once? Look no further than a jar of store-bought or even
07:04homemade salsa. And just because it's salsa doesn't mean it has to have some heat to it.
07:09Check out your local grocery section, and you'll see salsas with a wide array of textures,
07:13ingredients, and spice levels. If you want to go even further, making your own salsa
07:18is far easier than you think, provided you know the basics. Plus, that gives you total
07:23control as to what vegetables, level of heat, and consistency of salsa you want to add to
07:28your eggs.
07:29What's also great about salsa is the versatility you get in how it's added to your eggs. Mexican-style
07:35salsa, which usually has tomatoes, cilantro, jalapeno peppers, salt, and onion, can easily
07:40be cooked into your scrambled eggs, creating an even heat and even changing the flavor
07:45of the salsa as it cooks. Italian-style salsa, commonly made with olive oil, capers, garlic,
07:51lemon juice, or vinegar, is best served as a condiment alongside them.
07:56If you really want to talk about the sheer level of options and a veritable rainbow of
08:00flavors, then look no further than cheese to add to your scrambled eggs. Quite possibly
08:05more than any previous ingredient, cheese has got to be one of the most beloved egg
08:10additions, from omelets to frittatas. What truly helps, though, is knowing which cheeses
08:15pair well with eggs, and which ones work better as a light garnish.
08:19Cheddar is a classic through and through. Its flavor ranges from mild to sharp, and
08:24it lends a deep orange hue to scrambled eggs' yellow coloring. Depending on the cheese,
08:29it may not melt particularly well, though. Cheddar tends to work better as more of a
08:33garnish atop your eggs. Meltier cheeses, like Gouda and Mozzarella, practically marble into
08:39scrambled eggs, creating that cheesy, gooey texture that looks so appetizing in TV commercials
08:45for breakfast restaurants.
08:47Another great cheese that melts well and has a great taste is Swiss, which is no wonder
08:52considering it's a staple in fondues. It's worth noting that beyond the standard Holy
08:56Swiss cheese that initially comes to mind, there are hundreds of varieties of cheese
09:01made in Switzerland. What's great about adding cheese to your scrambled eggs is that you
09:05decide exactly which cheese works best for you.
09:09If you want to avoid being that person who stinks up the office break room by microwaving
09:13leftover salmon, consider folding those seafood scraps into your scrambled eggs. A breakfast
09:19scramble is one of those dishes where eggs mix well with almost any kind of leftover
09:25Salmon is absolutely one of those kind of leftovers. Heck, even making it fresh for
09:29the sole purpose of adding it to scrambled eggs is still totally valid. There are several
09:33different types of salmon to consider, from Atlantic to Coho.
09:37You'll also need to decide whether to use fresh or smoked salmon, which has an entirely
09:41different sort of flavor. It should be no surprise for the health-conscious that salmon
09:45is known to contain a high level of omega-3 fatty acids, which is equivalent to getting
09:50some high-grade lubrication for your arteries. Not only that, but salmon also contains high
09:55levels of B12, a key vitamin used by the body to create healthier red blood cells and promote
10:01a healthier brain. While these days, seafood is rather expensive, even half a pound of
10:06leftover salmon can do wonders for your breakfast the following morning.
10:11Spinach, mixed with scrambled eggs, is another widely enjoyed change-up. Not only is it tasty,
10:16but it is also a great way to make sure you're getting your regular dose of vitamins and
10:21nutrients. While eggs tout plenty of protein, spinach contains a high number of essential
10:26vitamins that we tend to miss as part of our daily nutrition. Antioxidants, vitamins A,
10:31C, and K, and B-complex vitamins are part of spinach's nutritional makeup. Consuming
10:37foods high in these vitamins promotes muscle growth and bone health, as well as healthier
10:42and younger-looking skin.
10:47But enough about health. How does it taste? Well, when paired with cheese or other vegetables,
10:55spinach helps make your scrambled eggs a bit more hearty. But if you're going to add spinach
11:00into your eggs, remember to cook the spinach beforehand. Spinach is a leafy vegetable that
11:05reduces after a few minutes of heat. As it reduces, it will shed all of its water content.
11:10So unless you want your cooked eggs to really be swimming, add the spinach after cooking
11:15Avocado is one of those universal ingredients that seems to go great with almost anything,
11:20from a simple piece of toast to the inside of a generously stuffed burrito. So naturally,
11:26avocado lends its own unique flavor, nutrients, and creamy texture when added to your eggs.
11:31In fact, eggs and avocado are a healthy, nutritious tag-team powerhouse. You're not only getting
11:36your proteins, but also plenty of healthy fats and minerals like magnesium, zinc, and
11:43An egg-avocado combo provides health benefits like improving your general mood and sharpening
11:48your brain by helping create feel-good chemicals like dopamine. As good as this combination
11:53is for your body and mind, just try not to eat it every single day. Avocado is still
11:59high in fats, and eggs still contain a level of bad cholesterol. But like any food, if
12:04you make it part of a balanced meal plan each week, you'll be able to enjoy the benefits
12:08while avoiding the drawbacks of overindulgence.
12:11Speaking of overindulgence, while you can have avocado as a garnish or mix-in, the two
12:17are also perfect ingredients for a breakfast burrito.