Ekta Kapoor, the renowned filmmaker and producer, hosted a grand Diwali bash in Mumbai, bringing together Bollywood's crème de la crème. The star-studded event was a spectacle of glamour, with celebrities like Sonakshi Sinha, Zaheer Iqbal, Avneet Kaur, Rakul Preet, and many more in attendance. Among the sea of stylish celebrities, Avneet Kaur emerged as the belle of the ball. Her mesmerizing blue lehenga, adorned with intricate details, stole the spotlight, and her flowing hair added an extra layer of enchantment to her overall look.
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#Ekta Kapoor #Trending #2024 #BollywoodCountry #BollywoodNews #BollywoodGossips #BollywoodUpdates #BollywoodNews #Bollywood #Bollywoodcelebrity #BollywoodHindiNews #ians
00:00Ekta Kapoor, the renowned filmmaker and producer, hosted a grand Diwali bash in Mumbai, bringing
00:05together Bollywood and television stars under one roof.
00:09The star-studded event was a spectacle of glamour with celebrities like Sonakshi Sinha,
00:14Zaheer Iqbal, Avneet Kaur, Rakul Preet Singh and many more in attendance.
00:19Among the sea of stylish celebrities, Avneet Kaur emerged as the belle of the ball.
00:24Her mesmerising blue lehenga, adorned with intricate detailing, stole the spotlight and
00:29her flowing hair added an extra layer of enchantment to her overall look.
00:34As she posed for photographs, Avneet executed sheer elegance and beauty, captivating the
00:39audience with her stunning appearance.
00:41Avneet's traditional attire was a masterclass in elegance, showcasing her impeccable fashion
00:48Her confidence and charm shone through, making her a true standout at the event.
00:53With each movement, she emboided pose and sophistication, proving why she is beloved
00:57and a stylish Bollywood personality.
01:00Ikta Kapoor's Diwali bash was a night to remember.
01:03Filled with laughter, glamour and celebration, as the festive season unfolds, Avneet Kaur's
01:08breathtaking appearance has set the bar high for future fashion moments.
01:13Her flawless makeup, impeccable styling and captivating smile made her a true showstopper,
01:18leaving fans eagerly anticipating her next fashion move.