Bollywood actors Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt were recently spotted with their adorable daughter Raha Kapoor at their house in Bandra. In an adorable video, the family dressed in the same yellow dresses. Ranbir sported a yellow kurta with matching pants while Alia looked gorgeous in a bright yellow saree. Little girl Raha also wore a pretty yellow dress which suited the occasion of Diwali perfectly completing the family picture.
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00:00Recently, Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt were seen at their Bandra residence celebrating
00:07the festival of Diwali with their little daughter, Raha Kapoor.
00:11The family melted everyone's hearts as they wore similar bright yellow attires, showing
00:16their togetherness and love on this joyous festival.
00:20Ranbir looked every bit handsome as he wore a bright yellow kurta with a smartly tailored
00:25pair of pants.
00:27His dress was full of warmth and brightness and was quite appropriate for the festive
00:31season of Diwali.
00:34On the other hand, Alia Bhatt was the centre of attention in a gorgeous yellow saree that
00:39perfectly complemented her beauty and elegance.
00:42The elaborate design of her outfit added elegance, enhancing her even more beautifully as she
00:48enjoyed the Diwali festival.
00:51Even the little Raha Kapoor looked adorably cute and wore a dress of the same yellow.
00:57The coordinated outfit of the family members not only focused on their togetherness but
01:02also added a playful touch to the Diwali festivities.