• last year
Presiden Prabowo Subianto memerintahkan empat kementerian untuk menyelamatkan perusahaan tekstil PT Sri Rejeki Isman Tbk (Sritex). Empat kementerian tersebut antara lain Kementerian Perindustrian, Kementerian Keuangan, Kementerian BUMN, dan Kementerian Tenaga Kerja.

Hal itu diungkapkan oleh Menteri Perindustrian Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita usai Sritex dinyatakan pailit oleh Pengadilan Negeri (PN) Semarang beberapa waktu lalu.

"Presiden Prabowo sudah memerintahkan Kementerian Perindustrian, Kemenkeu, Menteri BUMN, dan Menteri Tenaga Kerja untuk segera mengkaji beberapa opsi dan skema untuk menyelamatkan Sritex," kata Agus.

Direktur Jenderal Pembinaan Hubungan Industrial dan Jaminan Sosial Tenaga Kerja (PHI dan Jamsos) Kemnaker, Indah Anggoro Putri mengungkapkan Kemnaker meminta kepada PT Sritex dan anak-anak perusahaannya yang telah dinyatakan pailit oleh Pengadilan Niaga agar tidak terburu-buru melakukan PHK kepada pekerjanya, sampai dengan adanya putusan yang inkrah atau dari MA.

Kasus pailit yang dialami oleh Sritex menunjukkan badai di industri tekstil Indonesia masih belum juga berlalu. Dan karyawan industri tekstil menjadi pihak yang paling terancam dampak kasus yang mendera industri tekstil saat ini.

Pemerintah pun tak punya waktu lagi untuk memperbaiki regulasi tata kelola industri tekstil nasional. Tanpa adanya langkah cepat yang efektif, kasus yang terjadi di industri tekstil akan menciptakan bom waktu yang berdampak signfikan bagi perekonomian nasional.


00:00The President?
00:12President Wosobianto has announced a way to save the PETA-Sri-Rezeki-Isman-TBK-Sri-Tex textile emitter
00:20as stated by Semarang Court of Justice a few days ago.
00:23Minister of Industry Agus Kumewang Kartasasmita said
00:27The government is currently focused on rescuing SriTex workers from the threat of termination of their employment contract.
00:39The government will make an effort to rescue PT Sri Rezeki Ismantepeka or SriTex,
00:44as stated by the State Administration of Semarang several times ago.
00:48Minister of Industry Agus Mewangkarta Sasmita stated,
00:52the rescue step is carried out in accordance with the direct order of President Prabowo Subianto.
00:57Agus stated that Prabowo Subianto has ordered the Ministry of Industry,
01:01the Ministry of Finance together with the Minister of State Employment and the Minister of Employment
01:05to immediately investigate several options and schemes to rescue SriTex.
01:10The options and rescue schemes will be delivered as soon as possible
01:14after the four ministries have completed the rescue process.
01:18Agus stated that the current focus of the government is to rescue SriTex workers
01:23who are threatened by termination of their employment contract or PHK.
01:27Previously reported, SriTex was officially declared a pilot by the State Administration of Semarang.
01:32Quoted from the official website of the Semarang State Administration of Semarang last Thursday.
01:37The petitioner PT Indahubaratrayon proposed a peace treaty with the petitioner
01:42on the grounds of asking for a payment obligation.
01:45There are petitioners not only from SriTex, but also from other companies.
01:49They are from Sinar Panja Jaya, PT Bilitex Industry, and PT Prima Yuda Mandiri Jaya.
01:54Reported by IDX Jino.
02:01Okay, Mr. Mirsa, to discuss our theme this time,
02:03the emergency solution for the rescue of the national textile industry.
02:06We have been connected via Zoom with Mr. Timbul Siregar,
02:10Segjen Organisasi Pekerja Seluruh Indonesia, or OPSI.
02:13Good morning, Mr. Timbul.
02:15Good morning, Mas.
02:16How are you?
02:17Good morning. I'm fine.
02:19Thank you for your time.
02:20And also Mr. Retma Gita Wirawasta.
02:23He is the CEO of the Association of Wireless Producers and Winners of Filament Indonesia.
02:28Hello, Mr. Retma. How are you?
02:30I'm fine. Good morning.
02:32Thank you for your time.
02:34Mr. Retma, this is interesting.
02:36If we look at it, it's related to the national textile industry.
02:39It's the latest.
02:40It has already been announced.
02:41Even Streettex must be declared as a pilot.
02:44What is it like?
02:46The latest picture from you, Mr. Retma,
02:48related to the textile industry and textile products in Indonesia right now.
02:54This is actually a continuation of what happened two years ago.
02:59The condition continues to deteriorate.
03:02If we talk about 2023,
03:04there are three people who are not strong anymore.
03:07That's PHK, PHK, PHK.
03:09In 2024,
03:11at the beginning of 2024,
03:13the trend shifted to TUTU PABRIK.
03:17PHK had a lot of PHK before.
03:20This is also the same in Streettex.
03:24The condition is the same.
03:25They are the same.
03:26The industry is equally stressed with the condition of the textile industry
03:32nationally as a whole.
03:35Okay. But if we look at the current condition,
03:38the PHK trend can be said to continue, right, Mr. Retma?
03:44Yes, of course.
03:45As long as the root of the problem is not handled,
03:49the PHK trend will continue.
03:51Because this is already a prediction at the end of 2022.
03:58If it's not handled,
04:00it will continue.
04:03When PHK, PHK, and TUTU PABRIK are closed,
04:06the main problem is not handled.
04:09Mr. Timur, from the employee's point of view,
04:11how do you see the wave of decision-making in large-scale jobs
04:14happening in the national textile industry?
04:18Yes, of course, this is a national issue.
04:22Because the textile industry is also a labor-intensive industry.
04:27This is also expected to be able to accommodate a new labor force
04:33that can support the deficit of the labor force.
04:38The spirit brought by the Labor Creation Law
04:41is how the labor force can be accommodated,
04:45the deficit can be reduced.
04:47Well, in 2023, with Rp 1,400 trillion in investment,
04:53only 1.8 million jobs can be opened.
04:59So there is still a deficit of the labor force,
05:02because every year there is around Rp 4 million more.
05:05Well, of course, the textiles that we expect as a labor-intensive industry
05:10that can accommodate,
05:11it turns out that it has already been sold.
05:14It has been sold for 2 years.
05:16If from colleagues in Central Java,
05:19especially in Central Java,
05:20it is the PHK with the reason to close the company
05:25outside of Sritex, there are 7.
05:28Well, for example, like Dupantex in Central Java,
05:33closed PHK 700 jobs.
05:35Alenatex, blah blah blah, and so on.
05:37Well, if the PHK does efficiency without closing,
05:41well, for example, Binarat,
05:43Biratex, PHK 400.
05:47Then Cohartex, and so on in Magelang, PT Pulau Mas, and so on.
05:53Well, of course, this becomes a barrier for our textile industry.
05:58So the government really has to ask,
06:01what is the cause?
06:02Now Sritex appears.
06:04Sritex is also related to how the company's income,
06:10but if we look at it, there is an impression that the stock is suspended.
06:16Well, it happens.
06:17Then the debt is getting bigger, the tax debt,
06:20and again, that's what caused it to be suspended,
06:24and finally it was suspended by its creditor.
06:27Well, this also has to be a national issue.
06:31So I want to assume that the PHK in the textile sector,
06:37and other sectors, must also be a national disaster,
06:41which must be thought of by the government,
06:43so that it becomes a phenomenon,
06:47a fact that must be found a solution nationally.
06:51Not only Sritex.
06:54So I think, not only the safety of Sritex,
06:57but what about the textile industry?
06:59Well, this is a national issue.
07:03Not just a COVID disaster, but a disaster that affects our industry,
07:08it has to be a national disaster.
07:10This is where the government must find a solution,
07:14in a helicopter view,
07:17so that it can ensure that this sector can flourish again,
07:22with the number of employees that can be accommodated more like this.
07:26Okay, this is interesting, Mr. Timul.
07:28Mr. Redman, then what if, as you said,
07:31this is a national disaster in the textile industry in Indonesia,
07:36then what about the pilot case of Sritex,
07:39which attracted the attention of President Prabowo,
07:41so that he asked a number of ministries to work in synergy,
07:44to save Sritex, related to the threat of PHK,
07:48from tens of thousands of employees.
07:50What is your opinion?
07:52Yes, indeed, Sritex must be saved.
07:56Sritex is not only Sritex,
07:59not only the workers who have to be covered,
08:03not only the workers who have to be saved.
08:05Because Sritex is part of the value chain,
08:08of the national textile industry.
08:10On the one hand, Sritex also supplies raw materials for the textile industry,
08:15on the other hand, Sritex is also a supplier of raw materials
08:20for the textile industry.
08:22So if this is closed,
08:25in addition to the workers also becoming a problem,
08:28of course the value chain as a whole will also be disturbed.
08:33Well, I agree with what Mr. Patimu said earlier,
08:36that the problem should be solved, not just Sritex.
08:40Yes, Sritex must be solved,
08:41but the problem of this industry as a whole must be solved.
08:45Because it will be a waste if only Sritex is solved.
08:49If we remember the Duniatek case,
08:52the Duniatek case is almost the same.
08:54At that time, the solution was the main restructuring.
09:00They were in the facilities department, reducing flowers,
09:04several solutions.
09:07But with that alone, without solving the industry problem,
09:11Duniatek also cannot rise now.
09:14So this will also be a problem if Sritex is solved,
09:17but the root of the problem in the industry is not solved.
09:20Of course, it will be difficult to rise.
09:25Don't add more workers.
09:29It will be difficult to resist not reducing the number of workers.
09:33So the root of the problem in the industry,
09:36I think it should also be thought of by the government.
09:41In addition to Sritex itself, the problem must also be thought of.
09:44Well, that's it.
09:45So what solution or strategy,
09:48what mitigation steps need to be done immediately,
09:51according to the instructions given by President Prabowo?
09:54We will find out in the next segment.
09:55Mr. Edma, we will take a short break.
09:57And Mr. Mirsa, we will be right back with the next episode.
10:16Okay, we will continue this interesting discussion
10:18with Mr. Tibur Sregar,
10:20the Executive Director of the All-Indonesian Workers' Organization,
10:22then Mr. Redma Gitaworewasta,
10:24he is the Chairman of the Association for the Production of Silk and Silk Filament in Indonesia.
10:28Well, Mr. Redma,
10:29talking about the mitigation steps,
10:31the anticipation that needs to be done,
10:33I remember this discussion was actually a while ago,
10:36in the era of President Jokowi's government,
10:38we have discussed several times
10:40about the efforts of the government that needs to be done,
10:43and then how, with the current government,
10:45which has given instructions to several ministries
10:48to jointly address the problems in the sector,
10:51especially textile and textile products.
10:54Well, let's start with three texts,
10:55which is the main focus.
10:57How about with friends from other textile industries?
11:01Mr. Redma, please.
11:03Yes, actually, this has become a mutual understanding.
11:07We in the industry know where the problem is.
11:09The government also,
11:11in the past, they also knew where the problem was.
11:15The main problem is the flood of imported products,
11:19especially illegal imported products.
11:21The government, during President Jokowi's term,
11:24took several steps,
11:26including applying remedies for fabric,
11:33safeguards, even though it was two years late,
11:35it should have been signed yesterday.
11:37In fact, it should have been signed in the end of 2022,
11:40but it was signed two months ago.
11:42Then, Mr. Zuhal has also signed the 36th amendment,
11:47but there is also a lot of dynamics,
11:49the agency was also directed to the 8th amendment.
11:52There are several points that are not in accordance with the government,
11:55but I think those points will not be effective
11:59as long as illegal imported goods are imported.
12:02Because illegal imported goods are imported without regulations.
12:04Whatever the regulation is, it still enters,
12:07it doesn't pay taxes,
12:10it doesn't pay additional taxes related to safeguards or anti-dumping.
12:15So, as long as the work of the IMF is still the same,
12:20I think whatever the government does will be useless,
12:25including this strategy.
12:27If this strategy is helped a lot,
12:30but also the legal ones keep coming in,
12:34it's the same.
12:36Yesterday, Mr. Zuhal actually initiated
12:40to form a court of arbitration on illegal importation.
12:44But the Kemendat amendment
12:46is only for imported goods.
12:51While the imported goods are in the IMF amendment.
12:55So, I think the improvement of the IMF's work
12:58is the main problem.
13:00And this has never been touched on in Mr. Jokowi's era.
13:05Even though we all know that this is a problem.
13:08So, we have hope for Mr. Prabowo's government
13:11to immediately make improvements
13:15in this legal importation problem.
13:19Okay. But if we look at the current condition,
13:22Mr. Timur, what do you see?
13:24Efficiency. Indeed, this has become a strategic step
13:27that has been applied by many industrialists,
13:29including textiles and textile products.
13:31There is a reduction of labor there,
13:33a reduction of working hours.
13:35Then, there is also the last choice,
13:38which is the decision on working relations.
13:40What can we review with the current condition?
13:42Is it really a solution
13:45that the PHK needs to do for its employees,
13:48for one of the companies
13:50that may be under pressure,
13:52even those who have been declared as pirates?
13:54Yes. So, I went back a little earlier.
13:57The PHK's problem of formal workers
14:00will multiply.
14:02The effect to informal workers,
14:04to restaurants around factories,
14:07then objects, and so on,
14:09will also affect the aggregate consumption.
14:1152% of economic growth
14:14is supported by consumption.
14:16If the consumption is disturbed
14:18due to lack of income, and so on,
14:20it will affect how the target reaches 8%.
14:24Meanwhile, the main supporters are marginalized.
14:28Of course, as Mr. Rekma said,
14:30there must be integration between the ministries and institutions.
14:34And we must be optimistic
14:38about the new government policy later,
14:42which we do hope,
14:44after returning from Magelang,
14:46there will be coordination,
14:48there will be no sectoral ego.
14:49We hope that the meeting in Magelang
14:52is to say,
14:53hey, don't have a sectoral ego.
14:55We want to save the national ship.
14:59Don't have a sectoral ego,
15:03and so on.
15:05The orchestration to save
15:08the textile industry,
15:10I hope the president must put his hand down
15:13to say to the finance minister
15:15who leads the sectoral,
15:17there are corporate workers
15:20who lead the workers,
15:22how about the ministries and other institutions,
15:24it must be monitored.
15:26If there is a president's instruction,
15:28which is clear,
15:29what are the duties of each ministry,
15:31for the ministries and institutions
15:34to ensure the process of saving our textile industry,
15:39not just the textile industry,
15:41it will succeed.
15:42How to import,
15:44we also have to discuss more seriously.
15:47Demand, in my opinion, is enough in Indonesia.
15:50But when the demand is met
15:53with external supply,
15:55it will endanger
15:58our local industry.
16:00Now this is a matter of course,
16:02there must be a party.
16:04The user group,
16:06the fiscal tax,
16:08and so on.
16:09So that the product produced
16:11can also be afforded by the community.
16:15The purchasing power, and so on.
16:17So we focus the supply and demand inside.
16:20So, in my opinion,
16:22import must also be considered.
16:25I hope there is a president's instruction
16:28for the safety of the textile industry.
16:30Not just talking about the textile industry.
16:32This is what will be said later
16:34in the president's instruction.
16:36What is the duty of this ministry?
16:38What is this ministry and so on?
16:40So that it can be more concrete
16:42to be monitored by the president.
16:44I don't expect it to be coordinated by MECO.
16:47But how can the president
16:49become the field general
16:52for the safety of the textile industry?
16:57How long is the target given?
17:00And so on.
17:01Now this is what we are working on.
17:03How, if there are a lot of PHAs,
17:06and so on, it will be more difficult.
17:08But how to prevent those who haven't?
17:10But those who have, we try
17:12to find a solution like that.
17:14Okay, Mr. Tipo.
17:16Mr. Redma Lantas,
17:18what kind of emergency solution
17:20do you expect from the TPT industry
17:23to deal with the current situation
17:25that still continues in the textile industry
17:27with the threat of mass PHK?
17:29Then the instructions related to the PMQ,
17:31the PMQ, the BUMN ministries,
17:33and also the MNKR.
17:34What is actually wanted
17:36in an emergency solution like this?
17:40Actually, it's easy.
17:42For us, it's easy.
17:44For incentives, of course,
17:46the government also needs funds.
17:48And even if the incentives are given
17:50with a market like this,
17:52the market is already broken.
17:54I mean, it's no longer profitable.
17:56Illegal imported goods
17:58have to be very, very cheap.
18:00Because they don't pay taxes.
18:02And we have to clean it up.
18:03It's impossible.
18:04So the solution,
18:06if the PMQ is formed,
18:08then one point,
18:10imported goods are stocked.
18:12Because these illegal imports,
18:14there are indeed some
18:16that go through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
18:18But the biggest one
18:20goes through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
18:22So that's one illegal import,
18:24the imported goods are stocked.
18:26The second,
18:28this is in accordance with Mr. Agus Gumiwang's proposal,
18:30which is,
18:32if something happens,
18:34the imported goods
18:36are moved out of Java,
18:38especially in the East Indonesia region.
18:40It will reduce
18:42a lot of illegal imports.
18:44And it will also
18:46make imported goods
18:48from China
18:50or Bangladesh
18:52more expensive.
18:54So we can,
18:56because most of the consumption
18:58is in Java.
19:00So at least we can
19:02get that market first.
19:04After that,
19:06we will talk about how
19:08we support export.
19:10For export, of course we need incentives.
19:12Because export is a free fight
19:14outside. But the main thing is
19:16how the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
19:18can control
19:20those two points.
19:22The illegal imports are prohibited.
19:24The second is,
19:26the imported goods
19:28are moved out of Java.
19:30Okay, from the business actors themselves,
19:32from the TPT industry itself,
19:34what has been done to anticipate
19:36that from the threat of the PHK,
19:38at least it can be eliminated
19:40from the industry actors?
19:42Of course,
19:44we are from,
19:46I just wanted to say
19:48what the problem is,
19:50whether the PHK
19:52rationalizes it
19:54into a solution. Actually, rationalization
19:56is a solution,
19:58but not the right solution.
20:00But forced.
20:02Because when we have to
20:04sell, to compete
20:06with imported goods that they
20:08don't pay taxes, don't pay
20:10income tax, we want to sell it
20:12under the HPP. When we sell it under the HPP,
20:14if we still want
20:16to run,
20:20our cash flow will continue to decrease.
20:22If our cash flow continues to decrease, whether we want it or not, we reduce
20:24the purchase of raw materials.
20:26One of the functions is to reduce
20:28labor costs
20:30into a solution. But
20:32we are not strong enough
20:34to continue
20:36to sell under the
20:38HPP price.
20:40The cash flow will be affected.
20:42In the long run, if it's not strong,
20:44it will be closed. For some
20:46companies that are still strong,
20:48they are running
20:50below 40% now.
20:52At least it's still running.
20:54It's still running.
20:56He doesn't rush to
20:58produce. He produces but below 40%.
21:00He still sells products that
21:02have high profit,
21:04high added value.
21:06The market is limited.
21:08They sell
21:10special products,
21:12special items that have
21:14profit there while
21:16waiting for the wind.
21:18The government immediately provides a solution.
21:20If the market is open again,
21:22they will immediately call again.
21:24We will absorb it again.
21:26We will produce
21:28to the maximum. But until then,
21:30I think there are still many special companies
21:32that will try to
21:34survive by producing
21:36below 40%.
21:38Because if it's below 40%,
21:40it's inefficient. It will be closed.
21:42Alright. That's it.
21:44Some of the efforts have been made
21:46from the internal industry.
21:48Mr. Timur, briefly,
21:50what are your hopes so that
21:52the threat of PHK can be minimized?
21:54According to
21:56the regulation of Law No. 13 of 2003
21:58in accordance with Law No. 6
22:00of 2023,
22:02PHK is the last alternative.
22:04So, we encourage entrepreneurs
22:06to try to make their working hours more efficient.
22:08Let's divide it first.
22:10How is it related to
22:14Maybe now the issue is revenue.
22:16Okay. For the textile industry,
22:18we must have a policy
22:20so that the company can
22:22still run and the workers can get revenue.
22:24Then, of course,
22:26for those who have tried
22:28but can't,
22:30PHK will happen.
22:32We hope that the Ministry of Labor,
22:34the Ministry of Labor,
22:36can also be a solution
22:38to provide
22:40a guarantee of unemployment,
22:42a maximum of 6 months.
22:44This is what we can do later.
22:46We will find a solution in a short time,
22:486 months, so that when PHK
22:50also gets revenue,
22:52when the regulation
22:54of the government policy is settled,
22:56they can enter again.
22:58So, don't let PHK
23:00without having funds,
23:02without having consumption.
23:04So, in my opinion, the Ministry of Labor
23:06and the Ministry of Labor must think
23:08how to help them
23:10as soon as
23:12the government is looking
23:14for a policy that
23:16can revive again
23:18so that those who have been PHK
23:20can enter again.
23:22Don't let them
23:24get money
23:26without having
23:28funds like that.
23:30So, this should also be considered
23:32in the future.
23:34Thank you for the information and analysis
23:36that you have provided.
23:38Thank you, Mr. Redma.
23:40Thank you, Mr. Redma.
23:50Thank you, Mr. Redma.
23:52Thank you, Mr. Redma.
23:54Thank you, Mr. Redma.
23:56Thank you, Mr. Redma.
23:58Thank you, Mr. Redma.
24:00Thank you, Mr. Redma.
24:02Thank you, Mr. Redma.
24:04Thank you, Mr. Redma.
24:06Thank you, Mr. Redma.
24:08Thank you, Mr. Redma.
24:10Thank you, Mr. Redma.
24:12Thank you, Mr. Redma.
24:14Thank you, Mr. Redma.
24:16Thank you, Mr. Redma.
24:18Thank you, Mr. Redma.
24:20Thank you, Mr. Redma.
24:22Thank you, Mr. Redma.
24:24Thank you, Mr. Redma.
24:26Thank you, Mr. Redma.
24:28Thank you, Mr. Redma.
24:30Thank you, Mr. Redma.
24:32Thank you, Mr. Redma.
24:34Thank you, Mr. Redma.
24:36Thank you, Mr. Redma.
24:38Thank you, Mr. Redma.
24:40Thank you, Mr. Redma.
24:42Thank you, Mr. Redma.
24:44Thank you, Mr. Redma.
24:46Thank you, Mr. Redma.
24:48Thank you, Mr. Redma.
24:50Thank you, Mr. Redma.
24:52Thank you, Mr. Redma.
24:54Thank you, Mr. Redma.
24:56Thank you, Mr. Redma.
24:58Thank you, Mr. Redma.
25:00Thank you, Mr. Redma.
25:02Thank you, Mr. Redma.
25:04Thank you, Mr. Redma.
25:06Thank you, Mr. Redma.
25:08Thank you, Mr. Redma.
25:10Thank you, Mr. Redma.
25:12Thank you, Mr. Redma.
