• 12 minutes ago
Eddie Howe on Newcastle's 2-1 defeat at Chelsea

Chelsea 2-1 Newcastle


Stamford Bridge, London, UK
00:00Yeah, I'd say the majority I liked. I thought it was a strong performance. I think coming
00:24here you know it's going to be a very difficult game, especially when you concede relatively
00:28early in the match. A big moment for us in terms of our response. I thought our response
00:32was really strong. We scored a great goal ourselves, but we weren't perfect in our performance.
00:38We've lost the game, but I thought it was another improvement. I feel the team's moving
00:44in the right direction, albeit we're making a couple of mistakes that's cost us today.
00:49You're frustrated because you feel it's a great chance to score, but I think whenever
01:07you slow something down and replay it, it looks clear, but at the moment Alex is moving
01:12100mph and he's got to make split-second decisions. I thought Joey was there to tap
01:17it in, but it wasn't to be for us. I thought Alex's general game was very good. He scored
01:21a great goal for us, a really good team goal. That will do him the world of good. He had
01:26the other chance with the header and I just think from the last couple of weeks, he's
01:29now beginning to get the chances that his game deserves.
01:32If it was growing yesterday in training, we hope it's not serious, but they'll go for
01:42a scan probably tomorrow.
01:43Will there be a message to supporters at the moment that there might be a little bit of
01:51disillusionment creeping in?
01:52Well, I think as always, for me, it's about sticking together and the supporters are probably
01:57the most important part of any football club in that. I think the players at the moment
02:01are showing that spirit. I thought we did today. I thought it was a really good psychological
02:06performance as in we gave everything, we kept going to the end. We were resilient in times
02:11where we needed to be. The supporters here today were fantastic with us at the end because
02:16I think they could see the effort and some of the quality of our play was very high.
02:20We went toe-to-toe with Chelsea today. We were very aggressive because that's the team
02:25that we want to be. We want to be here on a level playing field with these teams and
02:30take the game to them, but we did that. I think hopefully our supporters can see that
02:33and will continue to back us as they have done since the first day we arrived.
02:37There were a few boos when Tonali was taken off. What is the thinking in that substitution?
02:42How do you think that midfield trio is working?
02:44The starting three?
02:46Yes, I thought the starting trio were okay and I say okay because it can be better, but
02:54I thought they physically did well for us to have to. They've got a lot of work to get
02:59through. Technically, it was okay. Again, it can be better. I thought we started the
03:03second half poor with the ball. Making changes to try and get back into the game and I think
03:08I'm limited sometimes with my selections on that, as in who I can bring off. I wanted
03:14to bring the three players on that I feel could have made a difference and we've got
03:17three games coming up this week, so always difficult decisions.
03:20Thanks, Luke. We'll go to Jordan at the back and then forward to Dominic.
03:23You mentioned about the performances being improved, but apart from the Premier League
03:26after nine games, is that a concern? Is that a disappointment for you?
03:30Yes, it is. It's not where we want to be, but it's the reality and we have to accept it.
03:34I think a couple of wins changes everything, changes the picture very quickly. I think
03:41for me, as long as the players are committed together, giving everything in the matches,
03:49then I'll take whatever the results. I thought you could see that we were absolutely all
03:52of those things today. That gives me a real heart for what's ahead.
03:57It was a tough start for Dan Byrne today, but managed to get through the game. Is he
04:01still feeling the effects of the time?
04:04Yes, I don't think so. I mean, I think he trained. He missed one day in training this
04:10week, but I think he trained the rest of the week fine. But I think whenever you miss any
04:15part of training, that will always affect you. But I think he got through the game fine,
04:19as you say, probably improved as it went on.
04:21You played Chelsea again in a few days' time. What will you have to do differently?
04:26Yes, I think it's details really. I think the second goal was a killer for us. We had
04:31chances as well at the other end that we didn't take, so I think it's details around those
04:35areas, both boxes, win and lose your games.
04:38Thanks, Dominic.
04:39Scott and then Craig?
04:40The first 15-20 minutes is probably as tough a time, maybe dealing with Jackson and then
04:46Palmer. It's kind of a system of the whole team, really. You seemed to have a word when
04:51there was a break and play on the touchline. Did you tweak anything there? And if so, I
04:55mean, I'll probably do that to anyone I take that, but it did seem a tough first 10-15
05:00minutes in particular dealing with that.
05:02Yes, it was, and I think Palmer's got that ability to, whatever space he has, to be able
05:08to wriggle out of tight situations and, of course, if he has too much space, he'll kill
05:11you the other way. So, we didn't deal with him particularly well in that opening period
05:15of the game. Jackson as well gave us problems, but I thought we began to get a grip the longer
05:19the game went on in that first half and scored a really good goal. I felt the momentum was
05:24with us, but the start of the second half, from a technical viewpoint, was disappointing
05:30and that ultimately cost us, I think.
05:32And was one of the positives the two displays from your full-backs, especially being brave
05:36on the ball, because that kind of stood out on goal today?
05:40Yes, I mean, they're two outstanding players. Of course, it would have been a big day for
05:43them today coming back to their former club, but I thought they did themselves proud, both
05:47in and out of possession. Yes, full-backs are such a big part of what we do and how
05:51we attack. I thought they used the ball really well. They were given tough examinations,
05:56they're up against very good opponents, but I was really pleased with both of their performances.
06:02Have you spent a lot of the summer trying to add pace to the centre of your defence?
06:05And this isn't a criticism of Fabian or Dan, but there's a lack of pace in that. Does that
06:10affect the way you can actually play?
06:14I'd say they've done outstandingly well for a long period of time, both players for us
06:21in different positions. Obviously Dan has played left-back for us, but I think they've
06:28defended fine. I don't think that's been our issue this season. They've conceded two
06:32goals today and we're disappointed with that, but I think generally the disappointment for
06:36us has probably been the other way. In possession, they've been uncharacteristically off. But
06:41of course, we'll always look at how we play and the balance of our team and try and make
06:45those decisions to win us games.
06:48Two games in a row now where the supporters have almost seemed to disagree with the substitution.
06:54Is the message that players decide who comes on and who comes off? Because if you're performing
06:59to a level that makes you put in a substitute, if that's a word, is that the message?
07:06I understand the supporters love Sandro and want to see him stay on the pitch, but every
07:10decision that I make is, in my eyes, to the benefit of the team. And also with a view
07:16of the horizon and the games we have to come. I think Sandro can only do his bit in influencing
07:20the game that much. As you say, he becomes indispensable, in my opinion, to the team.
07:25I think there's more to come from him.
