• 20 hours ago
Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) hingga saat ini, terus berupaya keras meningkatkan produksi migas di sektor hulu, guna memenuhi kebutuhan energi nasional.

Kepala SKK Migas Dwi Soetjipto mengatakan, pihaknya telah merumuskan strategi utama yaitu fokus pada kegiatan eksplorasi sebagai strategi jangka panjang, dalam upaya meningkatkan produksi migas nasional.

Dalam 5 tahun terakhir, sudah melakukan kegiatan pengeboran 130 sumur eksplorasi, 11 study regional, dan lebih dari 600 study G and G. SKK Migas dan KKKS juga sudah melakukan survei seismik 2D sepanjang 48.500 kilometer, survei 3D seluas 10.000 kilometer persegi, serta aktivitas 4 full tensor gradiometry seluas 250.000 kilometer persegi.

Dwi menegaskan, ini adalah bukti kegiatan eksplorasi migas yang masif untuk menemukan cadangan baru.


00:00I'm Prasetyo Wibowo, welcome back to Market Review, a program that deals with the issues of the economic movement in Indonesia.
00:30You can watch our live streaming at www.idxchannel.com
00:34Now, let's start the complete Market Review.
00:46The United Nations Cooperation Agency for the Implementation of Oil and Gas Industries, SK KMGAS,
00:51has been working hard to increase the production of oil and gas to meet the national energy needs.
00:57SK KMGAS has also formulated the main strategy, which focuses on exploration as a long-term strategy.
01:10The United Nations Cooperation Agency for the Implementation of Oil and Gas Industries, SK KMGAS,
01:16has been working hard to increase the production of oil and gas in the oil and gas sector to meet the national energy needs.
01:24SK KMGAS has also formulated the main strategy, which focuses on exploration as a long-term strategy.
01:34The head of SK KMGAS, Dwi Sujipto, said that he has formulated the main strategy,
01:39which focuses on exploration for the long term in an effort to increase the production of national gas.
01:47In the last five years, SK KMGAS has carried out exploration activities for 130 exploration wells,
01:5311 regional TUDI and more than 600 JNG TUDI.
01:58SK KMGAS and the Cooperation Contractor, or KKKS,
02:03have also conducted seismic TUDI surveys along 48,500 km,
02:083D surveys across 10,000 km²,
02:12as well as activities for full tensile radiometry across 250,000 km².
02:19Dwi insisted that this is evidence of massive gas exploration activities to find new reserves.
02:27SK KMGAS and the KKKS have also held the Indonesia Exploration Forum, or IEL, in mid-October.
02:37As a form of response to the challenges faced by the gas industry,
02:42by carrying out large-scale exploration and accelerating the transition to support energy conservation.
02:49From Jakarta, IDX Channel coverage team.
02:56To discuss our interesting topic this time,
02:59the optimization of the potential of Hulumigas through exploration activities,
03:03with me in the IDX Channel studio, Mr. Benny Lubiantara.
03:07He is the Deputy of Exploration, Development and Management of the SK KMGAS Work Area.
03:12Hello, Mr. Benny, how are you?
03:15Thank you for your presence, sir. Greetings.
03:17Yes, thank you.
03:18Okay, let's just review.
03:21A while ago, there was an Indonesia Hulumigas Exploration Forum 2024 event, Mr. Benny.
03:27What was discussed, and what were the results of the event?
03:32Okay, thank you, Mr. Pras.
03:34Maybe before I go straight to the Indonesia Energy Forum,
03:38let me give a little background.
03:40So in 2019, the SKK launched what we call the VC Long-Term Plan, sir.
03:46In 2019, where we want to increase the production, aspire to increase the production of oil and gas.
03:52The goal is 1 million barrels of oil per day and 12 BCF gas per day, sir.
03:59In 2030, in 2019.
04:02Indeed, we understand that after 2019, there will be COVID-19, Mr. Pras, in 2020.
04:07Whether we like it or not, COVID-19 did interfere with activities at that time.
04:13So we did make some changes to the long-term plan from what we made in 2019,
04:19because there were some delay projects.
04:21Maybe I want to emphasize here,
04:24that in our long-term plan, one of the keys to success is the contribution of exploration.
04:31So without exploration, our ambition to increase production is almost certainly not achieved.
04:40That's why, if I go back to the Indonesian Exploration Forum that we just held last week,
04:48Mr. Pras, the goal is to see our journey.
04:51We want to see the journey of the last 5 years since we issued that vision.
04:56From the exploration side, what is it? Lesson learned.
04:59What challenges have we faced? What achievements have we achieved?
05:07We brainstormed with the stakeholders there,
05:11in order to increase collaboration and synergy between us and the stakeholders.
05:17Okay, so what are the next steps from those activities, Mr. Pras?
05:21From there, we want to see what the future looks like.
05:25What is the roadmap for future exploration strategies?
05:28And this is certainly different from the new government, sir.
05:34The new government will focus on energy conservation, energy resources.
05:40Therefore, exploration becomes very relevant to achieve that goal.
05:46It's the same with the LTP that we made earlier.
05:48So the next step from that forum is to sharpen the roadmap for the next 5 years.
05:55What is exploration like? What kind of support is needed?
05:59What kind of regulations from the government that need to be revised?
06:05And then, in the forum yesterday, there were also providers.
06:11They have the technology.
06:13So we will also provide new technology for exploration in the future.
06:20Those are the next steps that we will follow up from the Indonesia Energy Forum,
06:26the exploration forum yesterday.
06:28Okay, so how big is the potential of MIGAS in Indonesia,
06:33especially MIGAS, if we talk about the current conditions?
06:36So MIGAS will continue to encourage exploration?
06:41Yes, if we talk about potential, as you have seen,
06:45Indonesia is a very large island country.
06:50It's much bigger than our neighboring countries.
06:53In terms of potential, there is no doubt.
06:57We have 128 MIGAS facilities.
07:01We have already produced 20.
07:04And 68 MIGAS facilities have not yet been touched.
07:08So if we talk about the potential,
07:11there is still a lot of potential.
07:13But the potential is just potential.
07:16The potential needs to be proven through investment activities in the form of exploration.
07:22Is there anything like that?
07:24Okay, that's right.
07:25This is what we encourage.
07:27So let's not be complacent.
07:29There is a lot of potential. What's next?
07:31We have to prove the potential.
07:33That's why we need massive exploration activities.
07:36The ultimate goal is to prove the potential of so many facilities in our country.
07:42What is it like?
07:43Okay, so what are the steps from the last five years of exploration?
07:48But hold on to the answer.
07:49We'll pause for a moment.
07:51And viewers, make sure you're still with us.
08:02Yes, viewers, let's continue this interesting discussion with Mr. Benny Lubiantara,
08:07Deputy Exploration, Development and Management of SKK MIGAS Work Area.
08:11Okay, Mr. Benny, if we look at the steps of exploration that have been carried out in the last five years,
08:16what is it like?
08:17Then, what are the achievements of the exploration efforts that SKK MIGAS has carried out?
08:24Okay, Mr. Pras.
08:25So if we talk about the activities for the last five years, there are a lot of explorations.
08:30There are activities in the open areas.
08:33The open areas are very important.
08:35We carry out seismic activities in the open areas,
08:39in order to collect data.
08:42This will later become a work area.
08:46There are also a lot of activities.
08:48For the last five years, at least, we have delivered seismic activities,
08:532D, 3D, about 100 kilometers.
08:57That's a lot.
08:59And there are also a lot of explorations.
09:02At least, there are 76 discoveries.
09:07If we talk about the number, roughly, the oil is about 600 million barrels of oil.
09:13From the discoveries that have been found,
09:16it is a recoverable resource, or what is it called,
09:19a source of power that can be produced.
09:21And for the gas itself, about 16 TCF, or a trillion cubic feet that we get.
09:27If we go back to the achievement,
09:29maybe the most phenomenal is in 2023,
09:33where we found a resource, a source of power that is quite significant.
09:39It is in the category of a giant.
09:43It is in Genknot, in East Kalimantan, off the coast of East Kalimantan,
09:48by the company E&I, an Italian company.
09:51Then another one is the screen.
09:53The screen well is off the coast of Aceh, by Mubadala.
09:57Mubadala company.
09:58Those two are also, what is it called,
10:01from the source of power is very significant,
10:03it is in the category of a giant.
10:07That's from that side.
10:08On the other hand, from the support that has been matured,
10:12that has been produced, there are still discoveries.
10:15What we call there is the term ILX,
10:17ILX means Infrastructure-led Exploration.
10:21Exploration in an area that already has production.
10:23The results in Sumatra yesterday were quite good.
10:26There were about 3,000 to 5,000 barrel oil per day
10:29in several locations in Riau and in South Sumatra.
10:34The advantage is that in this Infrastructure-led Exploration,
10:39it can be directly tagged, it can be directly monetized.
10:42Once we discover it, it can be produced immediately
10:45because the facility is already available.
10:46Already available.
10:47That's one of the advantages,
10:49if we talk about assisting sources like that.
10:52That's right.
10:54So why is migas exploration a priority?
10:57In the middle of our effort to transition our energy to renewable energy.
11:02If we talk about energy transition,
11:04energy transition is a belief.
11:06We will go there,
11:08but we also want our journey there to go smoothly.
11:15Of course, we want migas to play a role as a buffer
11:21so that this process goes smoothly.
11:23Because we know right now,
11:25for oil, between our production and consumption,
11:28there is a gap that we have to import.
11:31That's right.
11:32Without exploration going forward,
11:35this gap will get bigger.
11:37So again, exploration is still important
11:41during this transition period
11:43to ensure that our domestic team can still be fulfilled
11:47and so that our transition process can run smoothly.
11:53Parallel, as you said.
11:55Becoming a foundation when we are ready to enter renewable energy,
12:01we just need to switch.
12:02Just switch, that's right.
12:03So we don't participate.
12:05Then as long as the transition period leaves exploration,
12:08we need to explore so that this transition period runs smoothly.
12:12Okay, that's interesting.
12:13How interested are the investors to enter exploration?
12:17What is the effort of SKK Migas?
12:20The investors are similar.
12:23They see that during this transition period,
12:27migas will still play a role.
12:30So if we look at various outlooks,
12:33in 2050, there is still about 40% contribution from migas.
12:40So they also see that.
12:42But from the investors, they are still interested in exploration.
12:45But their aspirations may be a little different now.
12:48Because they want it to be faster.
12:50Not like before.
12:51Because the corridor is getting more and more limited
12:53because we are entering the NZA period, Net Zero Emission.
12:58So they want the exploration activities of these investors to be faster.
13:03It can be monetized.
13:05This momentum, this time corridor, is very important.
13:09Which may be different from the past.
13:11In the past, we could have been on stream for 20 years.
13:15Now we can't anymore.
13:16Exploration, we have to explore, we have to meet immediately.
13:20Because we are chasing time with this transition period.
13:25That's it.
13:26And also to chase the transition, we have to lift our own migas.
13:29That's right.
13:30The challenge, if we talk about,
13:32it has been said earlier,
13:34the time is different if we look at it now.
13:37The challenge in carrying out exploration activities,
13:40efforts to mitigate, and how to anticipate, what is it, Mr. Benny?
13:46Exploration is risky.
13:49High risk, high return.
13:51That's the fact.
13:53So if we take the average in the world,
13:55if people explore,
13:57the chance of meeting is only 30%.
14:00If you borrow 10, maybe 3 will meet.
14:04So here, financial capital is not enough.
14:07So we also need expertise and expertise.
14:11So here, how to help,
14:15we from the government, of course, need to support.
14:18With data, sir.
14:19With data, with additional data.
14:23So that later we can hope to reduce the risk of subsurface earlier.
14:33That's the first, maybe the second,
14:35one of the things I need to mention here,
14:38the challenge of exploration is with the existence of energy transition,
14:42oil companies are transforming into energy companies.
14:46So, if in the past,
14:49let's say they have a fund allocation of 100,
14:53maybe 100 is all for migas, sir.
14:55Now, with the existence of this energy transition,
14:58maybe only half of it can go to migas.
15:00That's also a challenge for us to fight for capital
15:03that is available in migas companies
15:06that have transformed into energy companies.
15:09That's the challenge ahead.
15:11What is it called? Capital competition.
15:13Even though the potential is still very large.
15:15The potential is still very large,
15:17but we are struggling with other countries to find investors.
15:21Because the capital is getting less and less.
15:25That's it.
15:26So, there must be an innovation
15:28that needs to be done by the government,
15:30especially SKK Migas.
15:32So, what steps has the government taken
15:34to speed up the process from discovery to exploration
15:38to production? How is it, sir?
15:41We learn from the past.
15:43The past is long, sir.
15:45There are several projects from discovery,
15:48such as Masella.
15:49It's very long.
15:50From the discovery to the on-stream planning
15:54can take up to 20 years.
15:56Now, of course, we can't do it anymore.
15:58Now, we are using fast-track.
16:00So, one example,
16:01what I mentioned earlier,
16:04the POD was found in October 2023.
16:08We have agreed on the POD,
16:10the development plan for the field,
16:12for less than a year.
16:13In the middle of last year, around August,
16:15we got the approval.
16:17This is much faster, one year.
16:19And then, the on-stream planning,
16:21maybe three or four years.
16:22Because there is a construction stage.
16:24This is much faster.
16:26From discovery in 2023,
16:28on-stream can be in 2027,
16:30four or five years.
16:31That's something that has never happened before.
16:34That's right.
16:35And is that the use of technology,
16:36or is there another innovation, for example, sir?
16:38It's mixed.
16:39It means starting from fast technology,
16:42so, what is it,
16:43also infrastructure that may be relatively available,
16:46near there.
16:48And of course, from the contractor's side,
16:50we also have experience
16:52to do those speeds, sir.
16:54Because for this fast track,
16:55of course, the processes can't be in series.
16:59It has to be parallel.
17:01So, when we discussed the sub-surface,
17:04we also discussed
17:06aspects of facilities and so on.
17:09So, it has to be parallel,
17:11so that we can catch up with the time, sir.
17:14To be faster, sir.
17:15So, it has to be fast, sir.
17:18It has to be fast,
17:19so that we can catch up with the time, sir.
17:22So, what is the cooperation pattern
17:24between SKK Migas,
17:25then STM,
17:26in the acceleration and exploration of Migas?
17:28We'll discuss it in the next segment, sir.
17:30We'll stop for a moment, sir.
17:32We'll be right back after the next segment.
17:41There's still one more segment, sir.
17:44Thank you for still joining us
17:46in Market Review, sir.
17:47We'll continue our discussion with Mr. Benny Lubiantara,
17:50Deputy of Exploration, Development,
17:52and Management of SKK Migas.
17:55Mr. Benny, if we talk about
17:57the cooperation synergy
17:59between SKK Migas and STM,
18:02or other stakeholders,
18:04what is it like?
18:05If we're trying to catch up with the time,
18:08whether it's mitigation,
18:09to catch up with the government's target,
18:11also energy conservation in the country.
18:15So, we do realize
18:16that we can no longer work in series.
18:20That's why now,
18:21with the SDM Ministry,
18:23with Dirjen Migas,
18:25with Surpei Geologi,
18:28with Badan Geologi,
18:30we are a one team.
18:32We form a one team.
18:33So, we start from
18:35activities in open work areas,
18:38then exploration activities,
18:39offering work areas.
18:41We do it together now, sir.
18:43We don't want it to be too long.
18:46We discuss here first,
18:48then discuss there.
18:49Now, we work together.
18:50We are a one team.
18:52Problems are solved together
18:54when it's related to
18:57incentive policies,
18:59and new initiatives
19:01to facilitate activities,
19:04especially exploration.
19:06Okay. But so far,
19:07if we look at the existing cooperation,
19:09does it give fresh air
19:11or not for Migas itself?
19:14If we look at the last few years,
19:17from the actors,
19:19we see a change in speed.
19:21Change in speed from the process side.
19:23If we look at the POD agreements,
19:26development of sites,
19:27and other agreements,
19:28it's going faster.
19:30Also, if we look at
19:32the offers of new work areas,
19:34it's also in terms and conditions
19:36that are much better.
19:38Even though we have to be careful,
19:40we can't be satisfied.
19:42Because the terms and conditions
19:44in Migas are dynamic.
19:46We are competing with neighboring countries.
19:48We can't be satisfied.
19:49Now, we are quite good.
19:51At the same time,
19:52other countries will also improve.
19:54So, we have to keep monitoring.
19:56We have to continue
19:58improving this.
20:00Together with friends
20:02from DGN Migas,
20:03we are already one frequency.
20:06We have to anticipate this.
20:08We can't do business as usual.
20:10This is dynamic.
20:11We have to catch up with the time.
20:13And we need
20:15this ALTP to be achieved.
20:18As far as we know,
20:19the actors in Hulu Migas
20:21are still complaining about
20:23the lack of regulation
20:24in the Hulu Migas sector.
20:26They tend to be picky
20:28and less aggressive.
20:29So, how is it, sir?
20:31Creativity or innovation
20:33is still in the process?
20:35Maybe one of the reasons
20:37is the aspiration
20:39of almost all stakeholders
20:41is related to
20:43the Migas Law.
20:45We are waiting for the Migas Law
20:47to be finalized.
20:48Because, as we know,
20:50the Migas Law
20:52was introduced in 2001.
20:54At that time,
20:56in 2001,
20:57we were still net exporters
20:59of oil.
21:00Our oil production
21:02was still bigger in 2001
21:04than our consumption.
21:06After that, in 2004,
21:08we started to install.
21:10After that,
21:12we became a net importer.
21:16So, the dynamics
21:18of the Migas Law
21:20has changed
21:21with the current situation.
21:23There are also other differences
21:25such as the Net Zero Emission
21:28which didn't exist in the past.
21:30Now, there is Carbon Capture Storage.
21:33Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage
21:35which also didn't exist at that time.
21:37With this new dynamics,
21:39the Migas Law
21:41is very urgent
21:43to capture as a law
21:45so that
21:47the goals of energy conservation
21:49and the new government
21:51that is in charge of energy
21:53need a stronger law.
21:55Through the Migas Law,
21:57so that we can make
21:59more significant new breakthroughs.
22:02But, if we look at the strong law,
22:04this will give us confidence
22:06that we know that
22:08this is a non-business.
22:10If we talk about the investment,
22:12they will be more firm,
22:14especially the global investors.
22:16I think, if there is a new Migas Law,
22:20let's imagine,
22:21from 2012,
22:23the Migas Board was disbanded.
22:26Until now, SKK Migas
22:28has a temporary status.
22:29That is an extraordinary uncertainty
22:31that has been waiting for almost 12 years
22:33by these actors,
22:34because they have a contract
22:37with a temporary union.
22:39Now, with the existence of the new Migas Law,
22:41we hope that legal certainty
22:43can be more guaranteed.
22:46And also, of course,
22:48as a legal umbrella,
22:50to make breakthroughs
22:52that we can't do now,
22:54because it's impossible
22:56to do it through the old Migas Law.
22:58Because it hasn't been captured yet,
22:59like CCS-US.
23:01Then, to improve the fiscal
23:03in an extreme way,
23:05there are limited options.
23:07We hope that these substances
23:09will be included
23:11in the new Migas Law,
23:14which we hope,
23:15as I said,
23:16will be a legal umbrella
23:17to increase confidence
23:19of Migas actors in the water,
23:21and of course,
23:22to increase the power
23:23of Migas investment in the water.
23:24Mr. Benny, your own optimism
23:25is related to,
23:26as we know,
23:27this is a new era,
23:28a new government,
23:30how soon is it expected
23:32that the strongest law
23:34in the Migas sector
23:35can be implemented immediately,
23:36and in it,
23:37it already covers
23:38several aspects of the present,
23:40related to the Migas sector?
23:42I think it's faster now,
23:44because frankly,
23:45from the point of view of substances
23:46and management,
23:49almost all parties
23:51have agreed.
23:52There is a need
23:53to improve the fiscal,
23:54there is a need
23:55for legal certainty.
23:57It's different from
23:58maybe 12 years ago,
24:00maybe there is still a confusion
24:01about who will be the manager,
24:02and so on.
24:03If now,
24:04the tone of all stakeholders
24:06is almost all the same.
24:09So now,
24:10it remains to be executed
24:11to become a legal umbrella
24:13so that it will be better
24:15for future breakthroughs.
24:17The potential of Indonesia
24:18to become a net exporter again,
24:19as you said earlier,
24:20even before discussing
24:21the existence of this law,
24:23we are still in the position
24:24of a net exporter.
24:25Can it be realized
24:26with the birth of the new law?
24:27How is the attitude
24:28and synergy
24:29that is even stronger
24:30in the current new government?
24:32Of course,
24:34if we talk about it now,
24:36the gap is very big.
24:37So indeed,
24:38the goal in the medium and short term,
24:40maybe our main goal
24:42is to minimize the gap first.
24:44How do we avoid
24:46the gap between production
24:47and consumption
24:48getting bigger?
24:50Maybe it won't be
24:51a net exporter yet,
24:52but at least,
24:53with the increase in production,
24:55consumption can be more pressed forward,
24:57at least we can minimize
24:59that gap.
25:01While in the future,
25:03of course,
25:04towards a stronger energy
25:07and energy availability.
25:09So it does need synergy
25:11between SK Kamigas,
25:12the Ministry of Energy,
25:13and other stakeholders.
25:15So really,
25:16how to invest,
25:18the exploration that must be done
25:19will also bring results later.
25:21That's right.
25:22Mr. Bini,
25:23thank you very much
25:24for being our guide in the studio.
25:26Good luck with your activities
25:27and good luck for you.
25:29Okay, Mr. Mirsa,
25:30don't go anywhere,
25:31because in a moment,
25:32we will be back
25:33with another interesting topic,
25:34which is the government making sure
25:35the construction of the capital city,
25:37will continue.
25:38In a moment.
