• yesterday


00:00This week's round of power rankings that came out ESPN Lions are number two
00:07behind Kansas City. On the athletic the Lions are number one. On CBS Sports the
00:17Detroit Lions are number two behind Kansas City. On Yahoo the Lions are
00:23number two behind Kansas City. On NFL.com the Lions are number three behind
00:30Kansas City and Baltimore. What do all these things have in common? They have
00:38the Lions as the top team in the NFC. If you go back to the beginning of the
00:46season we would do topics like outside of San Francisco who is the biggest
00:54threat to the Lions? That was and we got a lot of calls on that we got a lot of
01:00talk on that. The premise wasn't debated much the premise being outside of San
01:04Francisco. Okay do you feel personally out there Lions fans at the NFC is
01:12Detroit's to take? Do you feel like it's no it's moved beyond the question you're
01:21ready to say yeah yeah this is our conference to win right now. I mean the
01:28last week for instance the Lions were playing one of the teams that is they
01:36were and still are a threat to win the NFC in the Minnesota Vikings. It's not
01:40over by any stretch of the imagination but it was as we all know the first game
01:45without Aiden Hutchinson and what did they do? They won the game. They won the
01:49game with the defense doing a pretty good job and I know the point total got
01:53up there to 29 but the defense without Aiden Hutchinson it was only 24 points
02:01scored against the Lions defense. I guess it was 23 points technically against the
02:05Lions defense but and special teams they did a serviceable job against a
02:13pretty potent passing game on the road an undefeated team and so I mean it's
02:22hard to say because I think a lot of people are gonna say no I don't consider
02:26him the favorite so I know what they do about replacing Aiden Hutchinson but
02:31we're not gonna ask you the question after that we're asking you now it's
02:34today question do you feel like the Detroit Lions are the favorite in the
02:40NFC? If so why? If not why not? 2-4-8-5-3-9-97-97 are you settling into a
02:47very confident place that this team is gonna win the NFC and go to the Super
02:52Bowl? I kind of am. I'm feeling much better about this team obviously the win
02:58over Minnesota goes a long way to do that without Aiden Hutchinson to still
03:02see the defense stand pretty strong they weren't as strong clearly as they
03:08are with Aiden Hutchinson but they can survive without and and knowing that
03:11that's an explosive offensive team they were able to handle the Lions offense is
03:16very good and they did that against a very good Minnesota defensive team I'm
03:21definitely encouraged I feel like they're on a they're on a roll right now
03:24the way that they're playing it you look back and you think how the hell do they
03:28lose to Tampa Bay? How did that happen? And then I go back and look at the
03:32box score Jared Goff threw for over 300 yards in that game had a couple of
03:36interceptions if memory serves me there was like a tip and then was like I think
03:40it may have been a bad pick there was a tip the Lions ran for 139 yards in that
03:45game over five yards per carry you're talking about a team that had you know
03:49over 450 yards in offense Aiden Hutchinson had four and a half sacks in
03:53that game yep the Buccaneers ended up with 250 yards in offense how the hell
04:02did they lose that game there was no scoring in the fourth quarter it was 20
04:06to 16 after three quarters and the Lions did not win the game that's got to be
04:11killing them that they lost that game to an extent I mean I'm sure they moved on
04:14from it at this point but I mean it's a long time ago but the fact it's like who
04:18do they lose to they lose to Seattle no they exercise that demon they beat
04:22Seattle beat him handily what by double digits what comfortably as you would say
04:26it was Tampa Bay that beat them which is crazy so now you're looking at the
04:31landscape of the rest of the NFC and teams that you thought going into the
04:35season might be a problem are they is Philadelphia a problem they don't I mean
04:42I think Philadelphia is talented but they're not really a problem the Cowboys
04:45certainly aren't a problem the Vikings line just beat him in Minnesota they and
04:53they beat Seattle so what's like Washington's five and two and can be a
04:57dangerous team but looks like Jaden Daniels won't play this week and I'm
05:02not sure if they're for real yet I'm not giving them that not just yet I love
05:06Jaden Daniels but I'm not I'm not sure I want to give them the fact that they're
05:09the best team in the NFC I think the Lions are the best team in the NFC and I
05:12think it might be by a decent margin Wow it's not just oh maybe this no look at
05:20what they've done the resume is pretty impressive and it's the other teams that
05:24just aren't there San Francisco we thought before the season again oh it's
05:27San Francisco injuries have decimated that team oh it's just too bad you hate
05:31to see it sorry San Fran the people thought the Rams might be the team oh no
05:35I'm sorry Rams you're no good it's not there you know the the Niners Rams and
05:39Cowboys are nowhere to be seen right now and you maybe we're selling short the
05:44Atlanta Falcons but the Falcons didn't they just lose to Seattle so it's I think
05:50it's the Lions conference if they can but the problem is the Lions division
05:55might have the three best teams in the conference so there's a few things
05:59there what I the weird thing about the injuries is I went through and was
06:05trying to for the blitz thingy I was looking at wide receiver injuries and
06:08they had every team's injuries listed so you can see some teams the list was you
06:13know this long was like five lines long other teams it was like eight lines long
06:17the Lions have one of the longest injury reports in the NFL they have one
06:22of the longest lists of injured guys in the NFL and they are still getting it
06:29done the only reason I don't feel comfortable saying the Lions other I feel
06:35comfortable that yes the NFC is theirs to take is because it's just too early
06:40seasons are so long so much can happen if you had to plant your flag now if I
06:45had to plant my flag now I planted with the Lions but I'm not interested in
06:48planting a flag just yet and I keep talking about this four-game stretch and
06:52like the earlier you call something the more street cred you get right I'm never
06:56in a rush to do that but we know how this works and it's why somebody says I
07:00think so-and-so is gonna be a star before they step on a court or field or
07:03whatever it's it's a guy currency thing right we work very hard to be the first
07:07of our group of friends to call something and we're all friends here did
07:11you hear that and at the Hermas I am NOT no did you call I don't even want
07:16to get into it die point being I it's too early for me to say that the Lions
07:22are the favorite in the NFC and I'm not planning to flag what about you Kang are
07:25you are you comfortable with this not yet and here's my reason why I look
07:31around the NFC I'm like my first thought is wow the Niners suck this year so far
07:35right the Eagles Sirianni is their coach still so he could mess that thing up
07:39easily Cowboys aren't as good as they're supposed to be I'm not super
07:43worried about you know the commanders yet so I'm like yeah the line should be
07:46easily the best and then wait I look at our own division and I'm like wow this
07:51is the best division in football right now and it's not even like I feel like
07:56the lines my head says well the lines are the best team by far but then I look
07:59at the standings and I'm like no it's not by far they have the the win over
08:03the Vikings the tiebreaker and the Packers are five and two and then you
08:07really want to go down to the last place team the Bears are four and two in
08:10the division so for me that's the reason why I'm holding back as as full
08:14confidence is I look at the division is just too close right now and I'm not
08:18saying you're calling it Gator or anybody else's but I just I'm not all
08:22right they're gonna walk away with the conference I just the division is too
08:25tough well I get it you know because it's kind of it's kind of easy to take
08:28this set to sit back let's let this play out a few more weeks because you'll
08:31you'll see games against Houston and Green Bay in particular right and I do
08:36agree I think first of all I think the three best teams in the conference are
08:40in this division I think it's Detroit Minnesota and Green Bay and Green Bay
08:43might be better in Minnesota even though Minnesota beat them head-to-head earlier
08:46but now that they've got Green Bay is back to kind of being healthy they're
08:51they're an interesting team and I think the line I feel pretty good the lines
08:55are the best of the three but these I I do think these are the three best teams
08:59in the conference all right it's personal question you've
09:03watching this team we've broken a lot of glass ceilings with this organization in
09:08the last couple of years for you do you feel like yeah what a best team in the
09:14NFC right now are you comfortable going there or not yet and if not yet why two
09:20four eight five three nine ninety seven ninety seven
