• 4 hours ago
*Leaders moved on to the expanded forum throughout the day
*BRICS Summit addresses paramount topics for the future of the bloc
00:00The 16th BRICS Summit is coming to an end, and in this context, let's listen to all the
00:05highlights of this multilateral event with our special envoy, Yunos Zouner. Hi, Yunos.
00:10Good afternoon from the city of Kazan, from Russia, where the BRICS, the 16th BRICS Summit
00:31has started its third day. We have here some Internet problems because there's a huge interest.
00:3820,000 people are registered on this summit, delegations, as well as press members. We
00:45can have a look over there. If you see, this is the press center, and there is a lot of
00:52line here waiting to enter the room. This is because here, soon, the president of the
01:01Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, will hold the final press conference in the summit.
01:09Today, the summit had two plenary sessions in the BRICS Plus format, with almost 40 countries
01:18attending. The BRICS Plus format is the format where the BRICS members attend, too, on presidential
01:25or prime minister level, head of state level, head of government level, and all those countries
01:31who would like to be BRICS members or who would like to relate themselves deeper, stronger
01:38with the BRICS alliance, they also attend there, and they also speak there. So, this
01:42is a kind of, if you will, BRICS and close allies reunion, and its main topic was the
01:51birth of a new world, the transition to a new world.
01:57All the participants, almost all of them, stated the same, that this summit again shows
02:03that the world is changing, and it is evolving to a transitional, to a multipolar world.
02:09The Indian foreign minister stated, the Venezuelan president, Nicolas Maduro, said that the world
02:17is living a change of times, a change of era. The Bolivian president said that this
02:23is a unique opportunity, the BRICS summit, to get rid of the Western hegemony in terms
02:30of economy and politics. The Russian president, Putin, said that it is time to think about
02:37a joint economic bloc of the BRICS countries. Others also said, the Egyptian president said,
02:44the times are changing, and this is a confirmation of the multipolar world.
02:50And this is a main and clear, agreed-upon topic here. No one said, no, we are in the
02:56old times, no, we are still in the 20th century. Everyone says that the world is changing,
03:02and there are demands to the existing institutions. That was one main topic here, a reform of
03:09the multilateral system, a reform of the United Nations system and its Security Council.
03:15Several countries, including the Russian president, demanded a better representation of the global
03:20south in the United Nations. And they also demanded a reform of the IMF and a reform
03:27of the World Trade Organization, as the existing Bretton Woods organizations.
03:32But in parallel, there were also statements by the same actors that indicated that an
03:38alternative financial system is being established. Cross-border payments, joint investments were
03:46announced. Again, here, the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, proposed to establish a joint
03:52investment platform that would organize investments in the sectors of infrastructure and technology.
04:00Both require high amount of capital. So, the idea is here to get forces together of different
04:08countries and pursue joint cross-border projects in these areas. This is another topic. And
04:17here, the countries from the African continent especially underlined that they have high
04:24hopes that this BRICS Alliance and the New Development Bank tied to it will provide them
04:31with resources to industrialize their countries, to modernize their countries. This was an
04:38important topic that was frequently spoken out from the countries of the African continent.
04:46But actual current topics were also touched upon, above all, the Middle East, the Israeli
04:53aggression. Remember, Egypt and Iran and the United Arab Emirates are now members of the
04:59BRICS. So, it had to be a topic here. And also, the U.N. Secretary General, Antonio
05:05Guterres, attended these sessions. So, it was a clear topic. And the demand that was
05:11repeated by all was clear, an immediate ceasefire that Israel has to obey by international law.
05:19It must stop what South African president called, again, the genocide. It must stop
05:25it immediately. A diplomatic solution needs to be found. And this solution needs to lead
05:32to the one of two states existing side by side. That was a clear stance that all of
05:38them have taken.
05:40An important quote came here from the Russian President Vladimir Putin, who said that this
05:45gathering of states has, I quote, enough resources, enough material, enough energy, and enough
05:53moral authority to establish and maintain global peace. This is a very ambitious statement,
06:01which places the BRICS Alliance already a step further as an order mechanism for global
06:08conflicts and politics.
06:10In that sense, in that context, Putin also said that they were working to create a Eurasian
06:17security architecture within the BRICS countries as well.
06:21Now we are waiting for the press conference that the Russian president will hold. After
06:26that, there will be some more bilateral meetings between different presidents. They use this
06:33opportunity to get into dialogue with each other.
06:37Speaking of dialogue, an important thing happened here, two important things happened here.
06:42BRICS showed its force already among its members with the reconciliation between India and
06:49China, two Asian giants who, a day before the summit, came to a border agreement and
06:56so overcame tensions that were lasting since the last five years.
07:01And the second thing that happened was today in the session, where Armenian Prime Minister
07:07Pashinyan and his Azerbaijani president Aliyev were sat side by side, two countries that
07:14have fought each other frequently in history, who sat side by side, and the Armenian Prime
07:20Minister made several statements about a possible peace agreement between the two countries.
07:25So BRICS forces to get different countries together and arrange negotiations and mediations
07:33and make peace among them has been on display here too.
07:37Now will be the press conference of Vladimir Putin. After that, there will be bilateral
07:43meetings and an informal meeting as well. But this summit is closed slowly, but surely
07:49approaching its end, with handing over the BRICS presidency to Brazil that will take it over by
07:57January 1.
08:00Thank you. Thank you, Yunus, for all your information. We were listening to our
08:03special envoy, Yunus Uner, during this third and final day of the BRICS Summit 2024.
