• 2 days ago
Within minutes of sitting down with each other at Electric Lady Studios in Manhattan’s Greenwich Village, Reneé Rapp and Cynthia Erivo realize that they’re both Capricorns. They gush over how cosmic this meeting is, after years of mutual admiration from afar. “Now it all makes sense!” Erivo says. “A Capricorn is someone who knows their own self and what they want, what they will stand for, and what they will not. It’s always really fun and refreshing to see.” Rapp agrees: “You’re, verbatim, exactly the same way. Like, 100 percent.”

Once they get going, it’s hard to get the two stars of stage, screen, and stereo to stop: They immediately connect on their clear-eyed visions of making their dreams come true from the jump. Along the way, they open up to each other about writing their next albums, and Erivo’s upcoming role as Elphaba in the film adaptation of Wicked (Rapp is a big fan).

Rapp: I first saw you when I was 16. The second Broadway show I ever saw was The Color Purple. You started performing, and I was like, “OK, she’s just different. On another planet, on another level.” I immediately was so enamored with you because your presence is equally as amazing as your voice. I was like, “Oh, people are really singing here.” And I was obsessed.


00:00How long? No, go on.
00:01Go on.
00:02No, I couldn't.
00:02Ask me.
00:03No, I die. Oh, okay, me.
00:15I think my experience of you is just as a person,
00:20and now it all makes sense because you're a Capricorn.
00:23No, I'm like, okay.
00:23We found out today.
00:24Yeah, I got it.
00:26Someone who's just outspoken and who knows their own self.
00:29Yeah, and it's always really fun and refreshing to see.
00:34I first saw you when I was 16.
00:37The second Broadway show I ever saw was a color purple.
00:40I just like so clearly remember being like, like what the fuck
00:44is going on?
00:45Like I was like, I didn't really like I couldn't I couldn't
00:48like get myself to be like cool.
00:50Like I'm like here and like immersed in something and like
00:52you started performing.
00:53I was like, I get it.
00:55I was like, oh, okay.
00:56I get it.
00:57I was like, she's just like different.
00:59Just like inherently so different just like on another planet
01:04on another level and I immediately was so enamored with
01:10you because your presence is equally as amazing as your
01:14voice and your voice is fucking stupid.
01:18So like that's those things are you can't even like make
01:22them meet half the time, but it was literally amazing.
01:25And I was like, oh people are really singing here.
01:27Yes, like people are actually singing.
01:29Like on Broadway people are doing that.
01:30Yeah, but it's just you so I was like, oh, she's singing.
01:36I get it.
01:36All right.
01:37Okay, and I was obsessed so obsessed.
01:39That's insane.
01:40I can't believe that that was the your your second show ever
01:44to seen ever but then how soon after that did you experience
01:49probably like it was soon after that two or three years later.
01:54What was that like for you?
01:56I just really wanted to do music.
01:57Yeah, I really wanted to do music.
01:59And I was working like in and out of New York when I was
02:03in high school because I was recording and I had switched
02:08to this like Performing Arts High School because my parents
02:11really wanted me to go to college.
02:14I was like not for me and they're like the fuck are you
02:17going to do right?
02:18Like they're like genuinely.
02:19What else are you going to do?
02:20Like you don't know.
02:21Yeah, you don't do well in school.
02:24You're not really picking up anything on the side.
02:25It's not going well for you.
02:27I was like harsh but correct.
02:28Also early like super early.
02:31It's like what else?
02:33You have time.
02:34If there's so much time for all of that to happen.
02:37And it is like you're literally discovering yourself.
02:39That's exactly what you needed to do.
02:41A baby.
02:41Yeah, a baby.
02:42But I like innately knew.
02:44Yeah, I don't want to go to school.
02:45Yeah, don't think that that's how I don't think that that's
02:48what I want to do.
02:49My mom was like if you got a job, I would let you move to
02:52New York.
02:53Like it'd be there and you could take a semester off school.
02:56Like typical Capricorn.
02:57You said, all right, I got it fine and I'll get that and I
03:01can get that.
03:02Yeah, so you know Eva Noblezada?
03:05So she went to the high school that I ended up transferring
03:09to because she went there and participated in these like
03:12award shows and then got a job.
03:15I think on the West End first and didn't go to college.
03:17Just immediately started working.
03:18I think the first time I heard she was in Miss Saigon.
03:23So I was like well perfect.
03:25She had already done the thing.
03:27All I had to do is like try.
03:28Yeah and like be half as good.
03:31So yeah.
03:32So then connect to tissues did that and then got a job here.
03:37I moved here.
03:38And I was like, okay.
03:39I was like, I love this and I like fell in love with theater
03:43like really honestly when I like got that job.
03:46Yeah, because I was like, oh this is actually incredible.
03:49Yeah, and I would just listen to your stuff in the car.
03:55Like I was like wow.
03:56I like this is so crazy.
03:58I was like this is just like and it just is like who you are
04:01and how you show up like it's not like you're like doing
04:03like something to be like, well, this is different.
04:05It's just how you show up.
04:06It's your voice.
04:06It's your tone.
04:07It's your presence.
04:08Yeah, that's just there like when you're like humming
04:11when you're shooting.
04:11I was like, that's nice.
04:15Like keep that up.
04:16Keep it.
04:18No, like wait again again again.
04:21Yeah, and we talked before and you said that you
04:25you knew you always knew that you were going to do music
04:27which and now I'm not like yeah, this was like crazy way
04:31to prove to your parents that you could get a job.
04:33Definitely insane.
04:35Yeah, they bought it.
04:36They got it.
04:37Yeah, after I like got a job.
04:38They were like I'm just.
04:39Do you think did that help with the with the liftoff into
04:44who we know now?
04:45Hundred percent.
04:45Yeah, hundred percent.
04:46I originally had auditioned for Mean Girls and my agents
04:51at the time were like, you're just too young and I was like.
04:54Were they a teenager?
04:54It's right.
04:55So I was like, how can I like finesse my way into thinking
04:57I deserve this?
04:58Yes, and right and then be like, hey good and I did.
05:05Yes, and so I was like, well Mean Girls cool and I auditioned
05:09and then audition for like a couple months.
05:11Yeah, that's and then I was basically just like I want to
05:15do music.
05:16Yeah, and I know y'all know everybody.
05:19So if you agree to help me, I'm doing this.
05:22That's insane.
05:23So you worked with them for the purposes of getting music
05:27done as well.
05:29Renee, that's fucking insane.
05:31I was I was very like I just I just knew what I wanted.
05:35I don't know.
05:36I've always been very under the impression that like theater
05:40Yes, I guess acting too.
05:41Yeah, but like is very hierarchical and it's very like
05:46well, we sit behind this table.
05:47So we tell you if you're going to be good enough for this
05:50and what we think about you and how you should be and what
05:53you should do right at least historically.
05:56I was always just kind of like that's bullshit.
05:57Like I just think that's bullshit.
05:59Like I think you're absolutely yeah, but the thing is I think
06:02we sometimes are ashamed or afraid to say I want to do this
06:07and I want to grow beyond this 100% because the growth beyond
06:12also means that if I come back I'm going to be it's going
06:16to be different.
06:16I'm going to feel different.
06:18It has to have elevated has to have grown for the time I get
06:22back here.
06:23I knew I wanted to the color purple.
06:25Yeah when it came to London really I was doing Sister Act
06:31on a tour or something and we heard that it was coming and
06:35I was like, oh I'm supposed to be doing that.
06:36I'm gonna do that and someone was like, would you be first
06:40cover and I was like I would but that's not what I want.
06:43I want to play the role.
06:44I want the role Capricorn Capricorn.
06:46I was like the role is the and I was so sure about it.
06:49So this is I meant to play that role.
06:51Yeah, I know it like in like intrinsically course.
06:54I don't know what it is, but I know that you just know it's
06:57like you cannot explain it, you know, yes, and there was
07:00nothing anyone could tell me that would stop me from doing
07:04this piece.
07:05Yeah, and with the we had nose galore so many people said
07:09no, we can't see her.
07:11We don't think she's right and then one day someone was
07:14like I saw her in this thing.
07:16I think you should I think you should see her Wow.
07:20So I went in didn't hear back for like two months after
07:23the audition and then they were doing in London and this
07:27little theater 200 seater tiny little place.
07:31I knew it was supposed to be happening.
07:33I know it's supposed to do it.
07:35For sure happy to do it didn't know why I was like, I just
07:39love this show.
07:40I love this.
07:41I'm not supposed to be doing this piece.
07:43That piece is the reason we did it on Broadway.
07:45That's so cool.
07:46And literally I'm like it makes me like I'm like wow.
07:49Yeah, that's so and that's why it happened.
07:52We did it in London Ben Brantley of New York Times did
07:56a review of the show in London and well, it's so cool and
08:02that sent us to Broadway.
08:04That's so my entire life changed and when they told me
08:07I was going to Broadway.
08:08I did not believe them at all.
08:09I was like that's a that's insane.
08:10When does that happen?
08:14It was only when I was like at the airport with my ticket
08:16in my hand about to get on the plane.
08:18Fuck this is this is it dude.
08:20That's my life was never the same after that.
08:24That's so insane.
08:26It also just like from watching it and from watching you
08:30in it.
08:31Yeah, like now hearing that I like there's like there's
08:34no way in hell that you could have ever been like no, this
08:38is not happening.
08:39It's too like to me.
08:40Yeah, I was like, oh she's taking it like she's taking
08:44it like it's done like it's done like perfect.
08:46Of course.
08:46Like I bet they like had to like claw at the fucking door
08:51to get her to come here and do this and be like, yeah, I'll
08:55come and sing this.
08:56Yeah, I'll come and act this.
08:58I'll come and turn my back.
08:59I like hello.
09:01It's just so interesting to hear you talk about it because
09:03I feel that way in the back of my head all the time.
09:07I mean, I know exactly what I want to do but trusting it
09:11is sometimes tough.
09:12Of course.
09:12Like you knew that that's exactly what you wanted to do
09:14and that's exactly the role you were going to play and
09:16that was what was going to ultimately change your life.
09:19However, like you still didn't like believe when you got
09:21to the airport that you're right.
09:23Yeah, like it's like it's this like what we're going to
09:24do this right now.
09:25Oh, you're like constantly convincing yourself of this
09:28thing, but you actually believe yes, you actually believe
09:31it but to no one else would looks insane.
09:34I know I sounded absolutely insane.
09:37That shit.
09:37I know I sounded crazy.
09:39Yeah, I know.
09:39I didn't I know I still do and I like I wasn't meant to
09:43feel like I just felt so sure.
09:45Yes about about what that was and I think I've learned
09:49now to just listen to that.
09:52That's a nine times out of ten is the best decision to
09:54make some people call it happy accidents, but I don't
09:56think they're accidents.
09:57I think that they don't think so either.
09:59This is taking me out.
10:01This is literally taking me out.
10:02I like God damn.
10:04I've been such a huge fan of yours for a long time, but
10:07more important than fan.
10:08I've always looked up to you.
10:09I've always been like and I would have never known that
10:13you're like a vocal Bible to teenagers in theater and
10:18just fucking joking.
10:19This is I know you're out of here like out of I think
10:24that's also like why I'm crying cuz I like you're so you
10:27were so integral and something that I didn't know that
10:30I wanted to do that.
10:30I ended up doing that ended up changing my life.
10:33This is fucking nuts for me to hear as you know that I
10:36so insane to hear because it's insane to tell you it's
10:41insane to see you walk into a room.
10:43I feel like I'm pretty like chill like there are like
10:46few people in life that like I would like meet and like
10:50really tweak.
10:51I'm holding it together.
10:53I'm holding it together.
10:54I'm blown away.
10:56I think that that's the thing that I'm processing here
11:00is that the thing you are telling me is the thing I want
11:04to do you see I'm saying so it's not just like and now
11:09I'm getting emotional.
11:10Do you know what I mean?
11:11Because it's not just like it's not just showing up
11:14and singing.
11:17It's not just like being in a room and making sounds
11:21and yeah, it's also like trying to give permission to
11:26people to just be themselves dude.
11:29Like do the work how you do the work, you know, conforming
11:35to whatever anyone else says.
11:37You should be isn't what's going to get you where you
11:39want to get to know bro finding out who you are and
11:42being who you are 100% is what like, you know, that's
11:46what that's what changes things.
11:48Yeah, and I think I spend my time.
11:55My time.
12:00Trying to make sure that people know that that's okay
12:06because there's so many other things telling you to be
12:09everything you're not.
12:10Yeah, especially here especially know here.
12:13Yeah, I think the wonderful thing about this is that
12:19all I've ever really done is be myself and it shows
12:25it means a lot.
12:27It shows it shows.
12:31It shows also so nice to like see you in person a lot of
12:35you know, how like everybody's like you like don't meet
12:37your heroes like don't do it like it will change your
12:40opinion of them and I definitely have had that literally
12:42so many times that I've been like damn.
12:45Yeah miss this one.
12:46But you know what?
12:47That's my fault.
12:48I need to keep the idea that I have of you in my head.
12:50You are exactly as I imagine pictured have seen have taken
12:55in and like 10 times more and glad that we can have this
12:58experience together.
13:00I think it's really special.
13:01So glad.
13:02Yeah, so glad.
13:03Oh my God.
13:04What's the song?
13:05That's so still hurting.
13:07That's like I love it so much.
13:09I've like sang it down like under the table so many times
13:12and also so has like every other bitch that one is crazy
13:17that one and then also you singing Alfie at the Kennedy
13:20Center and LA.
13:22Yeah, they don't get a lot of like singers.
13:24Yeah, they don't get a lot of vocalists right vocalists
13:27like true like powerhouse and we were in a session and we
13:32were just talking about like great singers that we love
13:34and I was like in the blue dress.
13:40Well, I was like watch this like shoving it in their faces
13:44and they're my like indie white boys and they're like
13:47this is amazing.
13:48What's going on?
13:49I'm like, you don't understand you don't get it.
13:51You can't you won't this is beyond what you can comprehend
13:55and just know that it's like a way for me to Sun them.
13:58I'm like, you've never seen anything like this and shut
14:00your mouth and they're like we agree that performance is
14:04Yeah, you know what my favorite one of my favorite performances
14:07yours is at SNL with you and Meg.
14:10I just thought it was like sexy and like you felt so like
14:13dropped in thing.
14:15I was like, this is hot.
14:16This is amazing.
14:17I mean, she's like it's impossible not to be dropped in
14:20around her.
14:22Yeah, it's impossible.
14:23Like she just is just mind-blowing.
14:28Yeah, just mind-blowing and truly is just like so bad and
14:32it's so like you're just so aware.
14:34Yeah that she's around when she's around.
14:36Yeah, but I think the combination of the two of you is
14:39really special.
14:40That was really cool.
14:41I love her.
14:42I love her.
14:43Also like and you know, I've only met her in passing and
14:46whenever I've met her.
14:47I'm always like I want you to know that I think you're beautiful
14:50as a like out inside and out.
14:53She's the best.
14:54I've never met anyone who works that hard in my life.
14:57Never and it feels that way.
14:59It feels like she's working really hard.
15:01Oh beyond she's like before on time.
15:04Wow before on time like they're like hours before I'm there
15:08and I'm tweaking about something and then like I'm there
15:11and I'm like if she's here then what the fuck am I doing?
15:17I'm like, let me not let me not like complain about some like
15:20bullshit that's going on like so so present.
15:23So that as a no one was really fun.
15:25How are you feeling about your music right now and what you're
15:30moving into new music all of that like it's kind of it's
15:34kind of the same thing that we're talking about of like I
15:37feel so headass and so sure that I'm obsessed with it.
15:43Yeah, like I'm like, oh this is going to be amazing.
15:45Yeah, and that but you should feel like that totally should
15:48feel like that.
15:49I don't know if I really believe it but I feel like that if
15:52you feel it then you probably do believe it.
15:53I think it just I think there's a fear of believing.
15:57Yeah, of course if what if it doesn't what if other people
16:00don't get it?
16:01Of course totally that doesn't whether or not people get it
16:04or not that doesn't mean it's not amazing.
16:06If you feel if you because you're not you know, yeah, and
16:12we know when it's not good.
16:13Don't know when it's good.
16:14We know when it's not good.
16:15Totally know when pieces of it are good and pieces of it
16:18aren't but if you like if the core of your being if your if
16:23your DNA says things is good.
16:25Yeah, then it's probably great.
16:28It's like a it's that like innate sort of knowing.
16:31Yeah, like I've recorded so many songs here.
16:33Yeah, none of them.
16:34They've all been ass.
16:35They've all been ass all of them are painfully so bad feeling
16:39where you're like, oh, I think this is gonna be good.
16:41Oh, no.
16:41Oh and then it's terrible and then I'm like rubbish eight
16:43hours later.
16:44I've like put like poor like producers and like writers
16:47through a session and I'm like, yeah, this ain't we're never
16:49recouping this one boys.
16:51The day is gone.
16:52The day is gone.
16:54No, I've heard that the last sort of year one has been insane
16:58because I've been doing it at the same time as do wicked of
17:02it all and so and I'm I'm really specific if we're not in
17:07the studio that there's no partying in my studios.
17:11There's no alcohol in my studios.
17:13Okay, it's just me and a microphone a writer and a piano
17:19that's it's just that's it.
17:20It's I have it's the most nice.
17:22That's how I like it.
17:24Yeah, because I like it to be like, no, we have a drink
17:28called Ribena in London.
17:30It's like concentrate and then you add water.
17:33I like the studio session to be like concentrate.
17:36I mean, yeah, it's as pure as possible.
17:38It's just there.
17:39We're here to do this and out of those sessions have come
17:43some really beautiful music and I'm so excited to be able
17:48to share it.
17:48That's so cool.
17:50And this one fills me with absolute joy.
17:52Oh, that's so good.
17:53Yeah, it feels almost like this is this is the first album.
17:56That's what a hundred percent.
17:58Totally totally totally understand.
18:00You know, yeah, so that's a good feeling too.
18:02And you're like, no, this is exactly right.
18:04This is yeah, that's such a like that like settles my stomach.
18:08Yeah, I'm like, oh, yeah, like wait.
18:11I'm gonna go to bed.
18:13I'm gonna get a smooth 8.
18:15Yeah, I get a smooth 8.
18:17No, I don't have to worry about it.
18:18No, no.
18:19Oh, that's good.
18:20I want it to do well.
18:21I want people to to connect with it.
18:24I mean it inherently will.
18:26Yeah, like it just it just will.
18:27It's like it's coming from you.
18:30Hello, like 2016 was almost like 10 years ago.
18:34Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
18:35And like I'm like equally as obsessed and enamored with you
18:39as an artist as I was then as I am now.
18:41Like it just will.
18:42Yeah, that's not even a question.
18:44Your lips God's ears.
18:45Yeah, I'm not worried about it.
18:47He's not.
18:52I'm looking forward to what your next journey is.
18:55Yeah, I like the excitement.
18:57That's coming from you.
18:58I think it's really special.
18:59And I feel like even though I've always witnessed you being
19:03very dropped in.
19:04Yeah, there's something that's like even more like settle
19:11trying to like get your career like off the ground is doing
19:15a lot is doing a lot but I now I'm like able to be like no
19:20I'm gonna go and I'm gonna fuck off from everything.
19:26Oh, yeah.
19:27Yeah, actually.
19:28Yeah, and so fuck off from me and sometimes they do they
19:33don't I'm still fucked off.
19:35I'm fucked off.
19:36You're fucked off done.
19:38So that's been good.
19:39But I feel like it's like I'm just obsessed.
19:41Yeah, I'm exhausted.
19:42Yeah, that will it will do that.
19:43I'm so sleepy, but I'm still just as hungry even though
19:47I'm tired.
19:47Yeah, do you feel I mean probably this is a dumbass question
19:53but like do you feel like no dumb question gas for the rest
19:55of the year?
19:56Oh, yeah, I'm gas for the rest.
19:58I'm so excited personally.
20:00I'm gassed.
20:02I'm thrilled.
20:04I'm fucking thrilled.
20:06I'm thrilled.
20:07No, I'm I'm because I saw it for the first time a couple
20:10of months ago.
20:11Uh-huh me and Ari have been working hard probably not
20:15this time.
20:16Yeah soundtrack.
20:16We've been working on it.
20:19So we're just excited for it to all come together for people
20:21to see it.
20:21I'm very excited nerves obviously because the big old you
20:25feel nurse.
20:26Yeah, really?
20:27Yeah, because I care.
20:29Yeah, of course.
20:30Of course.
20:30I think the day I stopped feeling nervous about something
20:32I give a shit about there's we got a problem.
20:35Yeah that I understand that.
20:37Yeah, they're good nerves that they're the right kinds
20:39of nerves.
20:40I I've learned to decipher which kind of nerves help and
20:43which kind of nerves don't I have definitely listen not
20:47listen to the nerves that go should be here should be doing
20:50this and it bites me in the ass every time but the other
20:54nerves that feel like butterflies.
20:56Yeah, like this is good.
20:58Those are the ones I'm getting right now.
20:59How do you decipher?
21:01There's a difference.
21:02It just feels different when I get nervousness in my brain.
21:05Yeah, I'm like, ooh, I don't know if this is a good idea.
21:10That's like a but then I get nervousness in my tummy.
21:12Yeah, this is fun.
21:13Oh cute.
21:15Yeah, I'm like the most hard-headed person on planet Earth
21:20like genuinely a Capricorn a hundred percent, but I also
21:24think that I'm clueless at the same time and like the the
21:28both is I was hating.
21:31Do you have to choose which one to listen to?
21:33Oh, and I'm like usually a little bit of both usually
21:36a little bit of both.
21:37You haven't got to a place of like I know everything.
21:39I don't think we ever should get to that place.
21:41I know, you know, you're always learning all of these
21:43experiences are always constantly teaching you about
21:45yourself and what you yeah, we can give to your art what
21:47you can't what you need to learn from it or learn from
21:51others all of that stuff.
21:53So it's fine to not really know all the time.
21:56Yeah, bro.
21:57And kind of be like, oh,
21:59that's a different I could have taken a different.
22:01Yeah there I could have changed that but next time.
22:05I think everyone speaking on behalf speaking on behalf
22:10of everyone speaking on behalf of the community.
22:13No, we're all thrilled.
22:14Yeah, we as a collective are thrilled.
22:17I specifically am very thrilled.
22:20There could be a tendency to be like actually just do it
22:23as it was but there wasn't any of that.
22:26I can't walk into the room with someone else.
22:28You know, I mean I can only I can only take from my
22:31experiences and my life and how I experienced the world
22:36to then create Elphaba the way I see her right, you know,
22:40right the intention is not to diminish anyone else's
22:45version of Elphaba.
22:47Yeah, of course that ever but the intention is to allow
22:51her to show up as me in my body right and I love to make
22:55it about this but it's it is what it is as a black woman
22:59who is queer shows up in like this way.
23:03There's something that I have that many other Elphabas
23:08don't have they don't know what it is like to walk
23:11through the world like this.
23:12I do.
23:13Yeah, and so that in the innately immediately makes
23:16me completely different and the way he shot it the way
23:19like the space that he gave me to do it is awesome.
23:22I bet it's so sick.
23:24I hope people feel about it the way I feel about it.
23:27I've like already heard that everyone is already obsessed
23:29with it not to like do too much but like I've already heard
23:31that everybody already likes it who's seen it.
23:33So you're good.
23:34Oh, it's so like funny to me to even like talk about like
23:39mean girls on the back of like that just because I'm like
23:42I feel like I really just fuck around like I genuinely
23:45just fuck around and like potentially find out like maybe
23:49maybe on a good day.
23:50Not potentially find out.
23:52I potentially find out.
23:53I potentially find out.
23:54But I think there was like a different that it yours your
23:58junior is different.
24:01It's just different because I think again because of your
24:03experiences and again because of how you carry like carry
24:06yourself walk through the world.
24:08You can't help but be different.
24:11She's just cooler.
24:12And like, okay.
24:14Yeah, it's like a swing and like, you know, yeah, it's
24:17fun bitchy.
24:18It's nice.
24:20I guess it's nice.
24:22Yeah, I'm so glad we got to do this.
24:25I'm so gassed you don't and I was I was I was in a session
24:29when you respond to me and I literally was like I was so
24:34I'm so excited.
24:35I didn't even think about like there was no other answer
24:38that I got the email.
24:41Well, I said I said, I don't know.
24:42I was like, do you think she wanted to and he's like, I
24:45don't know we can ask.
24:46I was like fuck.
24:46She's probably so busy, bro.
24:48I was like, she's probably so fucking busy.
24:50There's no way but I but you make the time for the things
24:53you want to make the time for that's real.
24:55Thank you for doing that.
24:56Thank you for asking.
24:57You're the best you to do.
24:58This is crazy obsessed with you.
25:00I can't wait to like do this more.
25:02Oh my God, please.
25:03Yeah, please.
25:04I won't cry again, but I am truly so inaudible and so
25:09You're right.
25:09So excited for you.
25:10Thanks, baby.
