• 2 days ago
00:00You forget to eat?
00:21I don't have much of an appetite.
00:24Is it, uh, Daniel and Lucy?
00:26They okay?
00:27I have to get some air, excuse me.
00:31Hey, hold on a second.
00:33Hold on.
00:35Just sit down for a second.
00:37Come on.
00:38What's going on?
00:39Daniel and Lucy.
00:40It's, uh...
00:41This is a nightmare.
00:43Did the, uh, police learn something?
00:46Daniel and Lucy have to deal with the fact that the center of their world is gone,
00:51and she is never coming back.
00:53And they can't even grieve right now.
00:56You know why?
00:58Because my son is gone.
01:01He's gone.
01:03He's gone.
01:05He's gone.
01:07He's gone.
01:09He's gone.
01:11Because my son is being framed for Heather's murder.
01:42Detective Chancellor.
01:45Good, you're here.
01:48Let's get started.
02:11Daniel is being set up for Heather's murder?
02:38How is that possible?
02:40I don't know, but it's happening.
02:43The forensics team wanted to do a search of Daniel's apartment.
02:47So they had to move out.
02:49Banned from their own home.
02:52Do you know what that's like to tell a young girl that her father is being framed for her mother's murder?
02:59I mean, I cannot imagine.
03:03Poor kid.
03:04Yeah, poor kid.
03:05Poor kid.
03:07Whoever's doing this definitely wants to destroy my son's life and destroy my family.
03:14What kind of person do you think would do that?
03:17I'm guessing the police found some evidence.
03:20They wanted to do a search of the apartment, and Daniel didn't want them to because he didn't want to invade Heather and Lucy's privacy,
03:27and I talked him into doing it.
03:29Because I thought maybe we could find some real answers.
03:33What'd they find?
03:34Well, they found some bloody towels and Heather's phone that had been planted there.
03:46Are you serious?
03:48How is that possible?
03:49I don't know. Why don't you ask Sharon?
04:02How are you?
04:04You came to my house tonight and you saw Heather.
04:07What did you want?
04:18Are you gonna answer my question?
04:22Of course.
04:25As I told Chance, I had already apologized to you for my horrible behavior,
04:33and I thought that it was only right to extend that same apology to Heather and Lucy because I hurt them just as deeply.
04:45So you just showed up at the apartment?
04:50Well, Heather must have been surprised.
04:53She was surprised, yes.
04:56But she was gracious enough to let me speak, so I told her how truly sorry I was for the terrible pain that I've caused your family.
05:08Sure. And then?
05:12Well, she accepted my apology.
05:15What about after that?
05:18Heather did seem on edge and rattled, so I asked her about it.
05:25And at first she insisted it was nothing, but then it was almost as if she couldn't hold it in.
05:33She practically blurted out that the two of you had had a terrible fight, and she was still shaken by it.
05:43What else did Heather say?
05:47That's all, really. It's not as if we were close.
05:51And you didn't think to tell me about this?
05:54Well, when I saw you and Lucy after Heather's death, you were very distraught, and there was no way that I wanted to add to your pain, so I chose to say nothing.
06:09You chose to spare my feelings.
06:11Well, you had just lost the woman that you love. There was no way that I wanted you to be reminded that the last time you saw Heather alive, you were arguing vehemently, according to her.
06:27That is not true.
06:31There was no fight?
06:33The last time I saw Heather, things were fine between us.
06:38I kissed her goodbye, and then my last words to her were that I loved her. So something, Sharon, is very off here.
06:47Well, I really don't know what else to tell you, Daniel.
06:52I only know that Heather was terrified of you.
06:59And that is absolutely not possible.
07:06All right, so this is where I found the phone and the bloody towels.
07:12Phone was sitting there. Towels were kind of shoved in the back.
07:16I'm thinking whoever did this was in a hurry because of a slot.
07:20All right, so my guess, more evidence to be found in here. So I want to search every inch of this place, every nook, every cranny, everything. You got it?
07:27We will.
07:28Okay, good.
07:29Now, given the amount of blood that was on the towels, it's very possible that our victim was killed here.
07:34So we're looking for more blood. We're looking for a blunt object possibly used as a murder weapon.
07:40Now, it is critical that we are thorough. Okay?
07:45We got to get this right for a lot of reasons.
07:48Gotcha. Let's get to it.
07:56Why would I ask Sharon? She had nothing to do with what happened.
07:59She had everything to do with what happened.
08:01Why do you think she knows something?
08:03Oh, my gosh. Please, please, Nick, don't act naive when it comes to Sharon and what she's capable of.
08:10What is this?
08:11Okay, you came to me and you said you were worried about Sharon and her mental health, that she was off of her meds and she was unstable.
08:21You shared that with me.
08:24So go to Sharon and look into her vague googly eyes and ask her what she knows about Daniel and Heather's murder.
08:32Well, that is the last thing I'm going to do.
08:34Because you don't want to know the answer.
08:36The past few weeks have been very traumatic for Sharon. You know this.
08:40Starting with Lucy and Faith's accident, all the memories of Cassie. Every time she is around your son, it triggers her.
08:47Okay, you're acting like my son is the problem.
08:49No, no, no. I'm not blaming your son for anything. I promise.
08:52I don't care about Sharon's feelings, by the way.
08:54I'm just trying to fill you in on her mindset.
08:57I don't care about her mindset!
09:00I don't care. I am so tired of everybody tiptoeing around and afraid of how Sharon's going to react and, oh, Sharon's unstable.
09:12Sharon killed Heather, period.
09:22So you think Sharon killed Heather?
09:25I know Sharon killed Heather.
09:27Heather's death is enough of a tragedy. It's not going to do anyone any good for you to be stirring up the problem.
09:32Oh, don't you dare put this on me.
09:35What you're saying, it doesn't even make sense.
09:37Let me explain it to you then.
09:39Sharon hates Daniel.
09:42She has always blamed him for Cassie's death.
09:46Sharon feels so much pain, she wants Daniel to feel that same amount of pain.
09:52Okay, so Sharon killed Heather.
09:55Yes, she's been unstable, and she killed Heather.
09:59And she's trying to save herself, so she is framing Daniel, my son, who would never hurt anyone.
10:07But she's trying to make him look guilty for what, killing the woman that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with?
10:15I agree with you. Daniel would never do anything like this.
10:18Yes, but Sharon would.
10:20No, I refuse to believe that Sharon would cause any harm to Heather.
10:24Okay, let me ask you something. I'm going to ask you something.
10:29Did Sharon tell you that she went to Heather and Daniel's apartment the night that Heather died?
10:38She did.
10:40Yeah, she went there the night Heather died, but she didn't tell anyone.
10:47In fact, she saw Daniel and Lucy.
10:50After that, she didn't say a word.
10:52She didn't tell the police.
10:54She didn't tell anyone.
10:57Finally, she fessed up with Chance.
10:59Why do you think she did that?
11:02Let me ask you this. Have you confronted Sharon about this?
11:06Oh my God, there's nothing I would like more than to get in that bitch's face and confront her with this.
11:13And drag her butt to prison.
11:16But I am not doing that.
11:18I am not doing that.
11:20Because my son asked me not to.
11:23And he is right.
11:25Alright, listen to me. Sharon has got her meds back on track.
11:29She's backing Cassidy first. She's putting her life back together.
11:32The last thing she needs is you in her face attacking her.
11:35Oh my God, I cannot believe this.
11:37I cannot believe my son is facing a lifetime behind bars for a crime he didn't commit.
11:42You're more worried about Sharon's feelings.
11:45I don't want to talk to you.
11:47Listen to me.
11:49Excuse us. Sorry.
11:51Hey, listen to me.
11:52Let go of me.
11:53I am concerned about both of them, but there is no way Sharon did this.
11:58I want to pay this, please.
12:00You know what? Okay.
12:03So, if you don't think that Sharon did it, and you said that my son is incapable of doing it, who did it?
12:09You tell me, who?
12:10I don't know.
12:12Let the professionals handle this.
12:14Let Chance handle his own investigation.
12:17I can't.
12:18I can't because his investigation is leading right toward my son.
12:34You've got something.
12:41Are you accusing me of making it all up?
12:45Because I know what I saw, and I know what Heather said to me.
12:49You are lying, Sharon.
12:51And you need to go to the police, and you need to tell them.
12:54There is no way in hell that Heather was terrified of me.
12:58Okay, I don't like your tone.
13:01I don't like your tone.
13:02And if this is the way that you spoke to Heather, then I...
13:05You don't like my tone.
13:06That's good. That's rich.
13:07Because I might be fighting for my life here, Sharon.
13:09You don't like my tone.
13:10What do you mean?
13:11Do the police suspect that you hurt Heather?
13:15They suspect me, Sharon.
13:18I'm sorry to hear that, Daniel.
13:20Based on what?
13:22You know, I keep asking myself the same question.
13:25But I'm pretty sure that you running to the cops with your little fake conversation with Heather,
13:30that hasn't helped my situation a lot.
13:32I was only trying to help you find answers to what happened that night.
13:37I had no idea that it would point the police in your direction.
13:40And how would a fake conversation help me? Huh?
13:43And I find it very hard to believe that it never crossed your mind for even a second
13:47that the cops armed with that kind of misinformation wouldn't immediately target me as a suspect.
13:52I mean, unless, you know, that's what you wanted.
13:55I mean, it's obviously what you wanted, right?
13:57For the cops to blame me for Heather's death.
13:59No, of course not, Daniel.
14:00I know that you would never harm anyone purposely.
14:04But someone did harm Heather.
14:07Someone hurt her, Sharon.
14:09Someone hurt her and it was brutal.
14:11The two of you get in another fight at the apartment, huh?
14:14Was it you? Did you hurt her?
14:16No, I can't believe you would even ask me that.
14:25The police are asking me the same question, Sharon.
14:29And I haven't once shown the level of rage that you showed to Heather and Lucy the past few weeks.
14:36I let things get out of hand.
14:39And I've admitted that I was in pain and angry and I just didn't know what to do with all those emotions.
14:48So, unfortunately, I took it out on them and you and I regret that.
14:53That's why I wanted to look Heather in the eye when I apologized so she could see how remorseful I am.
15:01You know, that may be what you intended, but that doesn't mean that that's the way it played out.
15:06Did Heather say something that upset you?
15:09Did you attack her?
15:11No. Look, Daniel, we've all been through a rough time recently, there's no question.
15:17But you know me, I would never hurt the woman you love, much less kill her.
15:26The idea that Heather's death wasn't an accident and that it was murder...
15:35Have there been any new developments? Have the police found proof? What is it?
15:41I'm not going to get into that with you right now.
15:43Oh, you just came over here to accuse me of something reprehensible?
15:47I don't even want to be here right now, Sharon.
15:50If I had just listened to Heather and I had packed up the family and I had left Genoa City, none of this would have even happened.
15:57But you know, I insisted that we stayed here, even though that's not what Heather wanted.
16:01She supported me, and now she's dead, and that's something that I have to live with for the rest of my life.
16:09I'm sorry, Daniel. I truly am.
16:13You know, my daughter is broken over this.
16:18She needs me. She needs her dad.
16:23I can't be locked up for something that I didn't do. I'm just... I need answers, Sharon.
16:30And they will come in time.
16:34Right now, the best thing that you can do for yourself and for Lucy is to get some rest.
16:41Try to focus on healing. Try to find some peace.
16:49Yes, right now, your grief is overwhelming you. It's causing you to grasp at irrational thoughts and do desperate things.
17:00Like coming over here. That's what you're saying, right?
17:07Daniel, you have to know, deep down, that what you're accusing me of couldn't possibly be true.
17:20Hey, hit those lights for me, will you?
17:35Yeah, that confirms it. Heather was bludgeoned here, and the killer removed the body and dumped it in the river.
17:44Blood on the floor. You got the bloody towels. And the phone.
17:52I bet you the murder weapon's still here.
18:33Think I found the murder weapon?
18:36You need to hold yourself together.
18:38I am trying to help my son get out of my way.
18:40I get it. I get it. But you have to stop with these wild accusations.
18:46What do you want me to do? My son could be arrested any minute. Any minute!
18:50Well, I'm not going to just sit back and follow the rules and play the game.
18:55I'm not going to just sit back and do nothing until all I can do is cry. There is no chance now.
19:00You want to help your son? Do it legitimately. Stop spreading lies about Sharon.
19:05You're just causing trouble, and it is not fair to her.
19:08God, it's not fair to her? Nick, my God, you are so brainwashed by her.
19:16You're trying to protect your son? I get it. You want to get to the bottom of what happened to Heather and who killed her.
19:22But there are all kinds of possible scenarios.
19:24Name one. What's a possible scenario?
19:26Just leave her alone. I'm serious. Stay away from her.
19:39The final autopsy report just came in. Details unusual marks on the back of the victim's skull.
19:50Something tells me that those are going to be consistent with this.
19:59Phyllis, what's up? We need to meet.
20:02What about? I have information that you will find useful.
20:08Look, I got a lot going on over here. I'm wrapping up a search. I don't know if I have time right now.
20:12Make the time. Meet me at Crimson Lights.
20:22Hey. Hey, thanks for meeting me.
20:25So, you need some information for me.
20:30You know Daniel. You know him. You know he's innocent.
20:34Is this why you called me here?
20:36Okay, the search that you just came from, was that from Daniel's apartment?
20:40Did you find something? Some new evidence? Something that would prove his innocence?
20:44Something that would help you find the real culprit?
20:46Phyllis, you know better than this. I'm not going to tell you anything.
20:51So please, please stay out of it and let the police do their job.
20:56Well, I would let the police do their job if they weren't wrongly putting a case together against my son.
21:02Okay, is this why you told Summer that Daniel needs to lawyer up?
21:06Do you have information for me or not?
21:08I have the same information that you do. I have the same facts.
21:13The bloody towels. The phone of Heather's that was planted at my son's apartment.
21:20But for some reason, the police, they're not seeing these facts equally.
21:26Get to your point. Come on. Get to it.
21:28Okay, well my point is that Sharon saw Heather the night that she died.
21:33I mean, you know that. She was the last one to see her alive.
21:37I mean, she lied. She didn't tell anybody about that. She withheld that information.
21:41Why is that fact not given the same weight as everything else? Why?
21:46See, I believe that with some digging, that fact will show that Sharon is the killer that you're looking for.
21:54I know loss and grief too well.
22:03Struggle to get through each day.
22:08You can't let it take you to a dark place.
22:11I've been there and I almost lost everything.
22:16Stay strong.
22:17Stay strong.
22:19Lean on your friends and your family.
22:23They will get you through this.
22:26I should probably go. I shouldn't have come here in the first place.
22:48Look, you need to get a hold of yourself.
22:51Because you lose it now, there's no coming back.
22:56Daniel asked me straight out if I hurt Heather.
23:00Yeah, and you played it perfectly.
23:04You made him doubt everything he was thinking.
23:09Chalk it all up to grief.
23:11What if he still suspects something?
23:14Maybe I shouldn't have lied about Heather being afraid of him.
23:17Okay, okay, stop second-guessing yourself or you're gonna blow it.
23:23Let Daniel have his suspicions. Who cares?
23:26Because that's all he's got.
23:30But you, you did it.
23:34You did it.
23:38But you, you did the work.
23:42You planted enough evidence in his apartment to bury him in prison for the rest of his life.
23:49So just be cool, okay?
23:53I promise you, this is almost over.
24:00You think Sharon killed Heather?
24:02She's 100% guilty.
24:04Look, Phyllis, I know you're desperate to save your son, but there's no way that Sharon is capable of murder.
24:12You used to date her, didn't you?
24:14Yeah, I did. Okay, but that just means I know her well enough to know that she is kind.
24:18She's empathetic. She's not someone who's gonna kill an innocent woman.
24:23The same thing could be said for my son.
24:26I understand that, but you and Sharon have a very colorful history, yeah?
24:31You know what she's done in her past, don't you?
24:33Well, I do. But I am also very aware of what you have pulled off.
24:38Let's not forget you had the entire Genoa City Police Department investigating your murder.
24:43It never happened. For which you framed an innocent woman.
24:48Oh, it's no secret how far you're willing to go. Everything's on the line, right?
24:53I mean, facts, laws, decency.
24:57Ain't much of a stumble for you, are they?
25:00Especially when your kids are in trouble.
25:21Hey. Hey, Dad. How's Vancouver?
25:26Well, it's beautiful, as you can see.
25:29Got a concert tonight and just finished a press conference, but...
25:33I don't want to talk about me. How are you doing?
25:38Honestly, not good.
25:40Daniel, I... I so wish I could be helping you with the service, but...
25:45As soon as you have the details, I am on the next flight home.
25:49Yeah, I don't even know when it's gonna happen now.
25:52Why not?
25:55Son? What's going on?
25:59Everything is just a mess, Dad. You know, I could really use your help.
26:23I can help you with that.
26:27Help me?
26:29Yeah. With the logs.
26:33Have you forgotten I'm in Master Builder of Fires?
26:38How could I?
26:40Well, I can help you with that.
26:43I can help you with that.
26:46I can help you with that.
26:50How could I?
26:52I also usually know when there's something bothering you.
26:56What's going on? Talk to me.
27:00It's nothing.
27:02Hey. Come on.
27:06Look at all the years we've been together.
27:09All the obstacles we've overcome, all the crises that we've helped each other through.
27:15Do the same thing this time. We'll face it head on.
27:18Come to the other side.
27:21Sharon, I can't help you if you don't tell me what's going on with you.
27:27I... I've made a mistake.
27:31We've made lots of mistakes with each other over the years, and we always forgive each other, right?
27:37This time will be no different.
27:40So whatever you're holding on to, I'm right here.
27:44You're safe. It's you and me, and I will do whatever I can to help you.
27:50Ah, be careful there.
27:53Don't let Mr. Warm and Fuzzy convince you that it's okay to drop your guard and spill your guts.
27:59You might feel better for a couple minutes, but then you will be screwed royally for the rest of your life.
28:06Go away. I don't need you anymore.
28:10Yeah, yeah, you keep saying that.
28:13I think you're forgetting something.
28:15I'm the one who has guided you every step of the way.
28:19I'm the one who is making sure you get the life that you want.
28:23So knock it off, all right?
28:25Because you'd be an idiot to cut me loose right now.
28:29I am not this person. This is not me.
28:33I... I... I am a good person.
28:40I get it.
28:42You think that telling Nick is somehow gonna fix everything, yeah?
28:48That maybe you can start blubbering a little bit, tell him that you never, never meant to kill Heather.
28:54And then what? You think he'll just, like, come to your rescue?
28:58That is exactly the wrong approach here.
29:02I don't want to do this anymore.
29:05What? You think I do?
29:07But what choice do I have, huh?
29:10You are weak, Sharon. You are weak and you're clearly too lovesick to see straight.
29:17If I wasn't watching over you, you'd confess everything.
29:21And not just in this sad little fantasy world of yours.
29:25You'd do it in cold, hard reality.
29:30And you do that, honey, you are done.
29:41What is it, son? Whatever you need, I'm here.
29:45Thanks, Dad.
29:47And I've already talked to my management team and we're all set to cancel the rest of the tour so I can fly home and give you and Lucy all the support that you need.
29:55No, that's the last thing I'd want you to do.
29:58Why not? It's really not a problem.
30:01Actually, you know, you'd probably be more help to us if you just stayed where you are.
30:06I'm sorry, I don't understand.
30:09I'm worried about Lucy.
30:12You know, she already seems so lost. She's already struggling with so much.
30:15I need to try and, you know, protect her from dealing with what's ahead.
30:22What's ahead, exactly?
30:24I would like to send her out to stay with you on tour for a few weeks.
30:31I mean, I know that she loves music. She loves you.
30:33She could definitely use the distraction to get out of this place.
30:36You know that I would be thrilled to have Lucy with me, but you need to answer a question first.
30:40What is the situation and why the sudden turn for the worse?
30:46There's evidence that Heather's death wasn't an accident.
30:54She was murdered?
30:56I don't understand. What happened? Do the police, do they have any suspects?
31:00Oh, yeah. Yeah, they've got one.
31:04Well, that's a good thing, isn't it?
31:06No, because the person they're targeting is being framed.
31:09Okay, this is getting crazier. All right, look, what can I do to help?
31:15I'd really appreciate it if maybe you could talk to Christine and see if she could come back here to defend the prime suspect.
31:24Oh, my God. The suspect is you, isn't it?
31:30Sharon repeatedly attacked Daniel and Heather for weeks.
31:37How is she not a suspect?
31:39She came forward voluntarily about seeing Heather the night she died.
31:43She already told us. Okay, a little too late.
31:45She was broken up about it, so she didn't want to add to Daniel's grief.
31:48And you believe that? Okay, last time Sharon did not do this.
31:53There's zero concrete evidence that she just listed all the evidence for you.
31:58Your relationship with Sharon is coloring your opinion.
32:00And I think your desire to see Sharon as a saint is coloring yours.
32:05You're a little bias, officer. Should you even be on this case?
32:09I understand you're upset. Does someone know you're acting like you were railroading her brother?
32:12Phyllis, this is not personal. Okay?
32:17I'm doing my job. I gather evidence. I analyze it. I follow where it leads. That's it.
32:33Yeah, what'd you find out? Thanks for getting that done quickly.
32:41Okay, great. Yeah, text that to me, will you?
32:43All right. Bye.
32:46Is that the result after the search of Daniel's apartment?
32:51Is there something that can prove his innocence? Is there anything?
32:55All I can say is we've made some progress, yes.
32:57Okay, I'm begging you. Please, Chance. Please, just tell me something.
33:02You'll know soon enough.
33:04Is that bad news? Is it bad news? Is it good news? Chance! Chance!
33:12So, you know, I could really use Christine's help.
33:15This is crazy. Of course you didn't kill Heather.
33:18Yeah, well, all the evidence says otherwise. For whatever reason, someone's trying to set me up.
33:24Who could possibly want to kill her and then try to frame you for it?
33:27I don't have any answers. I mean, my priority right now is getting Lucy out of town.
33:32The last thing she needs to see is her old man accused of murdering her mom.
33:37And then see me in cuffs, on trial, behind bars.
33:40It's never gonna get that far.
33:42Well, I have to prepare myself in case it does.
33:45Daniel, where is Lucy right now? Is she at home?
33:48No. The police told us that our home was a crime scene, so we were ordered to vacate the premises.
33:54We're staying here at the club while they finish conducting their forensic search.
33:58Okay, this is insanity.
34:00You know what the worst part about it is, Dad?
34:03The worst part is I have to listen to her at night. You know, I have to listen to her cry.
34:09And she does it when she thinks that I'm asleep.
34:13And I can't hear her, but I can.
34:16You know, I can hear her crying her tears, and all I want to do is throw my arms around her and tell her that everything's gonna be okay.
34:22But I don't know. I mean, at this moment, that just doesn't seem possible.
34:28No, it is not impossible, Daniel.
34:31Okay, you have the truth on your side. You have me, you have people that love you, people that believe in you.
34:36And I'm getting on the next flight home.
34:39I'm not gonna let you deal with this alone.
34:42You want to help me?
34:44Say that you'll bring Lucy on tour with you and that you'll keep her safe.
34:48Daniel, there's something you haven't factored into this, how stubborn your daughter can be.
34:52And knowing what you're up against, she's not gonna just leave you alone.
34:56It's not her choice to make.
34:59Son, you have to think good and hard about this.
35:02I have thought about this. It's all I've thought about, is how to keep Lucy safe.
35:09And the only answer that I've come to is getting her as far away from this place as possible with someone I trust.
35:15Listen to me, whoever killed Heather and whoever is setting me up, that person is still out there.
35:20You know, I'm worried that they just might not be done with our family.
35:23So please, tell me that you'll take her.
35:26Yes, yes, of course I will.
35:30I'll call Craig at the second we get off the phone, but Daniel, you need to answer a question first.
35:35What exactly is this evidence the police have against you?
35:40Well, let's just say it's solid enough that I'm expecting a knock on my door at any moment.
35:47So maybe tell Christine, get here as fast as she can.
35:54Nick knows me.
35:57He knows that I would never kill an innocent person.
36:01He will help me through this.
36:04Fantasy Nick might do that, but reality Nick, I'm not so sure.
36:10I got a feeling when you start telling him about wrapping Heather's dead body in a sheet,
36:15dragging her down the steps and dumping her in the river, he's going to be backing towards the door.
36:21And then when you top it all off with the fact that you've now figured out a way to frame Daniel for the whole thing,
36:28do you really think he's going to come racing to your rescue?
36:34I want you gone.
36:36The answer to my question is no, Sharon.
36:41He won't.
36:43I'm the one rescuing you.
36:45Me, not Nick.
36:48I'm the one trying to get you the future that you deserve.
36:52I mean, come on.
36:53Do you honestly believe for one second that he's not going to do the right thing and go straight to the cops?
37:00Then where are you going to be, huh?
37:03In an eight by ten foot cell for the rest of your life.
37:08That's where.
37:09Maybe I should take my chances.
37:12I'm in this situation because I let you in my head.
37:16This needs to end now.
37:18I need to make things right.
37:20You don't want to do that, Sharon.
37:22Trust me.
37:23You do not want to do that.
37:25You need me.
37:26You need me.
37:27You need me.
37:32Whenever you want to talk, I'm right here.
37:37I do.
37:59What's wrong?
38:02I can't do this.
38:04I can't take it anymore.
38:26To Be Continued...
38:56To Be Continued...
39:22Join us again for The Young and the Restless.
