• last week
00:00Did you get that memo from accounting?
00:23Is everything okay?
00:24Jack and Diane have been sitting there for 20 minutes and they've barely spoken to each
00:30They don't really look happy.
00:37You were telling us that they've been at odds over Kyle.
00:41Kyle has not made the situation any better.
00:45How do you mean?
00:47Well, as you know, he and I have gotten a lot closer lately.
00:51Oh, yes, we've noticed.
00:53He's been great to me, but when it comes to work, it's like he flips the switch.
00:59He becomes this really angry and vindictive person that I hardly recognize, especially
01:04towards his parents.
01:05It's just so sad because I know that deep down, they still really love each other.
01:11Look at them now.
01:18Have you seen the press rollout on Glissade's new product?
01:26I have indeed.
01:27I'm very pleased.
01:29Pre-orders are through the roof.
01:31It's really put us on the map, Victor.
01:32I'm not going to lie.
01:33It's a vindication for me, too.
01:37Glissade has really taken off now that Audra's out of the picture.
01:42I'm able to get so much more done now that I don't have to worry about her trying to
01:46sabotage things.
01:49It just proves my instincts were right all along to get rid of her.
01:51You know, Kyle, I got to tell you, as pleased as I am with the press release, I'm warning
02:00you things will become sticky, especially given how we acquired this wonder product.
02:11You know your father's not going to let this go.
02:19Would it hurt you just to look at me?
02:22Is that better?
02:25So you're perfectly okay with this, sitting in complete silence?
02:29Oh, I don't know.
02:30What is there to talk about?
02:32I don't know.
02:33Maybe the subject we've been avoiding all afternoon.
02:36Glissade taking a victory lap with their brand new, game-changing Chabot product.
02:43So why are you sitting there, sipping coffee and answering your emails?
02:48Why are you bringing legal action against our son, or better yet, having him arrested
02:52for corporate theft?
03:18I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry,
03:47I'm sorry.
03:50I've been waiting to hear from you about the search.
03:53Did you find any clues about what happened to Heather?
04:00What is it?
04:01What's wrong?
04:02I need to be honest with you, Summer.
04:06I did find some disturbing evidence in Heather and Daniel's apartment.
04:12What do you mean by disturbing?
04:15Things don't look too good for your brother right now.
04:17Okay, I got your text.
04:21Are we meeting here?
04:22What's wrong?
04:23Well, Jess told me we had to vacate the apartment so they could conduct a forensic search.
04:29That sounds serious.
04:30Yeah, it is.
04:31It is very serious.
04:33Where's Lucy?
04:35She's at the club.
04:36I got a couple of rooms for us there.
04:39What happened?
04:40What did Chance find to make you have to move out?
04:43I just...
04:44I feel like I'm losing my mind, Mom.
04:47It's like nothing makes sense anymore.
04:54So, have Jack and Diane been coming to you with their problems?
05:00Not really.
05:01You don't seem so sure about that.
05:05I mean...
05:10Being at the house with Harrison, you pick up on things.
05:13And I suppose I have, on occasion, been there to listen.
05:19So they have unmotivated on you?
05:21I wouldn't put it like that.
05:23After all, I did ask.
05:25You asked who?
05:28I was there this morning packing up Harrison's swimsuit, and Jack looked kind of down.
05:34So, I asked him what was wrong.
05:37What did he tell you?
05:40It was all about Kyle.
05:42And how hurt and disappointed Jack is about the way things have turned out.
05:45So, I offered to help them any way that I could, because I really want to.
05:49I want to help them.
05:50I understand that you have feelings for Kyle, and that you want things to be okay between Jack and Diane.
05:55But I think Cole's right.
05:57I think that you need to not be involved in the Abbott's family drama.
06:02It's kind of hard when I'm there all the time, and it's happening right in front of me.
06:08The benefit is, you need to make it clear that you don't want any part of it.
06:11You need to be neutral. Be Switzerland.
06:13Stay out of it.
06:15You know, there's probably very little you could do anyway.
06:17Their issues run very deep.
06:25So, that's your solution?
06:27Have Kyle arrested?
06:29Isn't that what one normally does with thieves?
06:31He's not a thief. He's our son.
06:33Right now, he's both.
06:35Prove that.
06:37I've spoken to the lawyers.
06:38They say you need more than a hunch to prove that Kyle took the product.
06:41So, the fact that Glissade is using the exact same formula doesn't count?
06:46We can't know that it's an identical product until we have it tested.
06:49And I would like to think Kyle is smart enough to have his chemist change things up a bit to cover his tracks.
06:55So, we do nothing?
06:56That's your solution?
06:58Because I refuse to let Kyle get away with this.
07:01And right now, all I see is you dragging your feet.
07:06Have you even started an internal investigation?
07:08As soon as we have more information.
07:09Really? And when will that be?
07:11Next week? Next year? Never?
07:16I know what you're doing.
07:17Oh, please. Fill me in.
07:20Even in the face of Kyle humiliating us and now blatantly stealing from us,
07:26you can't bring yourself to retaliate, can you?
07:29Do you think he's just going to see the light and apologize?
07:35Has it not registered with you that your beloved son no longer wants anything to do with either one of us?
07:41Face it, Jack.
07:43Your relationship with Kyle is over.
07:46And the sooner you accept that, the better off you'll be.
07:54Everything that I'm about to say is off record, okay?
07:57Now, can we please just agree on that?
08:00Yeah, of course.
08:01But, Chance, you've got me worried.
08:03I mean, what did you find?
08:06Why would my brother be in trouble?
08:08Well, I can't get into specifics.
08:11Okay, and I'm not saying that Daniel's guilty of anything just yet.
08:14It's too soon.
08:15You're saying that something that you found in the apartment might make him look guilty?
08:21It's a possibility.
08:23No. That's crazy.
08:25My brother would have never hurt Heather. He loved her.
08:28I'm just following the evidence.
08:30And I found evidence in his apartment.
08:33Now, do you think it's possible that Lucy could have potentially hidden something incriminating just out of fear?
08:40No! No, why would you even ask that?
08:42Because she lives there.
08:44And there's no sign of a break.
08:46Lucy is distraught right now.
08:48I can't imagine her hiding anything from Daniel.
08:51Especially not something that could lead to answers about what happened to her mom.
08:55Well, then how'd the evidence get there?
08:58Not knowing what the evidence is, I have no idea.
09:04Are you saying that you think my brother planted it himself?
09:08I don't know.
09:10It doesn't make any sense, Chance.
09:12Why would somebody deliberately incriminate themselves?
09:15Happens more often than you think.
09:17So yes, it is very possible Daniel wanted me to find these things.
09:22You're really saying that my brother is a suspect in Heather's death now?
09:28No, I'm not saying that.
09:29You're saying everything but that.
09:31Summer, I hate that it's you and your family right in the middle of this investigation. I hate it.
09:39Look, if you're looking for more answers, talk to your brother.
09:43Let him explain.
09:48So they found Heather's phone in the apartment.
09:52And some bloody towels.
09:55Wow, okay. How bloody is bloody?
10:01Enough to make me sick to my stomach.
10:04God, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry you had to see that and go through that. I'm just so sorry.
10:10I'm trying to figure out how they got there.
10:13Well, someone planted them. Of course.
10:15But who would do that? Who would do that and why?
10:19What are they trying to prove? Are they playing like some kind of sick head game with me?
10:24Maybe Chance is right. Maybe Heather did have a lover.
10:26Oh, no, no, no. Don't go there. Don't go there, Daniel.
10:29I think that I have to consider every possibility at this point.
10:31No, you don't. That is absolutely untrue.
10:34She loved her family. She loved you. It makes no sense.
10:39Yeah, well, that's not the only thing that doesn't make any sense.
10:43What else is there?
10:46The passcode on Heather's phone had been changed.
10:50When we finally got into it, Chance found a text that she had written to Paul but never sent him.
10:56What did it say?
10:59It was just a bunch of lies. I mean, it was like crazy stuff.
11:02Things that I would never even imagine Heather saying.
11:05You know, she told Paul that she was going to take Lucy, she was going to go see him
11:08because we had been fighting and she was afraid of me.
11:14I just, I feel like I'm living in an alternate universe where everything that I think I know
11:20is just completely turned upside down.
11:22Stop, stop, stop. Don't do that. Don't do that.
11:27I don't know what's happening here, but there's something very, very wrong.
11:39So that's your solution? Just write Kyle off?
11:43He's moved on. We should do the same.
11:44No, I think you just want to punish him.
11:46Illegal actions have consequences.
11:48I am not just going to throw my son overboard because you want revenge.
11:52If Kyle stole that formula.
11:56No, if he did, he didn't do it alone. We know who the real thief is here.
12:00Okay, even if Victor was pulling the strings, Kyle is not blameless in all of this.
12:06And you want to talk about vengeance?
12:09Our son has been on a one-man crusade to pay us back for not giving him what he wanted.
12:14And look at the result. Look at what it's done to us.
12:18So I am tired of tiptoeing around Kyle. He needs to pay for what he's done.
12:23What the hell happened to you?
12:25I woke up to reality. That's what happened.
12:27So you had nothing to do with Kyle turning against us?
12:30Oh my God, is this about me firing him? I knew you were going to rub my nose in that at some point.
12:35What's wrong with being at this point? You used to acknowledge that.
12:39Well, that was before Kyle became a criminal.
12:41Where are you going?
12:42I need some air.
12:43No, you can't just run off like this.
12:46You know what? Maybe you shouldn't have pushed me to talk to you.
12:49Maybe we were better off ignoring each other.
12:52Excuse me.
13:05That got ugly fast.
13:07I told you that's how it's been with them.
13:09Yes, but Jack doesn't normally act out like that in public. He's always very discreet.
13:15I feel so bad for them.
13:17Just remember what I said.
13:19I know, I know. It's not my place to interfere, but it's really hard, Dad.
13:25My instinct is to make sure they're okay.
13:29Well, that's because you're a kind, decent person, and I never want you to lose that.
13:36But it's usually best to let people handle things themselves.
13:41You know, I remember a time when I used to give your mother unsolicited advice on victory.
13:47It's true, until you realized that that wasn't a battle that you should take on.
13:52We're not telling you not to care.
13:54We just don't think you should be in the middle of something that is obviously a difficult time for them.
13:59You're probably right.
14:03It's funny that you bring up Grandpa, though.
14:07Oh? Why's that?
14:09It turns out he plays a role in all of this, too.
14:15What role is that?
14:18What has he done now?
14:23I don't want you to mistake my confidence for cockiness, Victor.
14:26My feet are on the ground.
14:28Good. Make sure they stay there.
14:31I was only trying to reassure you that you made the right choice to put me in charge, Uncle Snod.
14:36That's very high praise coming from you.
14:39I sounded condescending. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it that way.
14:43No, it didn't take any issue.
14:46I didn't mean it that way.
14:47I didn't take any issue with it, okay?
14:49I like your performance and your confidence.
14:52I'm really glad to hear it.
14:55And as far as our new product, we're in the clear.
15:01We've covered all of our bases. There's no way to prove it was left.
15:07I want you to know that I will cover whatever fallout.
15:14I just know that your parents will not take this lying down.
15:27Daniel, okay, listen, I'm worried about you. Have you eaten anything?
15:31I don't know. I'm just not hungry.
15:34Okay, but you have to eat something. You have to.
15:37I can't focus on anything other than this insanity that I'm drowning in right now.
15:42The phone, the bloody towels, and then Sharon saying that Heather was upset with me.
15:46Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
15:50Sharon? Sharon said what?
15:53That Heather was angry. I thought I told you this.
15:57No. No, you did not.
16:03How did Sharon get involved in any of this?
16:08Chance said that she told him she came over to the apartment to find me that night.
16:15I don't know exactly. I mean, allegedly it was to apologize for all the problems that she's caused us.
16:21So in the midst of all of this, Heather feels comfortable enough to tell Sharon, of all people, that you got into a fight?
16:27Yeah, a big one, according to Chance.
16:30But we didn't. I mean, we were fine. I mean, I thought we were fine.
16:35Why would Heather say something like that? Why would she tell Sharon, of all people?
16:38And it's just another thing that just doesn't make any sense. It doesn't add up.
16:41Our little friend Sharon, who hasn't been the model of stability lately, seems to be very clear on this, doesn't she?
16:49Do you think that she's remembering it?
16:51I don't know anything that goes on in that woman's mind, but I don't trust it.
16:58Investors in love with it. I'll send you a press release in the morning.
17:01Perfect. Talk soon. Thanks.
17:03Excuse me. Can I get a shot of tequila?
17:09Kyle, I wanted to congratulate you on Glissade's exciting new product.
17:16It must have taken years of research and trials to come up with it. Bravo.
17:22Be finished.
17:23You don't even have to say it.
17:26Be finished.
17:27You don't even have the decency to be ashamed, do you?
17:30I have nothing to be ashamed about.
17:33I know. And that's what makes me so sad.
17:39Perfect tie.
17:40You really don't care, do you? You blatantly steal from your own family, and to you it's just the price of doing business.
17:49Kyle, I don't recognize you anymore.
17:52And I can't believe how low you chose to go to punish us.
17:56You must be familiar with that, because it came to new lows as part of your M.O.
18:02I had a feeling it was hopeless to try to talk to you.
18:08We have failed you as parents, and you have failed us as a son.
18:15Then there's nothing left for us.
18:18So why don't you do us both a favor and stay away from me?
18:23Can I get one more?
18:29That's right, just keep the pressure on.
18:32Well, they blinked, so now they're gonna pay for it.
18:37I'll call you later.
18:40This needs to stop.
18:44Excuse me?
18:46You're corrupting my son to get back at me. It ends now.
18:51What are you talking about?
18:52You know exactly what I'm talking about.
18:55Kyle could go to prison for what you've coerced him into doing.
18:59You know, Jack, you're delusional.
19:05And now, kindly don't bother me with your conspiracy nonsense.
19:10It is well known, okay, before you make another spectacle of yourself.
19:15So Jack suspects that my father is the mystery investor at Glissade.
19:21And that he's manipulating Kyle to go after his family, specifically Jack.
19:27Do you think that could be true?
19:31I honestly don't know, but if it is true, that's even better of a reason to stay out of it.
19:38How am I supposed to do that?
19:40I care about Kyle.
19:42And I love Grandpa.
19:44But if he is causing Kyle to behave this way...
19:49Let me give you some advice about your grandfather.
19:53He can be the kindest, sweetest, most generous man in the entire world.
19:59But he can also be very ruthless.
20:02And I have the scars to show it.
20:05Why did you put up with it?
20:06Because I love him.
20:08The same as you do.
20:10And generally, it balances out for the good in the end.
20:15Except when it comes to Jack.
20:18That is a lifelong war that is probably never going to end.
20:23Claire, what is it?
20:27I guess I just, I put Grandpa up on this pedestal.
20:30He's nothing like my father.
20:35Nothing like the man Jordan described him to be.
20:39But now I'm hearing all this other stuff and I'm confused.
20:45Well, let me simplify it for you then.
20:48Victor Newman is one of the most powerful men in the entire world.
20:53And he did not get that way by being a Boy Scout.
20:57But he's also a very loving father.
21:01And grandfather. And friend.
21:03And human.
21:05I mean, he's much more complicated than most, I'll give you that.
21:09But at the end of the day, you just have to be able to separate the two sides of him.
21:14And I'd apply that advice towards Kyle too.
21:18It sounds like he's capable of doing things that you don't like and you don't approve of.
21:23The difference is, he isn't family.
21:26And the ties with him aren't necessarily permanent.
21:30So you're going to have to decide what you're willing to live with.
21:33To live with.
21:38Why didn't Sharon mention that she was at your place to begin with?
21:43Why is this the first time we're hearing about it?
21:46I asked Chance the same thing.
21:48He said that she didn't want to make me feel any worse by telling me Heather's emotional state the night that she died.
21:53Oh, really? A woman who's been driving you insane for the last few months?
21:59That's a stretch.
22:00I mean, there's a lot of things that could have contributed to Sharon's behavior, so who knows?
22:04Okay, wait, just back up for a second.
22:08So, let me get this clear.
22:10Sharon feels remorse about how she's been treating you guys.
22:16She goes to your place to apologize or whatever.
22:20You're not there, Lucy's not there.
22:22She talks to Heather and all of a sudden,
22:23Heather feels comfortable to unburden herself to Sharon about your relationship?
22:31I mean, the woman who has been making your life a living hell?
22:36This makes no sense.
22:38Yeah, and I mean, instead of telling me, she told Chance.
22:41A policeman.
22:44This is odd.
22:46This is very, very odd.
22:55Where are you two?
22:58Um, I'm gonna let Mom fill you in. I gotta call Lucy and check in with her.
23:12It's not good.
23:16Chance told me, but he didn't give me any details.
23:19They found Heather's phone.
23:20Anyway, he didn't give me any details.
23:22They found Heather's phone at the apartment.
23:26Yeah, and bloody towels that apparently had been hidden there.
23:30And they think that Daniel...
23:32Yeah, it gets worse. Apparently, Sharon went by.
23:35And Sharon claims that Heather opened up to her about her relationship with Daniel
23:40and said they had been fighting and so that's where we are.
23:43Wait, Chance can't think that this was Daniel. I mean, he would never hurt Heather.
23:47He loves her.
23:48I get it. You know that, I know that.
23:51But the police follow the evidence right now.
23:54All of the evidence points to your brother.
23:56Oh my God, this is a nightmare.
23:59Wait, why was Sharon even over there?
24:02She claims that she went to apologize.
24:06But I don't know, she could just be saying what she's saying to make your brother look bad.
24:12Do you really think she would take it that far?
24:14I have no idea.
24:16She has been on the fringes for such a long time
24:19and she hates Daniel for all the reasons that we know.
24:23My God, I wasn't even thinking about that.
24:25Well, I've been thinking about it.
24:27And hopefully Chance is thinking about it.
24:31Because he's the only hope we have right now.
24:35And the reason I'm saying this is
24:38honestly, if it was anybody else on this case
24:41your brother would be locked up right now.
24:46You can't play dumb with me.
24:49I know your miserable playbook inside and out.
24:52Again, you're flattering yourself, aren't you?
24:55You corrupting my son to turn on his own family
24:58must have warmed your heart if you had one.
25:01You knew exactly where to stick the knife, didn't you?
25:04I'm becoming worried about you, Jack.
25:07Not only about the accusations you're throwing at me right now
25:11but it seems you've lost all connection and control of your family.
25:16That must really hurt you.
25:18You ain't listen to me, you son of a bitch.
25:21You want to hit me?
25:23That might make you feel better.
25:26It is all about Nikki, isn't it?
25:29Paying me back for trying to help her.
25:32Don't give me that nonsense.
25:34You spent a night of debauchery in that hotel room
25:37almost killing her with your kindness.
25:39With your kindness?
25:41Says no one else.
25:43Say I?
25:45Says no one else but you.
25:47But that's not what it's about, is it?
25:49No, let's balance the books.
25:51Let's settle the score.
25:53And corrupting my son, manipulating him to steal from his own family
25:58is the kind of bottom-scraping payback you would come up with.
26:02You just know that I'm going to sleep very, very well tonight.
26:06I'm sure you will.
26:16So you're saying my choices are to either back away from Kyle entirely
26:21or learn to live with his dark side?
26:24No, I'm not suggesting that you do either one.
26:27I'm just pointing it out to you.
26:29People can be a lot of different things.
26:32And sometimes it's not always so pleasant.
26:35Well, I don't accept that.
26:38As Kyle or Grandpa or anybody,
26:41I refuse to accept that people can't change.
26:44Look at me.
26:46I'm a living example of that.
26:48I was raised by a monster to be a monster,
26:51but I decided to take a different path.
26:54So they can too.
26:56Yes, but you can't do that all by yourself.
26:59They have to want that.
27:01I know that.
27:03And now I know that this thing with Grandpa and the Abbots,
27:06it runs a lot deeper and darker than I ever imagined.
27:10But with Kyle,
27:12I think he really listens to me.
27:15And I think he trusts me.
27:17And I just know I can help him.
27:20We're not saying that you can't.
27:23And we're certainly not saying that he's not capable of change.
27:27But you're our daughter.
27:29We care about you.
27:31We're urging you.
27:33Just please take care of your heart.
27:34I know. I appreciate that.
27:37Really, I do.
27:40But maybe
27:42I still see the world the way that I want it to be.
27:47Not the way that it is.
27:49And I'm okay with that.
27:54It gives me something to work for.
27:59Anyway, speaking of Kyle,
28:02I have some plans to go meet up with him, so I'm gonna get going.
28:09Hey, I love you, honey.
28:10I love you too.
28:14I love you.
28:21For everything.
28:23Hope soon.
28:31Why does my father keep doing this?
28:34I just don't see the point.
28:36Except to cause people unnecessary pain.
28:40I just will never understand it.
28:46So you have no remorse at all.
28:48In your mind, it's okay to steal from us.
28:51I'm not admitting anything, and you'd have to prove it, which I'm guessing you can't.
28:55Kyle, stop.
28:57I don't even know who you are anymore.
28:59And you refuse to accept any responsibility at all for how we got there.
29:03You and Dad pushed me to this.
29:06And the fact that you still haven't acknowledged that tells me everything I need to know.
29:10First of all, that's not true.
29:12And your father might not be willing to take the next steps, but I'm not holding back.
29:17What's that supposed to mean?
29:18What's that supposed to mean?
29:19It means that I intend to see you punished to the full extent of the law.
29:23You'd involve the police?
29:25You'd actually do that?
29:26Yeah, you've left me no choice.
29:27Jabot means that much to you?
29:29You know what? I'm beginning to think that I'm the only person in this family that cares about Jabot at all.
29:34So yes, you better believe it means that much to me.
29:37Well, at least you've confirmed my suspicions all along.
29:41You care more about your title and your job than your own son.
29:45Oh, well, according to you, I don't have a son anymore.
29:50Okay, that's enough. You're way out of line.
29:53Thank God. You're finally coming to my defense.
29:56I'm talking about you, Diane.
30:12I just saw my mom.
30:13She told me about the evidence that you found in Daniel's apartment.
30:17Okay, that's as far as we...
30:18Chance, you did not do this.
30:22No, it's not possible. There's got to be another explanation.
30:25I hope you're right.
30:27So you still suspect my brother of killing the woman that he loved?
30:31No, I'm not saying that either.
30:33Chance, stop tiptoeing around this.
30:36Tell me what you actually think.
30:40Why do you think it's Daniel?
30:41Why do you think it's Daniel so soon?
30:44I mean, I know that you found the phone and you found bloody towels
30:48and you brought this story from Sharon, but
30:51it's just a little easy, don't you think?
30:55That's not all we found.
31:02What is it?
31:04Chance, this is my brother. You owe me that much.
31:06I fast-tracked the blood analysis and the lab just sent it back.
31:13It is a match for Heather and Summer.
31:17There was a lot of blood on those towels.
31:19There was a lot of blood on those towels.
31:36Did you see Lucy?
31:38I talked to her. She's gonna meet us here.
31:43How'd she sound?
31:46Like she still doesn't believe any of it.
31:49And now I'm gonna have to tell her what they found in the apartment, you know?
31:53But how?
31:55So you haven't told her anything yet?
31:57No, I haven't been able to.
32:00I told her that we checked into the club so the cops, they could do the search, but...
32:04We'll tell her together.
32:06All right.
32:08Tell me what?
32:14What's wrong?
32:20Why would you attack me and defend Kyle after what he's done?
32:25Would you please keep your voice down?
32:26Oh, why, Jack? Are you scared people are going to talk?
32:29That they might realize how weak and pathetic we are to let our son humiliate us like this?
32:33You are making a spectacle of yourself.
32:34Oh, big deal.
32:36At least I'm not coddling a criminal.
32:38We both know who the criminal is here.
32:40Oh, come on. So Kyle's completely innocent now? Are you kidding me?
32:43I didn't say he was innocent.
32:45But you threatening to ruin his life to put him in jail isn't going to help either.
32:50Not if we want him back in our lives.
32:53Well, I'm beginning to wonder about that.
32:57Wait, wonder about what?
32:59I don't know if I want a relationship with him at all at this point.
33:03He's a greedy, selfish brat who thinks it's sport to steal from his family
33:09and a poor imitation of the loving boy that I raised.
33:11Until you didn't.
33:14Until you left him and never looked back.
33:20What's happening here?
33:23Something very interesting.
33:26I love it.
33:31That's a low blow, Jack. I don't deserve that.
33:35Oh, did I get that wrong?
33:37You didn't cut and run when Kyle was a little boy?
33:39Did I make that up?
33:41You're being really mean right now.
33:43And you are turning out to be exactly who everyone warned me about.
33:47A raving narcissist who only cares about herself.
33:50Stop it. That's not fair.
33:52That's not fair. It is the truth.
33:54I didn't realize it until now.
33:56Maybe I didn't realize it because it was such a good act.
33:58But now we know you've rolled all over Kyle.
34:01Were you going to do the same thing with me if you had the chance?
34:03Jack, it's not an act.
34:05I mean, I can't believe you think that I love myself more than I love you.
34:09More than I love Kyle.
34:11More than I love you.
34:13I mean, how can you say that after everything that I've been through?
34:17After everything you've been through? Wow.
34:20What do you say we just stick to the facts?
34:23The fact is, you abandoned Kyle when he needed you most.
34:27The fact is, you wormed your way back into our lives
34:31by playing the perfect loving wife and mother
34:34until you got exactly what you came back for.
34:37The top spot is your boat.
34:39I blame myself for not seeing this.
34:41For not seeing you for who you really are.
34:43A desperate opportunist who does not care who she hurts
34:48on her desperate climb to the top.
34:52Oh, God.
35:15Okay, well, as you know,
35:20Chance and the police are searching the apartment.
35:23That's why we had to leave.
35:25Yeah, that's right.
35:27And so it turns out that they found some evidence.
35:33What kind of evidence?
35:36You know, I don't really want to get into that.
35:39Right now.
35:41But what they did find could be incriminating.
35:45But what does that even mean?
35:48Did someone actually wanted to hurt mom?
35:52Are they saying what happened?
35:54I don't know.
35:56I think we have to face a possibility
35:59that a crime was committed
36:04and someone's trying to make your father look like he was responsible for it.
36:09What does that mean?
36:14Someone might be trying to frame me for killing mom.
36:27There's blood on the towels.
36:29What does that mean?
36:31I can't.
36:33Okay, I have already told you too much.
36:35I can't.
36:36I'm not asking you as a cop.
36:38I'm asking you as someone I'm in a relationship with.
36:42I need to know what we're dealing with here.
36:45You can trust me.
36:49The amount of blood that was found on the towels
36:52it's not from something minor.
36:55It's from a serious wound.
36:59So Heather fell and she hit her head
37:02and she was confused and wandered off.
37:04Maybe, but she also could have possibly died in that apartment.
37:08If you're saying that it was foul play
37:10then someone must have broken in.
37:12No, Summer, I told you there's no sign of a break-in.
37:14How do you explain Heather's phone being in the apartment?
37:17Someone planted it.
37:19Cool, cool.
37:21Please tell me.
37:23I'm sorry.
37:28I would give anything for a different explanation right now.
37:32I would, but
37:35this is where we are.
37:37And if I were Daniel, I would get a lawyer.
