• 2 days ago
00:00:00Here's the deal.
00:00:02If you're anything like me, and let's both hope you're not,
00:00:05you've probably found yourself wondering,
00:00:07hey, why can't I be this way instead of that way?
00:00:11Maybe I'd have more friends if I were such and such and not whatever.
00:00:16Maybe I'd be more popular, more accepted.
00:00:20My name's Sabrina, and I'm a witch.
00:00:22More or less, give or take.
00:00:24Sometimes I don't know what I am.
00:00:30I guess that's what this is about, basically.
00:00:40It's about not knowing, and finding out.
00:00:43This is where it starts.
00:00:45Right at the beginning.
00:00:47For she's a jolly good witch, let's, for she's a jolly good witch, let's,
00:00:51for she's a jolly good witch, let's, let's have a good time tonight.
00:01:02You're all so nice.
00:01:04Enjoy the party.
00:01:05Have some punch.
00:01:09Where is it?
00:01:10Why isn't it here?
00:01:12Our little Sabrina, 13 years old.
00:01:16So, we gonna get to the gifts before she hits 14?
00:01:21It'll come, sweetheart.
00:01:22Be patient.
00:01:23Here, have some cake.
00:01:27I'm counting calories.
00:01:32Of course, those kind of calories don't count.
00:01:39Maybe it won't come.
00:01:40Maybe they know about me, about what I am, about what I'm not.
00:01:46Every witch or warlock gets one on their 13th birthday.
00:01:49But I'm not like every witch.
00:01:51I'm different.
00:01:53You're special, Sabrina.
00:01:55And don't ever forget it.
00:01:59It's here!
00:02:05Sabrina Spellman?
00:02:08That's me.
00:02:10Sign, please?
00:02:17It's here!
00:02:27Greetings, Sabrina.
00:02:29I am Enchantra, queen of the witches.
00:02:36It's a hologram.
00:02:37She can't see us.
00:02:38Show some respect.
00:02:42Like this?
00:02:49I've come to wish you a happy 13th birthday.
00:02:53And welcome you to witchdom.
00:02:56And tell that pile of fur to show some respect before I rip his tail off.
00:03:02Your wand is enclosed.
00:03:05Use it wisely, child.
00:03:13Oh, our little Sabrina!
00:03:16My very own wand!
00:03:17I can't wait to use it.
00:03:18But you must wait!
00:03:22Sabrina dear, a witch uses magic wisely.
00:03:27Okay, okay.
00:03:29Here goes!
00:03:38Little humor at the cat's expense.
00:03:44Goodnight, everybody.
00:03:45Night, Uncle Eustace.
00:03:49Just think, Monday, Witch Academy!
00:03:52I know you'll love it as much as we did.
00:03:55We're so proud of you.
00:03:58Proud, ditto.
00:03:59Very nice, but too red.
00:04:02Gimme that!
00:04:05Whatcha doing?
00:04:06Just reminiscing.
00:04:08Zelda Spellman, most outstanding student, class of 1643.
00:04:13Hilda Spellman, most outstanding class of 1644.
00:04:17Remember the headmistress?
00:04:20Miss Hag?
00:04:22Oh, how she loved us!
00:04:24And why not?
00:04:26We were outstanding!
00:04:27Don't forget me, winner of the magic amulet.
00:04:32Given to me by Great Grey Tabby of West Forest for wisdom and bravery.
00:04:38Yeah, whatever, Salem.
00:04:40And Sabrina, we know you'll follow in our family tradition.
00:04:55Hey, Sabrina!
00:04:57I know what you're thinking.
00:04:59Both my aunts voted most outstanding.
00:05:01Will I measure up?
00:05:02Can I do it?
00:05:03Can I take the pressure?
00:05:05That's not what I'm thinking.
00:05:07It's not?
00:05:08More like, here I am, 13, going to the academy, what do I wear?
00:05:13No, it's not that.
00:05:15How about...
00:05:16What's gonna happen when they find out?
00:05:19I'm not all the witch I could be.
00:05:22Look at the star!
00:05:23I'm only half a witch.
00:05:25They'll know the minute they see I can't fly.
00:05:41Oh, Hilda!
00:05:42Look at the campus!
00:05:46It's as beautiful as ever!
00:05:48Such a wonderful atmosphere for learning.
00:05:52Hilda, Hilda, Hilda!
00:05:53There's Miss Stench!
00:05:54And Miss Fetid!
00:05:55And Miss Reek!
00:05:57It isn't so bad, is it?
00:05:59Everybody looks kinda... nice, huh?
00:06:05Those shoes are not part of the uniform.
00:06:08Who's the ugly brute?
00:06:09I beg your pardon?
00:06:15Uh, lovely beauty.
00:06:18Miss Hag!
00:06:19You haven't changed a bit!
00:06:21You remember us!
00:06:24And Zelda!
00:06:25Most outstanding student 1643!
00:06:28And 44!
00:06:29Yes, I remember.
00:06:32You were the only students of 43 and 44.
00:06:35That was us!
00:06:37And this is our niece!
00:06:39Sabrina Spellman!
00:06:41Your next most outstanding student!
00:06:45Sabrina, eh?
00:06:47You're not like your aunts, are you?
00:06:50There's something different about you, isn't there?
00:06:54I, uh...
00:06:57Look over there!
00:06:58Who is it?
00:07:12If you'll excuse me...
00:07:14Isn't Miss Hag something?
00:07:17You must be Portia.
00:07:19It's such a privilege to have you here.
00:07:21I'm sure it is.
00:07:26Excuse me!
00:07:33You have to tell us!
00:07:35Where did you buy your clothes?
00:07:38All custom-made, of course.
00:07:42I'll never be like her.
00:07:44So... perfect.
00:07:46So popular.
00:07:48So together.
00:07:49So... so...
00:07:52So, so, so.
00:07:54Our little girl.
00:07:56Off to Witch Academy.
00:07:58Study hard.
00:07:59I'm just proud.
00:08:26Bye, Salem.
00:08:27And remember!
00:08:28You're as good as any of them.
00:08:30If not better.
00:08:31What are you doing?
00:08:32That would be thumbs up.
00:08:34If I had thumbs.
00:08:37Wait for me!
00:08:38I'm hungry!
00:08:53Good morning, Witchlets!
00:08:55Good morning, Miss Hag!
00:08:57In honor of our first day, we have a special visitation.
00:09:08You are all, of course, fine young witches.
00:09:11You are all gifted and skilled.
00:09:14You have spent years perfecting the witchly arts.
00:09:17You know many things.
00:09:19But you still have much to learn!
00:09:23And that, my dears, is why you are here.
00:09:27In the weeks to come, you shall learn the three principles of witchdom.
00:09:31A witch uses magic wisely.
00:09:34A witch is true to her friends.
00:09:36And a witch is true to herself.
00:09:39So it is written on the Tree of Wisdom.
00:09:43The what of witch?
00:09:45The Tree of Wisdom!
00:09:47In the witch's realm, where all truth and knowledge grows.
00:09:51Oh, that tree!
00:09:55These are but a few of the things you will learn at the Academy.
00:09:59The best among you will be rewarded with the Golden Wand.
00:10:05That is too cool!
00:10:07I wonder who's going to get it.
00:10:09Well, Portia for sure.
00:10:12My family always gets the Golden Wand.
00:10:15Besides, it goes so nicely with my hair.
00:10:20Some of you will not excel.
00:10:23Some will not keep up.
00:10:25Some will fail to become true witches.
00:10:28I think you know who you are.
00:10:31I know I do.
00:10:50Hey! Watch whose tail you're squishing!
00:11:03What? Salem!
00:11:06What are you doing here?
00:11:09I'm so glad to see you.
00:11:11Well, you've got a funny way of showing it.
00:11:13How many times must I tell you to watch the fur?
00:11:16Wait. Whoa. Hold.
00:11:18Correction. Not glad. Not glad to see you.
00:11:21You are not supposed to be here.
00:11:24You didn't think I'd let you go somewhere as cool as witch school alone, did you?
00:11:29Well, I gotta admit, I was starting to feel sort of lonely.
00:11:34Yeah, yeah, yeah. One question.
00:11:37Where's my picture?
00:11:42Don't do that!
00:11:48Give me that!
00:11:53I meant to do that.
00:11:55Clean that off right now.
00:11:57You're not going to get me in trouble.
00:11:59And don't use your tongue.
00:12:01I don't want slobber on my wall.
00:12:03And hurry up, Salem.
00:12:05Tomorrow's my first day of classes, and I want to be rested and ready.
00:12:10Oh, no, no. Like so.
00:12:16Oh, dear.
00:12:23Oh, now, Portia.
00:12:41Right idea. Wrong species.
00:12:46Let me try again.
00:12:55Will you lose the fish?
00:12:58Oh, my, my, my.
00:13:02Give me one more chance. I can do it. You'll see.
00:13:06Very well, dear.
00:13:08But let's do try for bird this time, eh?
00:13:21Oh, well, that's different, Sabrina.
00:13:24Very different.
00:13:29Salem, you promised.
00:13:31That's got to eat.
00:13:39Frog in the throat.
00:13:43Phew. Saved by the bell.
00:13:55Spell of energy. Spell of wisdom. Spell of transmogrification.
00:14:01Spell it? I can't even say it.
00:14:03Sabrina, spell of courage.
00:14:13Quantum indignito...
00:14:17Oh, drat.
00:14:21Indignatius determinum meritorium ut dunque honorarius.
00:14:28Very good, child. What a show-off.
00:14:37Transmigration. The relocation of an object from one point to another.
00:14:41Let's see.
00:14:43I gotcha. Demonstrate. Up and across.
00:14:56Good work, dear.
00:14:59Brittany, full circle.
00:15:05Hey, I'm...
00:15:11That's a start.
00:15:12I'm so sorry, Sabrina. That was so totally embarrassing.
00:15:16Oh, you'll get it.
00:15:18Is that whispering I hear? Sabrina, up, around, and across.
00:15:24Here goes nothing.
00:15:28What's her problem?
00:15:30Hey, I don't know. Maybe she's not all the witch she could be.
00:15:37Let us all remember, this is a witch academy, and we are all here to learn.
00:15:46Don't worry, we'll both get it.
00:15:48Thanks, Brittany.
00:15:54You stay here, or I'll call Zelda to come and get you right now.
00:15:58Yeah, right, sure. So how's school? And that headmistress, bad as she looks?
00:16:03Who's the one with the hair? Her I could do without.
00:16:06You know, Salem, this isn't easy. I don't need you giving me more grief.
00:16:16Brina! You just made magic!
00:16:19Did I? I did? I did!
00:16:22My little baby's all glowed up.
00:16:25I gotta go. Don't want to be late for cauldron class.
00:16:28Oh. Do not leave this room.
00:16:33Sure. If you need me, I'll be here. Starving.
00:16:43Beggars can't be choosers.
00:17:02Brina! Over here!
00:17:04Who, me?
00:17:06Come on!
00:17:11Eye of newt and sumac vine, mugwort, henbane, tamarind.
00:17:17What are the next ingredients, Nicole?
00:17:19The bookworm's gonna know.
00:17:21Touch of nettle, vitriol. Serpent's egg, hen royal.
00:17:26Mantis leg.
00:17:28What was that? You didn't say mantis leg, did you?
00:17:38Nicole! Nicole! Watch out!
00:17:53You can do a better job ironing that blouse, my dear.
00:17:56At the academy, everyone is to look her best, always.
00:18:05I'm going to take a wild guess and say...
00:18:16Don't just stand there. Do something.
00:18:19Try your wand.
00:18:21I don't know where it is.
00:18:28Very good.
00:18:31I could have done it myself.
00:18:33I was only trying to...
00:18:35I don't need your help.
00:18:41Could she be any weirder?
00:18:55It's no use.
00:18:57Young ladies, you are now learning the first principle of wisdom.
00:19:04Magic must always, always be used wisely.
00:19:19In the weeks and months to come, you will learn the other principles.
00:19:35A witch is true to her friends.
00:19:42A witch is true to herself.
00:19:56When you have learned these things, you will truly be all the witch which you can be.
00:20:10Hey, watch where you're tossing that!
00:20:14I really miss home, and Zelda, and Hilda.
00:20:18It's so hard here.
00:20:20Not just the classes, but the girls.
00:20:23I'm trying to make friends, I really am.
00:20:26But hard as I try, I guess it's because I'm not like them.
00:20:31I'm only half a...
00:20:33Sabrina, are you that worried what those other girls think?
00:20:37Do you care?
00:20:38I don't know.
00:20:39Maybe, not really.
00:20:43She'll see you!
00:20:44What'll she think?
00:20:46Quick, hide!
00:20:49Oh, a stuffed kitty.
00:20:51He's so old and worn.
00:20:53You must have had him since forever.
00:20:56Yeah, gotta be kinda careful.
00:20:58He's ready to fall apart.
00:21:00So, what's soon, Brit?
00:21:04I just came to invite you over to Portia's room.
00:21:06We're having a slumber party.
00:21:07Wanna come?
00:21:09Are you sure?
00:21:10Sure, I'm sure.
00:21:11Yeah, okay.
00:21:13I'd love to.
00:21:18I wasn't like that when I was a teenager.
00:21:21Of course, things were different 400 years ago.
00:21:38Sabrina, come in.
00:21:43Hey, Brina!
00:21:44Come on up and try my Sparkle Braids!
00:21:46Oh, uh, yeah.
00:21:48Hey, just washed my hair.
00:21:49And I can't do a thing with it.
00:21:51Oh, come on up here!
00:21:53Look at you, walking around like a half-witch!
00:21:59I'm a little stiff, that's all.
00:22:03I'm a little stiff, that's all.
00:22:06From that accident on the broomstick, you know.
00:22:09Oh, that was too funny!
00:22:12Yeah, hysterical.
00:22:14I'll stay down here where it's soft.
00:22:16I saw that Nicole talking to you.
00:22:18So is she weird or what?
00:22:19And so unfriendly!
00:22:21There's something bogus about her for sure.
00:22:23Let's fix your hair!
00:22:29Oh, Brina!
00:22:31Look at this.
00:22:36Chapter 13, Love Potions.
00:22:41Whoa, look here!
00:22:42How to make your fairy tale come true.
00:22:45Should we mix up a batch of that for Nicole?
00:22:51Can you picture her dancing in the ball with a prince?
00:22:57Skating like a princess in a frozen wonderland!
00:23:00Swimming through the sea like a mermaid!
00:23:12Potion to gain full witch powers.
00:23:14Now that's what the weirdo needs!
00:23:18Yeah, right.
00:23:26Yes, yes, good, good.
00:23:37Potion to gain full witch powers.
00:23:47Heart of palm, butterfly dreams.
00:23:50Morning dew, two drops.
00:24:01Uh-oh, something's wrong.
00:24:03You need Quicksilver.
00:24:05X-ray on the esme.
00:24:17It's all right now.
00:24:20Good, good.
00:24:24Thank you, Nicole.
00:24:27They always have the antidote on the next page.
00:24:33Brina, hurry! We'll be late for lunch!
00:24:36Spider smoothies today!
00:24:42Then let's go!
00:24:52I can't believe that Nicole girl was talking to you again!
00:24:55Was it too creepy? You know what I think?
00:24:58I think she's a half-witch.
00:25:01In our school?
00:25:03No, no, no, no way.
00:25:05It couldn't be. Not a chance.
00:25:08She's always reading like it doesn't come natural.
00:25:11I bet if you looked at her hand, you'd see a half-star.
00:25:15Can you imagine a half-witch right in our class?
00:25:21Yeah, ew.
00:25:28Sabrina, are you coming?
00:25:30Uh, yeah, I'm coming.
00:25:46Come in.
00:25:55Um, Nicole, I need to talk to you.
00:25:58Hey, sure.
00:26:00Well, it's about me. Something about me, you see.
00:26:04And, uh, it's, well, me.
00:26:06You're a half-witch.
00:26:08Shh, shh, shh.
00:26:10No one can hear. I'm the last room on the hall.
00:26:13Anyway, what's the big deal?
00:26:15I'm a half-witch, too. There's worse things to be.
00:26:18No, there's not. If the girls find out, I'll promise not to tell.
00:26:23Is that why you came? To make sure I'd keep my lip zipped?
00:26:27Don't worry. I won't jeopardize your friendships.
00:26:30Thanks, Nicole. You're the best.
00:26:32I don't know why you care so much what they think.
00:26:35They're my friends. They'd never accept me if they knew.
00:26:41You know, Nicole, you could be their friend, too.
00:26:44I don't think so.
00:26:46Sure, they're fun. All you need is a little, well, uh, fixing up.
00:26:51You really think?
00:26:53I don't think. I know.
00:27:22Ooh, ooh, ooh, Sabrina
00:28:05Okay, now all you have to work on is attitude.
00:28:09You know, the whole witchy kind of thing. Sort of, um, bubbly.
00:28:13Like this.
00:28:18I don't really have to toss my hair, do I?
00:28:21Just try it.
00:28:28Uh, you almost have it.
00:28:31More like, hi!
00:28:34Hi! Oh, hi! Hi, you!
00:28:39I think she has it.
00:28:46So, I said to Miss Stetch, there is no way I can do my homework and my hair all in one night.
00:28:51Hey, girls!
00:28:59Uh, Nicole and I have been practicing, uh, zaps.
00:29:05And low.
00:29:10What say we go sit in that tree over there?
00:29:17Well, come on.
00:29:24I told you this was a bad idea.
00:29:27What's the matter? You can fly, can't you?
00:29:31No, I mean, yes. I mean, I...
00:29:34Of course you can. Unless you're just half a witch.
00:29:40Well, well, well.
00:29:43Nicole is a half-witch. Nicole is a half-witch.
00:29:48Nicole is a half-witch. Nicole is a half-witch.
00:30:04Miss Hag?
00:30:06Yes, Miss Stench?
00:30:08It's about Nicole.
00:30:10What about her?
00:30:12She's a half-witch.
00:30:14I know. Is there a problem?
00:30:17Well, I'm afraid the other girls have found out. And you know how they can be.
00:31:12Salem, how can you sleep at a time like this?
00:31:18Three in the morning? Oh, I don't know. Comes kind of natural.
00:31:22They're torturing her. It's not right. And it's all my fault.
00:31:26They never would have found out if I hadn't made her fit in.
00:31:30She was happy, keeping to herself.
00:31:33And I don't know what to do or how to do it.
00:31:36I don't know what to do or how to do it.
00:31:39She was happy, keeping to herself. And I don't know what to do or how to help her.
00:31:44One question. Who are we talking about?
00:31:49Oh, right, right. Of course.
00:31:52Tsk, tsk. Tut, tut. Pity, pity.
00:31:55Now, can we go back to sleep?
00:31:57Salem, you are not helping!
00:31:59What do I know? I'm a cat, not the Tree of Wisdom.
00:32:03There has to be something I can do. Something I can...
00:32:07What did you say?
00:32:08Tsk, tsk. Tut, tut. Pity, pity.
00:32:11Back to sleep?
00:32:16Hey, glad I could help.
00:32:19Whatever I did.
00:32:24I really, really, totally apologize.
00:32:28You kept my secret through it all, and you're a completely honorable person.
00:32:33And what's more, I know how to fix things.
00:32:35You tried fixing things once before.
00:32:37This time, we go to the Tree of Wisdom.
00:32:40What? Even I'm not that crazy.
00:32:43All of our problems come from being half-witches.
00:32:45There's got to be a way to make us whole.
00:32:48And you know the Tree of Wisdom will know the answer.
00:32:50But the Witches' Realm is totally out of bounds.
00:32:53We sneak in tonight after the lights go out.
00:32:56Nobody will know we're gone.
00:32:58But we're half-witches, which means half-mortals.
00:33:01And mortals are forbidden in the realm.
00:33:03Nicole, this will fix everything.
00:33:05I know it will.
00:33:07You think? Really?
00:33:09I know. We can do it together.
00:33:12Okay, friend?
00:33:14Okay. Friend? I never had one of those before.
00:33:19One of what?
00:33:21A friend.
00:33:26Now, how do we get to this forbidden place?
00:33:29Well, that is a tiny problem.
00:33:33I'm sure I saw a book.
00:33:35Not this one. Or this one.
00:33:38What about this one?
00:33:41That's it!
00:33:53There! Directions to the Realm of Witches.
00:33:57Oh, brother! Not that way! That way!
00:34:03There's the gate!
00:34:05If we can get that far, I know we can get in.
00:34:08How hard could it be?
00:34:10But how do we get from here to there?
00:34:13Hmm. Well, we could...
00:34:17Try this. The incantation for passage to the realm.
00:34:21Mutatitis Grandis Ut.
00:34:26Is this it?
00:34:28If it isn't, it ought to be.
00:35:05How are we going to get in without a pass?
00:35:19Caldron delivery.
00:35:27We did it! We're here!
00:35:30And we're polka-dotted.
00:35:35What was in those cauldrons?
00:35:37Who cares? We are in!
00:35:42Yeah. But what are we?
00:35:46We are...
00:35:48We are...
00:35:50We are...
00:35:52We are...
00:35:54What are we?
00:36:01Ports! Ports installed! Two for one! Today only!
00:36:08Wrinkle cream! Add wrinkles instantly!
00:36:15No, thank you.
00:36:17You look like a nice girl.
00:36:20Loving, caring, and friendly.
00:36:23Oh, um, well...
00:36:25I can fix that.
00:36:27Not so fast, my pretty.
00:36:31Jar of Heartlessness, just for you.
00:36:34Guaranteed to turn you selfish, mean, and uncaring.
00:36:42Um, thanks, but, uh, no thanks.
00:36:58Get your delicious apples! Golden red!
00:37:06Sorry. Last apple I had didn't agree with me.
00:37:13Let's get going.
00:37:18Potion Palace! Unfair to noobs!
00:37:21Potion Palace! Unfair to noobs!
00:37:23Union now! Union forever!
00:37:26Have you ever been in a place like this?
00:37:29There is no place like this.
00:37:35How will we find the Tree of Wisdom?
00:37:38I don't know. It could be anywhere.
00:37:54Hello? Anybody home?
00:37:59Excuse me? Tree of Wisdom?
00:38:05Anybody there?
00:38:13Guess we're barking up the wrong tree.
00:38:16And we can't find it from the forest.
00:38:20Looking for something, dearies?
00:38:24The Tree of Wisdom. Do you know how to get there?
00:38:27A magic portal can get you anywhere.
00:38:34Care to try one?
00:38:41But which?
00:38:43That's for you to discover.
00:38:45What have we got to lose?
00:38:47That's what I'm afraid of.
00:38:57Wrong door?
00:38:59Wrong door.
00:39:16This is pretty cool!
00:39:19But how do we get out of here?
00:39:37That was close.
00:39:59Okay, Buster.
00:40:16That was close.
00:40:18Want to try another?
00:40:20You pick.
00:40:22Okay, Buster.
00:40:24Let's go.
00:40:26Okay, Buster.
00:40:28Let's go.
00:40:30Okay, Buster.
00:40:32Let's go.
00:40:34Okay, Buster.
00:40:36Let's go.
00:40:38Okay, Buster.
00:40:40Let's go.
00:40:42Want to try another?
00:40:44You pick.
00:41:04What is it?
00:41:06I'm quite busy, as you can see.
00:41:12Oh, yes.
00:41:14Well, I'm sorry.
00:41:16I'll go.
00:41:18I just wanted to mention,
00:41:20two girls are missing, that's all.
00:41:27You're busy.
00:41:29I'll come back.
00:41:31What did you say?
00:41:34I was just doing the bed check, you see.
00:41:37Beds, that is.
00:41:39Except one had a fur sort of thing.
00:41:41Sort of snoring.
00:41:47Well, sort of like a...
00:41:49Not that.
00:41:51The girls, where are they?
00:41:53Oh, them.
00:41:55Well, they're gone.
00:42:31Hey, watch it, Buster!
00:42:39Um, Nicole?
00:42:51Nicole, look!
00:42:54Oh, no!
00:43:06Let's do it.
00:43:15How? Who?
00:43:17Well, Sabrina, I'd say, and Nicole, I guess.
00:43:20Where did they go?
00:43:22Well, I found this, and it was open to this.
00:43:25A map?
00:43:32There, they went there.
00:43:34Not the Witch's Realm.
00:43:37You got it, sister.
00:43:39But, Sabrina, Nicole, they're just students.
00:43:43Well, yes, they certainly are.
00:43:46Who knows what might happen to them in the Witch's Realm?
00:43:52Time to get me the phone.
00:44:06No, no, no, no, no, no, no!
00:44:12More to your left.
00:44:17No, no, your other left!
00:44:23I'm surrounded by incompetents.
00:44:28What is it?
00:44:30That tickles.
00:44:32Quiet, will you?
00:44:34I'm so sorry to bother you on a weekend, Your Awful Highness.
00:44:39Get to the point, Miss Hag.
00:44:41Well, funny thing.
00:44:43You're going to have to laugh.
00:44:45Seems two of our students have the...
00:44:47Have what?
00:44:50Left the Academy and entered the Realm of the Witches and...
00:44:57She took that well.
00:45:01She lost them?
00:45:04That fool!
00:45:06She can't even control a couple of 13-year-old half-witches.
00:45:10Tsk, tsk.
00:45:12Don't those children understand what this means?
00:45:16Oh, yeah, it's a shame, but...
00:45:19It simply isn't safe for half-trained students to be in the Realm.
00:45:25Speaking of safety and such...
00:45:27Silence! I can't hear myself think.
00:45:31Yes, of course. I have that problem, too.
00:45:35Come here, you fools.
00:45:40And put down that rock.
00:46:02They went through the magic portals!
00:46:07Stop lying down on the job and get them out of there quickly!
00:46:10Then bring them to me!
00:46:13Love to.
00:46:23I want them here within the hour!
00:46:29And find another rock to replace the one you broke.
00:46:36Nicole, I'm all for dancing with princes.
00:46:39But don't you think we ought to be looking for the tree?
00:46:44Mind if we cut in?
00:46:51Haven't seen any half-witches around, have you?
00:46:54About your height, your age.
00:46:59Hey, sorry, Midnight. That's my turn to frog.
00:47:10That was the last door.
00:47:12And no Tree of Wisdom.
00:47:15We've got to find it if we're going to be back by breakfast.
00:47:22Do you see anything?
00:47:24Lots of trees, but none of them look too wise.
00:47:33What was that?
00:47:35Just a mouse.
00:47:37What was that?
00:47:39Just an old owl. Nothing to be scared of.
00:47:42And that?
00:47:45Only a crow. Nothing to be scared of.
00:47:52That was something to be scared of.
00:48:08Is it coming?
00:48:10We're okay now.
00:48:12Do you really think so? Do you really think we're okay?
00:48:15Because I'm thinking maybe I was wrong.
00:48:20I know it was my idea to come here, but maybe it wasn't such a good idea.
00:48:26We should have stayed back there and faced our problems.
00:48:28Because when I brought us out here, I got us in over our heads.
00:48:32Yeah, I'd have to say you did.
00:48:36Quick, sand!
00:48:38We've got to work some magic and get ourselves out of here.
00:48:40We're half witches, Sabrina.
00:48:42What are we going to do?
00:48:48The vine! Concentrate!
00:48:50Together, Nicole!
00:49:00Just a little more, Nicole.
00:49:06We did it!
00:49:10I can't believe it!
00:49:12We're safe! We're all right!
00:49:15Yeah, but I kind of wish we had a shower.
00:49:30Next time, be more specific.
00:49:32Come on, we've got to find that tree.
00:49:41If only we had some sort of sign.
00:49:48Tree of Wisdom, 500 feet.
00:49:51What are we waiting for? Let's go!
00:49:56Tree of Wisdom, straight ahead.
00:49:58You're almost there.
00:50:03One wish per person.
00:50:05No exchanges, no returns, no mortals.
00:50:07All transactions final.
00:50:12I didn't know the tree was so popular.
00:50:14Come on, come on, the tree doesn't have all day.
00:50:17Next! Name?
00:50:19Sabrina Spellman.
00:50:21Nicole Candler.
00:50:26Sabrina Spellman? Salem Sabrina?
00:50:30Salem Sabrina?
00:50:32Uh, yeah.
00:50:34Hey, flat ears, get your tail over here.
00:50:39It's Salem's housemaid.
00:50:43Salee told us all about you.
00:50:45How you wait on him hand and foot, obey his every command.
00:50:49He told you that, did he?
00:51:00What do we do?
00:51:02I don't know.
00:51:06State your wish.
00:51:10Yeah, hi.
00:51:14Hurry it up, will ya?
00:51:16I got leaf blight here and it's itchy.
00:51:18Is it itchy?
00:51:20Wanna help me out with a little teensy scratch?
00:51:24I guess, okay.
00:51:29Oh, that's nice.
00:51:31Ah, that's nice. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
00:51:34So, what can I do for you girls?
00:51:38Well, it's like this.
00:51:40Basically, we, uh, my friend and I, we...
00:51:44Spit it out!
00:51:46Well, let's say we have these friends, right?
00:51:50Right, a couple of friends with a little problem.
00:51:54That's it.
00:51:56You see, they're sort of half-witches and...
00:51:59Ah! Half-witches?
00:52:02Do they know their witchcraft?
00:52:04Uh, sure.
00:52:12They'd better, if they want to get out of the realm alive.
00:52:18We better go.
00:52:20And fast.
00:52:25Stop right there!
00:52:27Yes, sir.
00:52:29Come back here.
00:52:34I know who the half-witches are.
00:52:38You do?
00:52:40The half-witches are...
00:52:50I got three out of nine lives left.
00:52:54I'm not thrown away anymore.
00:52:56I only got two!
00:53:00Good help is hard to find.
00:53:02So, what's the big deal about being a half-witch?
00:53:05I got a cousin's half-beech.
00:53:07You do?
00:53:08Got another's half-oak.
00:53:11Well, as long as we're confessing, I'm a part pigeon myself.
00:53:15We were wondering if you could...
00:53:18If you could make us whole.
00:53:23Hmm. You sure about that?
00:53:28You don't want to be a half anymore?
00:53:30That's right.
00:53:32You're two halves who want to be a whole?
00:53:36All right, if you're sure you're sure, stand back a little right there.
00:53:42Quod erat diminius, num sum universus!
00:53:47What once was half, let now be whole!
00:54:11I'm... I'm whole!
00:54:38What happened?
00:54:40Two halves make one whole.
00:54:43You became a whole witch, leaving her mortal.
00:54:46And as you know, there can't be no mortals in the witch's realm.
00:54:51Turn her back! Fix her! Please!
00:54:55No exchanges, no refunds, all spells final!
00:55:00Why didn't you tell us? Why didn't you stop us?
00:55:04True wisdom cannot be told, only earned.
00:55:09I'll change her back myself! I'm a full witch now!
00:55:19You'll need more magic than that!
00:55:21Only a magic amulet can overturn a wisdom spell!
00:55:25A magic amulet? Where do I get it?
00:55:31There she is!
00:55:36Oh, no, no, no!
00:55:39Hey, wait! I'm a whole witch, aren't I?
00:55:59Did you hear? Little Miss Half Witch flew the coop.
00:56:04Ha ha ha!
00:56:08Guess she couldn't take the pressure.
00:56:10Aw, poor thing.
00:56:12Well, no way she was ever going to be accepted here anyways.
00:56:19The only one who is unacceptable is you, Portia.
00:56:29That really scares me.
00:56:34Ha ha! Then how about this?
00:56:41Or this!
00:56:44Or this!
00:56:49Put me down! Put me down!
00:56:56My hair!
00:57:00Hey, take it easy, Portia.
00:57:05What's wrong with her?
00:57:07She could just zap it back.
00:57:09Oh, I don't know.
00:57:11Maybe she's just not all the witch she could be.
00:57:19Nicole was turned to stone!
00:57:21And it was all because of me!
00:57:24And you know why?
00:57:27Because all I cared about was what those horrible, awful girls thought.
00:57:31I wanted them to like me.
00:57:34To accept me.
00:57:37I'm trying to tell you.
00:57:39I know.
00:57:40You do?
00:57:41Why didn't you say so?
00:57:43Spike and Flat Ears told me.
00:57:45They said my amulet...
00:57:46Would save her!
00:57:50Oh, Salem, thank you.
00:57:52You don't know how much this means.
00:57:54This whole thing was my fault, and...
00:57:56All right, let's not start that again.
00:57:58We gotta get going.
00:58:02I'm hungry.
00:58:08Excuse me.
00:58:10Sorry, closed for the night.
00:58:11Come back first thing tomorrow.
00:58:13Thirteen o'clock.
00:58:14I'm not here for wishes.
00:58:17She's gone!
00:58:21They took her.
00:58:24Who took Nicole?
00:58:26I've got to...
00:58:27Save it, honey.
00:58:32Enchantress Castle!
00:58:34Then that's where we're going.
00:58:44Oh, well.
00:58:45You can always find a new friend.
00:58:49Just kidding!
00:58:50Boy, this is some castle.
00:59:05You hear that?
00:59:09I'm imagining things.
00:59:18I got a horrible allergy to bats.
00:59:23How can we get in?
00:59:24There's gotta be a way.
00:59:26Nobody's getting in or out of there,
00:59:28Except for those...
00:59:29Ugh, those bats.
00:59:30That's it!
00:59:31What's it?
00:59:32I'm a whole witch now.
00:59:34I'll transform us.
00:59:35Not into...
00:59:43Do you have any idea how embarrassing this is for a cat?
00:59:50One more try.
00:59:51I'm sure I can get it.
00:59:53Forget it!
00:59:54I'm outta here!
00:59:56What if you make us into liver bits?
00:59:58Salem, we have to rescue Nicole.
01:00:03Okay, okay.
01:00:12Of all the things we could've been...
01:00:16Why'd it have to be bats?
01:00:25We have liftoff!
01:00:37After them!
01:00:39I'll sound the alarm!
01:00:41You sounded it last time.
01:00:43It's my turn.
01:00:44Is not!
01:00:45Is to!
01:00:46Is not!
01:00:47Is to!
01:00:49Is not!
01:00:50Is to!
01:00:51Is not!
01:00:52Is to!
01:00:58Is to!
01:00:59Is not!
01:01:04They're not here.
01:01:05Come on!
01:01:09Hold on.
01:01:13What do you bet they're hiding in here?
01:01:15They always hide in armor.
01:01:17Ooh, good thinking.
01:01:31You know, you're gonna have to pay for this.
01:01:34Me? It was your idea!
01:01:37Was not!
01:01:38Was to!
01:01:39Was not!
01:01:40Was to!
01:01:41Was it!
01:01:44See? I told you we shouldn't go for the obvious.
01:01:47Only one thing.
01:01:49I'm allergic to caterpillars.
01:02:00Come on!
01:02:02Salem, we're trapped! Like rats!
01:02:05Speak for yourself.
01:02:33Craven, I'm stuck!
01:02:36You go, girl.
01:02:42Get out of the way!
01:02:44I can't!
01:02:51This is all your fault!
01:02:53Is not!
01:02:54Is to!
01:02:55Is not!
01:03:01Oh, no!
01:03:11Over there! I see them!
01:03:13I saw them first!
01:03:16The amulet!
01:03:18Salem, I need the amulet!
01:03:31Please, let it work.
01:03:38It didn't work.
01:03:42Oh, man, am I going to get that spike.
01:03:45I paid 20 bucks for this and nothing!
01:03:47Nada! Filch!
01:03:49You bought it?
01:03:51Is he going to get a piece of my fur?
01:03:53Good thing I wrote him a bad check.
01:03:55It's a fake? The whole thing?
01:03:58The award?
01:04:00The great grey tabby of...
01:04:02None of it is real?
01:04:04Well, not in so many words.
01:04:07Oh, what have I done?
01:04:09I'm so sorry.
01:04:11Oh, Nicole, you were the best friend I ever had.
01:04:16And I lost you because I wanted to be a full witch.
01:04:20I wanted to be accepted.
01:04:23And look what it got me.
01:04:26Well, I don't want the powers.
01:04:28I don't want to be a witch.
01:04:30I'll turn myself to stone.
01:04:41There is another way.
01:05:00Wow, that was the strangest thing.
01:05:12You're back! It's you!
01:05:18Your star! It's still half!
01:05:21And yours, too! Isn't it great?
01:05:23What happened? I feel awful stiff.
01:05:27Hey, long story.
01:05:29First you were stone, then you weren't.
01:05:31And Chandra reversed the spell.
01:05:33But how? Why?
01:05:36Why? Because you learned a very valuable thing.
01:05:40One which some witches never learn.
01:05:42You learned the three principles of witchdom.
01:05:46A witch uses magic wisely.
01:05:49A witch is true to her friends.
01:05:53And a witch...
01:05:56Is true to herself.
01:05:59And honestly, some of the girls around here never figure that out.
01:06:07At least not truly.
01:06:10They never understand it deep inside.
01:06:14But you do.
01:06:16My young friends, you have something far more powerful than mere magic.
01:06:21We do? Like what?
01:06:23A friendship strong enough to last forever.
01:06:26And whether witch or not, that's a thing most anyone would love to have.
01:06:32Friends forever!
01:06:41What can I say? I'm a very emotional cat.
01:06:44Oh, brother.
01:07:01Did you ever think we'd make it here?
01:07:03Not for a second.
01:07:05I'm so proud I can bust wide open.
01:07:08Don't do that. You know what a mess it makes.
01:07:10And the golden wand for being all a witch can be and more goes to...
01:07:18Sabrina Spellman!
01:07:25Did I hear wrong? Did I hear her not say my name?
01:07:29Sit down, Portia.
01:07:34Well, go on.
01:07:41And a girl, Frida!
01:07:52Thank you, ma'am.
01:08:05I'd just like to say, some of us truly love you.
01:08:09Some of us treated one of our classmates very poorly.
01:08:13We refused to accept her because she was a half-witch.
01:08:17But there's no shame in that.
01:08:19And I ought to know, because...
01:08:27I'm a half-witch too, and proud of it!
01:08:34I'm proud and honored to be witch and mortal.
01:08:37That's why I want to share this with someone who earned it as much as me.
01:08:42Nicole Candler!
01:08:50Oh, my!
01:08:54Frida! Frida! Frida!
01:08:58You know what? You know what?
01:09:00Do the wave! Do the wave!
01:09:10Yay! Go, Frida!
01:09:26So there you go. That's it.
01:09:29That's how I found out who I was and who I wasn't.
01:09:32That's how it happened for me.
01:09:34That's how it happened for me.
01:09:36Maybe something like it has happened to you.
01:09:38If you're anything like me.
01:09:40And let's both hope you're not.
01:10:05Do the wave! Do the wave!
01:10:10Do the wave! Do the wave!
01:10:28Cookie time!
