• 2 days ago
SUPERMAN TEASER TRAILER 2025 Breakdown and Things You Missed
00:00Welcome back everyone it's Charlie this be my brand-new Superman movie teaser that James
00:19Gunn just released of crypto the superdog that's right there doing crypto during the
00:25I think we knew this for a while, but this is him just confirming it there actually been
00:28a couple live-action versions of crypto that you probably remember so will break it all
00:32down in what he's doing in the movie because there is another connection to the Supergirl
00:36movie with Millie Alcock that's can be happening the next couple years.
00:39If you're brand-new to the channel be sure to subscribe to get all the videos the reason
00:43why were starting to get some actual teasers for the movie is because New York comic con
00:47is happening the week that I'm posting this video and were probably gonna get the first
00:51real big trailer before the end of the year, but the whole idea here is that James Gunn
00:55wanted to show a picture of him based on the comics just to reveal that he will be
00:59in the movie what he's going to look like that is actually meant to be a scene from
01:03the movie.
01:04If you haven't seen them before there was a live-action version of crypto on Titans
01:08created by Cadmus labs to explain where he got his powers most versions of crypto do
01:13have powers, but he has various backstories depending on where you see him.
01:17There was a version of crypto who appeared during Superman and Lois season two on bizarros
01:21world is their family pet, but because it's bizarros inverse universe.
01:26He's a cat because I guess cats of the opposite of dogs in his name is Oda Pyrrhic, which
01:30is crypto spelled backwards in the other live-action version that most people think of when they
01:35think of crypto was on Smallville Tom Welling Superman did have a dog, but he wasn't meant
01:40to be a version of crypto a lot of people just confuse him for crypto his name was Shelby
01:45on that show and he did have powers people use him for experiments involving the kryptonite
01:49meteor fragments which was the big trope of the Smallville series is that most of
01:53the villains of the week got their powers from kryptonite fragments there a couple exceptions
01:58like there were people that were living on Smallville's earth that already had powers
02:02or abilities or magic before Superman showed up or they came from other worlds like Supergirl
02:06came from krypton dark side other cosmic beings, but the idea is that this is the first time
02:12the crypto will be featured in like the main live-action Superman movie all the big Superman
02:17movies including Henry Cavill Superman in the man of steel movie swerved on crypto.
02:21It's not clear if Zack Snyder ever intended on doing a version of crypto in his version
02:26of man of steel to, but I don't think that he was featured during Henry Cavill's version
02:31of man of steel to that he been pitching to the studio before he was recast by James Gunn
02:36with the big DC studios reboot they just did with this new version of Superman movie that
02:41we're talking about right now Henry Cavill's version of man of steel to mostly involve
02:45the Brainiac character they just a couple animated movies with crypto like the battle
02:51of the super sons.
02:52They also just did a whole movie based on the concept of the Justice league's pets called
02:57the league of super pets.
02:59The only part of that movie that I watched was like the very end just because the whole
03:02black Adam rock of it all that will be predated James Gunn by couple years it came and went
03:08before his tenure DC or his big reboot.
03:11It was green lit a long time ago and wound up coming out around the same time of the
03:14black Adam movie which is why they made such a big deal about the scenes of the rock who
03:19played the voice of crypto in that movie and they had the weirdest and credit scene with
03:24black Adams dog facing off with crypto seemingly engineered to set up the live action version
03:29of the black Adam post credit scene where Henry Cavill Superman tease the face off with
03:34black Adam in the sequels that they have planned that movie, but that was part of the previous
03:38regime at Warner brothers with like a whole different 10 year plan involving Henry Cavill's
03:43man of steel to in a bunch of other Justice league movies with the Zack Snyder version
03:47the characters in the DCEU it was also tied up in the drama of the rock trying to change
03:52the hierarchy of power at DC studios you might remember the drama around that with him basically
03:57trying to hijack things in make the DC universe revolve around black Adam or that what you're
04:02gonna see here is why the hierarchy of power in the DC universe is about to change I smell
04:10what you're stepping in the power in the marvel universe is about to change forever
04:14spoiler warning the hierarchy of power did wind up changing just not in the way that
04:18the rock wanted James Gunn was hired and fired most of those actors Deadpool literally just
04:23made fun of that during Deadpool and Wolverine, but like I said the big deal here is that
04:27is the first live action version of crypto in the main Superman like the main Justice
04:32league DC studios universe James Gunn said the reason why he put crypto in the movie
04:37is he was inspired by his real-life new dog who he adopted as a rescue dog while he was
04:43in the process of developing the Superman movie you can read his full post about the
04:47circumstances for how he adopted that dog like a lot of rescue dogs.
04:51They were living in horrible horrible conditions like it was terrible and through the long
04:55process of rehabilitating his dog slowly getting used to being around people again becoming
05:00less wild.
05:01He was inspired to put crypto in the Superman movie.
05:04I don't know if that means that crypto during this new movie is also going to be kind of
05:08wild when Superman finds him or if he's going to have been living with Superman for a while
05:14just because this is meant to be an origin story kind of movie.
05:17The actual comic book panel that James Gunn posted that inspired this particular scene
05:21in the movie is actually from Grant Morrison's all-star Superman number six it's exactly
05:26what you see in the teaser just the two of them chilling out enjoying themselves watching
05:30the earth rotates sitting on the moon because they both have powers the low gravity environment
05:35like the zero oxygen environment is no big deal for them.
05:38That's also the reason why you see cryptos left ear floating above his head like all
05:43floopy because they're in the moon's lower gravity.
05:45So he's near weightless the actual look of crypto makes it look like they're going more
05:49inspired by the classic comics and bit of more of a crossbreed in present-day this scene
05:54should also answer the next question lot of you have whether or not he's gonna have powers
05:58in the movie.
05:59He does apparently like you need a helmet if he didn't have powers those actually separate
06:03footage that we got earlier this year of Mr. terrific running down the street with a box
06:06of dog treats in the middle of a big action scene.
06:09So it seems that crypto will be part of whatever's going on here just attacking villains during
06:13the movie.
06:14The other interesting thing about Mr. terrific zoom and enhance notice he has a Lord tech
06:19symbol in the middle of his chest.
06:21This is like a Lord tech ad on one of the buildings nearby.
06:24So in the context the movie.
06:25It seems that he owns electronics corporation that makes a lot of technology.
06:29My guess is that Mr. terrific just use a lot of his technology to build a lot of his own
06:34special Mr. terrific specific tech like his T spheres and even though I was really thinking
06:39about this somebody did ask James Gunn the follow-up question and no crypto will not
06:44talk like a human in the movie unless you count barking as talking according to him
06:50it will be a little weird of crypto did talk in Superman's head the other important connection
06:54between what's happening here in the new Superman movie with crypto in the upcoming DC studios
06:59movies is Millie Alcox Supergirl movie her movie is going to adopt the plot of the Supergirl
07:05woman of tomorrow comic book and during that story crypto is featured heavily.
07:10So it's possible that after the Superman movie crypto joins Supergirl in her movie on another
07:15side of the universe.
07:17He probably won't talk more about that till after the Superman movie actually comes out
07:20next summer.
07:21There been several different origin stories for crypto in the TV shows animation in the
07:26comic books across the eras the Titans version Shelby from Smallville were both created on
07:32A lot of the other versions, including the classic versions of crypto were from crypt
07:36on and they were just Superman's family dog before his pod came to earth and eventually
07:40crypto made his way to earth to inside the most recent DC rebirth continuity of the comics
07:47his collar is also made from one of the belts of Superman's old costumes in the fortress
07:51of solitude which is how it can withstand the enormous pressures of all the stuff the
07:55crypto does typically they've just been putting crypto in all kinds of different Superman
08:00related comics to like he doesn't always show up in the Superman comic sometimes you see
08:03him in the Supergirl comics and other related comics.
08:07This is actually our first actual look at Nicholas Holtz as Lex Luthor in all of his
08:10bald glory.
08:11It looks like he cut himself shaving a couple times or maybe he was in the middle of a fight
08:15scene and that's why he got cut.
08:16Fun fact to someone actually spotted this on set as part of the set decoration the background.
08:20I don't know if will actually see this in the context the movie of is just going to
08:23be blurry in the background, but it's meant to be the history of metropolis based on lore
08:27taken directly from the atlas of the DC universe lore book that was published a long time ago.
08:33I just did a larger video on that first look at Superman with the trunks and some of the
08:37Easter eggs that we spotted around set like this all kinds of Easter eggs for comic book
08:41creators and people in the lore in the history of Superman in real life.
08:45I am sure there's going to be a billion Easter eggs like this across the entire movie like
08:49my breakdown Easter egg video will have to be two hours long to fit everything in there's
08:54a bunch of big stuff coming up I'm sure will get some more teasers for the Superman movie
08:57pretty soon.
08:58So course I'll do videos for whatever James Gunn winds up releasing or other big announcements
09:02about the characters what's happening with the villains I just did a much bigger video
09:05about the evil Superman clone that is supposed to be fighting during the movie that looks
09:09kind of like Ultraman like he is the giant you on his chest.
09:12So I'll post a link for that at the end of this sounds like this evil Superman that Lex
09:16Luthor is going to create if that's the case is going to be a mid boss in fact the funny
09:20thing this actually might sound familiar because they use a very similar plot for the Superman
09:24doomsday movie back in 2007 Superman Superman he's harvesting Superman evil Superman my
09:39watch essentially during that movie starts out is like a regular Superman versus doomsday
09:49kind of story he's thought to have died Lex Luthor uses the opportunity to take Superman's
09:55DNA and clone him a bunch of times does all kinds of sick twisted messed up stuff playing
10:00with the clones torturing them one of them kind of goes mad winds up escaping turns into
10:05kind of an evil unchained version of Superman than the regular version of Superman is found
10:09to have survived doomsday has to come back and stop this evil Superman clone.
10:14If you haven't watched a lot of those older animated movies, some of them go really hard
10:18like the really good DC's always had really solid animated stuff in a lot of the live
10:22action movies and TV shows wind up cribbing from those animated movies early theory right
10:27now is that Lex Luthor would just turn him loose he might lose control of him he'll go
10:31full Homelander on the earth and David Korn's what to stop him somehow.
10:35Even though he's a clone he had the exact same power level is the regular Superman.
10:39So be like Superman versus unhinged Superman.
10:43If there's anything else you spotted or any references in the first looks that we got
10:47so far that I didn't talk about in this video or my last video just write them below in
10:51the comments and speaking of Superman adjacent stories we literally just got the Thunderbolts
10:55trailer in the Marvel universe with their version of a Superman the century character
11:00click here to watch that learn all about what's going on with the century inside the
11:04I know people would love to see Henry Cavill play the century in the MCU, but that's not
11:07gonna happen and click here to learn about Henry Cavill coming back to the MCU as another
11:12character after Deadpool and Wolverine because he is coming back.
11:16Thank you so much for watching and I'll see you guys in the next one!
