• 9 hours ago
Kill Me Love Me (2024) EP 17 ENG SUB


00:30不要被时光吞没掉 Don't be engulfed by time
00:37黑暗无声消逝的人 The people who disappeared in the darkness
00:40也曾渴望白日里活 Have also longed to live in the day
00:44被命运束缚的一个 How can I escape
00:47被命运束缚的一个 How can I escape
00:48被命运束缚的一个 How can I escape
00:49被命运束缚的一个 How can I escape
00:51谁在耳边说 Who said in my ear
00:54说我注定坠落 That I'm destined to fall
01:01那就燃烧我 Then burn me
01:04燃烧我的执着 Burn my stubbornness
01:08苦海里奋战 In the bitter sea
01:12眼中放下多少责任 How much responsibility lies in my eyes
01:15无人知道的 No one knows
01:19或许在挑战着 Maybe in the challenge
01:23黑暗里无声 The darkness is silent
01:26为梦中已化作 The fire in my dream
01:32重生的火 Is reborn
01:42今日宫中事多 There are many things to do in the palace today
01:44儿臣听闻娘娘患了头痛之症 I heard that Her Highness has a headache
01:48这珍珠是极寒之地冰层底下孕育的 This pearl is from the cold ice
01:54最是痒人 It's the most painful
01:55还望这串珍珠能替娘娘缓解痛症 I hope this pearl can ease Her Highness's pain
02:03先退下吧 You may leave
02:11太子的心意本宫明白 I understand what you mean
02:15只是本宫的痛症是老毛病了 It's just that my pain is an old illness
02:18太医说了 The imperial physician said
02:20治愈顽疾不能心急 It's not good to be anxious to cure an ailment
02:24锦王之死对洛梅来说亦是顽疾 The death of Prince Jin is also an ailment for Luo Mei
02:28太子殿下得给她多一点时间 Your Highness should give her more time
02:33娘娘既是顽疾那就更应该要根除啊 Your Highness, since it is an ailment, it should be eliminated
02:38娘娘明白平安军的军权于殷家是个倚仗 Her Highness understands that the military power of the Pingnan Army is a support to the Yin family
02:42但放洛梅的身上就是一个枷锁 But putting a shackle on Luo Mei's body
02:45有朝一日她会为了夫家解这个枷锁 One day she will solve this shackle for the Fu family
02:49娘娘膝下无子 Your Highness has no children
02:51不知届时在宫中有何打算 What are you going to do in the palace at this time?
02:54皇家最忌讳外戚掌权 The imperial family hates foreign wives
02:57本宫又如何相信 How can I believe
02:59太子上位后会厚待殷家 that the Crown Prince will treat the Yin family well after ascending the throne?
03:04儿臣对洛梅的心意天地可鉴 My feelings for Luo Mei are clear
03:07若娘娘肯相助 If Your Highness is willing to help
03:09她的心迟早会是儿臣的 her heart will be mine sooner or later
03:13此刻我若还不争取 If I don't try now
03:15只怕会留下一世悔恨 I'm afraid I'll regret it for the rest of my life
03:22据说这天净草晒干了做更美味 It is said that the Tianjin grass is more delicious when dried
03:26我们能等到吗 Can we wait?
03:28看这天气三四天就晒干了 It will dry in three or four days
03:32哥哥该我了 Brother, it's my turn
03:34哥哥该我了 Brother, it's my turn
03:36该我了 It's my turn
03:38哥哥该我了 Brother, it's my turn
03:40该我了 It's my turn
03:43二娘 你下来 娘妹妹玩会儿 Erniang, come down here. Let your sister play for a while
03:45我不 我就不 I won't. I won't
03:48二娘 男子汉要让着妹妹 Erniang, a man should give way to his sister
03:50就不 就不 I won't. I won't
03:55二娘 Erniang
03:57来 Come here
04:04二娘 天晴天草晒干了做更美味 It is said that the Tianjin grass is more delicious when dried
04:17哥哥是花脸吗 Brother, are you a flower face?
04:19你别跑 Don't run
04:20快跑 快跑 快跑 Run, run, run
04:27别跑 Don't run
04:35真美 It's beautiful
04:51你脸上有东西啊 You have something on your face
04:53什么 What?
04:54这儿这儿这儿 Here, here
04:59哪儿笑 Where are you laughing?
05:04你过来 Come here
05:27你小时候一定很调皮吧 You must have been naughty when you were a child
05:30我何止调皮 I was not only naughty
05:32我还很能打 I was also very good at fighting
05:34小时候我们家邻居的胖子哥哥曾经被我打掉了两颗牙齿 When I was a child, my neighbor's fat brother once lost two teeth
05:39当时我才八岁 I was only eight years old
05:41为什么 Why?
05:42他拿死老鼠吓唬我娘 He used a dead rat to scare my mother
05:44后来我娘知道我打了他 又追着我打了一天 Later, my mother knew I hit him and chased me for a day
05:50看来啊能收拾你的也只有你阿娘了 It seems that your mother is the only one who can deal with you
05:55其实我阿娘每次动手打我都没有使劲 Actually, my mother didn't use force every time she hit me
05:58她就是做错样子吓唬我 She just pretended to scare me
06:01全天下的阿娘应该都一样吧 All mothers in the world should be the same
06:05那可不一定 Not necessarily
06:07我母后每次动板子都动真格的 Every time my mother moved the board, she moved the needle
06:10有一次她差点把我打瘸了 One time she almost knocked me out
06:13那肯定是你犯了什么不可饶恕的大错 That must be a big mistake you made
06:16逃学罢了 I just escaped from school
06:17我儿时不喜欢文墨 When I was a child, I didn't like to read
06:19有一回把学馆里的先生用蒙汗药迷晕了两日 One time, the teacher in the school drugged me for two days
06:23母后知道了就对我动了大刑 My mother was very angry with me when she found out
06:26那是你该打 That's what you should do
06:29你说你不喜欢文墨 You said you didn't like to read
06:31可是我看你书法画画都很好 But I think you are good at calligraphy and painting
06:38母后的心愿是让我多学一些诗里 My mother's wish is to let me learn more poetry
06:42能够让性子再沉稳些 So that I can be more calm
06:44可我呢自小立志当将军 But I've been a general since I was a child
06:47自然没有什么时间坐下来写字背书 Naturally, I don't have time to sit down and write and recite
06:53青州大火之后腿坏了 After the fire in Qingzhou, my legs were broken
06:59整日困在轮椅和床榻之间 I was trapped between a wheelchair and a bed all day
07:03那个时候除了画画就是下棋 At that time, I could only paint and play chess
07:08没想到最后竟碎了母后的心愿 I didn't expect to break my mother's wish
07:15若是皇后娘娘知晓这些 If the empress knew about this
07:17她肯定是万般不愿的 She must be very reluctant
07:22那你呢以你的性子在果饼铺子恐怕是待不住的吧 What about you? I'm afraid you can't stay in the fruit cake shop
07:30我当然待不住 Of course I can't stay
07:33可是我每天最喜欢坐在那看我阿娘做果饼 But I like to sit there and watch my mother make fruit cakes every day
07:38你是穿果饼了吧 Are you wearing a fruit cake?
07:39那是我阿娘每次做果饼的时候都会把销最多的留给我 Yes, every time my mother makes a fruit cake, she will leave me the most
07:45你阿娘对你这么好 No wonder your mother treats you so well
07:48难怪你一直想要追寻 No wonder you've always wanted to pursue
07:52如果没有秦州大户遇见你会如何 What would you do if you didn't meet Qin Zhou?
08:14洛梅你是大严的将军身上担负的与旁人不同不该再为了死去的人整日消沉 Luo Mei, you are the general of Dayan. You are different from others. You shouldn't be sad all day for the dead
08:31姑母放心明日我就重回教场练兵绝不怠慢 Don't worry, aunt. I'll go back to the training ground tomorrow and I won't stay
08:37这 You...
08:40你知道姑母说的并非兵事而是你的婚事 You know what I'm talking about is not about military affairs, but about your marriage
08:47您明明就说今日是来祈福散心的 You said you were here to pray and relax
08:51佛门乃清静之地实在不宜谈论这些俗事 The temple is a quiet place. It's not appropriate to talk about these vulgar things
09:01本宫乏了去拼殿歇歇吧 I'm tired. Let's go to the training ground
09:06万安堂 Wan'an Hall
09:13本宫竟不知这何时建了这万安堂 I don't know when I built this Wan'an Hall
09:17走 去瞧瞧 Let's go and have a look
09:37罗梅 今日军报知你谨率使于清齐 银叶骑行敌方赤后营 Luo Mei, I heard that you led the army to attack the rear camp of the enemy at night
09:47我心一时如冻冰枯 一时如云火涌 我思及你此时夙夙宵正 夙夜在宫 I felt like my heart was frozen and I was in a state of confusion
09:55罗梅 得知你不日班师回朝 我欣喜如狂 Luo Mei, I'm glad to hear that you're coming back to the city
10:01然昨日听闻父皇忧心百岳之乱 已漏夜传旨 命你转道平乱 此一行 又将得数月难见清容 I heard yesterday that my father was worried about the chaos of Baiyue, so he sent a message at night to tell you to go to Pingwan
10:07此一行 又将得数月难见清容 This mission will be difficult to see for months
10:12禀将军 这万安堂乃太子殿下为一人所建 里面供奉的神佛就为护一人周全 除了太子殿下 没有别的相客 General, this Wan'an Hall was built by the Crown Prince for one person, and the Buddha in it is dedicated to protecting one person
10:20除了太子殿下 没有别的相客 Besides the Crown Prince, there is no other guest
10:30若梅 上尊报国是你的心愿 我既无能坐马伴你左右 也无法保证国无战事 军无伤 Luo Mei, it's your wish to serve the country. I can't sit on a horse with you, and I can't guarantee that the country and the army will be safe
11:00神佛在上 因洛梅心系乾隆 不重己身 悬猎所求不多 吟诵抄经 积攒福艺 愿换得洛梅出征无碍 万世平安 God Buddha, for Luo Mei's hard work, I don't value myself too much, and I don't ask for much from the hunters. I will spend the night reciting sutras and accumulate merits
11:20愿换得洛梅出征无碍 万世平安 May Luo Mei's journey be safe and sound
11:30原来自你初次征战 太子便为你祈福了 这些年从未见到 看来是我错看了太子 还曾将他的真情误解为觊觎军权 殿下的真心 我相信
12:01你既相信 便该答应这门婚事
12:07姑母说过 帝王家没有爱 只有宠 可太子心里有你 这便是求不来的好姻缘 殿下很好 是我还没有做好决断
12:23若是景王还在世 姑母绝不逼你 可赐婚圣旨已下 你终究是要嫁人的 若无法和所爱之人相守 那就找一个愿意真心爱你 护你的男人 给眼前人一次机会 也是给自己一个机会
13:34太子殿下 记得你的承诺就好
14:44我看你在里面 不想打扰你 一直在这等
14:57你可知父皇想借婚嫁收回殷家兵权 若你愿嫁我 我会尽力替你和娘娘保全殷家
15:06可我如果为了保全殷家而利用你的真心 这对你不公平
15:14罗美 我
15:29你不用现在就答应 但我希望你记得
15:35我对你说过的话 永远都会做出
16:05神佛明鉴 慕容玄烈必死之初 绝无死心
16:10可我身为肉体凡胎 终究生了贪念
16:19若所求成真 玄烈纵使死后 渡入无间地狱
16:49并将军 是太子殿下送来的 恭贺将军回京
17:06赏景之地会变 世上的万物也都会变 停留在儿时的记忆 只会错过更好的风景
17:19你的志向我从来没忘 就算你做皇后 君权仍然归你 你仍旧是殷将军 我绝不会将你困在后宫
17:43只要我慕容玄烈活着 我不会让任何事 令你伤心难过
17:48你听话多喂你几口啊 好一会儿再喂你啊
18:20不好说啊 这目前这状况至少还得十日
18:26让他赶快清醒 只要别要死了就行 万一在外多待一天就多一天的危险
18:32大人放心 我明白
18:49王爷 至好已清 还需十日
19:19清爷说了 还有十日李清就治好了
19:26你做的手套啊 我很喜欢
19:41老窝子村管这个叫红果 青城斋最新鲜了
19:44You've been up very early these few days, but you can't sleep well at night.
19:50The sun rises and sets, the sun sets and rises.
19:53I like the life here very much.
19:57After the end of the Qingzhou affair,
20:00I want to live this kind of life forever.
20:09How about you? How have you been sleeping lately?
20:11Do you still want to catch Liuying as a lamp?
20:13No, I haven't had a nightmare in the past few days.
20:20Meilin, Meilin.
20:26Brother Liu.
20:31Well, Amei.
20:34In the future, when there is no one in private, don't call me brother.
20:37It sounds awkward.
20:39Is it awkward?
20:40Is it awkward?
20:42Then what should I call you?
20:43Whatever. You can call me anything.
20:45Anyway, don't call me brother.
20:50Murong Jinghe.
20:57Okay, I'll call you by your name.
21:00Murong Jinghe.
21:02I have to go back to work.
21:04Are you going to fan Tianjin grass? I'll go with you.
21:06I'm feeling much better now.
21:07We can do some work together.
21:09Let's go.
21:10Sister, brother.
21:12You don't have to go.
21:13This is Mrs. Wang's house.
21:16Thank you, Brother Wei.
21:18Amei, what do you like to eat?
21:26In a few days, it will be the annual Spring Festival banquet of Lao Wozi Village.
21:28Every family will make a dish and set up a banquet.
21:30It's very lively.
21:31Amei, I'll do whatever you like to eat.
21:34Brother Wei, I...
21:37Amei likes to eat dragon meat.
21:41What does it look like?
21:42I've never seen a dragon.
21:43Brother Wei.
21:44My brother likes to talk nonsense.
21:46You don't have to listen to him.
21:48I can eat anything.
21:52Our Amei is picky.
21:55People who don't like it don't like to eat anything.
22:01What does he mean?
22:03People who don't like it don't like to eat.
22:05But Amei just told me that she likes to eat everything.
22:08Does Amei like me, too?
22:11I understand.
22:13What do you understand?
22:16What you understand is wrong.
22:18What's wrong with Brother Wei?
22:20There's a problem here.
22:22Stay away from him in the future.
22:23It's not right to look at your eyes.
22:24What's wrong?
22:25Where are you going?
22:29Catch the dragon.
22:35Catch the dragon.
22:52My husband never cooks.
22:54This man looks good.
22:56I heard he can make needlework.
22:58He's handsome.
23:00I don't know if he's married.
23:02I have a little pot at home.
23:04You'll know when you ask him later.
23:15Wait a minute.
23:17I heard from Erniu that you...
23:23You heard it, didn't you?
23:27I heard from Madam Wang that her family was in trouble.
23:30I'm afraid you...
23:31My wife is very good.
23:33I only want her in my life.
23:35Thank you for your kitchen.
23:37This is her favorite snake soup.
23:38I have to send it to her while it's hot.
23:45His wife came to the village, too.
23:47Doesn't he only have a sister?
23:56Brother Wei.
23:59What's this?
24:01These are the betrothal gifts for you.
24:02I want to marry you.
24:04I can hunt and plant.
24:06I won't let you starve.
24:08Brother Wei.
24:11We're leaving soon.
24:13Where are you going?
24:14I'm going...
24:15I'll follow you wherever you go.
24:17I'm the only one left in our family anyway.
24:22You saved my life.
24:24I won't let you live a hard life.
24:26Brother Wei.
24:28Actually, my brother saved you.
24:30Don't worry.
24:31After you marry me, we'll be a family.
24:33I'll be nice to my brother-in-law, too.
24:35Actually, I'm married.
24:36I know.
24:37I heard from Wang Daniao that your husband is dead.
24:40Who said I'm dead?
24:43Who's your brother-in-law?
24:47I'm his man.
24:55Aren't you siblings?
24:57We're not siblings.
24:58We're childhood sweethearts who grew up together.
25:00I've made a lot of mistakes along the way.
25:03I made my wife angry.
25:05That's why she doesn't want to mention our relationship in front of outsiders.
25:11It's been so long.
25:12You should calm down.
25:15It's all my fault.
25:18Brother Wei misunderstood.
25:22They're a couple.
25:27It's all my fault.
25:29It's okay.
25:30How is it?
25:31My wife's taste is good, right?
25:34You should give up.
25:37All right.
25:38Why are you crying?
25:39What's the big deal about a husband?
25:46They're a couple.
25:49They should give in to each other.
25:50That's how you can stay together forever.
25:53I think your husband is nice.
25:55You can forgive him.
25:59Actually, I've forgiven him a long time ago.
26:03That's good.
26:19Come on.
26:20Try it.
26:27It's good.
26:32Didn't you go to catch a dragon?
26:34It's not easy to use your eyes.
26:36It turned into a snake.
26:38There are hundreds of millions of seasons.
26:39The snake's name is Hui.
26:41After thousands of years of cultivation, it became a dragon.
26:43So this dragon is a snake.
26:45This dragon meat is snake meat.
26:47The snake meat is really delicious.
26:49You have a stomachache.
26:51Meat soup is good for digestion.
26:53Roast snake meat and eat it later.
27:01It's my first time cooking.
27:03I'll try it first.
27:17I don't want to try.
27:27How is it?
27:39Is it better than the dragon meat in the sky?
27:41It's delicious.
27:45I owe you this.
27:46I said it in the wilderness before.
27:48As long as we can come out alive,
27:50I'll treat you to dragon meat.
27:53Actually, I'm talking about meat dragon.
27:56It's my mother's meat dragon.
27:59Meat dragon?
28:00It's a kind of pasta.
28:02It's a roll of meat.
28:05In our Qingzhou,
28:06when there is a wedding,
28:07we will make meat dragon.
28:08Have you ever eaten it?
28:12I seem to have seen it before
28:13when I passed the border.
28:16They call it meat demon.
28:18How about making meat dragon
28:20at our birthday party?
28:22Then I'll try.
28:23I should be able to do it.
28:24As long as it's cooked.
28:25It's not easy for us to eat white food.
28:27It's good to have a little heart.
28:54Since you're a couple,
28:56don't sleep separately.
28:59Aunt Wang.
29:01Sleep separately.
29:02It's more comfortable to sleep separately.
29:03What are you talking about?
29:05The couple quarrel.
29:06The bed quarrel.
29:07The bed is in harmony.
29:09If you sleep separately,
29:11the relationship will be weak.
29:14What are you laughing at?
29:16If you offend your wife again,
29:18I can't control it.
29:20Yes, I'm obedient.
29:21Listen to aunt.
29:22Listen to my wife.
29:23That's more like it.
29:27Take care, aunt.
29:32You have to listen to your wife.
29:42It's not like we haven't slept together.
29:53It's not like we haven't slept together.
30:09Did you sleep?
30:17It's sunset.
30:19It's time to sleep.
30:24You can't sleep?
30:37You can't sleep.
30:41I can talk to you.
30:54I have nothing to say.
30:59Go to sleep.
31:06I'm a little sleepy.
31:34I have mosquitos.
31:39It's time to sleep.
31:40You can sleep.
31:59I wish I could live like this forever.
32:20It's been so long.
32:22Why is there no trace of her?
32:47Your Majesty,
32:48I just made this tea.
32:50Please try it.
32:52Thank you, Your Majesty.
33:01Sit down.
33:04Let me see.
33:09The scald you got that day
33:11didn't leave a scar.
33:13The scald cream Your Majesty gave me
33:15works very well.
33:16Thank you, Your Majesty.
33:20Yan Wei,
33:21are you afraid of me?
33:26Your Majesty is a benevolent king.
33:28You are very kind to me.
33:30I'm not afraid.
33:50I remember you weren't good at this before.
33:59Is the tea I made not good enough?
34:02I'll make another pot.
34:05You did very well.
34:07It's just that I'm not used to it.
34:09I'll make another pot.
34:12You did very well.
34:14It's just that I'm not used to it.
34:16I'll make another pot.
34:18I'm not used to it.
34:23Thank you, Your Majesty.
34:25I still have a lot to learn.
34:29Maybe I was a little scared that day.
34:40Consort Yan,
34:44I don't dare.
34:45I allow you to look.
34:56Young Master?
35:01You became the young master of Xi Yan?
35:07I thank you on behalf of my brother.
35:10I know
35:11my brother relied on you
35:13to become the crown prince of Xi Yan.
35:15It's you who are capable.
35:17I'm just happy to see you succeed.
35:22Consort Yan, you have someone supporting you.
35:24So don't be afraid of me in the future.
35:29I have never been afraid of Your Majesty.
35:35I don't need you to serve me here.
35:38It's late.
35:39You go back to Fanghua Hall to rest first.
35:55Do you feel that
35:57she is becoming more and more like the concubine of Dayan?
36:00Consort Yan is smart.
36:02She learns the rules quickly.
36:04Today, I heard the Noble Consort complimenting her.
36:08Complimenting her for being sensible and courteous.
36:12I just don't want to see her
36:15become so sensible.
36:19Send a congratulatory letter to Young Master Xi Yan.
36:22He really
36:24didn't disappoint me.
36:45Young Master, you are the reincarnation of the Sun and Moon Wheel.
36:48Then you should be the reincarnation of the Moon and Kunlun Wheel.
36:52The combination of the Sun and Moon and Kunlun Wheel
36:54harmonizes the Yin and Yang.
36:56It will definitely make Xi Yan a prosperous country.
37:02As long as the Sun and Moon and Kunlun Wheel are combined,
37:04you will definitely live a long life.
37:08Heaven has given you a lifetime.
37:10Earth has given you six lives.
37:12The combination of the Sun and Moon and Kunlun Wheel
37:14will definitely make you a prosperous country.
37:16It will definitely be your destiny.
37:18Please, the Heavenly God,
37:20help me find the Moon and Kunlun Wheel.
37:23How is it?
37:27I found it.
37:28Your Majesty, I found it.
37:30The reincarnation of the Moon and Kunlun Wheel
37:32is in the Yan Dynasty, Zhaojing.
37:39Shao Jingfei is from the Yan Dynasty?
37:43the Sun and Moon and Kunlun Wheel
37:45are the left and right gods of Xi Yan.
37:47Since the Goddess is the Moon and Kunlun Wheel,
37:49she must be from Xi Yan.
37:51She must be temporarily living in the Yan Dynasty.
37:57Young Master, you are right.
38:00Send someone to find the Goddess
38:02and bring her back to Xi Yan.
38:08I have stayed in the Yan Dynasty for several years.
38:10I know Zhaojing very well.
38:14I will find the Goddess
38:16and bring her back to Xi Yan.
38:20You are the Young Master.
38:22Why do you go to the Yan Dynasty?
38:24This is confidential.
38:26Don't tell anyone.
38:28Father, what a coincidence.
38:32This is the congratulatory letter
38:34from the Goddess.
38:36She invited me to discuss the border trade.
38:38Isn't this a good chance
38:40for the Goddess to send it to me?
38:44God bless Xi Yan.
39:02You will be the one
39:04to carry out the task
39:06of bringing the Goddess back to Xi Yan.
39:08Yes, Father.
39:24Young Master, you are wise.
39:26How do you know
39:28His Majesty will believe
39:30the legend of reincarnation?
39:32Everyone stands at the peak of power.
39:34Who doesn't want to live a long life?
39:38But Your Highness
39:40doesn't believe in the legend of long life.
39:44Long life?
39:46What's wrong with long life?
39:48Long life
39:50means there will be no regret
39:52and no desire to
39:54fight against the enemy.
39:56Even if the world is full of troubles
39:58but the love is deep.
40:00How beautiful it is!
40:06my young princess,
40:08wait for me to come back.
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