• 3 hours ago


00:25Oh, hey.
00:26Morning, Roy. I don't suppose any keys have been handed in.
00:30There's, like, a key ring with a love heart and an S on it.
00:33Ah, sorry, no.
00:35What's the S stand for, Sarah?
00:38I'll just get an Americano to go, please.
00:40Certainly. How is Bethany? Recovering well, I hope?
00:43Yeah, she's coming home today. I'm picking her up in a bit.
00:46Oh, that is good news. Give her my best.
00:50Er, have you had any more thoughts about the money?
00:54Well, yeah, I'm pretty sure it's Jesse,
00:56but there's no way I'm gonna be able to prove it.
00:59Yeah, true. Plus, you've got more important things to think about.
01:02Yeah, Bethany's gonna need a lot of support.
01:06Aw, thank you very much.
01:08I'll get that. Aw!
01:10My treat. Cheers.
01:12See you later.
01:19Hiya. Come to escort me off the premises?
01:23Er, no, no, come to do the donkey work if that's not too macho.
01:27Oh, no, go for it. You don't have a dog about yourself, do you?
01:29I can carry things for you. I'm a lot stronger than I look.
01:33Listen to Iron Man over there. You've got a dodgy hand, matey.
01:36You just need to take it easy.
01:37Right, Nick, I've got a few things that I need you to say,
01:40whether they're gonna stay here or come with me.
01:43Ooh, you.
01:46Ah, me.
01:49All right, you take the lid, I'll have the pan.
01:52I'm only joking.
01:54You can have that, I'll have the slow cooker.
01:56Hold on, you took the air fryer yesterday.
01:58Slow cooker today? I'm gonna be left with these sandwiches.
02:06Right, well, I, er, will go and pack up all my clothes now.
02:16It was Friedrich Nietzsche who said that in your dying,
02:21your spirit and virtue should still glow like a sunset around the earth,
02:27or else your dying will turn out badly.
02:30And I think we can agree that Joel's demise has turned out badly.
02:35Yeah, I'm glad to see the back of him.
02:36Hey, morning, Roy. Morning.
02:38Er, can I, er, have a coffee, please?
02:46I was half expecting a loud knock on the door this morning.
02:50Thought you'd called the police on me.
02:52Yeah, well, would you blame me?
02:53I mean, you and Dad have put me in an impossible position.
02:56If you were smart, you'd hand yourself in.
02:58This is not over, all right?
03:00The police are gonna keep on investigating,
03:02and it's only a matter of time before you're in the frame.
03:04Well, they can't prove anything, so what are they gonna do?
03:08What, do you think they're stupid?
03:10For goodness' sake, can you keep your voices down?
03:14We've already told DC Green that we were at home all night.
03:18It's too late to start backtracking now.
03:21How far will you agree to put all this to bed?
03:23Look, right, they'll talk to Joel's neighbours.
03:26They'll check the CCTV.
03:28This is a murder inquiry.
03:30Do you...
03:32You know what? Forget it.
03:34Michael, wait.
03:36Er, er...
03:39It's not touched his sandwich.
03:40Oh, er, he just had somewhere he had to be.
03:44I could have wrapped it in greaseproof paper.
03:46Oh, no worries. I'll soon see it off.
03:51I'm not joking, Grant.
03:52Sarah saw Jesse and his ex on Victoria Street.
03:55Doing what, may I ask?
03:58Hmm? Hugging.
04:00Oh. Little hug. Yeah.
04:02And she had no idea that he's now going out with me mum.
04:05You believe that?
04:06Oh, well, he's such a fool.
04:08Oh, at least he's got rid of his cowboy outfit to the mothballs.
04:12That's a starter.
04:13Mum won't have a bad word said about him.
04:15What is it she says, er...
04:17I think it's remarkable that they both remain so civil.
04:20It's like doing me a favour.
04:22My daughter can be as thick as a plank when she wants to be.
04:26I mean, you'd thought she'd learnt her lesson by now, though.
04:29Do you know, all the women in this family
04:32are absolute disaster when it comes to men.
04:34Well, she blames you for that.
04:36Flighty piece.
04:39Well, yes, I was a bit of a goer in my youth,
04:41but then when I met my Alfie,
04:44oh, bless him, my whole life changed.
04:47And, please remember, Lady Mayres.
04:52Like wherever a lot, I forget.
04:54But at least I learn from my mistakes.
04:57Gail doesn't. Oh, and Sarah's even worse.
04:59Oh, well, I mean...
05:01I thought she'd learnt her lesson and settled down.
05:04You know, we've had them, but...
05:06And then she trades him in for a Manchester gangster.
05:08Oh, gangsters, ma, I say.
05:11I mean, I know they're not together now,
05:12unless you know something I don't.
05:14Well, I dread to think who she's going to bring back next.
05:17I mean, and then there's Bethany.
05:19I mean, Daniel.
05:20No, do you know, I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him.
05:24I mean, Mum will do what she wants at the end of the day, but...
05:28I don't know.
05:29I just hope she sees sense before it's too late
05:31and kicks that tweet into touch.
05:33Well, she's always been a fool for love all her life, so...
05:37she's not gonna change now.
05:43Morning. Morning.
05:45Sure set?
05:46Well, I hope so.
05:48I guess it'll take time for her to come to terms with everything.
05:51I'm only sorry that I can't get the time off work.
05:52We're just so short-staffed at the minute.
05:54Oh, it's fine, don't worry.
05:55I'll be around as soon as I can, yeah?
05:56It'll be so good to have her back.
06:02Yo! You all right?
06:04Yeah. Hey, apparently there's this new gaming cafe in town.
06:07Have you friends here? Oh, sorry, mate, can't do today.
06:11Bethany's coming out of hospital, said I'd help out.
06:13Oh, right.
06:15Is she getting used to it, having one of them bags?
06:17Dunno. Not really spoken to about it, to be honest.
06:20If the lads down at the gaming cafe, they'd be glad of one.
06:22Could just sit there and play all day without the need for bog breaks.
06:26Sorry, did you really just say that?
06:28Er, yeah. Sorry. Bit insensitive.
06:30Well, you'd better not say anything like that to Bethany, OK?
06:33I'm sorry. Just medical stuff makes me anxious.
06:36Oh, it's all right. Anyway, see you later.
06:38Yeah. See ya.
06:40Hiya, love.
06:42Look at him go. He'd give Josh Kerr a run for his money.
06:45Josh Kerr? That name rings a bell.
06:47Oh, I used to know his mum back in the day.
06:50Mad for pickled eggs, she was. She couldn't get enough of them.
06:53Right. Well, he's a chumping runner. I don't know about his mum.
06:56So has Max binned you off or something?
06:59Cos it's starting to become a habit.
07:01It's like him and Lauren can't stand me.
07:03And I've gone way overboard on the linked Africa,
07:05so I know it's not my personal hygiene.
07:07Yeah, no, cos I can smell it from here.
07:09It's very... woody.
07:22Now, what is the one word in the English language that I do not like?
07:26Come again? No. Closed.
07:29See? Because closed is the enemy of commerce, my friend.
07:34Sorry, I was just trying to grab ten minutes
07:36to make a start on this deep gleam.
07:38Right, and what if a customer came in and he saw you just elbow-deep in rancid fat?
07:42Do you think that would whet their appetite
07:44or do you think it would kill it stone dead?
07:46I see what you mean.
07:48Bernie's always bragging about a gift of multitasking,
07:51trying to take a leaf out of her book.
07:52It's an optimism I admire.
07:55But, no, the clean has to be done in your own time,
07:57and having said that, it has to be done by Friday at the very latest.
08:00Friday? Dev, come on.
08:03Because we do not want to get caught short with Mr Health and Safety,
08:06and Hewitt, I hear, is doing the rounds.
08:09Right. I'll get it sorted, don't worry.
08:12Dee! I don't know.
08:14You're meeting yourself up way back, as me old granny-ma used to say.
08:19Right, so the shop, it stays open during working hours.
08:22Why? Because the public need their meaty goodness.
08:25What do they need?
08:27Their meaty goodness.
08:33I bought you these.
08:36Oh, you're not allergic, are you?
08:38Er, no.
08:46Sorry, he always used to get me these spectacular bouquets
08:50with exotic flowers.
08:52He always made sure they put carnations in there,
08:55so they represented devotion.
08:57Dee, I'm... I'm dead sorry.
09:00No, don't be.
09:01This guy needs to think of me. Thank you.
09:03Well, it's not much.
09:05You know, I just wanted to say thank you
09:07for your offering taking me and Frankie in.
09:09I'm happy to help.
09:10It means the world to us, you know.
09:12You know, we have somewhere to go once we leave the foster home.
09:16You do know it's not set in stone, though, right, Lauren?
09:19It'd be good to see what the social worker thinks.
09:21Well, you're a successful solicitor.
09:23You're a big shot.
09:24I'm a big shot.
09:25Well, you're a successful solicitor.
09:27You're a big cheese in the community.
09:29They're not going to find a bolt with you, Dee Dee.
09:33So, erm...
09:35when's she popping round for her nosey?
09:37Erm, half twelve, I think she said.
09:41I should, er, tidy up.
09:43Get me some water.
09:45Well, I, erm, I can help you if you want.
09:46I've got a bit of spare time. No.
09:49No, Ta, I'll sort it.
09:52I might try and get some kip as well.
09:54Get my head down for a bit, cos I've not been sleeping great, so...
09:57No wonder why you weren't your usual perky self.
10:02Right, then.
10:04I'll, erm...
10:06I'll get going. I'll see you later.
10:21I'm going to turn that off in a minute. It's doing me head in.
10:24Do you want to see who it is first?
10:25Oh, it's just unknown number.
10:27I keep getting loads of spam calls.
10:28I had a guy yesterday saying,
10:30did I want a conservatory?
10:31I said, well, I live in a flat.
10:33What are you going to do, stick it on the roof?
10:35That's annoying.
10:36Have they said when you need to come back
10:37and get your stitches taken out?
10:39They're dissolvables. They'll just do their own thing.
10:41Ooh! Well, that's good.
10:43The less time they need to spend here, the better.
10:45I mean, obviously, very grateful for what they've done, but...
10:48What's this?
10:52Leaflets, prescriptions,
10:54two-week supply of stoma pouches,
10:56lanolin-free wet wipes, deodorisers.
10:59Oh, that's good.
11:01I just don't think I can do this. It's too much.
11:08Hey. Come on.
11:35Well, if there's any justice,
11:37that Joel will be burning in hell right now.
11:39Yeah, right.
11:42Do you not believe in heaven and hell?
11:43No, I think you, er...
11:45You die, you turn to dust. The end.
11:49Oh, I... Sorry, Gemma, I, erm...
11:51I wasn't...
11:56There you are.
11:57Michael, you have got to stop laying into Uncle Ronnie.
12:00OK, I thought we agreed to put this all behind us.
12:03Yes, I have, but I reckon there's more to it.
12:06You know, with everything that's happened,
12:07you know what gets me the most?
12:10Joel escaped justice.
12:12Everything he did, he just got away with it.
12:15I know.
12:18But, look, let's, er...
12:19Let's move on, all right?
12:21Enough. Let's try and put it all behind us.
12:25Not easy, though, is it?
12:29You know what I feel sorry for the most?
12:32Little Frankie.
12:34I mean, he's got off to such a rough start, all because of Joel.
12:38Imagine having that for a father.
12:40And, again, I know he's got Lauren, and, I mean...
12:44It's tough being a single parent.
12:46I'm lucky. I've got...
12:47I've got all my family around me.
12:50I mean, she would be completely alone and lost without you.
12:55I mean, you're amazing for offering them a good home.
12:58It's great to know you're making a real difference for someone's life.
13:04I've been trying to convince myself that I'll just be able to go home,
13:07back to my normal life.
13:08I wish.
13:10It's just going to take time to adjust.
13:13Yeah, that's what the doctor said.
13:15I know it's going to be, like, the psychological side of things,
13:18as well as the physical.
13:22You do know that we'll all be by your side.
13:24You know that, right?
13:26Yeah. I'm lucky to have you all.
13:28As irritating as you are.
13:31Saw Daniel earlier.
13:33Can't wait to get you home.
13:35Did he say that? Yeah.
13:37He's coming round later.
13:38Can't get rid of him that easy.
13:41You'll be feeling totally overwhelmed.
13:45You'll get there.
13:47It's just a day at a time.
13:51See him again?
13:53No, I'd best leave it. I'm doing a demonstration in five.
13:56I was thinking about bobbing in sometime soon.
13:58I must make an appointment.
14:00I know, it's been a while, actually.
14:01I was beginning to think you were cheating on me with another stylist.
14:03Who's the thought?
14:05Do you give discounts to neighbours?
14:08No, not really.
14:10You'd be lucky if you got an extra custard cream.
14:12Nice one. Not expensive, but...
14:14Hey, tell them about my world-famous head massages.
14:20What about them?
14:21Oh, come on.
14:23Best in all of Weatherfield.
14:25Look at them.
14:26Fingers are like granite.
14:28Getting old nooks and crannies.
14:29That's one way of putting it.
14:31You know, last time he poked so hard,
14:32I thought he'd dislocated my skull.
14:36Hey, Gemma.
14:37When's it all happening?
14:41Getting launched off into space.
14:43It's the final frontier.
14:47I mean, the arrangement's hard, a bit sketchy, to put it mildly.
14:50Bernie's organising it so random, just about covers it.
14:55It's a lost journey, eh?
14:58It's a bit of a shame he won't be able to hear his voice, you know,
15:01and they do send him off during the launch.
15:04Proper mint up here.
15:06I'm well buzzing.
15:08Check out that milky way. I'm mad for it.
15:12You're a good heart, mate, but you're on too long.
15:15I'll see you in a bit, Harkis.
15:17Hey, why don't you go and take five?
15:19I've only just come on shift, I'm fine.
15:22Hey, what do you want?
15:24Oh, do you know, have a yen for a Malibu.
15:27I've not had one of them in yonks.
15:29Er, Ronnie's not in the toilet, is he?
15:31No, it's in him.
15:33Oh, late as usual.
15:35Hey, stick a splash of pineapple juice in there and all, will you, love?
15:39Hey, hey, hey, how are you bearing up?
15:44If you don't mind, I would rather not talk about it.
15:46I don't blame you.
15:48When my dad died, I was in a right mess.
15:50Oh, in my own little world.
15:54I knew I'd be upset, but I just wasn't prepared for that feeling
15:57of overwhelming sadness.
15:59It hit me like a... like a speeding tram, it did.
16:05Oh, sorry, I, er, I didn't mean to...
16:07It's not your fault.
16:09It's... It's very early days.
16:15Hey, er, I'm going to put a kettle on. Do you want tea?
16:18Er, yeah, tie.
16:24My dream wedding.
16:26Yeah, you got me.
16:27Look at me being all stupid and girly, dreaming about my big day.
16:34I had the same dreams too, Leanne.
16:37I mean, who doesn't want their happy ever after?
16:42What were we thinking, though?
16:44Getting engaged.
16:46Our relationship was already done for,
16:48the rod had set in and we hadn't even noticed.
16:52Still, could have been worse.
16:55If we had got married, it would have been a big mistake.
16:58I... I really thought it was me and you for life.
17:02I'm sorry we've ended up here.
17:05Right, er, I need to go to the shop to get some more tape,
17:08so I will chuck this lot in the bin.
17:20Have you seen our Max?
17:21I've been texting him, ringing him, he's been ignoring me.
17:25Oh, right.
17:26I'm meant to be showing him how to do a blunt lob,
17:28got him modelling and everything.
17:30Well, I say model.
17:31Mrs Daniels, wrong side of 90, but she's got naturally thick hair.
17:37What's a blunt lob?
17:40Well, it's a long bob, effectively.
17:42No, it sits below a jawline.
17:44Suit you down to the grounds, it does.
17:46I once had a shaggy mullet.
17:47That poor mess girl nicked my style.
17:49All right.
17:50Have you seen him, then, or not?
17:51And don't lie, cos I'll find out.
17:53He's on a mission of mercy, I'm afraid.
17:55Helping out with Bethany.
17:57Helping out, him?
17:58Helping out, him? That'll be a first.
18:01You sure you've not got your eyes crossed?
18:03Don't think so.
18:05Well, I spot Sarah before.
18:07She said she's not seen Eidner, eh?
18:10Yeah, weird.
18:11All right, well, if you do bump into him,
18:13tell him to book his ideas up,
18:14or else all he'll have in his arsenal is a buzz cut.
18:16All right. Good luck with your lob.
18:21Hi, it's Harry.
18:22Er, mate, I thought you could probably do without me pecking your head.
18:25I've had a chat, as well, with him about just being gentle.
18:28No jumping on you.
18:30Right, shall we get a takeaway?
18:31I think I've probably got a couple of menus in.
18:33Oh, no, don't spend your money.
18:35I'll just have a baked potato or something.
18:37Are you sure? Are you going to be OK with potato?
18:39Can it be a bit heavy?
18:41Well, I'll just have to see how I get on food-wise.
18:43The nutritionist said little and often works best for most people, so...
18:48Oh, wow.
18:49These potatoes have seen better days.
18:51Gosh, not much of a welcome home, is it?
18:54I'm not a chalice to do a shop.
18:55I'll be fine, you know, if you want to go to the shop.
18:58You sure?
18:59Yeah, I'll be happy with the quiet.
19:02OK, OK. I'll go now.
19:06Won't be long. I'll see you in a minute. OK.
19:15Oh, I'm so sorry about the mess.
19:17I was meant to tidy up. I just...
19:20Oh, don't be worried about that. I'm only here for a chat.
19:22Take a seat.
19:31Right. Can I get you a drink of anything?
19:33Oh, never say no to a cup of tea.
19:35Oh, you've not got a peppermint one, have you?
19:38Yeah, somewhere.
19:39Works wonders for my irritable bowel.
19:42Very soothing.
19:44I mean, I've tried everything.
19:45Even tried chamomile tea bags,
19:47but they do make my urine smell a little bit like cat pee.
19:50And my mum raves about this aniseed tisane,
19:52but honestly, the smell of that knocks me sick.
19:55Are you OK?
19:58I'm fine. We're just out of peppermint tea.
20:01So I'll go to the shop, get some more.
20:04Oh, never mind. Builder's is fine.
20:05Oh, won't be long. Don't bother.
20:12I don't want to come across all clingy,
20:14like some insane Victorian lady,
20:16but it's about time me and you had a chat.
20:19Oh, erm...
20:20Hi, Bobby. You all right?
20:23Er, yeah. Lauren just popped round on the off chance.
20:26I was actually going to text you, see if you wanted to hang out.
20:30That's fine.
20:31It's not like we're all joined at the hip, is it?
20:35What I don't get, though, is...
20:37why you felt the need to lie to me?
20:40Well, I've not lied to you. I just...
20:42Well, you did. You said you were your family,
20:44and yet here you are spending time with Lauren.
20:48Thought we were all mates, that's all.
20:50Bobby, we are mates.
20:52You know what he's like.
20:53He can barely get together to organise his sock draft.
20:56Yeah, nah. If you don't want to be friends, that's final.
20:58No, Bobby, you've got it all wrong. It's not like that.
21:01Well, what is it like, then?
21:02Something shady's going on.
21:05What are you not telling me?
21:24Hey, hey. Hey!
21:26Are you...? Are you OK?
22:36It's me. But where are you?
22:39I'm just leaving the shops. Why?
22:40Listen to me, Sarah, you need to be very careful.
22:43You could be in a lot of danger.
22:46I leaned on the lad who helped me stash the money from the heist.
22:48I figured if your Adam didn't take it, then he must have.
22:51It's bad to Harvey.
22:54I'm in. The place is empty.
22:57Yeah, but why would I be in danger?
22:58Cos Harvey knows that his share of the money's out there
23:01and he wants to find... Argh!
23:02OK, then.
23:08Damon? Damon!
23:10We've already got into the flat.
23:11Damon, can you hear me?
23:14Oh! Oh!
23:17Sarah, they're in the flat!
23:19They're already at the flat!
23:26Come on, Bethany, answer the phone.
23:29No, Joy, I couldn't even find a quid behind the sofa.
23:33Harvey, I've trashed the place.
23:36Where do you think you're going?!
23:40Where's the money? I don't know where it is!
23:44I'm calling the police.
23:49Get off!
23:55It was very convincing.
23:57I thought I was going to have the perfect wife and the perfect man.
24:03But he was just deceiving me, hiding who he really was.
24:07Hey, you've got no reason to feel guilty.
24:13Trying to carry on and not crack up.
24:16It's so hard.
24:19Yeah, I know, I know. I know.
24:22I know.
24:32Yes, sorry. I'll be right with you.
24:35It's out, bye.
24:38Who was it?
24:40A social worker.
24:41I just freaked out when we left her in the flat.
24:43We were supposed to be discussing what Lauren and Frankie might need.
24:46Well, I think that's a brilliant idea.
24:48You'll do a great job, but it might not be easy.
24:53It might not be, er, easy.
24:56I know.
24:57I just wanted something positive to focus on, trying to help them,
25:01but there is all this anger still bubbling, Uncle Bonnie.
25:05His stupid note turns up that he probably wrote months ago.
25:07I mean...
25:10I don't know if I can go through with it.
25:12Oh, you must. No, no, no, no, no.
25:14You must. Joel is out of the picture now.
25:17And you're doing this for Lauren and Frankie.
25:22Yeah, you're right.
25:23It's just nerves.
25:26They'll understand.
25:28I mean, if you like, I could, er, come up there with you.
25:33I'll be fine. It's hard.
25:35I've just got to get my head around it all.
25:38I mean, even when we were in court,
25:40I just kept thinking, this can't be real.
25:45It was a nightmare for you.
25:48And then he went on the run that night.
25:50Yeah. We were all pretty, er, hyped up.
25:54Oi! Where have you been?
25:56I've been sat in that pub like piffy on a rock bun.
25:59Billy no mates.
26:00I put my foot in it with Gemma, I said one thing, and she disappeared.
26:03Sorry. I got waylaid.
26:07Are you all right?
26:08Yeah. Sorry for keeping him.
26:10I just, er, found an old note from Joel.
26:13Ooh, I bet that sent shivers. Creepy.
26:17Anyway, best be getting back. So, ta.
26:21Oh, bless her.
26:24She seems right off her centre, poor thing.
26:31Did you get the tea bags?
26:34Er, no. Sorry, they were sold out.
26:37I imagine this is very overwhelming.
26:41I just need a smear. It's been a tough couple of weeks.
26:44Of course. I completely understand.
26:48Are you happy to continue?
26:54Of course this must all be overwhelming for you.
26:58You would be forgiven for not wanting to take on extra responsibilities.
27:03No, I don't... I don't want to sit around moping.
27:06OK? This is a chance to help Lauren turn her life around.
27:10All I would say is, it won't all be plain sailing.
27:13Lauren's likely to have good days and bad days.
27:17On bad days, you'll need to be really strong for her.
27:22I understand.
27:23I understand exactly what I'm letting myself in for.
27:26I've no doubt, but if you've got any issues,
27:30you need to be sure before you set off down this road.
27:35Look, Bobby, we're not hiding anything.
27:38It's like I keep telling you, we're just mates.
27:40I'm just helping out. A mate.
27:41You just need to chill.
27:43I'm not going to chill.
27:44I'm not going to chill.
27:46You said you were with Bethany, and you're here.
27:48Why can't you just be honest?
27:50Look, Max, I want you to tell him.
27:51Tell me what?
27:52We slept together, Bobby.
27:54Yeah, sorry, mate, I...
27:56I know you have feelings for me.
27:59So does he. What's the point?
28:03It was my fault, I guess.
28:04I don't want to know any of the gory details, thanks.
28:06Look, we just didn't want you to get hurt, is all.
28:09Forget this. I'm off. Get the door.
28:14Bobby, don't go.
28:17Come on, please.
28:26Why did you tell him that?
28:30Right, well, there's two of these, too, please.
28:32Duct tape, versatile, many uses.
28:35Yeah, well, in my case, it's for packing up boxes.
28:38Me and Nick are going our separate ways.
28:41Right, well, that would just do the job.
28:43I'm really sorry to hear that.
28:44Yeah, but we grow old together.
28:48Well, speaking as someone who's been living with him
28:51for the past months, it might have its advantages
28:53to not growing old with him.
28:55You might have to put up with him murdering Mr Brightside
28:57in the shower, you know.
28:59Yeah, that is excruciating.
29:02Or him falling asleep in front of the TV, snoring.
29:05Oh, yeah, I'd forgot about that.
29:07Drenching himself in his eau de cologne.
29:10You know what else I hated about him?
29:12I've smug ears.
29:16He does care, you know.
29:19I know you think he doesn't, cos he broke your heart,
29:22but he is hurting and all.
29:26See, us boys, we bottle things up
29:28and then live our lives full of regret.
29:31Yeah, I'm not sure about Hugh Grant over here,
29:34but you were right to break up.
29:37But he's...
29:39He's not doing cartwheels, that's all I'm saying.
29:47Wearing a sensitive loo for once.
29:51Yeah, don't tell anyone.
29:55There you go. Get that down, yeah?
29:59Hey, and there's no need to rush back out there.
30:01We know what you're going through.
30:03I still shouldn't have lost it, though.
30:05I knew I was going to struggle on my first day back here,
30:07but I thought I could handle it.
30:10I just want to get my head down, I want to focus on work.
30:14It's very noble, but is it realistic?
30:18It's the way that everyone just tiptoes around me.
30:21They're just trying to be sensitive.
30:23Yeah, and everywhere I look, it reminds me of pub.
30:27Like, the pub, it should be sat there, but it's not.
30:30I think you should take some more time off.
30:33I'd sit at home.
30:35Oh, I didn't say that, but...
30:37I've got a mate who owns a lovely cottage near Coniston Water.
30:41Good for him, but that costs a bomb.
30:43Well, not to me.
30:45You could take Bernie and the quads.
30:49Thanks, but I can't afford time off.
30:52The worst part was when I tried to escape
30:54and I just ran straight into him.
30:56And he shouted, where's the money?
30:57I thought he was going to kill me. Thank God you came back.
31:00So he just let himself in?
31:02Do you know the other day when that guy banged into me,
31:04sent my bag flying? He must have nicked them then.
31:06He wasn't just out to get anything, either.
31:08He was looking for money.
31:09Why would he think that we had money?
31:12He was on the phone to somebody, Harvey.
31:14We're OK now. We're safe.
31:17What are you doing? I'm going to call the police.
31:19No. No, we can't do that.
31:22What are you saying, Mum?
31:35What possible reason is there not to go to the police?
31:37Because if we do, we might put ourselves in more danger.
31:41Has this got something to do with your gangster boyfriend?
31:43He's not my boyfriend.
31:44Only because he's banged up.
31:46So the intruder was on the phone to somebody called Harvey,
31:48that's Gaskell, isn't it?
31:49So Damon has defo got something to do with it.
31:51Harvey found out that Damon's diddled him out of some money.
31:54He's sent somebody round to try and find it.
31:56Please do not tell me that you're hiding it for him.
31:59Of course I'm not. I don't know where it is.
32:01What the hell are you getting me into here?
32:03No, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
32:04And, yes, you could disown me, but Damon is looking out for us.
32:08Oh, yeah, not very well.
32:12That might be Daniel. I texted him.
32:25Oh, my God.
32:28The state of this place.
32:31Is this about the money?
32:33Harvey sent someone round to find it.
32:35Why did they think it was here?
32:37Why does everybody know about it?
32:38Because it's been dragging on for weeks.
32:40And I'm the last person to know,
32:41even though I was stuck in the flat with him.
32:43Hey, don't you worry. I'm never leaving your side ever again.
32:46Good. Yeah. You stay here.
32:48I need to go and get Harry, take him round to David's,
32:50and I'll sort a locksmith.
32:52I'll be back soon.
32:54Oh, yeah.
32:58Oh, thanks, Roy.
33:00You all right?
33:02Well, then again, it never is where my love life's concerned.
33:05I'm come for eating.
33:07Oh, well, erm...
33:08How's Lauren and Frankie?
33:11You'd be better off asking this fella.
33:12He's the stepdad.
33:14Yeah, fine.
33:15I'm going to go and get them.
33:17I'll be back soon.
33:18I'll be back soon.
33:19I'll be back soon.
33:20I'll be back soon.
33:22Yeah, fine.
33:23I think Dee Dee's actually speaking to a social worker today
33:26to see about them moving in after they leave the foster home, so...
33:30It'll be a very sensible move.
33:33Right. Mind if I sit down?
33:36I suppose so.
33:39Bobby, I really don't want to fall out with you.
33:41And it's not like we're going out, is it?
33:43It's just more of a one-time thing.
33:45Pull the other one. You're besotted. Why lie?
33:47No, I'm not besotted.
33:49And also, Lauren's not really in the right place
33:52for a relationship right now, is she?
33:53She's really into you.
33:55Yeah, well, our friendship is more important, isn't it?
33:58I just wish you'd told me earlier.
34:01You know how I feel about her.
34:03I just hope we can all still get on.
34:05Yeah? Yeah.
34:07What I'm saying is, you should go for it.
34:10Do it all back on my account.
34:12What, really? Yeah.
34:15Are you glad to finally be home?
34:17Despite the psycho in your living room, obviously.
34:19Yeah. Well, Turkey was a total nightmare,
34:21and then to come back to all of this...
34:23It's a lot, isn't it?
34:35It's awful what's happened to you.
34:38And it'll take time to get used to the stress.
34:41And it'll take time to get used to the stoma, but you will.
34:46And it makes absolutely no difference to how I feel.
34:50Sorry, you probably don't want to talk about this right now.
34:53No, no, it's fine. I just want everywhere to be straight again.
35:03Thank you for having Harry for me.
35:06It's all right, I'm just playing on the computer.
35:08Something happened.
35:09Harvey knows the money's gone.
35:11What? No way. He's already sent somebody round to break into the flat.
35:14I get a call from Damon trying to warn me.
35:16Next thing, I can hear somebody in his cell.
35:18His line goes dead. I don't even know if he's all right.
35:20I mean, they're capable of anything. Hang on, is this today?
35:22Yes, just now. I get back to the flat, there's a guy in there with Bethany.
35:26He runs off when I disturb them, but I'm so scared.
35:28I mean, Harvey, he'll do anything.
35:30And what if it was Jesse?
35:32Do I tell him all this and just see how he reacts?
35:34Sorry, hang on.
35:35I think this might be Damon.
35:42Who was it? What did they say?
35:44I don't know.
35:45He said they want the money back.
35:48Damon won't be able to warn me next time.
35:54What are we going to do?
35:58Anything we can to keep our family safe.
36:04Are you all right?
36:06Just my car keys.
36:07I'll be all right.
36:09Just my car keys.
36:11I'll run and get the quads.
36:12And I've got to go back in later and do this deep clean.
36:18What's up?
36:21I wanted to go back to work, I felt ready, but then I just...
36:25I'm knocked sideways by what happened.
36:28I'm trying to look at these and hold on to happier times,
36:31but I still feel down.
36:33Come on.
36:34You know, Kit's offered me, Mum and the quads a week in the lakes.
36:38His mate's got this place.
36:40It's on Coniston Water.
36:45Situated at the foot of Cumbria's most popular hill,
36:48the Old Man o' Coniston.
36:52Sounds nice.
36:54I feel like the old man of Witherfield after the day I had.
36:59You need this.
37:03I need to work.
37:04We need the money.
37:06For now, at least.
37:08I can work.
37:09I'll drop Joseph off at the airport for his ski trip.
37:11Everything's covered.
37:15I know you think it's too soon, but...
37:18it might do you good, Gem.
37:20Get some fresh air, change the scenery.
37:24But he's proper nice, Kit.
37:25I don't want to offend him.
37:35Oh, no glory.
37:37I've got far-marched furs and slacks in for her.
37:40Well, extra anti-points for you,
37:41but no, she's on a play date with one of her mates.
37:44Right, well, can I get you anything?
37:46No, I'm good.
37:47I just came to see how the meeting went.
37:49Er, yeah.
37:51Yeah, good, I think.
37:52Good, well, I think you'll be amazing for Frankie and Lauren.
37:55I mean, you're going to be rushed off your feet,
37:57but, look, we can pitch in and social services will support you.
38:01You've always been the most caring member of the family.
38:04You make me sound like a saint, which we all know I'm not.
38:08And besides, I might screw it all up, yeah.
38:12You know, Lauren needs proper support,
38:15not just some do-gooder.
38:17You getting cold feet?
38:20I want to help them.
38:22Look, there's no shame in changing your mind.
38:27I can't, Michael.
38:29What do you mean? Look, no-one's going to judge you
38:31if you decide to take on less.
38:34I'm sure Lauren will understand.
38:40I won't be fining you for this.
38:42It's horrible.
38:43Oh, no.
38:45Oh, I enjoyed the day we got that.
38:47It was Cartmel Antiques Fair, wasn't it?
38:49Yeah, didn't we have a really good sticky toffee pudding?
38:52Oh, yeah.
38:53I could just eat one of them now.
38:56Funny, isn't it?
38:58In the deep of memories, you know, we won't make any more.
39:04When you went for the tape, you were gone ages.
39:07Yeah, I bumped into David.
39:09Oh, right. I'm sure he had something to say, didn't he?
39:12I know you're hurting, Nick.
39:15I'm hurting too.
39:17Yeah, well, look, if I admit that,
39:20I've got to accept what mess I made of everything.
39:24You know, every cup, plate...
39:28..tea towns.
39:31It's all weighed down with memories, isn't it?
39:35Well, then, I think we should just acknowledge
39:38that we were the real deal.
39:40And we did love each other.
39:43Yeah, we did.
39:46You know, and for the record...
39:49..I'm sorry.
39:52I had it all and I blew it.
39:55I think we both blew it.
39:58Look, um...
40:01..I'll always love you.
40:03And cherish the time that we had together.
40:08Yeah, me too.
40:12Right, then, I should probably get all this stuff to my new place.
40:14Are you still OK to help?
40:15Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, you've got me all afternoon.
40:20How are you? How are you doing?
40:26Oh, Frankie, look who it is.
40:29It's Dee Dee.
40:31Yeah, when we leave the foster home, we're going to go live with her.
40:37Look, Lauren, how did the meeting go?
40:39Look, I know your place is going to be fantastic,
40:41it's just what we need, and I haven't got a lot of people
40:43that I feel safe with, so...
40:45..this is the perfect solution.
40:48I'm really sorry.
40:53What, they turned you down?
40:56On what grounds?
40:57What, some stupid technicality?
40:59I mean, you said it yourself, you said that it wasn't a proper meeting,
41:02so how can they turn it down when it's what we all want?
41:04And I don't want to live with anybody else,
41:06I don't want to live anywhere else.
41:08Dee Dee, you're a liar, can you not just talk to them...
41:10It wasn't their decision, it was mine.
41:13I should have never have offered to take you in.
41:17And I can't do this.
41:20I'm sorry.
41:32Oh, wow, that's so much better, thank you.
41:35It's not a problem. Can I have a word?
41:39So, I've been thinking about tonight,
41:42and I reckon that the two of you should stay at mine.
41:47You're clearly not safe here.
41:49Adam's there, I don't think so.
41:51I want to stay with Mum.
41:53All right, then, I'll stay here.
41:55Shouldn't you get back to Bertie?
41:58I don't want to leave you.
42:01Yeah, we'll be fine, honestly.
42:03The locksmith will be here soon, anyway.
42:04I'll just see you tomorrow.
42:09OK, I'll see you later, then.
42:10If you need anything, call me.
42:15Love you. Love you.
42:18See you. See you later.
42:24Was I rude, then?
42:26No. Well, yeah, a little bit.
42:29I just don't feel ready to share a bed with him again.
42:32It's Daniel. He'll be patient and supportive.
42:35I want something to take my mind off it.
42:36Shall we watch a box set?
42:38Yeah, OK. I'll make us some tea.
42:41Look, I am very sorry for roping you into all this.
42:46It's not your fault.
42:48I would understand if you didn't.
42:51I just wonder where this money is, though.
42:53Somebody must have it.
43:02Look, what are you rummaging in there for?
43:04Spare helmet.
43:06What do you want a helmet for?
43:08What are you doing with Harry?
43:10I've got it. See you.
43:12Right, just... just stay out of here, yeah?
43:15I'm not going anywhere.
43:17I'm not going anywhere.
43:19Right, just... just stay out of here, yeah?
43:49Oh, God.
44:19Oh, God.