• 9 hours ago
00:00I'd like to call Kaia Hayes to the stand.
00:11I tried to protect Perry as much as I could.
00:15So why did you leave?
00:16Carl said that he'd kill Perry if I didn't.
00:21We find Perry Hayes not guilty by reason of self-defense.
00:24I hope one day you can understand and forgive me.
00:29You abandoned me.
00:30I don't want anything to do with you.
00:32She knew exactly what Dad was like.
00:34She still left me with him.
00:36What's wrong?
00:37We shouldn't be doing this.
00:40I don't care.
00:42Who is that?
00:43He has been working with Abby.
00:45What do you mean with Abby?
00:46He's her counselor.
00:47You guys ganked up on me and then I got blamed?
00:50Oh, the good old J.
00:52Come on, it's not so bad now, is it?
00:56No, it's not.
00:57Oh, wait, hang on a sec.
01:00I wrote you a letter.
01:01Tim's idea.
01:02Should I read it now?
01:04Just wait till you get home.
01:05I can't tell if it's good or bad.
01:08I need to tell you something.
01:09What is it?
01:10I slept with Tim.
01:11Hey, wasn't it my turn to show up?
01:24No, boy, I drank mine.
01:25I'm worried about Perry.
01:26Yeah, well, cheers.
01:29So no braid tonight?
01:30No, she's gone away for a few days.
01:31Oh, yeah?
01:32What's she up to?
01:33Visiting family.
01:34Thanks for suggesting a look.
01:35I needed to clean my head.
01:36Oh, just one sec.
01:37What happened?
01:38Not guilty.
01:39He must be stoked.
01:40It was a big day for him, that's for sure.
01:41Who's that?
01:42Maybe Perry can fill you in.
01:43No, I'm not going to.
01:44I'm not going to.
01:45I'm not going to.
01:46I'm not going to.
01:47I'm not going to.
01:48I'm not going to.
01:49I'm not going to.
01:50I'm not going to.
01:51I'm not going to.
01:52I'm not going to.
01:53I'm not going to.
01:54I'm not going to.
01:55I'm not going to.
01:58I should.
01:59Yes, no.
02:00Go, go.
02:06That's Theo.
02:07I'm made of Perry's.
02:09He's made a good life for himself here, eh?
02:14So, Tani.
02:16He's a good man?
02:17There's nothing he wouldn't do for Perry.
02:20I just, I hope we can convince him to give me another chance then.
02:25Hey, who's that?
02:30She's had salt with your mum.
02:31I meant what I said.
02:32I don't want anything to do with her.
02:34Maybe just take some time before you...
02:37I don't need time.
02:38She had years to come back.
02:40Like she said, she was scared.
02:41I don't care if she was scared.
02:43What kind of mother leaves their child behind, huh?
02:45I don't know, Perry.
02:46I don't know.
02:47I don't have those answers, okay?
02:49But this is an opportunity.
02:50It's an opportunity.
02:51I don't know.
02:52I don't have those answers, okay?
02:54But this is an opportunity for you to get those answers.
03:03Who I choose to sleep with has nothing to do with Abby.
03:06You must feel so guilty.
03:08Is that why you told me?
03:09I cannot believe that you would do something so selfish.
03:13You know what?
03:14Just go, Levi.
03:15Just go.
03:16He's Abby's counsellor.
03:17A guy you've known for five minutes.
03:18Okay, remind me.
03:19How did you and Mackenzie...
03:20Put this back on me.
03:21Why not?
03:22She was your patient.
03:23Anyway, Tim is not my counsellor.
03:24He's my sister's.
03:25That doesn't make it right.
03:26You saw her today, okay?
03:28She's doing really great.
03:29She's made progress.
03:30And she's still so fragile.
03:31You know that.
03:32I am just trying to move on.
03:34It didn't have to be with Tim.
03:35It could have been anybody else.
03:36I like him.
03:43You're going to get caught sooner or later.
03:45I did.
03:51Why don't we call it a night?
03:53Five more minutes, please.
04:00You've still got it all to look forward to.
04:03The day you hold your baby in your arms for the first time.
04:07The laugh you feel is indescribable.
04:15I'm sorry.
04:16It's okay.
04:17It's okay.
04:18It's okay.
04:20Is Perry okay?
04:22Not really, to be honest.
04:24Where is he?
04:25He's at home.
04:26He doesn't want to see me?
04:28Well, you did drop a pretty big bomb on him.
04:30I don't think he can handle anything else tonight.
04:34That's understandable.
04:36I don't blame him.
04:38He'd hate me too.
04:44I'm going to head to the motel.
04:49Oh, I do, I mean.
04:55Bit of a mess, hey?
04:58There's no water to save on.
05:01Oh, finally.
05:05I thought you were just going to drop Eden home.
05:07Yeah, I just stayed there for a bit.
05:10Well, did she read my letter?
05:16Hey, where's Mac, by the way?
05:17She's in the shower.
05:18What did Eden say?
05:20She was moved.
05:24That's it?
05:25I poured my heart out into that letter.
05:27It was a lot, Abby.
05:28She just needs some time.
05:30Yeah, I guess that's fair.
05:33I can tell you what I thought of it.
05:36You read it?
05:38It was a really big step for you.
05:41Go on.
05:42Say it.
05:43You're proud of me.
05:44I am.
05:45Are you proud enough to lend me your keys?
05:47You're not going to go see Eden, are you?
05:49No, I just, I want to go take a drive and clear my head.
05:52All right, well, why don't you let me check in with Mac and I'll come with you?
05:55No, I'm fine.
05:56You sure?
05:57Yes, I'm sure.
06:02Tim's really helping you, isn't he?
06:04Yeah, he is.
06:08Keys, please.
06:27Hey, sorry.
06:28I'm just messaging Perry.
06:29I'm real happy for him.
06:31That's great.
06:32Too bad you lost.
06:33Yeah, best out of three.
06:34Rock them up.
06:36Oh, at ease, Rummy.
06:38You're off my hit list.
06:39Ah, since when?
06:41Well, since I realised you're not the one I'm actually mad at.
06:43Are you apologising?
06:45Just take the win.
06:47Okay, I will.
06:49Well, you can thank my counsellor, actually.
06:53You know what?
06:54I might leave it to it.
06:55Hey, what happened to best out of three?
06:57I'm quitting while I'm ahead.
07:00You need an opponent and I need a distraction.
07:03So we're mates now, are we?
07:05Well, unless you want to hold a grudge.
07:07Well, it depends.
07:09You any good?
07:11Well, you're honest.
07:12I like that.
07:15Are you hustling me?
07:17Well, would I admit it if I was?
07:22Well, I don't think so.
07:30Guess what just happened to me?
07:31Oh, just say it.
07:33Your sister apologised to me.
07:35Ooh, snap.
07:37I got mine in writing.
07:40Looks like this counsellor's really getting through to her.
07:43Okay, don't even bother.
07:44Levi's already had a go at me.
07:46Oh, so Levi knows?
07:47Yep, I told him and I'm already regretting that.
07:50I know.
07:51You warned me that this was going to blow up in my face.
07:54Look, Aiden, we've all slept with people that we shouldn't have.
07:59And I get that this whole Cash thing is doing your head in.
08:02Why would you bring Cash into this?
08:04Not everything is about him.
08:06He's in the past.
08:07End of story.
08:10If that's the case, just explain this Tim thing to me.
08:14Can we just leave it, please?
08:34Can you come over?
08:51Aiden, you've got a visitor.
08:54Hi, Remy.
08:55Be inside if you need anything.
08:57Doubtful, but thank you.
09:02It's good to see you.
09:06You're going to make this easier if you're not being so nice.
09:09You don't want to see me again.
09:11No, I do.
09:13I really like you.
09:17But Abigail...
09:20Yeah, I'm worried about her, too.
09:24She, um...
09:26She wrote this letter.
09:27She said it was your idea to write it.
09:29I don't know what's in it, but, yeah, I think it helped.
09:32I hope there's nothing too confronting in there.
09:35No, no.
09:36It was really honest.
09:38She actually said some really lovely things.
09:41You've been really great for her.
09:43Well, I'm glad things are working out between you two.
09:46And you and I could undo it all.
09:48♪ Feet
09:52♪ Black sleep
09:54♪ Invisible claws And invisible strings
09:58♪ Pulling me back to the family tree
10:01♪ I gotta move fast To get the rise on me
10:07♪ Black sleep
10:10Did you get much sleep?
10:14I heard you going out.
10:17Guessing it had something to do with my mum.
10:20Yeah, I met up with her in Harper.
10:23You know, I think she just wants a chance to explain.
10:25Maybe it'll help you.
10:26Nah, it'd just be more excuses, man.
10:29I don't get it.
10:30She stood there and she said that she loved me.
10:33That she didn't want to leave.
10:35But, that's exactly what she did. She left.
10:38I'm not excusing it.
10:39Even if I could accept her reasons for leaving, why didn't she come back?
10:44These are all good questions, mate.
10:47There's only one person who can answer them.
11:05Got some brekkie?
11:07I won't say no.
11:08I won't say no.
11:11So how'd things go with Tim last night?
11:15Don't say a word.
11:21Are you keen to stay for some brekkie?
11:23Ah, yeah, sure.
11:24Right, I'll leave you to it.
11:26Oh, well don't leave on my account.
11:28No, throws a crowd.
11:32I'm going to take a wild guess and say he knows I'm Abigail's counsellor.
11:35Yes, he does.
11:39So, we still need to decide the best way to tell Abby.
11:43Yeah, I've been thinking about that.
11:44And, do you mind if we hold off for a bit?
11:48I think we should probably be up front.
11:50Me, especially.
11:51Yeah, no, I know.
11:52But I still haven't spoken to her about her letter.
11:54And I just, I don't want this to overshadow that.
11:57Okay, yeah.
11:58No, sooner or later we do have to deal with this.
12:01Yeah, we will.
12:04I still haven't heard from Eden.
12:05You know what, maybe I should just call her.
12:07No, don't do that.
12:08Well, how long could she possibly need?
12:09I don't know.
12:10Okay, well at what point do I start to worry then?
12:12It feels like you got to that point ten minutes ago.
12:17Is everything okay?
12:18Yeah, I just need to go sort something out.
12:20Fine, you go.
12:21Still owe me breakfast.
12:22Just tell Mac to put it on my tab.
12:27How's it going?
12:29Well, my sister won't call me back and my brother just ditched me, so you know.
12:34It's no wonder I need counselling.
12:38You know you really shouldn't judge someone if you don't know the full story.
12:41No, no, no, I wasn't judging.
12:42I go to counselling too.
12:46I mean, we've all got stuff to deal with, right?
12:53What you doing with that?
12:57I figured mum could have this stuff.
12:58Are you sure?
13:00Nah, I don't want it.
13:12Hey, come in.
13:17Want a cup of tea?
13:22Thanks for agreeing to see me.
13:27You still got it.
13:28I got it.
13:32You know, I gave this to you on your second birthday.
13:38You loved it.
13:40Went everywhere with you.
13:42Even to bed.
13:45We lost it in the park once.
13:46You cried all night.
13:48So I went back to the park with my torch and tried to find it.
13:53I remember that.
13:56You do?
14:15You know, even after I left, I came back a couple of times to watch you play basketball.
14:24You looked happy.
14:28I thought you were okay.
14:59I'm really trying not to obsess over it.
15:02But why do you think Eden needs so much time to think about my letter?
15:05Maybe it just means she's taking it seriously.
15:10Beats a generic thumbs up response, I guess.
15:17You know I'm not paying you for this, right?
15:20The advice or the labour?
15:23The advice or the labour?
15:27Yeah, well maybe I'm just in it for the company.
15:35Eden said you come down pretty hard on her.
15:38Yeah, well I just hope I got through to her.
15:41That's why we're here, mate.
15:42I don't think you did.
15:44Why do you say that?
15:45Tim coming out of her room this morning.
15:48Now, I agree Eden has made some spectacularly bad decisions lately.
15:52But she's also been through a lot.
15:54So is she, but she's trying to improve things, not burn them to the ground.
15:57Yeah, hang on, there's more to this.
15:58There's something else you should know about this one.
16:02Eden looks happy.
16:03The happiest I've seen her in a long time.
16:06I hate to tell you this, mate, but she likes him.
16:09She's not just going to walk away from him.
16:14You know, you make it sound like we're doing something wrong.
16:18But are we?
16:20Well, not technically, I guess.
16:23Is it unethical?
16:26Is it illegal?
16:28I mean, you're not my client.
16:30Yeah, but my sister is.
16:35And that definitely does put us in a grey area.
16:39Okay, so we've got to get going.
16:40Grey area.
16:42Okay, so we can see the line.
16:45We're not technically crossing it.
16:47And, you know, you're not after me for my money because I don't have any, so.
16:51Yeah, that's right.
16:53We're just two adults enjoying each other's company.
16:57You make it sound so romantic.
16:59I can do romance, if that's what you want.
17:02No, no, I don't.
17:03I've done that and it didn't get me anywhere, so.
17:08So where is it you want to be?
17:11I'm happy right here.
17:13Yeah, so am I.
17:16But I do think we still need to set some boundaries.
17:20Like, when we're together, we just don't talk about Abigail.
17:24And you don't talk about me with her either.
17:26Yeah, I agree.
17:30Oh, it's your brother.
17:32Yeah, don't answer that.
17:33Why not?
17:34He's not a massive fan of this, so.
17:36Well, then I definitely need to talk to him.
17:44Yeah, no, I'm aware.
17:46Look, no, you're right.
17:49I definitely do need to talk to you, but not over the phone.
18:05Do you think I made a mistake pushing Piri to talk to Kai?
18:10Things seem to be going pretty well.
18:14What if they go too well?
18:16Wouldn't that be good?
18:21You would miss him if he left.
18:23Well, I kind of got used to having him around, you know.
18:28But however this turns out, I just hope, I hope she doesn't mess him up again.
18:33I know Kai was abusive, but I still can't get my head around how she can walk away from her son.
18:39I could never do that.
18:41We might not understand the choices she made, but that's because we're lucky enough to have never walked in her shoes.
18:50Kai is as much a victim in all of this as Piri is.
19:03I started to realise there was no way that I could be that close and not have you in my life.
19:10That's when you decided to go to New Zealand?
19:12Yeah, I thought you were happy and safe.
19:15Obviously, I was wrong.
19:18I guess I just wanted so badly to believe that I had made the right choice.
19:24Do you want to know what happened the day you disappeared?
19:26Do you want to know what happened the day you disappeared?
19:32I came home from school.
19:34Dad was sitting on the couch watching TV.
19:37And I asked him, when would mum be home?
19:39And he just shrugged, said you wouldn't be.
19:43You were dead.
19:46I didn't know that was going to happen.
19:48And he just looked at me and said, car accident.
19:52And turned the volume up on the TV.
19:53And turned the volume up on the TV.
19:55I'm sorry he put you through that.
19:58And I sat in your room.
20:02While I was crying.
20:05He didn't like that.
20:07He said that you weren't worth it.
20:10And that I was weak.
20:12I'm so sorry.
20:14I thought I was doing the right thing for you.
20:16All I've heard from you is how hard it was for you to leave.
20:22I can promise you that it was so much harder to stay.
20:27Go to hell.
20:30Go to hell.
20:52I'm going to need an explanation.
20:56Because you've had my letter for ages and I'm really offended.
20:58You are really important to me, Abby.
21:00And you always will be.
21:04Who's that?
21:06Blake and Wade?
21:08What you're doing is wrong and you know it.
21:10I'm entitled to a private life.
21:12You could have done that with anybody else that isn't Abby's sister.
21:14Hey, what are you doing here?
21:16Come join us.
21:18Whoa, what happened to you?
21:19Yeah, it's a long story.