• 18 hours ago
Little Men 23 min _ Classic Story in English _ Stories for Kids _ The sequel to the Little Women
00:00Little men. Chapter 1. A new boy arrives.
00:14Hello. My name is Joe Bauer,
00:17but readers of Little Women may remember me as Joe March.
00:22Yes, I married Professor Fritz Bauer.
00:27Yes, I married Professor Fritz Bauer,
00:30and we operate a school called Plumfield.
00:34It's a few miles outside the town where I lived with my sisters Meg, Beth, and Amy.
00:41Poor Beth passed away,
00:43but my other sisters are married and leading happy lives.
00:48My younger sister Amy is an artist and married to Theodore Lawrence.
00:53We call him Larry because we've known him for years.
00:57When we were growing up, he lived next door to us,
01:00and his tutor John Brooks married my older sister.
01:05Meg and John have ten-year-old twins.
01:09Demi is a Plumfield student,
01:11and Daisy is staying with us because Meg recently had another baby.
01:16But that's enough about the past.
01:19It's time to meet the little men of Plumfield,
01:22and Daisy, too.
01:27One rainy spring Saturday,
01:30a ragged 12-year-old boy arrived at the door of a large, comfortable house.
01:36He gave a timid rap with the brass knocker.
01:41Although he could hear children playing inside,
01:44no one came to the door.
01:47He knocked again, but when no one answered,
01:50he hesitantly pushed open the door.
01:53And what a sight greeted him!
01:56Two boys about his age were playing tag,
01:59while two younger boys chased a yellow puppy and a white one.
02:06Another boy sat quietly reading on the stairs.
02:12Oh, hello!
02:14A dark-haired girl looked up from her doll.
02:17Are you a new boy?
02:19I don't know yet, he said shyly.
02:23My name's Nat Blake,
02:25and I have a letter for Mrs. Bower from Mr. Theodore Lawrence.
02:29He said she'd take care of me.
02:32Wait here, and I'll take Uncle Laurie's letter to Aunt Jo.
02:36I'm Daisy, and that's my brother Demi.
02:40Daisy pointed to the boy reading on the stairs,
02:43oblivious to what was happening around him.
02:46Suddenly, one of the tag players slid down the banister.
02:50Unable to stop, the boy landed with a crash
02:53that would have knocked anyone else unconscious.
02:57Nat forgot his shyness and ran over,
03:00expecting to find the boy half-dead.
03:04However, the boy simply blinked rapidly and looked up at Nat.
03:10Have you come to join us?
03:13Have you come to join us?
03:16I'm Tommy Bangs!
03:18Tommy jumped up as if he'd just remembered his manners.
03:22Come play tag with Jack Ford and me!
03:27I should probably wait to see whether I'm staying.
03:30Nat mumbled, looking around.
03:34He saw a large schoolroom and a cozy parlor.
03:39A dining room had a table set for supper.
03:42As the smell of gingerbread filled the air,
03:46Nat's desire to stay grew.
03:49Daisy returned with the news that Nat was to stay.
03:53She led him to Jo's study.
03:56I'm delighted to see you!
03:59Jo smoothed the hair from Nat's forehead.
04:03I hope you'll be happy here.
04:06Oh my, but your feet are wet!
04:09Jo bustled around and found Nat some slippers.
04:14She smiled at him.
04:16These are too big, but that'll keep you from running away.
04:21I don't want to run away, ma'am.
04:25Nat dissolved in a fit of coughing.
04:29How long have you been sick?
04:31Jo asked, looking concerned.
04:34I caught a cold this winter and never recovered.
04:38Nat said when he could speak again.
04:41Sit by the fire and we'll get some medicine into you.
04:46Nat had just swallowed a spoonful of medicine
04:49when the bell rang for supper.
04:52Jo led him into the dining room,
04:55where he found a cheerful man sitting with six children.
04:59Nat, this is my husband, Professor Bower, Jo said.
05:04And I think you've already met our two sons, Rob and Teddy.
05:10This is Jack, Tommy, Demi and Daisy.
05:14Nat nodded shyly and took the empty seat next to Tommy.
05:21Where did you used to go to school?
05:23Tommy asked.
05:25I didn't.
05:26Nat said, and Tommy's eyes widened in surprise.
05:31I worked on the city streets,
05:33playing the fiddle with my father and a man named Niccolo.
05:37That sounds like fun, Tommy said.
05:41It wasn't. I never had enough to eat.
05:45Nat paused to take a bite of gingerbread.
05:48After my father died and I got sick, Niccolo took away my fiddle.
05:54I bet Mr. Bower will let you play his old fiddle, Tommy said,
05:58making Nat's face brighten with pleasure.
06:01Sure enough, after supper, Jo handed a violin to Nat,
06:06and he began playing softly.
06:09As his confidence grew, the other children stepped closer.
06:14Hey, you're good, Tommy said.
06:18Play something we know, and we'll sing along.
06:22Soon everyone was singing, but as the last notes died away,
06:27Nat began to sob.
06:32Nat, what is it?
06:34Jo asked with alarm.
06:37You're all so kind and...
06:42Nat coughed until he was breathless.
06:45Jo wrapped her arms around him.
06:47You have a father and mother now, and this is your home.
06:52Don't think of those sad times anymore.
06:55Nat gulped and managed a smile.
07:00After a bath, Nat relaxed in front of the fire,
07:03while Jo bathed Teddy and Rob.
07:07When a pillow fight broke out, Jo laughed.
07:10Aren't you going to punish those boys? Nat asked.
07:14Of course not, Jo said,
07:16as Tommy ran into the room and tossed a pillow at her.
07:20She fired it right back at him.
07:23Our boys do whatever they want on Saturdays,
07:26and that includes pillow fights.
07:29What a nice school this is.
07:31Nat sighed.
07:33I'm going to bed.
07:36What a nice school this is.
07:38Nat sighed.
07:40It's an odd one, Jo admitted.
07:44But we don't believe in making children miserable
07:47with too many rules and too much studying.
08:06On Sunday morning, Nat eagerly ran downstairs,
08:11but he started coughing as soon as he greeted Jo.
08:15No church for you today, Jo said with a frown.
08:19You should stay home with my sons and me.
08:24But they're practically babies, and I'm 12 years...
08:29Nat's coughs interrupted his protest.
08:32So Nat spent the morning in Jo's study,
08:35learning a hymn and listening to her read aloud.
08:40Jo showed him her Sunday closet,
08:43which was filled with books, art supplies, and building blocks.
08:48I want everyone to treat Sunday as a day for quiet activities,
08:53she explained.
08:55But you can still learn things on Sundays.
08:58You mean lessons about how to be good?
09:01Jo nodded and reached for a thick book,
09:04filled with handwritten pages.
09:07She flipped to a page with only one word at the top.
09:13That's my name!
09:14He cried, looking both surprised and interested.
09:18Yes, I have a page for each boy.
09:23I keep track of how he behaves during the week.
09:26And show it to him on Sunday night.
09:29If the report is bad, I'm disappointed.
09:32If it's good, I'm proud.
09:34Jo went on.
09:37No matter what, I hope the boys know I want to help them.
09:42I also hope they'll try their best because they love Mr. Bauer and me.
09:48Oh, I'll try to make you proud.
09:51Jo hugged Nat.
09:53I'll be happy if you follow our few rules.
09:56Get along with the other boys and learn something.
10:01After lunch, Jo took her sons and Daisy into town to visit family.
10:07Everyone else went for a long walk,
10:10but Nat wasn't strong enough for that much exercise.
10:15So Tommy offered to show him the gardens and the animals.
10:19First, they strolled into the barn.
10:24We all have pets!
10:25Tommy explained, proudly showing off his guinea pig.
10:30Those white mice are Rob's, and Jimmy keeps turtles over there.
10:40What's in this box?
10:41Nat asked, pointing to a deep box half full of dirt.
10:45That's Jack's worm farm.
10:48He digs up worms and keeps them there until we go fishing so he can sell them to us.
10:53Last time, he charged me too much for some little worms.
10:58But that's Jack. He loves money.
11:02Who owns the puppies I saw in the house?
11:04Nat asked.
11:06The white one is Rob's, and the yellow one is Teddy's.
11:09They like to chase Daisy's cat, Topaz.
11:13Nat looked around the barn at all the animals.
11:17That donkey would be my first choice for a pet, he said,
11:20remembering how far he used to walk with his violin.
11:24Riding a donkey would have saved him lots of time.
11:30Mr. Lawrence gave Toby to Mrs. Bower so she could take care of him.
11:35Mr. Lawrence gave Toby to Mrs. Bower so she and Teddy can ride when we go for walks.
11:42Nat shook his head in amazement.
11:45Where do you get all these animals?
11:49We find them, or buy them, or people give them to us.
11:53My father sent mine.
11:57Here, I'll show you my two chickens.
11:59Nat sighed because he had neither the money to buy a pet, nor a father to buy him one.
12:07He followed Tommy into the hayloft.
12:10I'll tell you what I'll do, Tommy said.
12:14I hate hunting for eggs.
12:17If you gather them, I'll give you one egg from every dozen.
12:22I sell them to Mrs. Bower, and when you've got a dozen,
12:26I sell them to Mrs. Bower, and when you've got a dozen,
12:29she'll pay you, too.
12:32Then I can buy whatever I want,
12:34Nat said, grinning at the prospect.
12:39He quickly found two eggs,
12:41and Tommy generously let him keep one right away.
12:46Then, Tommy wrote,
12:48Tommy bangs in company on the barn wall with a piece of chalk.
12:53You can keep track of your eggs here,
12:55Tommy said, handing Nat the chalk.
13:00After that, the boys went outside,
13:03where Nat met two horses, six cows, one calf, and three pigs.
13:11Tommy and Nat climbed into a willow tree that hung over a brook.
13:18You can see our gardens from here,
13:20Tommy said.
13:22Everybody grows a different type of plant.
13:26Do you think I'll have a garden?
13:27Nat asked eagerly.
13:30Of course you will, said a friendly voice below.
13:34The boys looked down and saw the professor,
13:37who had just returned from his walk.
13:40Nat easily climbed down from the tree,
13:43but Tommy fell into the brook.
13:46Are you okay?
13:47Nat cried.
13:50Tommy climbed out of the water with a rueful grin.
13:55Yeah, that happens all the time, he said,
13:58and hurried to the house to dry off.
14:01How are things going?
14:03The professor asked Nat.
14:06Are you prepared for school tomorrow?
14:10Nat paused.
14:11I'm worried the boys will laugh when they see how little I know.
14:16Ah, but you have the skills and qualities they lack.
14:20You can play the violin, and you want to learn.
14:24Mr. Bower patted Nat's shoulder.
14:27Don't worry.
14:28The boys will help you with your lessons.
14:31And Nat soon found that to be true.
14:35As time passed,
14:36he settled in,
14:37planting beans in his garden,
14:39and earning money by fiddling at neighbors' picnics.
14:46Oh, Fritz,
14:47he reminds me so much of Beth and her music.
14:50Joe whispered one evening,
14:52as she and the professor listened to Nat.
14:57Nat's a good boy,
14:58although he sometimes tells lies.
15:01He's a good boy,
15:02but he's a bad boy.
15:04Although he sometimes tells lies.
15:07Last week he denied stepping on plants in the garden,
15:10even though there were witnesses.
15:13And today he lied to me about studying for a test.
15:17Nat learned from his father
15:19that lying is the best way to avoid punishment,
15:22Joe said.
15:24They're mostly small lies,
15:26the professor went on.
15:29But nevertheless,
15:31I'm afraid they'll get him into trouble one day.
15:54Aunt Joe!
15:55Daisy cried, dashing into Joe's study.
15:58The boys won't let me play football.
16:01They say girls can't play football.
16:06That's ridiculous, Joe retorted,
16:09putting down her pen.
16:11I know girls can play
16:13because I did it when I was young.
16:16Daisy sighed.
16:19I'm tired of doing things by myself.
16:21Will you play with me?
16:25I will later,
16:26but right now I'm getting ready to go into town.
16:29Come with me, and if you want,
16:31you can stay with your mother for a few days.
16:34I'd like to see Mama and baby Josie,
16:37but I don't want to stay with them.
16:40Demi would miss me and I love being here.
16:44All right,
16:45but how will you entertain yourself until I'm ready?
16:49Daisy shrugged and said,
16:51Can you make up a new game or activity for me?
16:56It'll take a while to think up something brand new.
17:00Why don't you see what Asia is preparing for lunch?
17:04That's a good idea!
17:06Daisy cried,
17:07running off to visit the cook in her kitchen.
17:11In five minutes,
17:12Daisy returned with a spot of flour on her nose.
17:16Please, Aunt Joe, may I make cookies with Asia?
17:19she asked.
17:21I won't bother her,
17:23and it would be such fun!
17:26Go ahead and stay as long as you like,
17:28Joe said,
17:29relieved that Daisy had found something to do.
17:33And suddenly,
17:35Joe knew how to keep her niece entertained.
17:40That afternoon,
17:41Daisy visited her mother, Meg,
17:43while Joe went shopping.
17:49Joe returned later with many mysterious parcels,
17:52but all she said was,
17:54They're for Daisy.
17:58When it was time to leave,
18:00Meg tied Daisy's bonnet.
18:03Be a good girl for Aunt Joe.
18:06She's very kind to think of this for you
18:08because she doesn't like this activity much herself.
18:14At this,
18:15the two sisters burst out laughing,
18:18which only increased Daisy's curiosity.
18:23All the way home,
18:25Daisy pestered Joe with questions.
18:29Have I ever seen this game before?
18:32You've never seen one as nice as this,
18:35Joe replied.
18:38Daisy heard something rattling in the back of the carriage.
18:42Is it for the boys, too?
18:44she asked.
18:46No, it's just for you and me and Bess,
18:50Joe said.
18:52Bess was Daisy's cousin,
18:54Lori and Amy's daughter.
18:57I ran into Uncle Lori in town
18:59and he helped me choose the different parts.
19:02Oh, the game must be wonderful
19:04because Uncle Lori buys the best presents,
19:07Daisy said.
19:09By the time they reached home,
19:11Daisy was nearly wild with anticipation.
19:15But Joe said Daisy couldn't do the new activity
19:19until she finished her lessons the next day.
19:23Daisy's excitement soon spread to the boys
19:27who offered to help Joe set up Daisy's present.
19:31Sorry, no boys allowed, Joe said,
19:34treating the four boys exactly as they'd treated Daisy.
19:40At this,
19:41the boys meekly went away and sought out Daisy.
19:46They offered to play football,
19:48marbles or anything she liked,
19:50but Daisy only shook her head and smiled,
19:53delighted to turn them down.
19:58The next morning,
19:59Daisy quickly finished her lessons.
20:03Joe took her up to the playroom
20:05where Daisy heard something bubbling.
20:14It's a real little kitchen, Daisy cried.
20:18She ran over to the stove and saw a boiling tea kettle.
20:23On either side of the stove were shelves
20:26filled with measuring cups, mixing bowls,
20:29and pots and pans.
20:33Cabinets held spices and other ingredients.
20:37You had so much fun making cookies
20:40that I decided you needed a kitchen of your own,
20:44Joe explained.
20:45Why don't you pretend you're a cook now
20:48and go to market?
20:50Daisy looked perplexed.
20:53But where's the market? she asked.
20:56In Asia's kitchen, of course!
21:02Daisy went downstairs and returned with a potato,
21:05some squash and the ingredients for a small pie.
21:10With Joe's help,
21:11she quickly made the pie
21:13and put it in the oven.
21:16Next, she boiled the potato and steamed the squash.
21:21After setting the table,
21:23she admired the contents of her kitchen,
21:26as well as her new apron and cap.
21:29But when she checked on her pie,
21:32she saw that disaster had struck.
21:36Aunt Joe, the pie burned!
21:39Tears rolled down Daisy's face.
21:43Oh, no! Joe cried,
21:46putting down the book she was reading to Teddy.
21:50I should have paid more attention.
21:53Using a potholder,
21:55she removed the blackened pastry from the oven.
21:59When we were shopping for your kitchen,
22:01Uncle Laurie took great delight
22:03in reminding me of my cooking disasters.
22:06This pie isn't fit to eat,
22:08but I'm sure your dolls will enjoy the rest of the meal.
22:13No sooner had Daisy settled her dolls at the table,
22:16than the boys swarmed into the room.
22:20What are you cooking? Demi asked.
22:23It smells delicious!
22:25Nat added, rubbing his belly.
22:28Hey, that steamer looks like something we could use!
22:31Tommy said to Jack.
22:33Daisy looked alarmed when Jack nodded in agreement and said,
22:37That heavy pot would be perfect for melting down!
22:43Just then, Mr. Bower arrived.
22:47So this is your new kitchen, Daisy.
22:50I hope you're a better cook than Aunt Joe.
22:53All right, Fritz, that's enough.
22:56Joe said, clapping her hands and frowning at her husband.
23:00Everyone out of the kitchen except Daisy!
23:05But we haven't told Daisy what we want her to make for us!
23:08Tommy protested.
23:11What about my favorite German dish?
23:13Cabbage soup with herring and cherries!
23:16Mr. Bower suggested.
23:19I can't even make that!
23:21Joe said, shaking her head.
23:24But Daisy was ready for another surprise.
23:27But Daisy was ready for another cooking challenge.
23:32I'll give it a try, Uncle Fritz!
23:34She said happily.
