• 18 hours ago
THE HARBOUR Kids bed time story, meditation, relaxation, journey into dreams
00:00The Harbour.
00:05That day was exceptionally warm and sunny as for the winter season.
00:12It was then that young Bara decided to go for a walk along the water shore to release
00:18the unnecessary energy from the places she had recently visited.
00:24Besides, the water had been calling her for some time because being near it was bringing
00:32back her peace, joy and tranquility.
00:38What's more, looking at the water made Bardo see much clearer.
00:45As far as she could remember, her seeing had been somewhat blurry.
00:52So if the water had such a healing effect on her sight, the best option seemed to be
00:59a large body of water that would allow her to see better and more transparent.
01:08And that's exactly what it was, as it later turned out, close to the house of a lion she
01:15met during this journey.
01:18For Bardo, their coincident encounter marked the beginning of something much more better
01:27than before.
01:30Not only better vision.
01:33After all, who knows if coincidence is a matter of luck or is luck a matter of coincidence?
01:45And a friend's conversation began like this.
01:49Do those beautiful feathers help you swim well?
01:56asked the curious lion.
02:02Feathers are meant for flying, not for swimming.
02:05Besides, I can't swim or rather I'm very afraid of it, replied the unconfidently.
02:16So when you tried, you failed.
02:20I told you feathers are not for swimming, responded the unsure of what she was saying.
02:30And what if you try to immerse yourself in the water?
02:36Look there, he pointed to the seagulls.
02:41They have wings with feathers, yet they can't swim.
02:47Maybe we can try together.
02:49I've been swimming for a long time.
02:51I'll be very happy to help.
02:54You ready?
02:57And since the ant had been missing spontaneity and wild adventures for a long time, trusting
03:05herself and what came her way, she nodded slightly with a smile.
03:13Moments later, they jumped together into the deep water.
03:22Indeed, Varda's feathers were somehow different.
03:28At first, the ant swam with fear, but in this new world, she was moving with an incredible
03:36lightness she had never experienced before, even while flying.
03:44Watching the lion's movements, she was also certain he was the best guide in the water
03:50And being close to him, the fear of swimming with feathers gradually disappeared.
04:02Gently entwined by the soothing water, they soon reached the first underwater lands.
04:10A large sign made of seaweed formed its name.
04:15Algae Heaven.
04:19A wonderful place surrounded by dense forests of light algae, creating labyrinths full of
04:30Varda, look at all these tidbits to eat.
04:36Um, which one would you like to try?
04:40Asked the ant's friend.
04:44I barely know any of them, and I can't try everything either, so maybe I'll go with that one.
04:55She replied, enchanted by the sight, pointing with her finger to a transparent jellyfish.
05:04Who said you have to choose?
05:06Try everything, just not all at once.
05:09You might get a stomachache.
05:13The lion chuckled.
05:17Mmm, delicious, exclaimed the ant full of marine crystal jelly.
05:26The world of algae is so nourishing, she added.
05:32And after filling her belly to the brim, she said, now I know what to eat to maintain my
05:40I want to stay here longer, please.
05:45Come on, there's still so much to discover.
05:48I will take you to the coral hills, said Leah.
05:53It's hidden on an underwater island, situated among tall, exotic reefs full of mysteries,
06:02caves, and crossings.
06:07The ant looked at the lion with uncertainty, but he drifted ahead before she could protest.
06:18She probably sensed that the second underwater land, though incredibly colorful and magnificent,
06:28was quite difficult to explore.
06:32Water friends had to face toxic plants secreted by some underwater corals, knowing that its
06:40touch could recall a familiar pain.
06:44Besides that, they encountered camouflaged eels that wanted to attack in defense of their
06:51territory, strong sea currents that tried to carry them to unknown regions, and rebellious
06:59predatory creatures stubbornly seeking trouble.
07:05However, the most challenging for Barda was their poor visibility.
07:13The murky water and sudden changes in lightning made the ant totally freeze, which got her
07:21lost and out of her body.
07:25And, once again, the lion came to the rescue.
07:31He firmly pushed the ant onto one of the hills known for its healing resources.
07:38The dark and uncertain place plunged the ant into panic, but it was there that she experienced
07:48a complete restoration of her sight, which from then on changed her perception of the
07:55entire underwater world.
07:59Thanks to this, she was no longer afraid, because even in closed water corridors, by
08:09opening her eyes wide, she saw as perfect as she never had before.
08:20As they swam out of the cave, the ant asked Leah,
08:25Why did you take me there, knowing it wouldn't be easy to stay?
08:35Barda, the question isn't whether it's easy, but whether it's worth it.
08:43He replied.
08:45And they both drifted towards the Thertrion.
08:51Sandy lagoon was located on vast underwater deserts, where shimmering suns formed golden
08:58dunes, and the water there was so clear, it resembled diamonds.
09:06The ant had never seen anything like it, even in her most imaginary dreams.
09:16Exploring this world turned out to be fascinating also because of the lion's wonderful friends
09:22she met, who had inhabited this magical place for over seven years.
09:30They showed them this world from a completely different perspective, which an ordinary traveler
09:36could not experience.
09:40A world of ephemerals, the highest dunes, the most transparent crystals, the widest
09:48water paths, the fastest streams and many, many others.
09:56As they were leaving this amazing realm, the lion said to the ant.
10:04So many creatures choose the life they know from childhood, accepting it as the best option.
10:12Yet, they claim they would like to be somewhere else, in different centuries or ages, remaining
10:20unaware that everything is given to them now, so close, literally within a few hours from
10:28the shore.
10:30All it takes is to make a decision.
10:40After this short but most surprising journey for the ant, they swam towards the fourth realm.
10:48Shell Canyon.
10:51Built from ravines and crevices of underwater cliffs, where the walls were covered with
10:57shimmering pearls, it seemed in its splendor unmatched by other underwater lands.
11:08Nothing could be further from the truth, said Leo Tabarda.
11:13Don't be deceived by the canyon's charm.
11:17Narrow and winding passages make it easy to get lost.
11:22You can stay close to me, but it's your trust, in yourself, that will make you confident
11:30in your next step.
11:33The crumbling shells can block the entrances to the caves, completely cutting off our way
11:41Remember to control the time.
11:44Sometimes, for important matters, it might be too late.
11:51The sharp edges of some shells can cut you in such a way that it will be difficult to
11:57sew up a wound.
12:00So please, Bardo, avoid a proximity.
12:06The ant closed her eyes, as she was no longer afraid to do so in most cases, quickly grabbed
12:14the lion's hand, and with a safe current, they emerged from this land only to find themselves
12:22in the last one.
12:24The Emerald Oasis.
12:28The green heart of the underwater world, covered with colorful sea needles and clearings full
12:36of nature's abundance.
12:40Its near presence fed the ant with peace, security, certainty and support throughout
12:48the swimming process which she had so feared before meeting her friend.
12:56Bardo wanted to stay there longer, explore, be and learn, but Leo pulled her by the arm
13:04to swim towards the shore.
13:08And when they finally got there, it seemed completely different to her.
13:14Though Leo knew well that the world hadn't changed.
13:20It was the ant herself who did that, due to recent experiences.
13:27For Bardo, this world was now pleasant, cheerful, giving and safe.
13:37It pointed her direction for further emergence, although the ant herself was not yet aware
13:45of how much it was going to happen.
13:51Come on, she said to Leo, now I will show you my world on wings.
14:00But Leo shattered his head and replied, flying in the air is well known to me, fly alone.
14:11Now you know that wings don't hinder you from exploring not only the underwater world,
14:19but any other as well.
14:22I'm sure you will do just fine.
14:25Besides, I'm always here for flying.
14:32You will find another guide and I will go my way.
14:41Saddened and disappointed, the ant turned to her friend.
14:48Leo, does this also mean we won't swim together anymore?
14:56No, not at all, replied the lion.
15:00Of course we will, swimming will just take on a different form.
15:07It's all within us now and it will never ever change.
15:15He smiled and started walking his own way.
15:23Watching the receding lion, Bardo put her hands careless under her wings.
15:32In her tiny fingers, she felt the shells that had been magically collected in the underwater world.
15:44Amazing, she said to herself.
15:49How did it happen?
15:53She began to carefully pour them out and in one of them, she found an eternal compass.
16:24She found the compass and began to look for it.
16:32She found the compass and began to look for it.
16:40She found the compass and began to look for it.
