• 7 hours ago
Anime: The Unwanted Undead Adventurer
Episode: 08
Language: English


00:00He's heading back into the labyrinth again.
00:27Oh, right. He's supposed to keep a low profile until the abductions settle down, so that can't be it.
00:34Honestly, would it kill you to take a day off for once?
00:39Who am I kidding? That's just the way rent is.
00:57I chased after the me that I wanted to be
01:05And when I realized, I had become an adult
01:12Everyone is just like they think
01:14If you work hard, your dreams will come true
01:16It's not that sweet of a story
01:18Even if you desperately aim for the top
01:20The result is that you know everything
01:22No, you don't
01:23Someday, I'm sure someone will be watching
01:25I believe I can keep walking today
01:27I'm about to give up, I'm about to give up
01:30The scenery I see from there
01:34Beyond the darkness of despair and suffering
01:42What I'm waiting for at the end of this endless road
01:45Even if it's far, I'll grab it with these hands
01:49The shape of a dream that's different from an ideal
01:52Keep chasing it, just move forward while moving
01:57I'll grab this hand, we change together
01:59Right on sight, to the world we've yet to see
02:02Live freely
02:04Give it up, take a step forward
02:06Change your world, show your way
02:08Give it up, take a step forward
02:10Change your world, show your way
02:12Not bad.
02:21Tweak the design to fit your style.
02:23I know your habits.
02:25I figured you'd like it.
02:27He's definitely caught on to who I am.
02:30It handles mana, spirit and divinity.
02:32All three, just like you requested.
02:34Give her a go.
02:38First, magic.
02:39Sliced it clean in two like it was nothing but bread.
02:50Your mana's improved since the last I saw you.
02:53All I can do is try and force it into the sword, though.
02:57I do have some control over spirit energy.
03:10Last, divinity.
03:20Divinity gives it a real edge.
03:24Now there's something you don't see every day.
03:27An effect of the divinity?
03:29Well, your guess is as good as mine.
03:32Speaking of, divinity's a blessing from the gods, right?
03:36So what did you do to pick up something like that?
03:40Nothing much.
03:41Came upon an abandoned shrine once and fixed it up.
03:44I never took you for a believer.
03:46I wasn't out of belief.
03:48Couldn't even tell you what god it belonged to.
03:52Though I'm guessing they must have been fairly low-ranked.
03:57Do you mind if I hang on to this?
03:59Might come in handy if these sprouts are blessed.
04:02Fine with me.
04:03Appreciate ya.
04:05Mind if I keep practicing for a bit?
04:08Knock yourself out.
04:10But what else is there to do?
04:13I want to try them all at once.
04:19How's this?
04:22Mana-spirit fusion.
04:24Heard of it?
04:25Just rumors here and there.
04:27It's a little technique that boosts both magic and spiritual energy by using them simultaneously.
04:33Sounds like it takes some real skill.
04:35That's for sure.
04:37Screw it up, and your entire body could explode.
04:41Having second thoughts?
04:44I'll try it.
04:45Highly doubt an explosion would be enough to kill this body anyway.
04:51Use this instead.
04:52Won't shed any tears if it ends up breaking.
04:55You sure?
04:56No point wrecking the good stuff.
04:58Divinity is in its strong suit, but it's a lot cheaper than a brand new sword.
05:02Perfect for testing.
05:06First, infuse the blade with mana.
05:09Spirit energy in hand.
05:13Wait, hang on.
05:15Come on.
05:16Work with me.
05:17The more I push, the more I feel like it'll give way at any moment.
05:22Not good.
05:24Can't keep this up.
05:32Please tell me you're not going to infuse divine energy.
05:35Not on top of this.
05:38Watch me.
05:46I need more power.
05:48Whatever it takes to be a middle class adventurer.
05:59This isn't looking good.
06:05Give it up.
06:06Any more and the blade will shatter into pieces.
06:22It turned into a ball?
06:25Sorry about your sword.
06:27It's fine.
06:28What's left of it is broken down to its purest form.
06:31Suppose that's the power of divinity for you.
06:34Making normal weapons a no-go.
06:37They'd fall apart in your hands.
06:40Handled appropriately, your sword can channel divine energy.
06:44Just don't go overboard.
06:46The most you can pull off is mana spirit fusion.
06:50But what if I run into someone where that isn't enough?
06:53I could always make a dozen or so swords for you to carry around.
06:57Don't have the money.
06:59Wasn't a serious offer.
07:05I'll need top-tier equipment.
07:07I'll need it.
07:09I'll need it.
07:10I'll need it.
07:11I'll need it.
07:12I'll need it.
07:13I'll need it.
07:14I'll need it.
07:15I'll need it.
07:16I'll need it.
07:17I'll need it.
07:19I'll need top-tier equipment to become Mithril-class.
07:22And top-tier equipment means I'll need to make more coin.
07:26You have to!
07:27Told you it's not happening!
07:30Freelance work ain't worth the trouble, kid.
07:32No guild, no dice.
07:34I'll do anything!
07:36I'm begging you!
07:37You need to learn when to shut up!
07:39Don't worry, I'll teach you!
07:43Oh, is this guy a buddy of yours?
07:45I'll knock you both down, creep!
07:47Let me talk to him.
07:51I can take him for all he's worth.
07:55Do what you want with him.
07:57Good luck, kid.
07:59Don't leave!
08:00Relax, the freak will take care of you.
08:02Please, come back!
08:06Who are you?
08:08An adventurer.
08:10I can't promise I'll take the job, but I can at least hear you out.
08:14You mean it?
08:17Help me.
08:19I need an adventurer to defeat the Lord of the Lake.
08:22The Lord of the Lake?
08:33This is such a mess.
08:35From the payment down to the quest itself.
08:39My name is Reuntis.
08:41I'm from Tatsu Village.
08:44That one's several days to the east, if I'm not mistaken.
08:47So you know of it?
08:49I know of its peculiar festival.
08:54It's said our village once offered a young girl to the Lord.
08:57A sacrifice.
08:59Her rich mana in exchange for Tatsu's safety.
09:02In honor of that day,
09:04we usually dress up a girl from our village to represent the sacrifice.
09:08Only this time,
09:10the Lord of the Lake actually devoured her whole,
09:12leaving nothing behind!
09:16Since then,
09:17it's started demanding even more sacrifices.
09:20Several of the village girls have already died.
09:23That's tragic.
09:24This has to end before the next sacrifice!
09:28my sister.
09:31Please, help us!
09:35Reuntis' wish is to save his sister,
09:38not slay a monster.
09:40In other words,
09:42there's no real need to kill the Lord of the Lake.
09:46why do I feel like something's off?
09:51Quiet little town.
09:53It wasn't always.
09:54It used to be livelier.
09:56But ever since the Lord of the Lake appeared,
09:58we've not been in the most festive of moods.
10:01Everyone's on edge.
10:07Almost there, Reunt!
10:14Why the mark?
10:16It's a message.
10:17A truly terrible one.
10:19It means our house will be the next to offer a sacrifice.
10:22Did the Lord of the Lake leave it there?
10:26That monster resides deep in the water.
10:28No one's ever gotten a good look at it.
10:30If I had to guess,
10:31it most likely had a Kelpie put the mark here on its behalf.
10:34A Kelpie?
10:36That's a powerful monster!
10:38Is it really?
10:40I was getting worried.
10:43And I brought an adventurer with me.
10:45His name is Reunt,
10:46and he's a bronze class.
10:48Don't worry.
10:49He's here to help.
10:52How many times have I told you
10:53not to talk to creeps when traveling in the city?
10:56He's not a creep.
10:57Reunt's a good guy.
10:59You only think that because he's tricking you.
11:02Well, he looks like a creep to me!
11:05Talk about awkward.
11:07My senses are sharper than ever,
11:09and I can't even plug my ears.
11:13So, your name's Reunt, is it?
11:15It is.
11:17Thank you, Reunt,
11:18for putting up with my bonehead of a brother.
11:20Sorry for the trouble.
11:22No trouble at all.
11:25I'll only say this once.
11:27The Festival of Tatsu Village
11:28is an ancient tradition.
11:30I won't ask to be the one girl
11:31excused from it.
11:33She doesn't mean that!
11:34I do.
11:35Kindly stay out of this
11:36and please leave the village immediately.
11:39My contract is with Reunt Asaron.
11:40Only he has the right
11:41to rescind the request.
11:43No way.
11:46There's absolutely no way
11:47I'm rescinding it!
11:51You do realize
11:52this is pointless, right?
11:54But if you insist on staying,
11:56come inside
11:57on the condition
11:58that you don't interfere.
12:00For Tatsu,
12:02I will gladly offer up my life.
12:06Forgive her.
12:07She can be stubborn.
12:08The Festival's tomorrow night?
12:11Based on her reaction,
12:12Amiris is not going to run
12:13regardless of what we say.
12:19It's you and me
12:20against tradition.
12:23if there's even
12:24the smallest chance
12:25she can live,
12:26then I have to try,
12:27don't I?
12:28I have to.
12:29I'm her brother!
12:36Hey, Reunt!
12:37Hey, mister!
12:38What you got today?
12:40Bit of dry cured meat.
12:43and what's that?
12:44Preserved fruit
12:45for good little kiddos.
12:48help yourselves.
12:51For our eyes?
12:53So long as you do me
12:54one small favor in return.
12:57I need you to run home
12:58and talk your parents
12:59into buying something
13:00from our caravan.
13:01I won't turn a profit
13:02if there's no customers
13:03to sell to, right?
13:04We'll do it!
13:05Yeah, we promise!
13:07All yours!
13:08Thanks a lot!
13:10Hate to interrupt,
13:11but do you have a moment?
13:18First time seeing
13:19a fellow with a mask
13:20like yours in Tatsu?
13:21Here for the festival?
13:23More or less, yes.
13:25You couldn't have come
13:26at a worse time.
13:28lately the Lord of the Lake
13:29has been in an uproar
13:30with the villagers.
13:32No surprise then
13:33that the people here
13:34have better things to do
13:35than buy my wares.
13:38There you are!
13:39Lunch is ready
13:40when you're finished, Rent!
13:41Be right there.
13:43Thank you for your time.
13:44I'll be going now.
13:46but take my advice.
13:47Cut your losses
13:48while you still can
13:49and give up on the festival.
13:50Good day.
13:52Did you find anything
13:53while scouting the lake?
13:55Over there.
13:56Do you recognize
13:57those merchants?
14:00I wouldn't worry.
14:02Pretty friendly
14:03if you ask me.
14:04Are they?
14:15Dear child,
14:16if only there was
14:17some other way.
14:18Stop it.
14:19Save your tears.
14:21The Lord chose me
14:22so please don't worry.
14:24I was convinced
14:25your brother would fight this,
14:26perhaps even take you
14:27and run far from the village.
14:30Reuntas was so distraught
14:31when he realized
14:32you were chosen.
14:33He begged everyone
14:34to call off the festival
14:35at once.
14:36He did?
14:38Why is he being so selfish?
14:40Doesn't he realize
14:41what's at stake
14:42if we anger the Lord?
14:45the poor boy
14:46was worried sick
14:47not only for the future
14:48of the village
14:49but for you most of all,
14:53He really is
14:55such a bonehead.
15:04can I come in?
15:06Stay there.
15:07Don't come any closer.
15:08The sacrifice
15:09isn't permitted
15:10to meet with others
15:11so casually.
15:13This is good enough.
15:15I'll take care of things.
15:18So long as you keep fighting,
15:20there's always a way.
15:21Is there?
15:22I mean it.
15:23So you must struggle too.
15:28I mean it.
15:29So you must struggle too.
15:33Haven't we endured
15:34enough already?
15:35No person alive
15:36can defeat
15:37the Lord of the Lake.
15:38Not true.
15:39Runtas and I
15:40will free Tatsu.
15:42You can't.
15:43He'll be killed.
15:45don't do anything
15:46that'll upset your brother.
15:48He's all the family
15:49you have,
15:50isn't he?
15:52So struggle
15:54as long as there's
15:55a sliver of hope.
15:57That's all I wanted to say.
16:08O mighty Lord of the Lake,
16:10who keeps our people
16:11and our land safe.
16:13When the horns
16:14of your devoted servants
16:15leave their mark,
16:16we offer you
16:17a sacrifice
16:18in your honor.
16:20One sacrifice of treasure.
16:22One of our daughters.
16:23As we bathe
16:24beneath the azure light
16:25that stretches
16:26across the evening sky,
16:28we pray
16:29that you protect
16:30your loyal followers
16:31from disaster.
16:33This is the only way
16:34as much as it pains me
16:35to do this.
16:37Say no more.
16:38I know.
16:39Then take heart
16:40and fulfill your duty.
16:47Let's go.
16:51are you ready?
16:53I am.
16:55Let's go.
16:58The fog's rolling in.
17:01It appeared
17:02at just the right time.
17:04It's too thick.
17:05Can't see a thing.
17:06Let's turn back.
17:09It's glowing.
17:11Our Lord
17:12is finally gracing us
17:13with his presence.
17:15Oh no!
17:16Look out!
17:18What's that?
17:20It's a dragon.
17:21It's a dragon.
17:22It's a dragon.
17:23It's a dragon.
17:24It's a dragon.
17:25It's a dragon.
17:26It's a dragon.
17:27It's a dragon.
17:32Is that
17:33the Lord?
17:35Here I am.
17:36Calm your anger.
17:37I'm begging you.
17:38Protect the village.
17:39Give it up.
17:40It's pointless.
17:42Take me as your sacrifice
17:43and leave the others be.
17:46The orb!
17:48That treasure is a beacon.
17:50Stay here.
17:55How are you doing that?
17:56Being friends with an alchemist
17:57does have a few perks.
18:03Time to expose
18:04this Lord
18:05for the fraud he is.
18:09Krakens are normally
18:10found in the ocean.
18:12They don't spit fire.
18:19It's that creek
18:20from this afternoon.
18:21Well, well.
18:23The mage cast
18:24an illusion on the fog
18:25and then fired
18:26fortia bolivas.
18:30All you had to do
18:31was heed my warning
18:32and yet here you are
18:33about to be burned to ashes.
18:35The fearsome Lord of the Lake
18:36is nothing but
18:37an ugly traveling merchant.
18:39Be warned.
18:40Death is no stranger
18:41to me.
18:43Spewing nonsense
18:44won't help you.
18:58I'm fine.
18:59It's over.
19:01That's a vessel
19:02on the lake.
19:04What is it doing out here?
19:12All this time
19:13it was nothing but a lie?
19:15They deceived us
19:16bearing the Lord's name
19:17to demand sacrifices.
19:19To think that we
19:20trusted these men.
19:21Tell me.
19:22How did you put
19:23all this together?
19:24The story
19:25didn't line up.
19:26A monster
19:27that's worshipped
19:28as Lord
19:29doesn't rage
19:30without provocation.
19:33Where are the other
19:34girls you captured?
19:37Answer them.
19:38Alive and well!
19:40We plan to auction
19:41the goods
19:42in neighboring nations.
19:43Every single one
19:44of them is unharmed?
19:45See for yourself.
19:46They're in the small hut
19:47on the other side
19:48of the lake.
19:50Prepare a carriage.
19:51There is no time
19:52to waste.
19:57Are you satisfied
19:58with the job's outcome?
20:00Well done.
20:04We're giving
20:05the festival a fresh start.
20:06You should stay awhile.
20:07He's right.
20:08You don't have
20:09to leave so soon.
20:12Someone's waiting
20:13for me in Malt.
20:16are always on the move.
20:20My sister and village
20:21are safe thanks to you.
20:23I'll never forget that.
20:25Take care.
20:26Both of you.
20:27Safe travels, Reunt.
20:37Hey, Amerus!
20:38What the?
20:39I was thanking him.
20:40So what?
20:42Is that so?
20:43Then I shall
20:44gladly accept it.
20:51According to
20:52the kidnappers' claims,
20:53women were the sole focus
20:54of their abductions.
20:58they're probably not
20:59the kidnappers
21:00Sheila mentioned.
21:04I see.
21:05So the village boy's
21:06sister was saved?
21:09And the other girls
21:10returned to their families.
21:11Sounds like a job
21:12well done.
21:13Had some help
21:14from the magic item
21:15you lent me.
21:16Walking on water
21:17isn't too shabby,
21:18is it?
21:19You said it.
21:20What a letdown.
21:22A god of the lake
21:23would have been
21:24a fascinating specimen
21:25to witness.
21:26You had a rushed job,
21:27didn't you?
21:28So you couldn't
21:29have gone anywhere.
21:31Well, setting that aside...
21:34Why don't you tell me
21:35how you ended up
21:36stealing the heart
21:37of yet another girl
21:38you rescued?
21:39What are you talking about?
21:42All I stole
21:43was a thank you.
21:44A thank you, huh?
21:47To be remembered
21:48ever after.
21:49Give it a few days.
21:51She'll forget me
21:52in no time.
21:55Adventurers can
21:56afford to be remembered.
22:00Perhaps the gods
22:01should punish you
22:02just a little bit.
22:13Good night.
22:15Good night.
22:16Good night.
22:17Good night.
22:18Good night.
22:19Good night.
22:20Good night.
22:21Good night.
22:22Good night.
22:23Good night.
22:24Good night.
22:25Good night.
22:26Good night.
22:27Good night.
22:28Good night.
22:29Good night.
22:30Good night.
22:31Good night.
22:32Good night.
22:33Good night.
22:34Good night.
22:35Good night.
22:36Good night.
22:37Good night.
22:38Good night.
22:39Good night.
22:40Good night.
22:41Good night.
22:42Good night.
22:43Good night.
23:12Good night.
23:13Good night.
23:14Good night.
23:15Good night.
23:16Good night.
23:17Good night.
23:18Good night.
23:19Good night.
23:20Good night.
23:21Good night.
23:22Good night.
23:23Good night.
23:24Good night.
23:25Good night.
23:26Good night.
23:27Good night.
23:28Good night.
23:29Good night.
23:30Good night.
23:31Good night.
23:32Good night.
23:33Good night.
23:34Good night.
23:35Good night.
23:36Good night.
23:37Good night.
23:38Good night.
23:39Good night.
23:40Good night.
