• 7 hours ago
Anime: The Unwanted Undead Adventurer
Episode: 03
Language: English
#anime #viral #action #fight #newanime #watchonline


00:00It would be pointless for me to try and find him on my own.
00:10I'll ask the guild to send out search parties.
00:17That's his knock.
00:18How odd.
00:19Why doesn't he just come in?
00:28Something must have happened.
00:34Well, as long as you're alive, that's all I care about.
00:44Lorraine, wake up.
00:47I said wake up.
00:50Give me another few minutes first.
00:53If you don't get up, I'll drop a tome on your head.
00:58Yeah, you would.
00:59First you break into my house, now you threaten me?
01:07Lorraine, your face...
02:38Yes, I've done extensive research on monsters and magic.
02:45However, I've never heard of anyone who got eaten by a dragon and turned into an undead.
02:50The dragon you saw, is it still in the labyrinth?
02:53No, I think it's gone.
02:57I'm having a hard time believing any of this, but I guess I don't have much of a choice.
03:01After all, there's a corpse on my couch talking to me.
03:10Despite everything, she remained completely calm.
03:13But that's Lorraine for you.
03:15Academic, mage, and adventurer.
03:18Still, it feels like she views me less as a friend and more as a test subject now.
03:23Listen, I know this is a cruel thing to ask, but I have to.
03:30Are you really still Rentphina, even though you're undead?
03:38It's strange. I have all my memories and think like my old self.
03:43However, I definitely died.
03:48Are the current me and the one that was killed the same person?
03:53I can't be sure.
03:55That's exactly the answer I would have expected Rent to give.
03:58But nonetheless, it's difficult to say whether you're truly one and the same.
04:03But that issue can wait for the time being. I'll think about it later on.
04:08So, what do you intend to do now?
04:12I want to continue on my path and be an adventurer.
04:16I'll reach Mithril, no matter what.
04:21The thing is, I can't go to the Guild not looking like this.
04:25I get it. You want me to accept jobs on your behalf, right?
04:29Oh, you can't use inns either. In that case, you should stay here.
04:34I appreciate it. It's just... are you sure?
04:38It doesn't bother me in the slightest.
04:40But I'm sure you'd feel awkward if I offered you room and board for free.
04:46Instead, in lieu of payment, you'll help with my research.
04:49No one's ever had the chance to study a monster that can use existential evolution this closely.
04:54You're not going to dissect me, right?
04:57What kind of monster do you take me for?
05:03Well, I might ask for a bit of flesh, but nothing you'll miss.
05:11I'm back. With the money.
05:14Thanks, Lorraine.
05:16Payment for the magic stones. Also, this is for the flowing liquid.
05:22You're offering me this much?
05:24Going to you directly cuts out the percentage I would end up having to pay the Guild.
05:29And of course, the materials you bring in are always high quality.
05:33You're literally keeping the cosmetic industry alive.
05:36Thanks. I do my best.
05:39I'm off to the three-pronged spear.
05:41You mean the blacksmith?
05:47There are few things in life as nice as a heavy purse.
06:03Welcome to our shop.
06:06Forgive me for looking so peculiar.
06:10What? Not at all. It doesn't bother me.
06:13Come closer and tell me how I can help you today.
06:17I'm looking to acquire a new sword.
06:20Let me take a look.
06:28While it seems you've been taking care of it, it's at the limit of its lifespan.
06:33And based on the damage, I'm assuming you either use magic or spirit energy?
06:38Yes. As a matter of fact, both.
06:41And divinity.
06:45Use all three, do you? There's not many who can.
06:48You're only the second such person to ever visit our shop.
06:52Could you keep that between us?
06:55Absolutely. After all, if you can't promise discretion in this line of work, are you even really a blacksmith?
07:03Will this be enough?
07:11Indeed. It ought to buy you something quite nice.
07:14Feel free to pay half right now. You can pay the remainder when you pick it up.
07:21There is something you should know about the owner, Cloak. The man takes great pride in his work.
07:27The process will take several days, and he'll most likely want to speak with you throughout the construction.
07:34That'll be fine. If you ever need to reach me, contact Lorraine the Academic. I'm staying with her.
07:45I understand.
07:48A ghoul. Class Undead. Common, but physically strong. They can survive decapitation.
07:55Diet meat. Animals, namely humans. Mostly found inside the labyrinths.
08:01Some theories say they are born from human corpses.
08:05There are known cases of powerful monsters turning people into lesser undead.
08:10But, in those cases the victims lost not only their personalities, any hint of human will or emotion also disappeared.
08:21Which means Rent is an extremely special case, so I can't be sure of anything yet.
08:27However, the odds he's the exact same being he was in life, after what he experienced, are extremely low.
08:34And yet, despite everything, he feels like his old self.
08:40Like when we first met.
08:47Hey, miss!
08:50What is it?
08:51I overheard you took a job that has you going out to the Azul forest.
08:55Take him along. The kid can serve as your pack-bearer.
09:02Free of charge, of course. He's an Iron class, as low as they come. I'd like you to help him gain more experience.
09:15None of these leaves seem to match the description. Same here.
09:20The texts, what if they were incorrect?
09:25Back in those days, I found the world to be a boring place.
09:30Even when I became the youngest person to become a great doctor, I felt nothing.
09:39When an individual achieves that title, they register as a Silver class adventurer.
09:44I made my way to Yarlan, a frontier nation, without a word to anyone.
09:51Ostensibly, I was there to gather some herbs.
09:55But the truth is, I just had nothing better to do.
10:02This is it!
10:03You need to harvest the root, too, or else it won't be as effective.
10:07I can't be careless.
10:17Hey, come over here!
10:20I need these stored, pack-bearer.
10:31Hold it! You can't just...
10:36How did you know how to harvest these?
10:49Fus Forte Oblivis!
10:55FUS RO DAH!
11:01That was incredible. I guess Silver Rank magic is on a whole different level.
11:07Hardly. It's nothing special.
11:17If I may, was that your first battle?
11:20Of course not.
11:22Truth is, I've always had lots of escorts, or at least someone else along.
11:29Don't tell me you...
11:31For a Silver class, you didn't seem very experienced.
11:35Everyone was worried and told me to follow you.
11:40Is that so?
11:43You know a lot about herbs, don't you?
11:46Among other subjects.
11:48Someone once told me that if I wanted to be an adventurer, then I'd better learn how to both read and write.
11:54Plant guides, or books on monsters, you name it.
12:00By the way, I don't think I ever asked you for your name.
12:04Oh, I'm Rent. Rent Fina.
12:09I'm Lorraine Bivvy.
12:11A pleasure to meet you, Lorraine.
12:17Would you mind teaching me everything you can?
12:21Your knowledge of herbs, the best way to defend yourself.
12:26Also, how to navigate through the forest.
12:29There's some trick to it, right?
12:31I'll do my best to show you what I know.
12:35Thanks, Rent. There's so much in this life I want to learn.
12:40That's how it began.
12:42His and my friendship.
12:44For the next ten years, he continued working hard every single day, aiming to become Mithril Class.
12:51Meanwhile, I remained close by his side, busying myself with research, my true passion.
12:58Well, I did change a little too.
13:01Looking back, it's obvious the adults were worried about me, and they cared.
13:07Oh, their letters. I've been lax about replying to them.
13:11The last thing I want is another lecture from the old men.
13:18Whenever Rent gets back, I'll ask him where I put them.
13:23Thank you for making a new sword for me.
13:27Yeah, I'll make sure it's something special.
13:36I appreciate it.
13:37I appreciate it.
13:40Until we're finished upgrading your blade, feel free to use this.
13:47Unfortunately, it only has magic and spirit energy. Nothing else.
13:59Looks like he got himself into a bit of trouble.
14:03Then why didn't he just come out and ask for our help?
14:06Does he really find us that untrustworthy?
14:09He may have been trying to protect us. He's clearly suffering from a curse.
14:14Most likely, it's a nasty one he thinks might negatively affect our shop.
14:19Oh, how awful.
14:21He doesn't like causing others trouble. Still, he's sad enough to make us realize who he was, right?
14:27It wasn't hard to guess. He uses all three energies, and he's staying at Lorraine's house.
14:33I know, but I'm sure he'll share the truth with us eventually.
14:37Something tells me we can expect more of his patronage in the future.
14:45Delicious! It's been too long since you cooked for me.
14:49There's plenty if you're hungry.
14:54You're not having any?
14:56I don't get hungry these days.
14:59That's tragic.
15:01Well, more for me.
15:03Listen, while you were visiting the blacksmith, I pored over all of my books, looking for answers.
15:09It's clear that you're different from an ordinary ghoul.
15:13My guess, it's got something to do with your ability to existentially evolve.
15:18Next time, what will you turn into?
15:23I don't know, but I want to be as close to human as possible.
15:28That's a good first step.
15:31In order to do that, I'll try to reach the next step in my evolution.
15:36Meaning, it's back to the Labyrinth for you.
15:39Yeah. Defeating monsters and growing stronger.
15:46It's nothing. I'm just relieved to know the old rent hasn't gone anywhere.
15:50Damn slimeball!
16:05You alright over there?
16:10You saved my life. I should thank you.
16:13I didn't expect a slime to have projectile attacks.
16:17Looks like it nicked me. But nothing that should slow me down too much.
16:23Adventurers are expected to be responsible for themselves.
16:26If you die in the Labyrinth, it's no one's fault but your own.
16:29I'm not expected to help another, even if they're in a bad spot.
16:33There are even opportunities for you to help others.
16:36I'm just glad you're okay.
16:38I'm not expected to help another, even if they're in a bad spot.
16:42There are even opportunists out there who'll pretend to be in trouble,
16:45and rob adventurers who come to their aid.
16:48Though we don't see many of them in Malt.
16:50Of course, I'll always try to save people whenever I can, but...
16:54You and me! Let's team up!
16:58Please, I'm desperate. I need the money.
17:02As you can see, I registered as an adventurer only recently.
17:05I can't even take on a slime.
17:08Don't feel bad. They're tough.
17:11Really? You mean it?
17:13Particularly for swordsmen.
17:15Don't tell me! Are you a veteran adventurer?
17:18I'm a chef by profession. I own a restaurant in Malt.
17:23But I'm badly in debt. I have to repay 15 gold, and only have until next week.
17:28I figured I had no choice but to take a chance and switch jobs for a while.
17:32I've been telling everyone I meet I'll do whatever they want if they let me join their party.
17:37But nobody would give me a shot.
17:39So I came here since I was told you could solo the Labyrinth.
17:43That's only half true.
17:45Yes, it's easy if you have at least a little previous experience.
17:49Sorry, but no. I've got too much on my plate.
17:57I'd love to help him.
17:58But unless he got really lucky and found a magic item...
18:09I changed my mind. I assume you can at least carry a pack.
18:15Seriously? You're sure?
18:21I have no idea if he's a good guy or not.
18:24But it won't hurt to try and help someone out.
18:26I'm stronger than I look! I won't let you down!
18:32When I was human, sometimes I'd get really scared. Does that mean I'm still me?
18:38Are you really still Renfeina? Even though you're undead?
18:43Well, this isn't good.
18:46Hold on. This leads to a dead end, right?
18:49Just keep following me.
18:59Huh? There's a corridor. But it's not listed on the map here.
19:04Let's go.
19:21You're kidding me!
19:23This was here the entire time? In the Labyrinth of the Moon's reflection?
19:28No dragon, though.
19:46I figured there'd be at least one or two magic items around, but...
19:52There's a small entrance over here!
19:58Got ourselves a hidden passage.
20:01Hey, so, listen. Wouldn't we make a fortune if we told the guild about this?
20:07But I mean, you're the one who found this place, so whatever you want to do with it is totally your call.
20:11All I did was beg to tag along.
20:14It's not like I have any right to take credit for your discovery.
20:19Glory doesn't interest me in the least.
20:22Tell everybody you're the one who found it.
20:25Follow me. I'll lead the way.
20:39Damn it. Just another empty room.
20:43Let's look for more passages. Good news is nobody's been through, so there ought to be a treasure or two.
20:54Stop worrying. There are no monsters here or anything.
20:58He can't see it?
21:01Don't move!
21:05Just like I thought. A teleportation circle.
21:10Once you step on it, you're instantly transported to another location.
21:14Usually a lower floor filled with strong monsters, or some place with deadly traps.
21:20A smart thing would be to abandon him to his fate. But if I do, I'm no different from a monster.
21:27Damn it!
21:47A giant skeleton. Which would mean...
21:52We're in a boss room.
22:10I don't want to die.
22:12I don't want to die.
22:14I don't want to die.
22:16I don't want to die.
22:18I don't want to die.
22:20I don't want to die.
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23:32I don't want to die.
23:34I don't want to die.
