• 7 hours ago
Anime: The Unwanted Undead Adventurer
Episode: 04
Language: English

#anime #cartoon #kids #kids #newanime


00:00Spirit energy doesn't have any effect on it all right
00:30Magic doesn't work either and our way out has disappeared
00:37So it's one of those rooms the kind that won't let you escape until you defeat the boss
00:46Man I really do have the worst luck
00:49But even so I'm an adventurer and won't give up I'll fight to the end
01:01I don't know if my sword will hold up but if it's an undead divinity should work
03:04Are you coming too uh yeah I am hold on there is a huge skeleton uh
03:11I've patched you up that's the best I can do oh no I thank you oh you defeated it yeah
03:29Wow enormous if it was carrying a stone that large then it must have been a real beast of a boss
03:35You're some adventurer I was lucky you can have it if you want oh you mean it but first I need
03:46you to agree to my conditions which are I'm just a novice I'm not sure how I could be of any use
03:52to such a seasoned warrior even one who looks like this the fact is a monster got me I can't
04:03go into the shops or the guild in this state so I want you to do that for me instead
04:12Sure I can but is that really all you need it's just this deal seems so one-sided I feel
04:18like I'm getting more out of it than you fine one more thing then you said you own a restaurant
04:27Let me eat and drink there whenever I want for free
04:36Is that all what are you stupid
04:43Eat as much as you want this time I won't let my restaurant go bankrupt I'll work extra hard
04:50Thanks so much mister
04:56Take this we're going home okay
05:02But how exactly
05:07The way we came in uh all I can see is a dead end
05:13The magic circles are invisible to him
05:16Walk ahead it'll lead back to the entrance you've got it anything you say I'll believe it
05:31I want to go further ahead but it'll have to wait
05:40We're here the red dragon tavern my restaurant
05:46It's nicer than I thought maybe the food here won't kill me
05:51My darling you're back home safe
05:55Ow easy
05:58Why is your arm bleeding we have to get you to a doctor
06:01No need to worry Isabel everything's fine sure I got a little hurt but he patched me right up
06:08Oh my where are my manners without his help I wouldn't be alive
06:14Also look what do you think
06:19A magic stone amazing huh he gave it to me are you nuts
06:24If you're being deceived a second time then we won't survive we don't have any money left
06:31Isabel this time it's true he may not look it but he's an upstanding guy
06:36He heard about my dead and lent a hand
06:39Of course though he's not working for free so I agreed to help him out from now on
06:44Not with anything too dangerous I hope I'll be fine it's just errands
06:51By the way I promised him he could eat here free of charge for life
06:56But that's hardly anything
06:59It's all I want
07:02Then yeah I worried you but it's okay now
07:11That's right I never did introduce myself the name's Loris Loris Cariello this is
07:19And I'm Isabel thank you for everything sir
07:24Don't worry about it farewell
07:29Hold on you're going already you saved my life mister at least tell me your name
07:39Can you promise me that you won't tell another living soul
07:43Yeah I'll keep it secret and never mention it to anyone else
07:50It's rent
07:53Thank you rent really come for a meal anytime you want our door is open
07:58It's a shame if he was a liar some shady villain without a family
08:15That would have been better
08:17I'd rather test this on someone evil that's why I didn't ask his name missed my chance
08:39No what am I doing
08:53Running a bit late aren't we how was the labyrinth find your dragon
09:01By the way where did you put my letters from the empire
09:04I need to reply or the old men are gonna show up and break down my door
09:08Hmm what is it was there some sort of problem because you sound pretty awful
09:16Not true I'm so happy oh maybe you want to tell me
09:27Hey what happened this isn't like you have you been drinking then again I don't think
09:33I'm that can get drunk Lorraine I want you yeah you do what are you waiting for
09:53You you bit me are you mad
10:04Good you in there or have you completely turned into a ghoul stop rent
10:19Good to know part of you is still in there in that case
10:28You're alive sleep for now I'll hear your apology later
10:39If you're going to grab me like that do it when you're sober
10:43Honestly you can devour me anytime you like
10:55What was I are you thinking clearly rent I'm fine but my head no
11:04I remember being inside the labyrinth. Do you get the sense that something strange might be controlling you sending impulses
11:17Very good Lorraine, I'm, sorry
11:23I accept your apology, but there's nothing to be sorry for this was simply an unpleasant accident. Nothing more you say that but I attack
11:32Enough how much do you remember?
11:35I entered and bit you on the neck
11:38No before I did that
11:41I met a man in the labyrinth
11:43He looked delicious to me too, that's when I started going crazy
11:48You looked so tasty. I couldn't force myself to stop. I expected this to a degree
11:55Wait, you did
11:57Yes, it's well-known ghouls prefer feasting on humans
12:01Your body does anything feel damaged?
12:04I'm, not used to holding back, but you got lucky
12:07It seems like i'm okay
12:09While i'm relieved
12:11You still did take damage rest up quietly
12:15I'll do the same
12:18Lorraine let me see your wound
12:27Unfortunately, I just sold all my potions to the magical pharmacy it's fine i'll get the ingredients in the morning and make one right away
12:37Let me take care of it
12:41You're able to use that much divinity, yeah, I should be able to do basic healing
12:48I've never been healed using divinity before I think I enjoy it feels warm
12:56Better yeah, the pain's disappeared
13:02How amazing it's gone not yet
13:14Oh, wow, I guess I can't pretend to be damaged goods anymore. Just a bad joke
13:23Your skin
13:29At this point you might be able to pass yourself off as badly scarred
13:34What about my face the mask looks like it changed as well. Don't tell me you're just noticing now
13:41I wonder when it happened. I can't let people see my mouth quite yet
13:49That mask of yours something tells me there's more to it than a curse does it respond to your desires let's find out
14:00Hmm you don't see that often it seems to operate similar to magical swords with wills of their own
14:07Uh, if you're able to control it, I wonder if you can also take it off i'll try come off
14:15I said come off
14:18Can I try pulling on it? Yes
14:24No luck
14:26Well, that's not entirely great
14:28Although if your face is undead looking you'll need to hide it for a while anyway, so I guess it works in our favor
14:35You're right better to keep it this way you're able to speak a lot more clearly as well
14:42It is much easier to talk
14:44Did I existentially evolve?
14:47All of the evidence points to that conclusion
14:50I did defeat a strong monster, but last time I evolved as soon as the battle was over
15:02This time
15:03Maybe you changed forms because you got a taste of my flesh and blood
15:07Don't look shocked. It's not that strange of an idea and you're clearly not a ghoul anymore
15:13You're closer to a ghast a ghast. I don't believe i've ever seen one, but they're servants of vampires, right?
15:21With stats weaker than even a lesser vampire. That's what you look like to me
15:25But why this form
15:28Even among us academics existential evolution remains a mystery much like the origins of the labyrinth
15:35even so
15:38Rent would you like to hear my hypothesis? Yes, please tell me
15:44Good i'll share it with you though. I was going to do so regardless of your answer don't fall asleep
15:54Now then
15:55Let me figure out where I should begin even though I never saw it you started off as a skeleton, right?
16:01Yeah, that was interesting while it lasted and then you became a ghoul
16:08I must ask doesn't that specific transformation strike you as rather peculiar?
16:14Existential evolution is defined as when a monster transforms into a more powerful being
16:20Though it's more of a working theory than a definition at this point. I figured
16:24So is a ghoul the only monster superior to a skeleton?
16:28Well, there's a skeleton soldier skeleton knight lots of things actually
16:33While there have been reports of skeletons turning into ghouls
16:36As to whether that's a coincidence or if there's some other reason that occurs
16:43No one really knows
16:46Although there is one thing we can infer
16:50This monster form of yours, it seems to be dictating the evolutionary path you'll take it's in control
16:57I don't see why you're alarmed so far. You're becoming more and more human, which is what you wanted, right?
17:03I suppose that's true
17:05But then again, why have I now become aghast after all vampires are far more human in appearance compared to them
17:13It's probably similar to the adventures guild rankings. You can't expect to simply jump from iron all the way to gold
17:19There must be conditions and aptitudes to meet first
17:23I see
17:24And experiments using smaller monsters. It's been shown. They existentially evolve based on their environment
17:30In a volcanic area, they develop a high fire affinity or a high water affinity if they're near a body of water
17:38It's possible this evolution was a passive reaction to your environment
17:42But if it happened in response to the will of the monster
17:46While there's some leaps of logic there, it seems to me like you have the potential to reach your goal
17:53If I work hard enough, I might become a vampire someday
17:57And perhaps eventually I could go back to being human
18:02To the former I can say there's a fairly good chance as for the latter. I honestly have no idea
18:08Yes, of course
18:09But to attain your next evolution, I imagine you'll have to do more than just defeat monsters
18:16I understood
18:17Just as getting a taste of human skin and blood made me aghast
18:21There must be some condition to becoming a vampire
18:24Yes, it seems logical
18:28There's so much we still don't know what were you expecting? The only thing i'm working with is a hypothesis a little more than a fantasy
18:37Either way you have quite a long road ahead of you, but I promise to help the best I can
18:42Thank you lorraine don't mention it
18:51Now then let's examine you
18:54Sorry, what remove your clothes? Huh? I'm going to use magic to document every inch of your body for my records
19:00By the way, I need to cut off a part of your body to cut off. Sure. Do you feel pain?
19:05I don't know. I could be boring and prepare an anesthetic but
19:09This is only the beginning of all the medical tests will run
19:13Yes, next we'll study your sleep habits and appetite
19:16try eating normal food later and report back to me if you're closer to a vampire now, then
19:21Fine, we can begin tomorrow
19:24Even if you are in bed, you must be tired from today
19:29Every now and then i've been known to demonstrate some common sense
19:34Now and then that's true. It's not unheard of
19:51I'm feeling all right good actually and that strange impulse from yesterday is gone
20:01I can't go into the labyrinth with my sword like this clope will be so mad at me
20:10You care to explain you see that's your sword
20:17It was until you went and ruined it but now the materials are useless I can't repair this
20:24I'm, sorry. I imbued it with divinity
20:28At least I know where the damage came from but
20:31I don't know of any enemies in the labyrinth of the moon's reflection that require it
20:35Except for a giant skeleton. No way in hell
20:40Apologies, not something you would lie about
20:43Where in the maze did you fight it? I found an unexplored area. What?
20:50Well behind that mask it's you isn't it
20:57You found a place that wasn't mapped
21:00I was wondering why you looked so weird when you came into the shop that day
21:03And I think i'm finally beginning to connect the dots
21:06So were you able to explore it?
21:09Partially I hate to be a pest but i'd like the sword I asked for as soon as possible
21:14Yeah, I figured
21:16You can't afford to let others discover what cost you so dearly
21:20Unfortunately for both of us the blade you requested still isn't ready yet
21:25I've got no choice but to lend you another
21:29Yeah, I didn't prove it over the last riddle
21:34You're one of our best customers after all
21:38Yep, I should have known I wouldn't fool him
21:41At least he gave me a new sword
21:44I can't wait to get done in the labyrinth and evolve again. Hey, give me all those veggies pronto your meat prices
21:50Could you come down a little more like I could say no to you isabel take the meat in the back, too
21:56Hooray the red dragon tavern is open for lunch today. Come by and see us everyone. I definitely will great
22:03We'll be waiting for you
22:25Good night
22:50Baby keep your fire