• 20 hours ago
A delicious, mysterious goo that oozes from the earth is marketed as the newest dessert sensation, but the tasty treat rots more than teeth when zombie-like snackers who only want to consume more of the strange substance at any cost begin infesting the world.
00:00:00What the hell is this?
00:00:16So smooth.
00:00:20That tastes real good.
00:00:28Harry, what are you doing down there? Taking a leak?
00:00:33Want us to wait for you?
00:00:36No, no, no. You guys go ahead. I'll catch up to you later.
00:00:43I'll be back.
00:00:46Whatever that could be. Mighty good.
00:00:52Harry, what are you doing? Eating snow?
00:00:54You out of your head, buddy. If this is snow, try it.
00:00:58No, I don't eat snow.
00:01:00Come on, give it a try. That's not snow. Try it.
00:01:09What the hell is it?
00:01:11You know, if this stuff keeps bubbling out of the ground like this, there might be enough over here that we could sell to people.
00:01:37Christ, I'm being eaten alive.
00:01:47I'm burning up.
00:02:17What the hell is that?
00:02:46You scared me.
00:02:59You shouldn't be walking around here like this. What are you doing down here? I thought you were a burglar or something.
00:03:03I was hungry.
00:03:05You were hungry.
00:03:07Did you see?
00:03:10See what?
00:03:14What's the matter with you, anyway?
00:03:17It was moving.
00:03:20You listen to me, young man. You get your butt back upstairs to bed, you understand? Don't ever pull this on me again. Now move!
00:03:35When I was a little girl, I didn't think there was anything that I liked better than ice cream.
00:04:04Now I'm a big girl, and I've decided there's something I like better, much better. It's called the stuff. And believe me, enough is never enough.
00:04:29A month ago, they acquired the chocolate chip Charlie chain of outlets on the West Coast with the intention of converting them and being in business in 60 days. After that, they'll go national.
00:04:40I wish to hell we knew how they make it. Yeah, we could copy it. And what I meant to say is we could improve on it.
00:04:48Apparently, we've had no luck in analyzing the ingredients and no luck in getting close to anybody inside the company.
00:04:55That's why I've asked Moe Rutherford to come here today.
00:04:58Look, are you sure we want to get mixed up with industrial spies?
00:05:02Hey, look, I want results, and he's the best there is. And it's men like Moe Rutherford that help us stay in business.
00:05:08Yes, I suppose we do have to keep the world safe for ice cream.
00:05:14Hey, didn't you used to be with the Bureau?
00:05:17Yeah, well, at least I didn't get my ass kicked out like you did.
00:05:20Oh, yeah, yeah. I missed out on Ab Scam, DeLorean, all the good times.
00:05:25Yeah, well, just follow me, hotshot. Let's see if you're worth your money.
00:05:33Oh, this is some place you got here, fellas.
00:05:36Gosh, let me... That's a sweaty palm. That's two sweaty palms.
00:05:41Let me see you. Ah, that's another sweaty palm.
00:05:44Yes, sir. Hello, sweaty palms.
00:05:46How do you do?
00:05:48So tell me about the stuff.
00:05:50Now, look, you've been briefed on this problem.
00:05:53Well, not completely. I don't understand why you didn't go to the Food and Drug Administration.
00:05:58Well, for one reason or another, right after it was approved, most of those involved resigned.
00:06:05They're either out of the country or on vacation.
00:06:08Or they had been paid off. That is the American way, you know.
00:06:12We've never had so much trouble getting information out of a company.
00:06:15Oh, don't you worry about that. Every stone wall has a chink in it.
00:06:19I'll get inside there. I'll penetrate the company. I'll do some damage.
00:06:23But it's going to be expensive, believe me.
00:06:25Hey, look. We don't want to know how you do it. Just do it.
00:06:30I don't know. I understand you guys don't like me.
00:06:32Heard it on the tap there.
00:06:34Someone said I've been fired from the FBI, that I've been blackballed, that I was obscene.
00:06:40Someone here said I was obscene. Somebody here. Who said I was obscene?
00:06:44How the hell did you know that?
00:06:46Well, while you were at the Metropolitan Opera last night,
00:06:49I just happened to be walking through your hotel room, and I dropped this in your pocket.
00:06:57Oh, shit.
00:07:04Well, I'll be a son of a bitch.
00:07:08You know, Mr...
00:07:10Rutherford, Moe Rutherford. You know why they call me Moe?
00:07:13No, why?
00:07:14Because every time people give me money, I always want more.
00:07:17Well, you know, Mr. Rutherford...
00:07:19Yes, sir?
00:07:20I don't think you're quite as dumb as you appear to be.
00:07:24No one is as dumb as I appear to be.
00:07:30Now, as I understand it, there is a certified check waiting for me with my name on it.
00:07:35I think the gentleman there.
00:07:37Oh, this fellow here. Oh, yes, look at that.
00:07:40Okay, yeah. Well, that's good enough for starters.
00:07:47Uh, when you talk to the FBI, would you tell them this for me?
00:07:51Oh, I broke his jaw.
00:07:54What the hell?
00:07:56Uh, thanks for the job, gentlemen.
00:08:02Will you go up and tell your brother to get on down here?
00:08:05Oh, come on. My cereal's gonna get soggy. I'll get him when I'm done.
00:08:08Do as I tell you and do it now.
00:08:11Uh, maybe his alarm didn't go off.
00:08:14Yeah, well, he was up running around in the middle of the night. No wonder he's exhausted.
00:08:18You tell him he's not missing school today. I don't care what his excuse is.
00:08:27There he is.
00:08:29Well, what do you want for breakfast?
00:08:31A mackerel.
00:08:33I'll scramble a few over easy for you.
00:08:36Well, uh, my stomach doesn't really feel too good.
00:08:39Yeah, well, it sure felt good at 4 o'clock this morning.
00:08:43Listen, young man, you've missed three days of school already.
00:08:47I don't want you missing any more, you understand?
00:08:49I don't know what your plans are today, but you're not about to miss any more days.
00:08:52Let me have some and I'll finish with my cereal.
00:08:55Sure. It's good for you.
00:08:56No! Don't eat that.
00:09:00There's nothing wrong with it. I had some last night.
00:09:03I'm telling you, it isn't good. It's spoiled.
00:09:08It doesn't taste spoiled to me.
00:09:15Here, you taste it and tell me if you think it's spoiled.
00:09:18I don't want any.
00:09:21Look, it moves around all by itself.
00:09:26It moves.
00:09:29I saw it move in the refrigerator.
00:09:33Hey, freak, what do you want, anyway?
00:09:38Jason! You come back here!
00:09:40You know, I hope these stains come out!
00:09:42What the hell's the matter with that boy, anyway?
00:09:44Look at that. Not a spot.
00:09:46Low in calories, good tasting, and it doesn't even spot.
00:09:50And he doesn't like it.
00:09:56Nothing like it around.
00:09:58Coupled with benign bacteria.
00:10:00It was probably just a lucky accident that tasted great.
00:10:03They seem to reproduce this accident in great quantities.
00:10:06Well, that's what I don't understand.
00:10:08I thought there was some government regulation that requires them to reveal the contents.
00:10:12They're protected by the FDA statute of identities rule.
00:10:17The same law protects Coca-Cola.
00:10:20Secret formula for their syrup.
00:10:23Gentlemen, the little lady entering the room now is doing some undercover research for me.
00:10:29Because, folks, if we're gonna find out secret formula stuff, we're gonna have to steal it.
00:10:35A little faster pace, okay? Let's get a little movement into this.
00:10:39Step, step. Let's see the bathing suit.
00:10:41Okay, I want wonderful smiles.
00:10:44You've got that happy? Is that good?
00:10:47Now I want you to feed each other the stuff, both with nice smiles on your face.
00:10:56Pearl and Kathy.
00:10:59Get a slightly tighter shot of them when we do it, all right?
00:11:02Can I move in?
00:11:03Just a little bit, yeah. As they come forward, you move in a little.
00:11:05Good, happy. You all right? You get it?
00:11:10Going for a close-up of the faces of the next two, because they're real beauties.
00:11:14Now take a bite. Let me see how much you love it!
00:11:18Very good. Thanks, girl.
00:11:20Okay, Christine. By yourself.
00:11:23Right on the lens. Right to the lens. Right here.
00:11:26Very good. Now I'm gonna want you to go in for a tight close-up as she speeds the camera.
00:11:31What are you doing? Are you out of your mind?
00:11:35Who the hell are you?
00:11:37I gotta talk to Miss Kendall about her employment and about this job and everything.
00:11:41So you all can break coffee. You can take off with that.
00:11:44Kill the lights and the sound. You got that? Okay.
00:11:48Now, listen, I'm sorry to interrupt you like that, but I can't wait in line.
00:11:51I can tell right now that you're not the type of person to wait in line either, are you?
00:11:55I mean, you didn't get where you are now by waiting in line, did you?
00:11:58How do you know that story?
00:12:00Well, I know that story, because that's the way I got where I am, where I am today.
00:12:04And here I am with you, and you're awful pretty.
00:12:10Moe. My friends call me Moe.
00:12:12They call me Moe because every time they give me something, I always want Moe.
00:12:16And I suppose you wonder what I want out of you, huh?
00:12:20Yes, I'd like to know what this is all about.
00:12:23I want to put you on our public relations campaign, but I need you not just to raise the image.
00:12:30You've got to convince the public that Lehigh Petroleum has the public's interest at heart.
00:12:37Oh, but why me?
00:12:42Well, I mean, look what you did for the stuff.
00:12:45You invented the name, as I understand it.
00:12:48Oh, yes, that's me.
00:12:49And you created the image and put the whole sales pitch together.
00:12:53That's why I don't have a lot of time for petroleum companies, you know.
00:12:56Well, now, darling, I'm not here to hire your agency to work for us.
00:12:59I want to buy your agency and put you in charge.
00:13:03Oh, oh.
00:13:05You want to buy the agency and make...
00:13:07That clarifies things.
00:13:09That clarifies things.
00:13:10Will you just sit right there just one second?
00:13:18I want you to check out this guy on the card thoroughly and then get back to me.
00:13:21I want you to cancel my dinner date and I want you to go get me a dress to wear.
00:13:25No problem. Right away, Miss Kendall.
00:13:29So, you were saying?
00:13:34I do like to see a woman with a decision.
00:13:37Pick your favorite restaurant.
00:13:41Where are you staying?
00:13:43Sherry Netherland.
00:13:45Do they have room service at the Sherry Netherland?
00:13:48My limousine's just outside.
00:13:54So is mine.
00:13:56I bet mine's bigger than yours.
00:14:21Hey, give me that!
00:14:22Hey, give me that back!
00:14:23One, two, three, fight! You got it!
00:14:27Hey, what are you doing?
00:14:29Get him!
00:14:30Get him!
00:14:53Oh, shit.
00:15:01Get him!
00:15:03Get him!
00:15:13Get him!
00:15:15Get him!
00:15:19Let go! Let go!
00:15:21He's going to kill you! He's going to kill you all!
00:15:30Get him!
00:15:47Hello, Mr. Vickers. I called you about an appointment.
00:15:50Oh, sure. The man from Consumer Magazine?
00:15:52Yeah, that's right.
00:15:53Well, come on.
00:16:01Is he friendly?
00:16:03He's absolutely harmless.
00:16:04How old is he?
00:16:06One year.
00:16:07One year old? He's awful big.
00:16:09I feed him very well.
00:16:11Can I get you a drink?
00:16:12Oh, no thanks. I'm off that now.
00:16:14I'm glad to hear that. Liquor can't kill you.
00:16:16Don't want to be outlawed.
00:16:19Uh, Mr. Vickers,
00:16:21how long have you been with the Food and Drug Administration?
00:16:25Oh, I've been here a long time.
00:16:27How long have you been with the Food and Drug Administration?
00:16:31Almost 19 years.
00:16:33Yeah, pretty soon they'll be retiring, eh?
00:16:38And as I understand it, you were a part of the team
00:16:41that tested and approved a product called The Stuff.
00:16:45Oh, they didn't have a name for it then.
00:16:47But they sure merchandised the hell out of it.
00:16:48But we all agree it's a good product.
00:16:50How long was it tested before you approved it?
00:16:53You've got to understand that
00:16:55this is a dessert,
00:16:58not a prescription medicine.
00:17:00Not any different from yogurt or ice cream.
00:17:04What's in The Stuff? I mean, what's it made out of?
00:17:07How's it made?
00:17:12What was your name again?
00:17:14Moe Rutherford.
00:17:16I hope...
00:17:17Well, look, I hope you're not going to tell me now
00:17:19that there's been some trouble.
00:17:20I mean, someone's allergic to it.
00:17:22Well, that would upset you, wouldn't it?
00:17:25Look, all we can do is look
00:17:28for something common to most people.
00:17:30Now, if there is no reason to forbid the use of a product,
00:17:34then we have to okay it.
00:17:37And in this case, it was a pleasure.
00:17:42It was an absolute pleasure because I love it.
00:17:44I love it.
00:17:45What, do you eat The Stuff?
00:17:46All the time.
00:17:47I feed it to Ben. Ben has some.
00:17:50You feed the dog The Stuff?
00:17:51Absolutely. Ben eats it all the time. Right, Ben?
00:17:55Well, I suppose if both of you eat it, it's got to be all right.
00:17:59Yes, it's really good.
00:18:03But I understand that you're not actually a chemist, Mr. Rickards.
00:18:06No, no, I'm an administrator,
00:18:09but I can give you the names of some of the people on the panel.
00:18:13Oh, well, I tried that already, and for some strange reason,
00:18:16they're all out of the country or they're deceased.
00:18:19What a shame.
00:18:23Say, where did you test The Stuff?
00:18:27Stata, Virginia?
00:18:28I still have some old preliminary worksheets at my office upstairs.
00:18:31Maybe you should look at them. Nothing, nothing, nothing confidential.
00:18:34I'd appreciate that.
00:18:35You know what? I'll Xerox them and send them right back to you.
00:18:38You know you're lucky. I never throw anything away.
00:18:42Good boy, good boy.
00:18:48Why is your master afraid of you, huh?
00:18:55Are you hungry? Want to get something to eat?
00:18:58Come on, let's go to the kitchen.
00:19:12Oh, I'm sorry.
00:19:14Should have offered you a cup of coffee or a nice soft drink.
00:19:17Well, I felt like a glass of water, but I'm not thirsty anymore.
00:19:20Yeah, these are some of my old documents, just a lot of old names.
00:19:23Yeah, well, thanks very much. I appreciate it.
00:19:26It's my pleasure.
00:19:34I'll get copies of this as soon as possible.
00:19:37Take your time.
00:19:40You've been a good boy, Ben.
00:19:42I've got a treat for you.
00:19:44In fact, I have a treat for both of us.
00:19:47We deserve it, don't we?
00:20:09It's a surprise.
00:20:162.30 a.m. They still keep coming.
00:20:50Ben! No, Ben!
00:20:52I'll find more!
00:21:26Okay, I'm coming, I'm coming.
00:21:28What can I do for you?
00:21:30Fill her up.
00:21:32Fill her up.
00:21:35There's nice, clean restrooms out there if you want to.
00:21:39I must have taken the wrong turn off here somewhere.
00:21:42This is Stater, isn't it?
00:21:44Yes, it is.
00:21:46Yeah, I guess I know somebody here. I can't remember his name.
00:21:51He and me and old Harold, he moved out.
00:21:53They're just about all moving out of here.
00:21:56There's nobody here but you?
00:21:58Don't you want to wash your hands or something? I put in a new towel.
00:22:01Could you stop that at $20?
00:22:03Uh, okay, yeah, sure.
00:22:12Do you recognize that car down there?
00:22:16I know.
00:22:18Well, ain't that a novelty.
00:22:20Two strangers in one day.
00:23:15You're Chocolate Chip Charlie.
00:23:17Well, I sure as hell ain't the Kentucky Colonel. Get off of me.
00:23:20Uh, I'm sorry, what are you doing down here in a town like this?
00:23:24Big executive like you.
00:23:26I'm trying to find out something about the sons of bitches who stole my company out from under me
00:23:30and threw me out on my beautiful black ass. You work for them, huh?
00:23:33I'm investigating them, same as you are.
00:23:35Yeah, those shits.
00:23:37Somehow, man, they got to my asshole brother and my two idiot nephews
00:23:41and everybody else I trusted would stop.
00:23:44And they brainwashed them, man.
00:23:46Next thing I knew, they was in and I was out.
00:23:48Yeah, okay, Charlie. Well, now, did you find anything out?
00:23:51What you gonna find out, man, in a town that has just been dried up and blown away, man?
00:23:56Must be a side effect of eating too much dessert. An urge to migrate.
00:24:00Well, there's a widespread urge of that around here.
00:24:03I might have gone along with the idea. They didn't have to steal my company.
00:24:07Yeah, but these guys don't like having partners, Charlie.
00:24:09Yeah, and I figured if there was a mafia front, I'd get back at them, expose them, and then get my company back.
00:24:15But how did you find this out of the way place?
00:24:17Oh, those damn relatives of mine again.
00:24:19After they boarded me off of the board of directors, you know what they did?
00:24:23They hid out from me, man. They just disappeared because they knew I'd kill them.
00:24:28And then they left this place here as a forwarding address.
00:24:31A forwarding address? Yeah.
00:24:34Well, that's a post office.
00:24:39Where does all that mail get rerouted to?
00:24:42Well, to these people, the addresses they left behind.
00:24:46But I don't see that any interest to you.
00:24:53Midland, Georgia. Midland, Georgia. Midland, Georgia.
00:24:56A whole lot of folks have relocated to Midland, Georgia, man.
00:25:02All right, it's dinnertime about now.
00:25:04Why don't you just close up shop, and we'll take you out for a bite to eat?
00:25:08I've eaten already.
00:25:10Midland, Georgia, huh?
00:25:12They all went there, and you stayed here.
00:25:16Go away.
00:25:18Leave us alone.
00:25:20What do you mean, us, man? We're talking to you.
00:25:23Ain't nobody else in this place, is there?
00:25:25Because all we see is you and the gas station, man, and now he's gone.
00:25:30We're not bothering anybody.
00:25:35Excuse me.
00:25:37I'll be right back.
00:25:51What do you think, Charlie?
00:25:53The man is not in proper operating order.
00:25:56I'd like to take him someplace and get him X-rayed.
00:25:58But what if he doesn't want to come along with us?
00:26:00We snatch him.
00:26:01Oh, now, Charlie, I run a high-tech operation.
00:26:03I don't go in for things like that.
00:26:05I got a few low-tech solutions for our problem.
00:26:07We hit that sucker over the head.
00:26:09Oh, well, we can do that.
00:26:11We throw him in the trunk of the car.
00:26:13We can do that, too.
00:26:14And we take off.
00:26:15But whose car?
00:26:21I'll be right there, baby.
00:26:33Okay, lethal hands, kill the door.
00:26:36Watch out for spinners.
00:26:40I always knock first.
00:26:43I always knock first.
00:27:00What happened to him?
00:27:02Nobody's mouth could open that wide.
00:27:08You are not thinking about going after him.
00:27:10I hope you got a gun on you, Charlie.
00:27:12How many times must I tell you my hand's a lethal weapon?
00:27:15Yeah, I hope you're right.
00:27:16Because if that thing tries to kill me, you kill me first.
00:27:26Hey, wait, wait, wait.
00:27:28We are not alone.
00:27:32The only thing chocolate chip Charlie knows better than fighting is running.
00:27:35Pick a direction.
00:27:41Get in that boat, Charlie.
00:27:43Okay, get in that boat.
00:27:46Get in the boat, Charlie!
00:27:48Get in the boat!
00:27:49I forgot the hole in that sucker.
00:27:54Get in the boat!
00:28:21Hey, honey, you got a cup of coffee for me?
00:28:23Oh, Dad.
00:28:24You're a pretty thing. Look at her. Isn't she pretty?
00:28:27You know, every time I feel like eating, I think of that guy with the mouth.
00:28:30Oh, I can't turn my head off my stomach.
00:28:32Me too.
00:28:34Hey, waitress, you got any good chocolate chip cookies?
00:28:37Sure do.
00:28:38Oh, my.
00:28:40You got any of the stuff?
00:28:45Wish I did. I can't get it.
00:28:47It's on order, though.
00:28:56You and I are gonna have to split up.
00:29:00You sure you no longer need my iron fists?
00:29:04I want you to go to Washington, D.C.
00:29:07and see Special Agent Frank Herbert.
00:29:17He won't believe me.
00:29:19Maybe he'll believe you.
00:29:21Ah, Frank Herbert, the F.B.I.
00:29:25I got you.
00:29:29Here you go, honey. Thanks a lot.
00:29:33Hey, fellas, any of you guys going down Route 105 to give a guy a lift?
00:29:37Yeah, I'm just about done.
00:29:39Oh, good. Thanks very much.
00:29:40Is your friend coming with you?
00:29:42Oh, no, he's got other business.
00:29:43Charlie, remember where you are.
00:30:03Here he comes.
00:30:39Well, you missed your brother, didn't you?
00:30:41That's right.
00:30:42I expected you a lot now.
00:30:44I gather the, uh...
00:30:46I'd say it wasn't a rather congenial community of yours.
00:30:50News travels fast.
00:30:54You're not one of them, are you?
00:30:57You're not on the stuff, are you?
00:30:59I don't know. My doctor would never allow me to take any of that.
00:31:03Well, you distribute it. You know what it is.
00:31:05You put it in the stores and the supermarkets.
00:31:08I know what it is? Don't be ridiculous. I don't know what it is.
00:31:10Anybody know what it is?
00:31:12Anybody know what it wants?
00:31:14And those who would take a critical mass of it, to them, why, it's everything.
00:31:18When those people discovered it and they came here and brought it to me first,
00:31:21they were already addicted.
00:31:23They were compelled to find somebody like me who could market it for tens of millions.
00:31:28But that was long before you test-marketed the product in Stater.
00:31:31So where did it all start?
00:31:34Everyone in Stater went to a little town called Midland, Georgia.
00:31:38Now, your conglomerate owns a mining company in Midland.
00:31:42Let go of it, Mr. Rutherford.
00:31:45You can't stop it.
00:31:47I can shut you down.
00:31:49I don't know. I really don't know.
00:31:52I don't think anybody would pay too much attention to a disreputable character like you.
00:31:57You're a rogue. You're a crook.
00:32:00And the pay of the ice cream company is just out trying to screw the competition.
00:32:06I could always kill you.
00:32:10Well, you could come to work for me.
00:32:13Let me show you something.
00:32:17I got a little envelope here for you in anticipation of your arrival.
00:32:23What do you think of that?
00:32:25$1,000 bills?
00:32:27I buy 25 of them.
00:32:29Right on.
00:32:31There's also a first draft here of a contract to supervise our security here.
00:32:35You do know who I am, don't you?
00:32:38I don't have to eat the stuff, though, do I?
00:32:41I really would like to leave that to the stuffies.
00:32:44It's not your fault.
00:32:46It is my fault. I invented the whole campaign that made it so popular.
00:32:49You think you're the only person that ever did anything wrong?
00:32:51No, I know I'm not the only person that ever did anything wrong.
00:32:54Do you want to trade sins, Ms. Kendall?
00:32:57All right, I'll trade a sin with you.
00:33:01I am not an oil millionaire.
00:33:04I'm an industrial saboteur.
00:33:09Why don't you just call the FBI and tell them what you know?
00:33:13I haven't got any credibility with the Bureau or any other federal agency in that matter.
00:33:18I was one of them. They kicked me out.
00:33:21Um, what about Ralph Nader or somebody like that?
00:33:24Oh, I got a bad name with him, too.
00:33:26A couple of motor car companies hired me to discredit consumer groups.
00:33:29I did too good a job.
00:33:31But if you've got proof, then we've got to go to somebody and...
00:33:35I got no proof at all, and that's why I got to go to the factory with you tonight to get proof.
00:33:41Have you seen this?
00:33:43Oh, uh, Doc, this is Nicole.
00:33:45Pleased to meet you.
00:33:48Some kid on Long Island sure as hell doesn't like the stuff for breakfast.
00:33:51Went bonkers in a local supermarket.
00:33:56I'll go see that kid.
00:33:59Honey, I'll see you at the airport tonight.
00:34:02Doc, would you, uh, see, uh, Ms. Kendall home, please?
00:34:05David, you...
00:34:07Great taste for today
00:34:09Tastes great every way
00:34:11Can't get enough of the stuff
00:34:13The stuff, the taste that makes you hungry for more.
00:34:16Enough is never enough
00:34:18The stuff, the taste that delivers
00:34:21Enough is never enough
00:34:24The stuff!
00:34:26Tonight on ABC's Nightline...
00:34:30...number of missing persons reported during the last...
00:34:33Hey, I'm up here, you know!
00:34:35...phenomena not confined to individuals.
00:34:37Entire families have been reported missing.
00:34:41Just these disappearances...
00:34:43Grounded for life.
00:34:45Tonight on ABC's Nightline...
00:35:16The City of the Dead
00:35:31Aw, hey, look. He's here.
00:35:34So what are you lookin' at?
00:35:36Is that dinner?
00:35:38Well, we're dieting.
00:35:40I've lost five pounds already this week, and I've never felt better.
00:35:43Why are you talking like you're on a commercial?
00:35:45Here, Jason, take some.
00:35:48You know what I said about that.
00:35:50That was the truth.
00:35:51And you know that there is something alive in there.
00:35:56Jason, I mean, there's something alive in yogurt.
00:35:59It's called benign bacteria.
00:36:02I mean, there's something alive in a loaf of bread.
00:36:03It's yeast.
00:36:04I mean, that's a living organism.
00:36:05We eat plenty of things that are still
00:36:07alive that are good for us.
00:36:08I know that, but that was moving.
00:36:12All microorganisms move, Jason.
00:36:14I mean, if you could see them with the naked eye.
00:36:17I mean, under a microscope, you can see them move.
00:36:18So what's the difference?
00:36:20That they're good for us, Jason.
00:36:22They kill the bad things inside us.
00:36:27He's just a baby.
00:36:29Always afraid of everything.
00:36:32Get him.
00:36:34Get him.
00:36:51What am I supposed to do?
00:36:52What are you supposed to do?
00:36:54You're supposed to eat it.
00:36:55That's all.
00:36:56You eat it.
00:36:57Eat as much of it as you can, or you keep eating it.
00:37:03We thought you'd love this house, Jason.
00:37:05That's why we bought it.
00:37:06What about your new room?
00:37:07We got you everything you asked for.
00:37:09Are we asking you for so much?
00:37:17You always get everything you want.
00:37:18Now, you stay in your room until you finish that.
00:37:35Then you can become a part of the family again.
00:38:18I'm sorry.
00:38:19I'm sorry.
00:38:20I'm sorry.
00:38:21I'm sorry.
00:38:22I'm sorry.
00:38:23I'm sorry.
00:38:24I'm sorry.
00:38:25I'm sorry.
00:38:26I'm sorry.
00:38:27I'm sorry.
00:38:28I'm sorry.
00:38:29I'm sorry.
00:38:30I'm sorry.
00:38:31I'm sorry.
00:38:32I'm sorry.
00:38:33I'm sorry.
00:38:34I'm sorry.
00:38:35I'm sorry.
00:38:36I'm sorry.
00:38:37I'm sorry.
00:38:38I'm sorry.
00:38:39I'm sorry.
00:38:40I'm sorry.
00:38:41I'm sorry.
00:38:42I'm sorry.
00:38:43I'm sorry.
00:38:44I'm sorry.
00:38:45I'm sorry.
00:38:46I'm sorry.
00:38:48I'm sorry.
00:38:49I'm sorry.
00:38:50I'm so sorry.
00:39:16Didn't Dad say stay upstairs and eat it?
00:39:19He was right.
00:39:21I tried some of it, and he was right.
00:39:27Hey, that's mine.
00:39:32Hey, Dad, Jason loves it.
00:39:35Jason always did have a hell of an appetite.
00:39:38Why don't you have some more, Pop?
00:39:40I'm still working on this one.
00:39:42Then I'll have some more.
00:39:45Books off the table, glasses off.
00:39:48As a matter of fact, I'll take a whole bunch of it up to my room.
00:39:53Just in case I get a little bit hungry.
00:39:58I never get tired anymore.
00:40:01We don't get tired now that we've been eating properly.
00:40:15Get in the car!
00:40:17Who are you?
00:40:19I saw it move, too. Get in the back.
00:40:22Leave him alone!
00:40:24Who are you?
00:40:26Stop it!
00:40:34Get in the car!
00:40:36Who are you?
00:40:38Get in the car!
00:40:40Who are you?
00:40:43Boy, they sure do have a lot of energy.
00:40:54Excuse me, sir.
00:40:58I kind of just threw up in your car.
00:41:00I know.
00:41:03I'm sorry. I mean...
00:41:05That's all right.
00:41:07I just ate shaving cream.
00:41:09Everybody has to eat shaving cream once in a while.
00:41:20You feeling a little better?
00:41:22Would you open the window now?
00:41:24Open the window?
00:41:29All aboard for Georgia!
00:41:34Wait a minute. David, I mean, what...
00:41:37Any more passengers? We all said to go.
00:41:39Well, we got this ex-con here.
00:41:45Wow. Never been in a plane like this before.
00:41:53I'm sorry.
00:41:56Midland, Georgia.
00:41:58Fletcher's conglomerate that distributes his stuff
00:42:00owns mines and quarries all around here.
00:42:02There's got to be a connection.
00:42:14Thank you. Very nice flight.
00:42:17Are you Miss Futterman?
00:42:19Yes, I am. Very nice to meet you.
00:42:21Very nice to meet you, too.
00:42:23When he wakes up, you keep him entertained.
00:42:25If we're not back in three hours,
00:42:27you take him to Savannah Airport and wait for instructions.
00:42:31I hope you don't mind my bringing
00:42:33my male secretary, Roger, along.
00:42:35He's so creative.
00:42:37I'm Elliot Howard.
00:42:39I'm the chief of public relations down here.
00:42:41Very nice to meet you.
00:42:43This my partner?
00:42:45My name is Michael Grimsby.
00:42:47Grimsby and Howard. Howard and Grimsby.
00:42:49Oh, yeah. Didn't you gentlemen have a...
00:42:51live in a town estate one time or another?
00:42:56How do you know that?
00:42:58That's where the original tests were done
00:43:00by the Food and Drug Administration, isn't it?
00:43:02Yes, ma'am. That's how we heard about it.
00:43:04I had my own business down there,
00:43:06but I gave it up to join the firm.
00:43:08We were both convinced that this is the product of tomorrow.
00:43:16Look at those tall stacks.
00:43:18All full of the stuff.
00:43:20All full of the stuff, huh?
00:43:50All full of the stuff.
00:44:10Call me Cassidy.
00:44:12Cassidy, I'm the company foreman.
00:44:14Nice to meet you.
00:44:16I want to thank you for the wonderful job
00:44:18people have been doing down on Madison Avenue.
00:44:20Oh, it's very easy to sell a product
00:44:22when people like it so much.
00:44:24Yes, we like it ourselves.
00:44:26Sometimes it's tough to keep the workmen
00:44:28from eating up all the profits.
00:44:30I bet.
00:44:49You shouldn't be shooting pitches here.
00:44:55This is very, very interesting, Mr. Cassidy,
00:44:57but I think that what we'd really like to see
00:45:00is the room where they put all the ingredients together.
00:45:03You know, where they mix the stuff.
00:45:05Oh, no, that's a state secret, ma'am.
00:45:07We're very tight on that subject.
00:45:09Now, Mr. Cassidy, I intend to bring
00:45:11an entire crew down here from New York
00:45:14and shoot a commercial using all the people
00:45:16who really work here at the factory.
00:45:18Maybe even you, Mr. Cassidy.
00:45:20Blah, blah, blah.
00:45:22Blah, blah, blah.
00:45:34Blah, blah, blah.
00:45:47Blah, blah, blah.
00:45:53The stuff will be coming down earlier tonight.
00:45:55Coming down right after sunset every night this week.
00:45:58Why can't they get us more trucks?
00:46:00We need more trucks if we want to keep up with it.
00:46:03I won't complain.
00:46:23Units 3 and 4 be ready to proceed to the quarry at 8 p.m.
00:46:27Units 5 and 6 should be ready to move out at 9.15 p.m.
00:46:32All personnel are restricted to the factory grounds until morning.
00:46:36No passes are valid.
00:47:03Now, you've had a long flight and all,
00:47:05and I know that you both must be tired.
00:47:07We've made arrangements for a motel for you nearby.
00:47:11We'll get you in the morning for a little breakfast
00:47:13and bring you on back here.
00:47:18Seems you've got to eat enough of it
00:47:20before it starts taking control of your mind,
00:47:22and like anything else, some people are more susceptible than others.
00:47:39Jason's in Savannah, Georgia, by now.
00:47:42Oh, I'm going to collapse the minute I hit that pillow.
00:47:46Marcia, I'm glad you gave us a joining room,
00:47:48because she likes to dictate right in the middle of the night, you know?
00:47:51And she looks after my shorthand and my hunt and my pick.
00:48:06We're in Andre's exclusive Continental Restaurant,
00:48:09which caters to only the most discriminating clientele.
00:48:13How's the food, sweetheart?
00:48:18That's nice.
00:48:20Where's the stuff?
00:48:36The stuff, the taste that makes you hungry for more.
00:48:41The stuff, the taste that delivers.
00:48:44β™ͺ Enough is never enough
00:48:46β™ͺ Enough is never enough of the stuff...
00:49:22I'll get it off you.
00:49:24I'll burn it.
00:49:31No, don't, don't, don't touch it.
00:49:33Take your hands away.
00:49:43I'm going to burn it.
00:49:56Harden my face, harden my face.
00:49:58I'll kill you!
00:50:00Leave us alone, leave us alone!
00:50:12Leave me!
00:50:14Look at that, that's meant for us.
00:50:16Kill him.
00:50:20I'll burn the hell out of him.
00:50:58Don't touch me.
00:51:00Are you all right?
00:51:02Just getting that truck a hot wire.
00:51:13What if somebody reports the truck's stolen
00:51:15Where are we just telling it our fellow tried to kill us?
00:51:17No, where are we going?
00:51:19We're going back to the factory.
00:51:21We're going to take our own guy to tour.
00:51:45Where are they going at this hour?
00:51:47Good time to travel when you don't want to be seen.
00:51:50Let's find out where they're going.
00:53:05We can't go much further with this damn thing.
00:53:07It's making too much noise.
00:53:19What's that light up ahead?
00:53:23I don't know.
00:53:31What the hell are they doing?
00:53:33That stuff comes right out of the center of the earth.
00:53:37And straight into our supermarkets.
00:53:39You mean they don't process it or manufacture it at all?
00:53:43No, they siphon it right off and into the trucks.
00:53:47And the only way I can prove that is go down there and steal one of those trucks.
00:53:53You can't do that. This place is wide open.
00:53:55They're going to see you.
00:53:57Not if I have this on.
00:53:59No wonder you saved that scene instead of my pocketbook.
00:54:36I want you to go back to the pickup.
00:54:38Keys are under the floorboard.
00:54:40And meet me at Route 5 near the parkway.
00:54:43All right?
00:54:45You going to be all right?
00:54:47No, I'll be fine. This is my business.
00:54:49You look kind of cute in this thing.
00:54:52I do love encouragement.
00:55:04It's coming down in great mass tonight.
00:55:06Be grateful for its plentiful supply and for the good work we are doing.
00:55:11Soon the hunger in the world will be a thing of the past.
00:55:15The earth is giving off the food that will nourish all.
00:55:19And guide us all to the true order of life.
00:56:19Oh my god.
00:56:38Oh no.
00:56:40Oh my god, we're gonna get...
00:56:43Turn around and show me!
00:56:49Get me out of here, now!
00:57:05Well, what are you waiting for?
00:57:14Why don't you do something?
00:57:17Why don't you do something for me?
00:57:23Get me out of here, now!
00:57:33I need you out of there.
00:57:35Hey, what are you doing there?
00:57:42Get out of that truck!
00:58:04Get me out of here, now!
00:58:23You're inside my head!
00:58:25You want me to do what you made the rest of my family do?
00:58:35Let me go!
00:58:36Let me go!
00:58:37Let me go!
00:58:38Let me go!
00:58:39Let me go!
00:58:40Let me go!
00:58:41Let me go!
00:58:42Let me go!
00:58:43Let me go!
00:58:44Let me go!
00:58:45Let me go!
00:58:46Let me go!
00:58:47Let me go!
00:58:48Let me go!
00:58:49Let me go!
00:58:50Let me go!
00:58:52Let me go!
00:58:53Let me go!
00:58:54Let me go!
00:58:55Let me go!
00:58:56Let me go!
00:58:57Let me go!
00:58:58Let me go!
00:58:59Let me go!
00:59:00Let me go!
00:59:01Let me go!
00:59:02Let me go!
00:59:03Let me go!
00:59:04Let me go!
00:59:05Let me go!
00:59:06Let me go!
00:59:07Let me go!
00:59:08Let me go!
00:59:09Let me go!
00:59:10Let me go!
00:59:11Let me go!
00:59:12Let me go!
00:59:13Let me go!
00:59:14Let me go!
00:59:15Let me go!
00:59:16Let me go!
00:59:17Let me go!
00:59:18Let me go!
00:59:19Let me go!
00:59:20Let me go!
00:59:21Let me go!
00:59:22Let me go!
00:59:23Let me go!
00:59:24Let me go!
00:59:25Let me go!
00:59:26Let me go!
00:59:27Let me go!
00:59:28Let me go!
00:59:29Let me go!
00:59:30Let me go!
00:59:31Let me go!
00:59:32Let me go!
00:59:33Let me go!
00:59:34Let me go!
00:59:35Let me go!
00:59:36Let me go!
00:59:37Let me go!
00:59:38Let me go!
00:59:39Let me go!
00:59:40Let me go!
00:59:41Let me go!
00:59:42Let me go!
00:59:43Let me go!
00:59:44Let me go!
00:59:45Let me go!
00:59:46Let me go!
00:59:47Let me go!
00:59:48Let me go!
00:59:49Let me go!
00:59:50Let me go!
00:59:51Let me go!
00:59:52Let me go!
00:59:53Let me go!
00:59:54Let me go!
00:59:55Let me go!
00:59:56Let me go!
00:59:57Let me go!
01:00:00Your hose is at hang out back there.
01:00:02Are you going to arrest me for indecent exposure?
01:00:05Get your hands up where I can see them and come on down out of the truck.
01:00:11Get over there.
01:00:13Get your hands up.
01:00:14Go ahead.
01:00:15Do I have to put my hands up too?
01:00:16I mean, aren't you going to shake me down?
01:00:18Don't shake me down.
01:00:20OK, miss, you come down out of the truck, too.
01:00:32It seems we've sprung a leak.
01:00:33It's a shame all that stuff is going to waste.
01:00:42I got to go get something.
01:00:43Let's go get something.
01:00:44Officer, I'm so hungry.
01:00:46You know how it is.
01:00:47You get so hungry if you go without the stuff
01:00:49for more than an hour or two.
01:00:50I bet you're hungry, too, aren't you, officer?
01:00:52You're a hungry guy.
01:00:54God, I'm so hungry.
01:00:56Come on, officer.
01:00:59Fake eating it.
01:01:00Officer, it's so good.
01:01:01I'm sure you want some, don't you?
01:01:03Ah, this is great.
01:01:12I feel like falling in love.
01:01:14Hey, look, there's a town up ahead.
01:01:16I'm going to bypass it.
01:01:18It's too small.
01:01:19They probably control it.
01:01:20We'd never get out of there.
01:01:23Then where do we go, David?
01:01:24We go to a large city, and they can't control it.
01:01:26We'd have a chance.
01:01:37A castle?
01:01:39I know the man who lives here.
01:01:40I know everything about him.
01:01:42He doesn't know me.
01:01:46Well, wait here.
01:02:09Get back!
01:02:18I am reporting to Colonel Spears.
01:02:28Who are you?
01:02:31Well, I once worked for a man named Hoover.
01:02:35And he once ordered me to put some taps on an apartment
01:02:38that you rented for a 17-year-old black chick.
01:02:44And I wish I'd brought along the tapes,
01:02:46because then I could prove to you that I really am who I am.
01:02:50You're not with the Bureau anymore.
01:02:51Oh, no, no, no, no.
01:02:52They canned me just before they mailed
01:02:54those tapes to your wife.
01:03:00I could toss you off this tower.
01:03:02You'd land right about there.
01:03:05You're a trespasser.
01:03:08Oh, you see, Colonel, you know, I only told you about the tapes
01:03:10so I could get up here to see you, because I need you.
01:03:14You know that the whole country needs you.
01:03:19Now, you wouldn't be trying to lie to me,
01:03:20or deceive me, or entrap me.
01:03:23You remember, you were worried about the commies putting
01:03:26fluoride in our water system.
01:03:30Now, you know, there's a thing going on now that's
01:03:32a lot worse.
01:03:34Americans are being poisoned faster and quicker
01:03:37than you can imagine.
01:03:39The FBI, you know, they always worried about commies
01:03:42getting these deep cover agents and putting them
01:03:45into high positions in the American industry.
01:03:48Then they'd acquire a corporation, right?
01:03:51And then they'd establish themselves,
01:03:53and they'd work on us from within.
01:03:55Right inside.
01:03:56Get inside our insides and get us inside.
01:04:01Sounds like one of my radio speeches
01:04:03a year ago last Thanksgiving.
01:04:04You were a deep prophet.
01:04:06A product is being sold now, and it's
01:04:08being consumed by tens of millions of people.
01:04:12And it contains a mind-affecting drug in it.
01:04:16And you and I both know what they are.
01:04:20And they're doing it.
01:04:22Oh, yeah, their headquarters, they're
01:04:24less than 100 miles from here.
01:04:26Sons of bitches.
01:04:29What's wrong with that?
01:04:30Yeah, I guess they forgot about Colonel Spears, huh?
01:04:33They didn't know you were around,
01:04:34and that you had something in you,
01:04:35and you could want to bring it to their knees, right?
01:04:41Young man, you come with me.
01:04:42We're going to have a nice, tall, cold drink.
01:04:46What are you, in the army or something?
01:04:48We are your only army, son.
01:04:52So this is the young lady who's going to go with us.
01:04:56Well, she's familiar with the plant.
01:04:57She's been inside. She can guide us.
01:04:58You can ride up with me.
01:04:59Oh, well, that's going to really be an honor, Colonel.
01:05:02Well, I know.
01:05:03That's why I asked you.
01:05:04After this mission, you can reward
01:05:06me in a suitable fashion.
01:05:07Oh, uh, Colonel, I think you're moving in on my lady.
01:05:10Well, I wouldn't worry about that, son.
01:05:12You'll probably be a casualty.
01:05:23You know that, uh, missing truck?
01:05:25I see it coming down the road right now.
01:05:29No, I can't see who's at the wheel.
01:05:35Hey, I found this here truck down by Highway 12, abandoned.
01:05:48Kind of figured you might, uh, give us some kind of cash
01:05:52reward for bringing it back.
01:05:55Yeah, OK.
01:05:56Move it on in.
01:06:05Well, come on.
01:06:06Move it on in.
01:06:10Not till we talk about money.
01:06:12Hey, it's all settled.
01:06:17That guy liked the sight of blood.
01:06:20Well, this is disgusting.
01:06:39Attention, the main gate has been penetrated.
01:06:41Outsiders are here to read the factory area.
01:06:43Do not resist them.
01:06:44Follow the agreed upon course of action.
01:06:46Repeat, follow the agreed upon course of action.
01:06:48Come on!
01:06:54Where the hell are all these yellow-bellied sons
01:06:56of bitches and snuffies?
01:06:57What's that?
01:06:58Come on!
01:07:00Dig out behind that truck!
01:07:01Get some men up on the tower!
01:07:10Come on, you snuffie sons of bitches!
01:07:12That's right, Colonel.
01:07:13You tell them.
01:07:25Let's go have a look inside, guys.
01:07:33Come on, come on.
01:07:36No show of resistance.
01:07:38They may not be armed, sir.
01:07:39Doesn't matter if they are armed.
01:07:41There is no match for the American boy.
01:07:44We have never lost a war.
01:07:46What about Nam, sir?
01:07:48We lost that war at home, Sonny.
01:07:51They may have run out on us.
01:07:58Don't look.
01:07:59Don't look.
01:08:03Son of a bitch.
01:08:04The yellow sons of bitches.
01:08:07They took their own lives.
01:08:08Call me bastard.
01:08:09You cheated me.
01:08:12Still warm.
01:08:13This must have just happened.
01:08:15Must have issued suicide capsules.
01:08:18Ready for us.
01:08:19Standard KGB procedure.
01:08:20How about you, FBI?
01:08:21You ever seen anything like this?
01:08:27No white stuff in this son of a bitch.
01:08:29If it was inside, it must have just taken off.
01:08:35I want to see.
01:08:36I want to see this.
01:08:38No, we have to go outside.
01:08:39You have to protect the young lady, Trooper.
01:08:45How do you get out of here?
01:08:46Guns at the end.
01:08:47Take a left.
01:08:52Come over here, boy.
01:08:54Come on.
01:08:54Come on, move.
01:08:55You think with these guns you got in your hands,
01:08:58you think you can shoot anything?
01:08:59You think you don't like?
01:09:01Well, what if what you don't like is inside you?
01:09:04How are you going to shoot it?
01:09:25Faster, boy.
01:09:26Hurry up.
01:09:35We got to make it through that door.
01:09:36Come on.
01:09:37Oh, no.
01:09:39One, two, three.
01:09:52Look out.
01:09:52Don't get none of it on you.
01:09:53Keep back.
01:10:00All right.
01:10:01We're going to leave it where it is.
01:10:04I own two radio stations down in Atlanta.
01:10:06We're going to fly down there.
01:10:08We're going to broadcast a warning.
01:10:10We're going to tell the public what this stuff can do.
01:10:3075%, 80%, 90% of the people in this world don't like me.
01:10:33No matter what I do, I give my body, I give my soul.
01:10:36And they still don't like you.
01:10:37They don't like me.
01:10:38They never have liked me.
01:10:40When I was a boy, I was always the biggest, and toughest,
01:10:42and strongest, and smartest, and best looking.
01:10:44See, they want to see somebody who's
01:10:45lily-livered, and weak, and spineless, just like they are.
01:10:48Ain't I right, FBI?
01:10:50So anyway, I'd like to know if there's
01:10:52something you can do to help me change my image.
01:10:54Now, Colonel, I think she can change your image.
01:10:57Now, Colonel, I think she can change your image like that.
01:11:01You sold him that white shit.
01:11:02Why can't you help sell him me?
01:11:13Come on, gorgeous.
01:11:14I should have taken you into combat years ago.
01:11:28What is this, World War III?
01:11:32Just get us to 4th and Main right away.
01:11:34No more of your liberal remarks.
01:12:16He's got a gun.
01:12:17He's got a gun.
01:12:18What are they doing with machine guns?
01:12:20Get off the street.
01:12:21Come on.
01:12:22Come on.
01:12:23Come on.
01:12:31Pay the drivers.
01:12:32Issue a 10% tip.
01:12:34Get a cash receipt.
01:12:35Yes, sir.
01:12:36Proceed to the main lobby.
01:12:37We will reassemble.
01:12:41Sir, our affiliates in the Carthage, Florida, Memphis,
01:12:43and Macon, they've all agreed to carry your remarks in full.
01:12:45Buy clearances on as many stations as you can.
01:12:48Try the network affiliates.
01:12:49Make it worth their while.
01:12:51What's on our station now?
01:12:52Just the local sports, and then a tribute to Elvis.
01:12:55Can't get enough of the stuff.
01:12:57The stuff.
01:12:58The taste that makes you hungry for more.
01:13:00Get that shit off my station!
01:13:05Get it off!
01:13:10You can't write this.
01:13:13Well, you say that you, uh, you're
01:13:15partly responsible for the whole thing,
01:13:17and that you promoted reckless advertising.
01:13:19Well, it's the truth, isn't it?
01:13:21Well, what, do you want to wreck your career?
01:13:23I mean, you can be idealistic, but don't be stupid.
01:13:25I mean, this is...
01:13:26Well, I thought maybe I'd let you support me for a while.
01:13:29Support you?
01:13:30Well, yeah.
01:13:31You do make money at the things you do.
01:13:33Well, I, you know, when I blackmail people, I do.
01:13:36Get these stone tools out of my way
01:13:38before I implode to lay them all to waste.
01:13:40Get out of the way.
01:13:41Don't you know who I am?
01:13:42I am Chocolate Chip Charlie.
01:13:44My hands are registered with the Linden Georgia Police
01:13:46as lethal weapons.
01:13:47And I eat them buns for breakfast.
01:13:50The American people are being poisoned
01:13:52by a popular dessert product known as the stuff.
01:13:56If you have this food in your possession,
01:13:58do not eat it.
01:14:00If you are a merchant and you, uh...
01:14:02What is that?
01:14:03Sell it. Sell it.
01:14:04You're not selling.
01:14:06Oh, get!
01:14:07Just get!
01:14:08Get out!
01:14:09That's all right.
01:14:10Charlie, how are you?
01:14:11How you doing, David?
01:14:12My man, how you doing?
01:14:13Hey, David, man, they tried to get to me
01:14:15three or four times.
01:14:16They tried, but I just pushed around the holes in them.
01:14:18But how did you find us?
01:14:19Well, you got time for a long, drawn-out story?
01:14:21No, I don't.
01:14:22But, you know, I never did hear from the FBI.
01:14:24You are not gonna do a program on this subject
01:14:27without the participation of Chocolate Chip Charlie.
01:14:29Because they stole my company out from under me.
01:14:31Man, you know that.
01:14:32I got a right to be heard.
01:14:33That's a good idea.
01:14:34That's a good idea.
01:14:35Of course, they might figure I'm lying.
01:14:36You know, they might figure
01:14:37I'm trying to knock the competition, you know.
01:14:39Do you know how often it's easier
01:14:40to believe lies than the truth?
01:14:42Charlie, you are really welcome.
01:14:44I'm Nicole, the queen of the ex-liars.
01:14:47Eight minutes to air time.
01:14:48Who is this?
01:14:49Well, he's on the broadcast.
01:14:51Not on my station.
01:14:52Hey, are you really Chocolate Chip Charlie?
01:14:55No, it's nice to see that somebody still likes me,
01:14:57and the answer is that I am just plain old Charlie W. Hobbs,
01:15:00a private citizen who wants to make a public statement,
01:15:02and you are not gonna keep me off of those microphones,
01:15:05Colonel, even with all your stooges and a funny costume.
01:15:07Did you realize how many people love Charlie
01:15:10as much as Jason does?
01:15:1120 million.
01:15:1220 million people.
01:15:14In advertising money, how much is he?
01:15:16In an extra 20,000 a minute, probably.
01:15:18And if you want to throw away all that money,
01:15:20you go right ahead.
01:15:21I will permit this colored man to speak,
01:15:25but speak one word of the commie party line,
01:15:29or one word in code,
01:15:31and I will blow his head off.
01:15:34Look, can I go somewhere to get my thoughts off of that?
01:15:37I'm gonna take you next door.
01:15:39There's a plot outline,
01:15:40and then we'll be back in a minute.
01:15:42We don't have a lot of time,
01:15:43so are you prepared to say on the air
01:15:45that you've actually seen people devoured by the stuff?
01:15:48Oh, hell yes, and what's worse,
01:15:50I've seen what's left of them
01:15:51when the stuff gets through and comes back out.
01:15:57You want to run that by me again?
01:15:59I've seen what's left
01:16:00when the stuff gets through with them and comes back out.
01:16:03It sort of vacates the premises when it's through.
01:16:08Oh, I'm sorry.
01:16:11I mean, what am I asking you for?
01:16:13How would you know?
01:16:14Oh, I know.
01:16:19Are you okay?
01:16:21Hey, Charlie.
01:16:22Are you all right?
01:16:23Charlie, are you all right?
01:16:25What's the matter?
01:16:32Let go!
01:16:38Oh, God!
01:16:49Oh, God!
01:16:54Jason, don't move.
01:16:55Jason, don't let it touch you.
01:17:08Mo, help us!
01:17:12Oh, God, it's growing!
01:17:23Hit the juice!
01:17:27Hit it!
01:17:34Get the girl out!
01:17:35Get the kid!
01:17:36Come to me. Come on, Jason.
01:17:42Oh, God.
01:17:48I was...
01:17:5730 seconds, sir. Should we delay?
01:17:59Oh, no, we'll never get the clearances again.
01:18:05Ladies and gentlemen, from Atlanta, Georgia,
01:18:07this is a broadcast of warning.
01:18:09This is not fiction.
01:18:10This is not a dramatization.
01:18:15My fellow Americans,
01:18:17this is Colonel Malcolm Gromit Spears.
01:18:19I have never misled you, and I will never mislead you.
01:18:22Tonight, America is in grave danger.
01:18:25We are under alien attack
01:18:27by a substance which represents itself
01:18:29as a popular dessert known as the stuff.
01:18:32If the stuff is in your house, do not eat it.
01:18:34Repeat, I mark you, do not eat it.
01:18:36If you are a merchant and have it on your shelves,
01:18:38do not sell it.
01:18:39If you happen to have a distributorship
01:18:41and you distribute this material,
01:18:43close your doors, make no more sales.
01:18:45Now, if a member of your family is dependent on this product,
01:18:48get them to a hospital,
01:18:50and if you have this product in your home, cook it.
01:18:52I repeat, cook it.
01:18:59And the people did believe.
01:19:01In the weeks that followed,
01:19:03the stuff was withdrawn from distribution,
01:19:05and the nation mobilized to collect it and destroy it.
01:19:08Across the nation,
01:19:10violent action has been taken against stores and franchises
01:19:13that carried stuff.
01:19:15Local authorities cautioned the public to remain calm.
01:19:18While reports that the product was toxic,
01:19:20public health officials visited the quarry in Midland, Georgia,
01:19:23only to find it buried in a mass of rubble.
01:19:25And the weapons here were found
01:19:27to corroborate the anti-human rights
01:19:29and right-wing political positions
01:19:31where the conspiracy existed.
01:19:33On this campus, while they introduce
01:19:35carcinous substances into the food chain,
01:19:37a fact-finding commission in Washington
01:19:39has found no evidence of action
01:19:41against the Gletcher Fine Foods Corporation,
01:19:43which claims to have innocently acted solely as distributor
01:19:46of the stuff before 8-11.
01:19:49Although the casualties were in the thousands,
01:19:52American industry has worked with full government support
01:19:56to save millions of other lives
01:19:58and to compensate the injured for their tragic losses.
01:20:03I am reading these words off a teleprompter
01:20:06because I...
01:20:08I simply didn't know what to say.
01:20:10And the fact of the matter is,
01:20:12is that I'm selling you an apology.
01:20:18I'm sorry.
01:20:24She is a pretty thing, isn't she?
01:20:28Well, you, uh...
01:20:30You here to throw my money back in my face?
01:20:32Uh, no, I spent it.
01:20:35You think by dynamiting one quarry,
01:20:37you could shut us down forever?
01:20:39Don't you realize that stuff seeps up through the earth in many places?
01:20:42Well, I guess we'll just find those places.
01:20:45I'm afraid I'm, uh, not alone.
01:20:48It's a nice smoke.
01:20:50I suppose you've spent my money as well, haven't you?
01:20:53You two, you're in business together now, right?
01:20:56It was inevitable, wasn't it?
01:20:58The stuff is finished, of course,
01:21:00but look here.
01:21:02Look at the new campaign for the taste.
01:21:08There's only 12% of the stuff in it,
01:21:10just enough to make the public crave for more.
01:21:13And the balance is natural dairy products.
01:21:16There won't be enough of the stuff in it
01:21:18to get a grip on anybody's mind, to take over.
01:21:20Oh, uh, how do you know?
01:21:22Well, we tested it.
01:21:24We tested it in a small Illinois town.
01:21:26Well, if you tested it, then you can taste it.
01:21:29Oh, you go too far.
01:21:31I didn't come alone here, either.
01:21:33I brought along a couple friends.
01:21:40This is no place for a kid, Moe.
01:21:42Oh, he ain't a kid anymore.
01:21:44The stuff took away his parents and took away his brother.
01:21:47You said you brought another friend?
01:21:49Yep. Him.
01:21:51No, no, no. Put that away.
01:21:53You wouldn't use it in front of the boy.
01:21:55Like you said, I've been through a lot.
01:21:58Will you sit right down?
01:22:00Have yourself a seat.
01:22:02Go have a little dinner.
01:22:04Jason, serve the gentleman.
01:22:12You recognize that, don't you?
01:22:17No, wait.
01:22:19Wait, what?
01:22:21Make a big old mountain of it right in front of him.
01:22:26Yes, pass it right on down.
01:22:28Dig in yourself.
01:22:30Look, I had nothing to do with it.
01:22:32I didn't...
01:22:34See this hole here?
01:22:36It's getting bigger and bigger, isn't it?
01:22:39So you better eat that or you're gonna eat this.
01:22:43Eat it!
01:22:45How much of it?
01:22:47Don't eat until I tell you to stop,
01:22:49or it's coming out of your eyeballs.
01:22:54Eat it.
01:22:56You too, partner.
01:22:59Eat it.
01:23:09Are you eating it, or is it eating you?
01:23:18Here they come.
01:23:20Right on schedule.
01:23:25I guess we did it, Mo.
01:23:29Here they come.
01:23:31Right on schedule.
01:23:36I guess we did it, Mo.
01:23:58I guess we did it, Mo.
01:24:28I guess we did it, Mo.
01:24:58I guess we did it, Mo.
01:25:00I guess we did it, Mo.
01:25:02I guess we did it, Mo.
01:25:04I guess we did it, Mo.
01:25:06I guess we did it, Mo.
01:25:08I guess we did it, Mo.
01:25:10I guess we did it, Mo.
01:25:12I guess we did it, Mo.
01:25:14I guess we did it, Mo.
01:25:16I guess we did it, Mo.
01:25:18I guess we did it, Mo.
01:25:20I guess we did it, Mo.
01:25:22I guess we did it, Mo.
01:25:24I guess we did it, Mo.
01:25:26I guess we did it, Mo.
01:25:28I guess we did it, Mo.
01:25:30I guess we did it, Mo.
01:25:32I guess we did it, Mo.
01:25:34I guess we did it, Mo.
01:25:36I guess we did it, Mo.
01:25:38I guess we did it, Mo.
01:25:40I guess we did it, Mo.
01:25:42I guess we did it, Mo.
01:25:44I guess we did it, Mo.
01:25:46I guess we did it, Mo.
01:25:48I guess we did it, Mo.
01:25:50I guess we did it, Mo.
01:25:52I guess we did it, Mo.
01:25:54I guess we did it, Mo.
01:25:56I guess we did it, Mo.
01:25:58I guess we did it, Mo.
01:26:00I guess we did it, Mo.
01:26:02I guess we did it, Mo.
01:26:04I guess we did it, Mo.
01:26:06I guess we did it, Mo.
01:26:08I guess we did it, Mo.
01:26:10I guess we did it, Mo.
01:26:12I guess we did it, Mo.
01:26:14I guess we did it, Mo.
01:26:16I guess we did it, Mo.
01:26:18I guess we did it, Mo.
01:26:20I guess we did it, Mo.
01:26:22I guess we did it, Mo.
01:26:24I guess we did it, Mo.
01:26:26I guess we did it, Mo.
01:26:28Enough is never enough.
